USMB Coffee Shop IV

One of the vents in my car isn't working, I can't get cold air, but the other vents work. It sucks.

Better than none of them working; at least you can lower the overall temp of the car, even if the cold air doesn't come directly at you. :D

I need it fixed, its too hot outside.

My employer's car A/C was out for a bit, and it was pretty terrible. :p

My boyfriend will fix it when he's in town. But until then it sucks.
It is 97 degrees at this hour in Albuquerque, and the next three days we are supposed to have 100 degree temps for the next 3 or 4 days--maybe 103 on Thursday which would be the hottest day Albuquerque has had since we moved here 30+ years ago. More than one or two 100 degree days is really unusual for us.

It is shaping up to be our hottest week of the summer, with temps falling back a bit after this week and what looks like a pleasant July, August, and September in the forecast. So I guess we can swelter for one week.

It was 98 here the other day (last week actually) and super humid. Humid again today but much cooler, in the 70s. The humidity is terrible around here. It's gross. It makes you feel all sticky and gross. Everything is sticky actually! The weather lady on my local news channel says "it's the air you can wear." Lol!
Good night darlinks. I really do love you guys.

And we continue to pray and/or send good vibes and/or positive thoughts and/or keep vigil for:

Harper (Save's granddaughter),
Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
Nosmo's mom,
Rod, GW's partner,
Kat's sister,
GW's daughter, her friend Sachendra, and Sachendra's husband Bob and son Gary in what is probably Sachendra's last days.
Mrs. Saveliberty with her knee surgery.
Special prayers and/or positive thoughts for Mr. Peach and Peach143 in the coming days and wellness for them both.
Boedicca, her dad, brother, and family,
Kat & Mr. Kat in transition,
Hossfly's knee surgery,
Sherry's Mom for treatment to be successful,
The Ringels in difficult transition and wellness for Ringel,
Dana!!!! (Foxfyre's friend recovering from heart transplant.)
Special prayers and/or positive thoughts for Mr. Peach and Peach143 in the coming days and wellness for them both.
Mr. and Mrs. Gracie in difficult transition and wellness and comfort for Karma,
All of us and those we care about who are looking for work,

And the light is left on for Noomi, Freedombecki, Oddball, Spoonman, SFC Ollie, AgainSheila, and all others we hope will return.

California beach sunset
Just got back from the dentists. As usual I did not need any fillings. Just a quick check up. I am ok for another six months.
Just got back from the dentists. As usual I did not need any fillings. Just a quick check up. I am ok for another six months.

You're lucky. I have been blessed with good health my whole life except for teeth. Every trip to the dentist pretty much requires something unpleasant that costs a lot of money.
Just got back from the dentists. As usual I did not need any fillings. Just a quick check up. I am ok for another six months.

You're lucky. I have been blessed with good health my whole life except for teeth. Every trip to the dentist pretty much requires something unpleasant that costs a lot of money.

I worry that whenever I finally see a dentist, I'll have all sorts of problems to deal with. :p
Just got back from the dentists. As usual I did not need any fillings. Just a quick check up. I am ok for another six months.

You're lucky. I have been blessed with good health my whole life except for teeth. Every trip to the dentist pretty much requires something unpleasant that costs a lot of money.

I worry that whenever I finally see a dentist, I'll have all sorts of problems to deal with. :p

Likely so, but the earlier you deal with them, the better it will be.
Just got back from the dentists. As usual I did not need any fillings. Just a quick check up. I am ok for another six months.

You're lucky. I have been blessed with good health my whole life except for teeth. Every trip to the dentist pretty much requires something unpleasant that costs a lot of money.

Sorry to hear that. I am lucky because I seem to have hard teeth. I only lost one tooth in my 71 years, and that was because I once had a bad dentist who drilled so badly that the tooth died, and I got an abscess under it. So I had to have it taken out by another dentist. It was a back tooth, so it does not show.
Just got back from the dentists. As usual I did not need any fillings. Just a quick check up. I am ok for another six months.

You're lucky. I have been blessed with good health my whole life except for teeth. Every trip to the dentist pretty much requires something unpleasant that costs a lot of money.

I worry that whenever I finally see a dentist, I'll have all sorts of problems to deal with. :p

I recommend you to go and get it sorted. Then go every six months.
So... since Saturday evening, life has bee pretty much normal for a bar owner, only more so. My Friday had ended about 4AM Saturday morning. It was daylight before I got to sleep and was up by 8. I puttered around til 2 PM and went in to see what was going on at the bar. Everything was cool so I headed home to try to get some sleep. I posted here from my bed at 6:36. By 8PM. it was apparent I wasn't going to get any sleep so I went back to Doc's. I spent about 4 hours trying to calm down a lady friend who's ex had returned to her house, pulled a gun on her room mate and then busted up furniture and burnt clothing. I put her in a cab at midnight to get her to another lady friend's place where she would be safe and I headed home.
Now, I'm working on a couple hour's sleep here at best. I spent a while making sure Karen was safe and fell asleep. At 4 AM my phone rings. Flooded floor at Doc's I dressed, threw a shop vac in the truck and was at the bar at 4:15.
We finally got the plumbing running clear by 9 and opened on schedule. 3 more hours of clean up and I'm on my way home. I've now slept roughly 3 1/2 hours in 2 days. I'm asleep by 2 and at 3:45 the phone rings and I'm reminded of the card game starting at 4. Hair still wet from the shower I took 2 hours ago, I head in in my "security" shirt for the next 12 1/2 hours. I arrive home after closing up at 5 AM and was back at 8:30 to open with 5, maybe 6 hours sleep in 3 days I was out of there about 11:30 and in bed by 1:30 and back at Doc's at 4:30 to set up for Monday night poker.
For some reason, I was not able to concentrate on poker and I was out of the game about 8, home by 9 and asleep by 10. I awoke at 7:30.
I feel great! It's very satisfying to be productive again and a part of the natural chaos of business ownership.
Just got back from the dentists. As usual I did not need any fillings. Just a quick check up. I am ok for another six months.

You're lucky. I have been blessed with good health my whole life except for teeth. Every trip to the dentist pretty much requires something unpleasant that costs a lot of money.

I worry that whenever I finally see a dentist, I'll have all sorts of problems to deal with. :p

I recommend you to go and get it sorted. Then go every six months.

I have no insurance and not a lot of money. I haven't been to a dentist or a doctor in more than 20 years. :lol:
I just mowed it Friday! Why can't this grass stay mowed? Not that I have acres to mow. In fact, the lawns here are about the size of the shadow of a mini van. But some of them are walls, not floors. I can push the mower up about two thirds the slope before I cannot find solid purchase for my feet. From the top of the slope, I can let the mower down, assisted by gravity to within a foot or so of the apex of the lower effort. Then it's all weed eater to finish the job.

It's an electric mower meaning I have to wrestle a 75 foot long extension cord and keep from tripping on it.

The parkway between the sidewalk and the curb gets done next. All up hill, of course. At the sidewalk leading into the front door, I run out of cord and have to unplug then re plug in an outlet on the North Portico.

Then the easiest part can be mowed, around the Eastern Redbud and the tiny gifts deposited by Daisy the Mutt. After that, it's around the North Lawn, the air conditioner compressor and the South Lawn.

Not a lot of real estate to mow, but it is exhausting. I am looking forward to the dog days when weekly mowings are not necessary.

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