USMB Coffee Shop IV

Just buy a ticket and come here :)

Where are you?

Moscow! :) In a citadel of eternal rain :)

oh, whats the crime like there?

It must be dry and hot, I want to swim at river, but it's too cold to do it. In good years we start it at end of May!

Now is not June. Now is 83rd of April!

So you are getting all the cool air when it should be warmer? And we have all the hot air wishing for cooler. I think this isn't being distributed right.

Yesterday I heared, it because of China space satellite, manipulating with some magnetic fields. They are just trying to perform experiments, but as a result we have change of global weather for a seasons... :) I don't know, is it true or false...

p.s. Definitely, a China saboutage:

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The heatwave in England has broken, and we are expecting thunderstorms. I will disconnect my computer from the phone line if we get some. I don't even answer the phone during a thunderstorm, as it is possible to get killed if a strike hits the phone lines.

Three days ago local thunderstorm has called me on my smartphone from number 8888888. Very interesting case :)))
The heatwave in England has broken, and we are expecting thunderstorms. I will disconnect my computer from the phone line if we get some. I don't even answer the phone during a thunderstorm, as it is possible to get killed if a strike hits the phone lines.
Hello Dajjal, yes i saw that the heatwave hit England too you have 33° i think ? We should have thunderstroms for many Monday or Tuesday that to is hard we get strong one in my région we could finish the night with a candle light
The heatwave in England has broken, and we are expecting thunderstorms. I will disconnect my computer from the phone line if we get some. I don't even answer the phone during a thunderstorm, as it is possible to get killed if a strike hits the phone lines.
Hello Dajjal, yes i saw that the heatwave hit England too you have 33° i think ? We should have thunderstroms for many Monday or Tuesday that to is hard we get strong one in my région we could finish the night with a candle light

Hi Dalia ! My electricity supply cables are all underground, and the supply is not normally affected by thunderstorms. But the telephone lines are up poles in the street, and if one gets hit it can fry your computer, or even your brain if you are on the phone.
The heatwave in England has broken, and we are expecting thunderstorms. I will disconnect my computer from the phone line if we get some. I don't even answer the phone during a thunderstorm, as it is possible to get killed if a strike hits the phone lines.
Hello Dajjal, yes i saw that the heatwave hit England too you have 33° i think ? We should have thunderstroms for many Monday or Tuesday that to is hard we get strong one in my région we could finish the night with a candle light

Hi Dalia ! My electricity supply cables are all underground, and the supply is not normally affected by thunderstorms. But the telephone lines are up poles in the street, and if one gets hit it can fry your computer, or even your brain if you are on the phone.
Yes, the same here since it is been so hot i been starting the clim then stop it because it took to much electricity to much Device is operating at the same time i don't wont to have a Power cut during the day it's a mess and i close .
My shutters of the house because of the sun I am in the dark or almost and I open the shutters in the evening but it is already dark. It's not pleasant at all it's overwhelming temperature.
Where are you?

Moscow! :) In a citadel of eternal rain :)

oh, whats the crime like there?

It must be dry and hot, I want to swim at river, but it's too cold to do it. In good years we start it at end of May!

Now is not June. Now is 83rd of April!

So you are getting all the cool air when it should be warmer? And we have all the hot air wishing for cooler. I think this isn't being distributed right.

Yesterday I heared, it because of China space satellite, manipulating with some magnetic fields. They are just trying to perform experiments, but as a result we have change of global weather for a seasons... :) I don't know, is it true or false...

p.s. Definitely, a China saboutage:

View attachment 134822

People here usually say, it's an Earth crying for murdered in WWII, but usually we have rainy 9th of May, not 22th of June...
I,am,sorry to hear of the immoderate weather so many of you are suffering under. Scorching heat in the southwest, flooding rain in the southeast. A continent out of balance.

But here in the upper Ohio River valley, we never enjoy the nation's best weather. Frigid in January and sultry in July. Sixty clear, sunny days a year. Perpetually shrouded in clouds or fog. But this week we have had Chamber of Commerce weather. Sunny skies, low humidity and temperatures in the 70s and low 80s. Paradise on the Ohio.

