USMB Coffee Shop IV

Been without my Flowmax for at least 5 days and I'm having serious issues, still waiting on the meds from El Paso to arrive, don't know how long that'll be but the post office sent someone back to the old house to retrieve them. The VA won't fix their fuck up so screw em and won't see me until the end of August, I now have Medicare so I made an appointment with a GP for Monday then went into an Urgent Care right around the corner. They sent a month supply script to the Albertsons and I just got home from picking it up, thank God someone was willing to help.
Also after much research and discussion we bought a Sleep Number bed, it'll be delivered in around two weeks. :thup:

If you need supplemental insurance for your Medicare, apart from the VA, we have had pretty good luck with Pres. Lovelace used to really suck but they seem to be better these days, but we still prefer Pres. Low copays or no copays on a lot of stuff. Costs us I think about $89/month but if you have a lot of prescriptions or need medical care fairly often, a good buy.

Our friend Dana, the one who is on the vigil list that just got the new heart, was an emergency room M.D. at the VA here for many years on the night shift. Can tell you stories. :)
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Nosmo my short stay in AK. I learned that lots of folks put aluminum foil on their bedroom windows for light control...

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Good night darlinks. I really do love you guys.

And we continue to pray and/or send good vibes and/or positive thoughts and/or keep vigil for:

Harper (Save's granddaughter),
Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
Nosmo's mom,
Rod, GW's partner,
Kat's sister,
GW's daughter, her friend Sachendra, and Sachendra's husband Bob and son Gary in what is probably Sachendra's last days.
Mrs. Saveliberty with her knee surgery.
Special prayers and/or positive thoughts for Mr. Peach and Peach143 in the coming days and wellness for them both.
Boedicca, her dad, brother, and family,
Kat & Mr. Kat in transition,
Hossfly's knee surgery,
Sherry's Mom for treatment to be successful,
The Ringels in difficult transition and wellness for Ringel,
Dana!!!! (Foxfyre's friend recovering from heart transplant.)
Special prayers and/or positive thoughts for Mr. Peach and Peach143 in the coming days and wellness for them both.
Mr. and Mrs. Gracie in difficult transition
All of us and those we care about who are looking for work,

And the light is left on for Noomi, Freedombecki, Oddball, Spoonman, SFC Ollie, AgainSheila, and all others we hope will return.

No matter how impossible, unattainable, or unimaginable something may seem, if it is meant to be, it will be. . .unless we give up or never try. Most of the world's greatest accomplishments were declared impossible before they weren't.--anonymous

Been without my Flowmax for at least 5 days and I'm having serious issues, still waiting on the meds from El Paso to arrive, don't know how long that'll be but the post office sent someone back to the old house to retrieve them. The VA won't fix their fuck up so screw em and won't see me until the end of August, I now have Medicare so I made an appointment with a GP for Monday then went into an Urgent Care right around the corner. They sent a month supply script to the Albertsons and I just got home from picking it up, thank God someone was willing to help.
Also after much research and discussion we bought a Sleep Number bed, it'll be delivered in around two weeks. :thup:

If you need supplemental insurance for your Medicare, apart from the VA, we have had pretty good luck with Pres. Lovelace used to really suck but they seem to be better these days, but we still prefer Pres. Low copays or no copays on a lot of stuff. Costs us I think about $89/month but if you have a lot of prescriptions or need medical care fairly often, a good buy.

Our friend Dana, the one who is on the vigil list that just got the new heart, was an emergency room M.D. at the VA here for many years on the night shift. Can tell you stories. :)
I was receiving fairly good service at the El Paso VA but when ya move from one state to another there's no cooperation and pretty much ya have to start all over again, I'm done with them. It's was the Presbyterian Urgent Center on Carmel I went to and the Doc I'm seeing is at the Presbyterian clinic on Constitution (only one I could get into this quickly). I've also discovered New Mexico has a program for low income Medicare patients that basically pays all their co-pays, don't know if I qualify but it's worth checking out.
Just got back from the dentists. As usual I did not need any fillings. Just a quick check up. I am ok for another six months.

You're lucky. I have been blessed with good health my whole life except for teeth. Every trip to the dentist pretty much requires something unpleasant that costs a lot of money.

Sorry to hear that. I am lucky because I seem to have hard teeth. I only lost one tooth in my 71 years, and that was because I once had a bad dentist who drilled so badly that the tooth died, and I got an abscess under it. So I had to have it taken out by another dentist. It was a back tooth, so it does not show.
Ditto here, the only tooth I've ever lost was a bad job by a bad dentist.
Did you ever find out about the fox kits? Did they get buried?

Hi ! No I just live in hope the cubs were not down the hole when they filled it in, because they have not dug their way out. The hole is still filled.
I read an article about a Scottish couple offering $64000 or so per year (50000 pounds) for a live in nanny for their 2 kids. Supposedly they have gone through a number of previous employees who say the house is haunted.

A couple of things. First, holy crap! According to the article, that money is in addition to free room and board. I'd go live in Scotland for 64 grand a year that I can pretty much just save. I'm not worried about any ghosts. Second, the article said that salary is about twice the usual rate for a live in nanny. WTF! A live in nanny usually makes $32,000 a year, not including the free room and board? Maybe I should be thinking about trying to be a nanny in Britain!

I wish I could find an offer like that near here. Hell, give me $10,000 a year and free room and board and I'd be thrilled. :lol:

Makes you wonder how terrible the kids really are, for that double pay.
I read an article about a Scottish couple offering $64000 or so per year (50000 pounds) for a live in nanny for their 2 kids. Supposedly they have gone through a number of previous employees who say the house is haunted.

A couple of things. First, holy crap! According to the article, that money is in addition to free room and board. I'd go live in Scotland for 64 grand a year that I can pretty much just save. I'm not worried about any ghosts. Second, the article said that salary is about twice the usual rate for a live in nanny. WTF! A live in nanny usually makes $32,000 a year, not including the free room and board? Maybe I should be thinking about trying to be a nanny in Britain!

I wish I could find an offer like that near here. Hell, give me $10,000 a year and free room and board and I'd be thrilled. :lol:

Makes you wonder how terrible the kids really are, for that double pay.

Makes you think of Captain Von Trapp's seven children and the trouble he had keeping governesses in "Sound of Music." Or Dean Profitt's four boys who toilet papered the teacher/principal when she came to visit in "Overboard." :)
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I was hoping somebody would explain to me the photo in the vigil list posted last night. How is it possible?

Photoshop. ;)

Maybe so but even photoshopped, and I can also draw it, but how is it possible? And why can it be drawn but not built?

It's just optical illusion. Our brains look for certain patterns in things, and sometimes will impose those patterns when they don't exist. Kind of like how we tend to see faces in things whether they exist there or not.

Either the object breaks physical laws in the way it is formed, and so isn't real, or it doesn't, but our brains make it look like it does for some reason. :dunno:
Morning everybody, what are your weekend plans?

Watching my birthday present DVD's because there is nothing on TV. first I watched 'fantastic beasts and where to find them' and I just watched ' Doctor Strange' Dr Strange was quite spectacular, but ' fantastic beasts' was a bit too daft for my taste.

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