USMB Coffee Shop IV

Today's celebs no. 2 drinking coffee:


Kyle McLaughlin (Twin Peaks)
Rain showers here in my neck of the woods. I guess into everyone's life a little rain must fall.
Such a beautiful day unfolding...I'm afraid I will have to work outside, today. Hope everyone has a great Monday....

Rain showers here in my neck of the woods. I guess into everyone's life a little rain must fall.

Yes, BRING IT. We are enjoying our share of rain today too. The forests are happy and so am I. Showers and 56 degrees. :thup:

Hugs to my guy, Taco, BBD. The image of his little face has never left my mind. He looks like a masculine boy. It's in his eyes...
Morning all. My day to hand out lunches at the church today. Should be fun. We have extra chips to give our people. Most of them appreciate everything we can do for them. It's always nice to be appreciated.
But of course there would be a frost warning issued for the night after I planted the window boxes. I did drape bath towels over them last evening. I bought $163.00 worth of annuals (verbena, superbelles, salvia and some funky purplish vining plant) mixed up some fresh Miracle Grow potting mix, threw in some water retaining crystals and a little sweat from my brow and viola! Window boxes done!

I have sweet potato vines for the flower pouches which hang from the posts on the railing. I have two flats of magnolias for the borders and a variety of wave petunia, White Russian, with a spike and some vinca vines for the container.

Now, all I have to do is mow the lawn, chop down the tulips ruined by the hail storm, plant the magnolias and the container and the pouches, walk Daisy the Mutt and finish the laundry. I'm taking this afternoon off to get that done.

Plenty of photos to come!
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Rain showers here in my neck of the woods. I guess into everyone's life a little rain must fall.

Yes, BRING IT. We are enjoying our share of rain today too. The forests are happy and so am I. Showers and 56 degrees. :thup:

Hugs to my guy, Taco, BBD. The image of his little face has never left my mind. He looks like a masculine boy. It's in his eyes...

Taco is not a "masculine" kind of guy. He's a whimpy "Mama's boy". He sits with me if Mrs. BBD is not around. However, if she is home, I am chopped liver and he ignores me completely and spends his entire day by her side. However, he thinks he rules the roost.:lol:
I had never really thought about it either. I was the 1st English speaking person my wife ever met. We could hardly carry on a conversation. She learned English quickly. We moved to America and she eventually graduated from a major university Suma Cum Laude. She has no German accent at all. People don't realize she's from Germany unless she tells them. Now she says she thinks and dreams in English.

Yeah My ex learned her English pretty fast too, but she learned it from a group of young troops in the Bars of Germany....You can imagine how i wanted to shrink under the table when i brought her home and at dinner she looks at Mom and says "Pass the fucking potatoes."

Everyone I've dated has been at least partially ethnic German (pretty much everybody where I live is) but never from Germany. In fact, I've never even been to Germany.

Interesting, CorvusRexus, as the men I have loved, also have been of German descent. Something about me likes something about them...:D I am of Irish, Scottish, English and Native American descent.
Morning all. My day to hand out lunches at the church today. Should be fun. We have extra chips to give our people. Most of them appreciate everything we can do for them. It's always nice to be appreciated.

And I think what you do is great. I also like the idea of sack lunches--far less complicated and less clean up than how most 'soup line' operations do it.
Morning all. My day to hand out lunches at the church today. Should be fun. We have extra chips to give our people. Most of them appreciate everything we can do for them. It's always nice to be appreciated.

Yes. I think it is the most desired quality for many people---to feel appreciated. :thup:
But of course there would be a frost warning issued for the night after I planted the window boxes. I did drape bath towels over them last evening. I bought $113.00 worth of annuals (verbena, superbelles, salvia and some funky purplish vining plant) mixed up some fresh Miracle Grow potting mix, threw in some water retaining crystals and a little sweat from my brow and viola! Window boxes done!

I have sweet potato vines for the flower pouches which hang from the posts on the railing. I have two flats of magnolias fro the borders and a variety of wave petunia, White Russian, with a spike and some vinca vines for the container.

Now, all I have to do is mow the lawn, chop down the tulips ruined by the hail storm, plant the magnolias and the container and the pouches, walk Daisy the Mutt and finish the laundry. I'm taking this afternoon off to get that done.

Plenty of photos to come!

I wish you good weather, and look forward to seeing your pictures, Nosmo King! I love them so. :)

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