USMB Coffee Shop IV

We're going to see the movie Dunkirk this weekend. It has gotten good reviews. I'll let you folks know what we think. :)

I saw the trailer and I want to see a film. Maybe, strategically it wasn't successful or glory operation, but it don't cancel heroism of a simple soldiers... It remember me my grand-grand-pa, who was murdered, being fighting in 295 regiment near the Moscow.. It was a terrible story, regiment was completely destroyed and it's flag was found only in 2007 in swamp. They died, but didn't lose flag to Germans...

Your grand-grand-pa was a true hero. So was much of the British populace during WWII. The Movie Dunkirk should have been about this. was not.

As an aside, I was just reading yesterday that the French are outraged that they were left out of the movie altogether. They had such a critical role in the evacuation, how could the screen writer/director have left them out and have any kind of historical film?

A bunch of the French got killed yes.

So putting that in would be just as outrageous as leaving it out.

Well, if I was the French I think I would not wish to be cut out of the history.
We're going to see the movie Dunkirk this weekend. It has gotten good reviews. I'll let you folks know what we think. :)

I saw the trailer and I want to see a film. Maybe, strategically it wasn't successful or glory operation, but it don't cancel heroism of a simple soldiers... It remember me my grand-grand-pa, who was murdered, being fighting in 295 regiment near the Moscow.. It was a terrible story, regiment was completely destroyed and it's flag was found only in 2007 in swamp. They died, but didn't lose flag to Germans...

Your grand-grand-pa was a true hero. So was much of the British populace during WWII. The Movie Dunkirk should have been about this. was not.

As an aside, I was just reading yesterday that the French are outraged that they were left out of the movie altogether. They had such a critical role in the evacuation, how could the screen writer/director have left them out and have any kind of historical film?

A bunch of the French got killed yes.

So putting that in would be just as outrageous as leaving it out.

Well, if I was the French I think I would not wish to be cut out of the history.

I knew a French man who told me the French hate the British. Possibly because we bomber the hell out of them when we liberated them from the Germans. But they also despise our ways. He said there is a joke about the British which goes. ' The British put carpets on the floor, then they walk on it' That's a joke to the French.
It means they think we are a bunch of stuck up petty materialists
We're going to see the movie Dunkirk this weekend. It has gotten good reviews. I'll let you folks know what we think. :)

I saw the trailer and I want to see a film. Maybe, strategically it wasn't successful or glory operation, but it don't cancel heroism of a simple soldiers... It remember me my grand-grand-pa, who was murdered, being fighting in 295 regiment near the Moscow.. It was a terrible story, regiment was completely destroyed and it's flag was found only in 2007 in swamp. They died, but didn't lose flag to Germans...

Your grand-grand-pa was a true hero. So was much of the British populace during WWII. The Movie Dunkirk should have been about this. was not.

As an aside, I was just reading yesterday that the French are outraged that they were left out of the movie altogether. They had such a critical role in the evacuation, how could the screen writer/director have left them out and have any kind of historical film?

A bunch of the French got killed yes.

So putting that in would be just as outrageous as leaving it out.

Well, if I was the French I think I would not wish to be cut out of the history.

Meh, it's a movie. Not even a documentary. I wouldn't think there are that many French people too concerned about it. ;)
I saw the trailer and I want to see a film. Maybe, strategically it wasn't successful or glory operation, but it don't cancel heroism of a simple soldiers... It remember me my grand-grand-pa, who was murdered, being fighting in 295 regiment near the Moscow.. It was a terrible story, regiment was completely destroyed and it's flag was found only in 2007 in swamp. They died, but didn't lose flag to Germans...

Your grand-grand-pa was a true hero. So was much of the British populace during WWII. The Movie Dunkirk should have been about this. was not.

As an aside, I was just reading yesterday that the French are outraged that they were left out of the movie altogether. They had such a critical role in the evacuation, how could the screen writer/director have left them out and have any kind of historical film?

A bunch of the French got killed yes.

So putting that in would be just as outrageous as leaving it out.

Well, if I was the French I think I would not wish to be cut out of the history.

