USMB Coffee Shop IV

My deepest condolences Gracie...

Im not quite sure what to do with myself. I have no tears left. Maybe because I either sweat them all out or cried them all out. And I have a horrible headache. Tried to nap..couldn't. Gave the german sheperd down the street karmas coat brush. Put the case of ID Hills Diet in the van for tomorrows visit to my friend that used to have 7 dogs..but now has 9. I think visiting her and her huge furkid family may help us a bit.

But for now...not sure what to do. Not hungry, haven't eaten at all today and don't feel like it either. Maybe I will go clean out watched threads cuz it gets really full. I am still in shock she is not under my feet at the pc desk. And when I go outside...she is not here to say "lets go".
We are having a heatwave in England. Its over 30 degrees centigrade. I have been getting through a lot of laundry, sweating. I wear a T- shirt in bed and need to change them every couple of days. Last night I slept without covers and was cooler. I have set up a fan, and put some lemonade and ice cubes in the fridge.
Im not quite sure what to do with myself. I have no tears left. Maybe because I either sweat them all out or cried them all out. And I have a horrible headache. Tried to nap..couldn't. Gave the german sheperd down the street karmas coat brush. Put the case of ID Hills Diet in the van for tomorrows visit to my friend that used to have 7 dogs..but now has 9. I think visiting her and her huge furkid family may help us a bit.

But for now...not sure what to do. Not hungry, haven't eaten at all today and don't feel like it either. Maybe I will go clean out watched threads cuz it gets really full. I am still in shock she is not under my feet at the pc desk. And when I go outside...she is not here to say "lets go".

Give it six months and you will probably get over the hurt. Then your doggy will just become a fond memory.
That's what happened to me when my birdy died.
She will never be a fond memory. She is my fur child..just like the ones that passed before her. I carry them all with me..and this fresh one will take much long than a few months. Took me 3 years to get over Gracie.
Good night darlinks. I really do love you guys.

And we continue to pray and/or send good vibes and/or positive thoughts and/or keep vigil for:

Harper (Save's granddaughter),
Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
Nosmo's mom,
Rod, GW's partner,
Kat's sister,
GW's daughter, her friend Sachendra, and Sachendra's husband Bob and son Gary in what is probably Sachendra's last days.
Mrs. Saveliberty with her knee surgery.
Special prayers and/or positive thoughts for Mr. Peach and Peach143 in the coming days and wellness for them both.
Boedicca, her dad, brother, and family,
Kat & Mr. Kat in transition,
Hossfly's knee surgery,
Sherry's Mom for treatment to be successful,
The Ringels in difficult transition and wellness for Ringel,
Dana!!!! (Foxfyre's friend recovering from heart transplant.)
Special prayers and/or positive thoughts for Mr. Peach and Peach143 in the coming days and wellness for them both.
Mr. and Mrs. Gracie in difficult transition and comfort in the passing of Gracie's beloved Karma,
All of us and those we care about who are looking for work,

And the light is left on for Noomi, Freedombecki, Oddball, Spoonman, SFC Ollie, AgainSheila, and all others we hope will return.

I do love Robert Heinlein and have read much of his books (and periodically re-read ;))) Objectivism is not a single idea, claimed a responsibility of persons for own success. But opposition of "creative" person to society is not a good idea. It's interesting, how different Ayn Rand percieved in US and in Russia, but as a raiser of question "How much each person could do against society" she's not alone, there are a lot of authors, from Dostoevsky to Efremov, raised the same problem...
At my sight, ideas of Ayn Rand - typical ideas of liberals, who lose the revolution and country 100 years ago... History showed, communism, as ideology, was more progressive... and, ironically, got the main problem of Ayn Rand's ideology at the end. It's not a bad idea, some "atlants" could rule of people progress, according with their high morals. The main problem - WHERE we can find people with such high morals, enough for successful rule of our sophisticated world? :)

P.S. Oldman Heinlein knew the construction of US society very good... But it's interesting to read, how he tried to apply his knowledges to Moscow life, organized by different principles :)))))

Interesting to find another Heinlein fan in the Coffee Shop. I think I first read one of his "juveniles" when i was in sixth grade...something called Farmer in the Sky. I have probably read twenty or thirty of his books since. There is probably no one who has contributed more to my overall moral development than Heinlein. My favorite is Time Enough For Love. The aphorisms in the interludes are priceless. I can quote many of them from memory.