Friends and relatives who have fled our area for Sun Belt locales call at Christmas to gloat about their sweater weather while we are wrapped in parkas. Well, it seems to be our time to gloat.

Don't think about moving here for the climate. This is most assuredly a glitch. Mid June is supposed to be a steam bath in these parts. We just got a great roll of the meteorological dice.
Well the lawyer wants to confirm, but it looks like I have a pile of overtime pay coming plus my last two checks. I will be getting a call next week with the results and proposed strategy. She was impressed with my documentation. I'd like to get this all behind me and focus on a job search more. No interviews yet.

I think it's great. I'm glad you fought for what is right.

Oh drifter, this is going to take some time. The lawyer will handle my case, but I will still file with the state. I want this documented for the next employee who has problems with them. They lost a manager last Friday. This does not end well. Lots of folks looking for working soon.
Well the lawyer wants to confirm, but it looks like I have a pile of overtime pay coming plus my last two checks. I will be getting a call next week with the results and proposed strategy. She was impressed with my documentation. I'd like to get this all behind me and focus on a job search more. No interviews yet.

I think it's great. I'm glad you fought for what is right.

Oh drifter, this is going to take some time. The lawyer will handle my case, but I will still file with the state. I want this documented for the next employee who has problems with them. They lost a manager last Friday. This does not end well. Lots of folks looking for working soon.

Well I feel for you. I am in a bad situation myself with a lawsuit but can't talk about it. I hope you win and I hope you find work you love. I applaud you for helping out the next employee so they don't suffer the same shit you had to go through.
Well I feel for you. I am in a bad situation myself with a lawsuit but can't talk about it. I hope you win and I hope you find work you love. I applaud you for helping out the next employee so they don't suffer the same shit you had to go through.

Anyone leaving will go through the same stuff, there will just be established patterns on file with the state.
I took my second A&P exam a few hours ago, I got a 91 (96 after bonus points). A 7 point drop from the first exam, but still an A. That's important, because if I get A's on all 4 proctored exams, I will be exempt from the final. I'd really like to save the money and time/stress, and be able to skip the last week of class. I think I'll be fine if I have to take the final, but it would be better if I didn't need to. :)

My second algebra exam is Sunday, so I'll be studying for that for the next couple of days. I still have some Database Management stuff to get done, as well, but I don't think there's anything else I need to do in my Communications class until next week.

Tonight I'll just be lazing around. The little one is out of the night, I've got TV shows recorded to watch, and a game to play. I'll get my algebra studying (and start the next chapter of A&P) tomorrow.
When the fire index is high, and it is right now, we are restricted to fireworks that a person can completely control. They tried to ban them all but the court said they couldn't do that but they can control those that shoot high in the air so that a person can't know where they will land.
When the fire index is high, and it is right now, we are restricted to fireworks that a person can completely control. They tried to ban them all but the court said they couldn't do that but they can control those that shoot high in the air so that a person can't know where they will land.

I've also heard for some vets fireworks is a trigger.
Good night darlinks. I really do love you guys.

And we continue to pray and/or send good vibes and/or positive thoughts and/or keep vigil for:

Harper (Save's granddaughter),
Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
Nosmo's mom,
Rod, GW's partner,
Kat's sister,
GW's daughter, her friend Sachendra, and Sachendra's husband Bob and son Gary in what is probably Sachendra's last days.
Mrs. Saveliberty with her knee surgery.
Special prayers and/or positive thoughts for Mr. Peach and Peach143 in the coming days and wellness for them both.
Boedicca, her dad, brother, and family,
Kat & Mr. Kat in transition,
Hossfly's knee surgery,
Sherry's Mom for treatment to be successful,
The Ringels in difficult transition and wellness for Ringel,
Dana!!!! (Foxfyre's friend recovering from heart transplant.)
Special prayers and/or positive thoughts for Mr. Peach and Peach143 in the coming days and wellness for them both.
Mr. and Mrs. Gracie in difficult transition
All of us and those we care about who are looking for work,

And the light is left on for Noomi, Freedombecki, Oddball, Spoonman, SFC Ollie, AgainSheila, and all others we hope will return.

Sooner or later the rain comforts the parched Earth; cool breezes chase away the burning heat; warmth erases the chill; and the sun shines after the rain.


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