I knew a French man who told me the French hate the British. Possibly because we bomber the hell out of them when we liberated them from the Germans. But they also despise our ways. He said there is a joke about the British which goes. ' The British put carpets on the floor, then they walk on it' That's a joke to the French.
It means they think we are a bunch of stuck up petty materialists

But let's keep it friendly here in the Coffee Shop. French/British/Bosnian/Israeli/Russian/Vietnamese/Dutch/German and others all have found common ground and things in common here. And that's a good thing. Who knows? It might catch on. :)
I saw the trailer and I want to see a film. Maybe, strategically it wasn't successful or glory operation, but it don't cancel heroism of a simple soldiers... It remember me my grand-grand-pa, who was murdered, being fighting in 295 regiment near the Moscow.. It was a terrible story, regiment was completely destroyed and it's flag was found only in 2007 in swamp. They died, but didn't lose flag to Germans...

Your grand-grand-pa was a true hero. So was much of the British populace during WWII. The Movie Dunkirk should have been about this. was not.

As an aside, I was just reading yesterday that the French are outraged that they were left out of the movie altogether. They had such a critical role in the evacuation, how could the screen writer/director have left them out and have any kind of historical film?

A bunch of the French got killed yes.

So putting that in would be just as outrageous as leaving it out.

Well, if I was the French I think I would not wish to be cut out of the history.

I knew a French man who told me the French hate the British. Possibly because we bomber the hell out of them when we liberated them from the Germans. But they also despise our ways. He said there is a joke about the British which goes. ' The British put carpets on the floor, then they walk on it' That's a joke to the French.
It means they think we are a bunch of stuck up petty materialists

Just say them, it's a revenge for Willhelm Bastard and Napoleon :) Every nation has a long history to prove almost any relations with others... And they eat frogs....
Your grand-grand-pa was a true hero. So was much of the British populace during WWII. The Movie Dunkirk should have been about this. was not.

As an aside, I was just reading yesterday that the French are outraged that they were left out of the movie altogether. They had such a critical role in the evacuation, how could the screen writer/director have left them out and have any kind of historical film?

A bunch of the French got killed yes.

So putting that in would be just as outrageous as leaving it out.

Well, if I was the French I think I would not wish to be cut out of the history.

I knew a French man who told me the French hate the British. Possibly because we bomber the hell out of them when we liberated them from the Germans. But they also despise our ways. He said there is a joke about the British which goes. ' The British put carpets on the floor, then they walk on it' That's a joke to the French.
It means they think we are a bunch of stuck up petty materialists

But let's keep it friendly here in the Coffee Shop. French/British/Bosnian/Israeli/Russian/Vietnamese/Dutch/German and others all have found common ground and things in common here. And that's a good thing. Who knows? It might catch on. :)

Completely agree. If all national "conflicts" become a larger than joke - it's not good.
Good night darlinks. I really do love you guys.

And we continue to pray and/or send good vibes and/or positive thoughts and/or keep vigil for:

Harper (Save's granddaughter),
Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
Nosmo's mom,
Rod, GW's partner,
Kat's sister,
Boedicca, her dad, brother, and family,
Kat & Mr. Kat in transition,
Hossfly's knee surgery,
Sherry's Mom for treatment to be successful,
The Ringels in difficult transition
Dana!!!! (Foxfyre's friend recovering from heart transplant.)
Mr. and Mrs. Gracie in difficult transition
Ringel's injured shoulder,
ricechickie's injured shoulder
Special prayers and/or positive thoughts for Mr. Peach and Peach143 in the coming days and wellness for them both.
And for our job hunters.

And the light is left on for Noomi, Freedombecki, SFC Ollie, AgainSheila, Ridgerunner, and all others we hope will return.

Sunset over Moscow
After I developed occasional acid reflux, I have been putting cream or half & half in my coffee to neutralize most of the acid. And that resulted in me thinking I also needed some sweetening. So this morning I put a splash of half & half in the cup and returned the bottle to the fridge, poured the coffee, added sweetener, went to the fridge and added a splash of half & half, went to answer the phone, went back to get my coffee and was about to open the fridge to get the half & half when the light bulb finally switched back on.