Ex: Never appeal to a man's "better nature." He may not have one. Invoking his self-interest gives you more leverage.

A woman is not property. Any man who thinks otherwise is living in a dream world.

In a mature society "civil servant" is semantically equal to "civil master."

There is a excellent biography of Heinlein out there. The man was a true American Hero. He graduated from the Naval Academy and served with distinction until he contracted TB. He was a engineer during the Second World War working on munitions for the war effort.

I would characterize him as a Libertarian with a strong humanistic streak. A great man imho. The biography I mentioned.


The young Naval Officer.

I've used several Heinlein quotes in my signature line while in the USMB. Like you, his works played a large part in my philosophical development. He got a little preachy towards the end, but his stories were still always worth reading.

I agree, some of his latter day books were a bit on the preachy side. But still, his humanism always came through for me. I really liked Job: A Comedy of Justice, The Cat Who Walked Through Walls and Friday among his later books.

My personal favorites are Time Enough for Love, Stranger in a Strange Land, The Moon is a Harsh Mistress, Glory Road, Farnham's Freehold, and Starship Troopers.

I have joked to my stepson that Heinlein was like Lt. Dan from Forest Gump. His family served in every war in American History...from the American Revolution up through Vietnam. His brother was a Major General in the Army. Reading his biography...his biggest disappointment was not being able to serve his full hitch as a Naval Officer. It crushed him and he turned to writing as a last resort. I think he would have liked nothing better than to die gloriously for his Country. I am so glad I read the definitive biography that was authorized by his wife. A very good man imho.

Reading books, it seems Heinlein much more positive, than Lt. Dan :) But now I understand his ideas from "Starship Troopers". Btw, movie by Verhoeven is also very fine. It's interesting to read Heinlein (and watch Verhoeven) about US army and compare it with info we've got at War Faculty :)
Personally, I always appreciated how military service and voting/citizen rights corresponded in Heinlein's "Starship Troopers". Those who vote should have more skin in the game than their welfare checks? But, I suppose government assistance is totally different where you are?

I'm not about politic and government, only how the army organized :)
Good morning all. We are braced for our first 100 degree day today to be followed by two more which will likely make this the hottest week of the summer. Fitting as today is the first day of summer. We are all anticipating the arrival of the summer monsoon that usually gets here in the first week of July or so. The increased clouds and moisture helps bring the temps down to more reasonable levels especially in the mid to late afternoons.
I wish we could take some of it off your hands. Bone dry here in a heat wave putting the fire index way up there.
How ya enjoying the 100 degree heat wave........ Feels like I'm back in El Paso.........

I'm not enjoying it at all, but fortunately 100 degree days are pretty rare in Albuquerque and we shouldn't see more than 2 or 3 of them this summer. I don't think it got to 100 all last summer.
I wish we could take some of it off your hands. Bone dry here in a heat wave putting the fire index way up there.
How ya enjoying the 100 degree heat wave........ Feels like I'm back in El Paso.........

I'm not enjoying it at all, but fortunately 100 degree days are pretty rare in Albuquerque and we shouldn't see more than 2 or 3 of them this summer. I don't think it got to 100 all last summer.
Yesterday my outdoor gauge read 101 and it's shaded. One thing our real estate broker told us was, "it almost never gets up to 100 here"......... Famous last words......
I know, I know, we brought it up with us. :lol:
Local sunset 8:56 pm. The summer solstice, our longest day. I just spent a few moments out on the North Lawn watching the fireflies. A good crop of fireflies this year.

When I was a kid I was fascinated by them, as most kids are. Light, actual light from a bug flying at kid height, flying slowly. Take a mayonnaise jar, a Phillips screwdriver and a hammer. Punch holes in the lid of the jar using the screwdriver and hammer. Get scolded by Pop for misusing the screwdriver and hammer. Then Pop helps you catch the mfireflies. So,e scolding.

I didn't take any notice of a pattern between the fireflies, or lightening bugs as they are called in these parts. I noticed that one firefly on the ground would blink. Those hovering above would then blink back. Seven or eight of them at a time would respond to the one on the ground. I'm not an entomologist but I'm imagining the ground based bug to be a female and her suitors are the ones fluttering above. I don't know for sure. Maybe it's just the romantic in me to think so.

I sat in the twilight's last gleaming, the sky golden in sunset, clouds drifting by like the tall ships in New York harbor at the Bicentennial. No breeze to disturb the fireflies and, incredibly, no mosquitoes.

God but I do love summertime.

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