USMB Coffee Shop IV

Good morning and bonjour Dalia and Доброе утро Sbiker though I believe it is already mid afternoon for you two and also Dajjal in England. I was surprised to see an hours difference in time between southern England and Lyon and another hours difference between Lyon and Moscow. I thought it wouldn't be that close. It is 9 p.m. for esthermoon in Ho Chi Minh City and already tomorrow for our Aussie friends. And here in America it is 6 a.m. for gallantwarrior in Alaska and 10 a.m. for our friends on the east coast with most of us falling somewhere beween those two times.

And here we all are in the Coffee Shop. That's sort of amazing yes?

Anyhow hoping for a great day or evening for all. Most of us see Friday as the beginning of the weekend.

Our temps may stay below 100 f (38 c) today. That is a good thing.
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Good morning and bonjour Dalia and Доброе утро Sbiker though I believe it is already mid afternoon for you two and also Dajjal in England. I was surprised to see an hours difference in time between southern England and Lyon and another hours difference between Lyon and Moscow. I thought it wouldn't be that close. It is 9 p.m. for esthermoon in Ho Chi Minh City and already tomorrow for our Aussie friends. And here in America it is 6 a.m. for gallantwarrior in Alaska and 10 a.m. for our friends on the east coast with most of us falling somewhere beween those two times.

And here we all are in the Coffee Shop. That's sort of amazing yes?

Anyhow hoping for a great day or evening for all. Most of us see Friday as the beginning of the weekend.

Our temps may stay below 100 f (38 c) today. That is a good thing.

Now is half past 5pm in Moscow.
Morning everybody!

Hubby took a good friend up to the VA in Tucson this morning for outpatient sholder surgery, they had to be there at 6:00 a. m. :eek-52: !
It's great that he can return the favor because he was there for us when hubby had his heart attack.

Mean while, I'm here at the home front while the roof guys are here fixing the drain pipe and roof tiles that got damaged from a huge dust devil that came through here and right over our house. Their like mini tornados ya know. :)
Morning everybody!

Hubby took a good friend up to the VA in Tucson this morning for outpatient sholder surgery, they had to be there at 6:00 a. m. :eek-52: !
It's great that he can return the favor because he was there for us when hubby had his heart attack.

Mean while, I'm here at the home front while the roof guys are here fixing the drain pipe and roof tiles that got damaged from a huge dust devil that came through here and right over our house. Their like mini tornados ya know. :)

Wow Peach. I am happy that your hubby feels well enough to do that. And I am amazed that a dust devil could do that much damage. That must have been some dust devil. We kids used to run to get inside them, but those were small and insignificant.

Here's one in Arizona though that looks pretty fierce.

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He has been driving for several months now. Sorry if I didn't post it earlier, I have so many people to keep informed. :redface:
He also rides his new reversed trike around, but the heat gets to him now (out of breath), so he can only go in the early mornings on it. He sweats so badly, now that he is on a low sodium diet that he sets off his life vest gel packs.
Hopefully he can get that off after his test on July 6th. If doubling this one heart med keeps working and it gets that one quarter of heart left into the 40% area he won't need a pump or inside defibrillator.
Boy is that gel a mess to clean up.
He has been driving for several months now. Sorry if I didn't post it earlier, I have so many people to keep informed. :redface:
He also rides his new reversed trike around, but the heat gets to him now (out of breath), so he can only go in the early mornings on it. He sweats so badly, now that he is on a low sodium diet that he sets off his life vest gel packs.
Hopefully he can get that off after his test on July 6th. If doubling this one heart med keeps working and it gets that one quarter of heart left into the 40% area he won't need a pump or inside defibrillator.
Boy is that gel a mess to clean up.

You two remain on the vigil list. Sometimes baby steps in improvement are frustrating, but it is improvement.
Morning everybody!

Hubby took a good friend up to the VA in Tucson this morning for outpatient sholder surgery, they had to be there at 6:00 a. m. :eek-52: !
It's great that he can return the favor because he was there for us when hubby had his heart attack.

Mean while, I'm here at the home front while the roof guys are here fixing the drain pipe and roof tiles that got damaged from a huge dust devil that came through here and right over our house. Their like mini tornados ya know. :)

Wow Peach. I am happy that your hubby feels well enough to do that. And I am amazed that a dust devil could do that much damage. That must have been some dust devil. We kids used to run to get inside them, but those were small and insignificant.

Here's one in Arizona though that looks pretty fierce.