I had to take one of those on line intelligent tests that lets me score at mensa level (don't laugh) and then I felt reassured.
We are still waiting for the office to call for hubbies out patient surgery.
A week has passed.
He is going to call them if we don't hear anything today.
I'm angry about it. :mad:
After I developed occasional acid reflux, I have been putting cream or half & half in my coffee to neutralize most of the acid. And that resulted in me thinking I also needed some sweetening. So this morning I put a splash of half & half in the cup and returned the bottle to the fridge, poured the coffee, added sweetener, went to the fridge and added a splash of half & half, went to answer the phone, went back to get my coffee and was about to open the fridge to get the half & half when the light bulb finally switched back on.

I had to take one of those on line intelligent tests that lets me score at mensa level (don't laugh) and then I felt reassured.
One of those on Facebook that everyone gets 168 on?
I have been baking up a storm all weekend.
I found some Native Southwest American Indian blue corn flour and blue cornbread on amazon.
I baked 2 loaves of bread and then tortillas and blue tortilla chips.
It's so good and real healthy.
I am so happy my Native American Hopi friend taught me how in the 1970's. :biggrin:
Replaced the old, failed LED lighting in the gazebo. This one is remote controlled with strobe and pulse options with speed and brightness control. It involved some climbing which the knee handled well.
Other than some residual swelling when I'm upright during the day and the much improved neuropathy, I'm nearly back. The flexibility is somewhat lacking, but improving with the addition of a stationary bicycle to my daily therapy.

Replaced the old, failed LED lighting in the gazebo. This one is remote controlled with strobe and pulse options with speed and brightness control. It involved some climbing which the knee handled well.
Other than some residual swelling when I'm upright during the day and the much improved neuropathy, I'm nearly back. The flexibility is somewhat lacking, but improving with the addition of a stationary bicycle to my daily therapy.

View attachment 140309

That's wonderful Ernie:)
The gazebo looks nice.
We are still waiting for the office to call for hubbies out patient surgery.
A week has passed.
He is going to call them if we don't hear anything today.
I'm angry about it. :mad:

That is the frustrating thing about all services these days including medical services. They just aren't all that empathetic as to how important it is to us to know what to expect to happen.
Replaced the old, failed LED lighting in the gazebo. This one is remote controlled with strobe and pulse options with speed and brightness control. It involved some climbing which the knee handled well.
Other than some residual swelling when I'm upright during the day and the much improved neuropathy, I'm nearly back. The flexibility is somewhat lacking, but improving with the addition of a stationary bicycle to my daily therapy.

View attachment 140309

Wow. I could spend a lot of time out there with my computer or Kindle just enjoying being outdoors.
It's beautiful early in the morning or very late at night. It's very private and quiet. When I was limited to the wheelchair, I made it a point to get out there every day for a cigar and coffee. I suppose I should try this new laptop and see if I can get WIFI out there
It's beautiful early in the morning or very late at night. It's very private and quiet. When I was limited to the wheelchair, I made it a point to get out there every day for a cigar and coffee. I suppose I should try this new laptop and see if I can get WIFI out there

I can log onto our wifi from our back patio table/chairs and get a strong signal. Most wifi will reach 75-100 feet or so easily and some up to 300 feet or more..
It's beautiful early in the morning or very late at night. It's very private and quiet. When I was limited to the wheelchair, I made it a point to get out there every day for a cigar and coffee. I suppose I should try this new laptop and see if I can get WIFI out there

I can log onto our wifi from our back patio table/chairs and get a strong signal. Most wifi will reach 75-100 feet or so easily and some up to 300 feet or more..
The router is at the opposite end of the house and signal tends to be weak. I have a wifi repeater that wasn't working properly. I just reset it to factory settings and reconfigured it. Nice strong signal inside dead center between the router and repeater.

But outside, maybe 15 feet through 1 wall away from the repeater, I have no signal. I do have adequate, but not strong signal from the router 4 walls and 50 feet away.

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