Yep! That's exactly what hit us. :)
Up date on our friend Dana. She got her new heart 19 days ago. Yesterday she was released to assisted living and is beginning serious strenuous rehab. The hospital in Salt Lake City provides the assisted living facilities to transplant patients for the up to six months they have to stay close for monitoring, rehab, and testing for any sign of rejection. But after being so terribly sick, even to the point of death, for so long she is doing wonderfully.
Hey Dajjal, I just saw a small article about the heat in England.....some boys from a school with a uniform code that doesn't allow shorts wore skirts to school. The article says it was in protest, but I wonder if it was protest or just the only way they could stay cool. ;)
Just got a call from Mr.P, he says our friend is out of surgery and in recovery right now, then he can drive him back home.
I'm thinking of making some dinner for him tonight to take over to his house. He won't be able to make anything with a shoulder out of commission.
Hey Dajjal, I just saw a small article about the heat in England.....some boys from a school with a uniform code that doesn't allow shorts wore skirts to school. The article says it was in protest, but I wonder if it was protest or just the only way they could stay cool. ;)

I didn't get hot enough to wear a dress, but I did have to sleep without bedcovers. I drank a lot of lemonade and did not feel like eating much. But the heatwave is over now.
This is really nice having some time to be back on the board again.
I've been busy reading nonsense si fi books for eacape and taking cooking classes from the Culinary School online ,on how to use all kinds of spices for different fish and meats.
Hubby is on a very strict diet of low fat, cholesterol &sodium.
That means no beef, pork or turkey. Just fish and skinned chicken breasts, which got old pretty quickly. :)
I found a place on the web that sells buffalo, elk and highland beef imported from scotland, all have extremely low fat and cholesterol.
They have buffalo bacon which hubbie loves and brautwurst that I got for us the 4th of July.
I did a buffalo roast in the crockpot, wow was that tender and good. I think it was better than any Hereford beef roast and it's much healthier.
The highland beef is also very tender and delicious.
Hey Dajjal, I just saw a small article about the heat in England.....some boys from a school with a uniform code that doesn't allow shorts wore skirts to school. The article says it was in protest, but I wonder if it was protest or just the only way they could stay cool. ;)

I didn't get hot enough to wear a dress, but I did have to sleep without bedcovers. I drank a lot of lemonade and did not feel like eating much. But the heatwave is over now.

Imagining Dajjal in a dress. . . .not the way I would choose to cool down. :)

This is really nice having some time to be back on the board again.
I've been busy reading nonsense si fi books for eacape and taking cooking classes from the Culinary School online ,on how to use all kinds of spices for different fish and meats.
Hubby is on a very strict diet of low fat, cholesterol &sodium.
That means no beef, pork or turkey. Just fish and skinned chicken breasts, which got old pretty quickly. :)
I found a place on the web that sells buffalo, elk and highland beef imported from scotland, all have extremely low fat and cholesterol.
They have buffalo bacon which hubbie loves and brautwurst that I got for us the 4th of July.
I did a buffalo roast in the crockpot, wow was that tender and good. I think it was better than any Hereford beef roast and it's much healthier.
The highland beef is also very tender and delicious.

Interesting. They ship it to you? Dry ice or what to keep it from spoiling? And is it really expensive compared to the less healthy stuff?

And it feels really good having you back in the Coffee Shop. :)
This is really nice having some time to be back on the board again.
I've been busy reading nonsense si fi books for eacape and taking cooking classes from the Culinary School online ,on how to use all kinds of spices for different fish and meats.
Hubby is on a very strict diet of low fat, cholesterol &sodium.

That means no beef, pork or turkey. Just fish and skinned chicken breasts, which got old pretty quickly. :)
I found a place on the web that sells buffalo, elk and highland beef imported from scotland, all have extremely low fat and cholesterol.
They have buffalo bacon which hubbie loves and brautwurst that I got for us the 4th of July.
I did a buffalo roast in the crockpot, wow was that tender and good. I think it was better than any Hereford beef roast and it's much healthier.
The highland beef is also very tender and delicious.

Interesting. They ship it to you? Dry ice or what to keep it from spoiling? And is it really expensive compared to the less healthy stuff?

And it feels really good having you back in the Coffee Shop. :)

Thank you

Yes, they ship it like Omaha steaks do, frozen with dry ice in a foam insulated ice chest.
Yes its expensive but since the house is paid off we can afford it. Hubbie refuses to be deprived of his bacon. :biggrin:
The name of the place is Buffalogal if anyone is curious.
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