USMB Coffee Shop IV

We are still waiting for the office to call for hubbies out patient surgery.
A week has passed.
He is going to call them if we don't hear anything today.
I'm angry about it. :mad:

That is the frustrating thing about all services these days including medical services. They just aren't all that empathetic as to how important it is to us to know what to expect to happen.

Mr. P is calling them today.
We need some answers so we can plan things, this up in the air has us both frustrated.Something that hubby just doesn't need right now.
That's why I baked some bread this weekend, so I could punch the daylights out of it.
It felt good. :)
My parents left on Saturday, so I relaxed the rest of that day. But something is keeping me ambitious. So on Sunday, I did three loads of laundry and painted my half-bathroom's floor. The old owners painted it and it was peeling up. Yesterday I gathered materials for my summer camp lessons and went shopping.

Today, I'm thinking about another two room floors that need to be painted. I don't know why they were painted, because I love the look of plain hardwood floors, but now that they have paint, I know it will be a pain to strip them. So, I'm thinking of cleaning and painting two more floors. My daughter claims she will help. My son wants no part of it.
Last full day of vacation in Hawaii today. Head to the airport and back home tomorrow. Flight leaves at 3:45 pm and gets to O'hare at 0500. Have had fun but will be glad to get back home again. I miss my recliner!

Wow, that is what, 9 and a half hours? Hope you guys sleep well on the plane. But safe travels and it does sound like you had a wonderful time.
My parents left on Saturday, so I relaxed the rest of that day. But something is keeping me ambitious. So on Sunday, I did three loads of laundry and painted my half-bathroom's floor. The old owners painted it and it was peeling up. Yesterday I gathered materials for my summer camp lessons and went shopping.

Today, I'm thinking about another two room floors that need to be painted. I don't know why they were painted, because I love the look of plain hardwood floors, but now that they have paint, I know it will be a pain to strip them. So, I'm thinking of cleaning and painting two more floors. My daughter claims she will help. My son wants no part of it.

Sounds ambitious. I don't think I've ever seen a painted hardwood floor though. Is that an east coast thing? But then hardwood sort of fell out of favor here in favor of carpet and tile floors here for a few decades and are just now making a strong comeback. As for myself, I'm pretty well behind my ambitious phase and am squarely in the don't have to be careful and ease of care phase. :)

By the way ricechickie, where are you in New York? Farmland? Mountains? Coast? I have a sort of general visual image of where most of our regular Coffee Shopper are though not the specific towns or nearest towns of most.
My parents left on Saturday, so I relaxed the rest of that day. But something is keeping me ambitious. So on Sunday, I did three loads of laundry and painted my half-bathroom's floor. The old owners painted it and it was peeling up. Yesterday I gathered materials for my summer camp lessons and went shopping.

Today, I'm thinking about another two room floors that need to be painted. I don't know why they were painted, because I love the look of plain hardwood floors, but now that they have paint, I know it will be a pain to strip them. So, I'm thinking of cleaning and painting two more floors. My daughter claims she will help. My son wants no part of it.

Sounds ambitious. I don't think I've ever seen a painted hardwood floor though. Is that an east coast thing? But then hardwood sort of fell out of favor here in favor of carpet and tile floors here for a few decades and are just now making a strong comeback. As for myself, I'm pretty well behind my ambitious phase and am squarely in the don't have to be careful and ease of care phase. :)

By the way ricechickie, where are you in New York? Farmland? Mountains? Coast? I have a sort of general visual image of where most of our regular Coffee Shopper are though not the specific towns or nearest towns of most.

They painted all kinds of things I would have left as varnished wood. Doors, the banister, one flight of stairs, floors. It's probably hiding lots of imperfections or patches. But everything is structurally sound.

I live in a city in Upstate NY.
I mowed the lawn today. I've been superstitious about doing that. The last Ike I did it I wound up in the emergency room. But today was our first break from sultry nights and soaking rain days. A gentle but steady rain, the kind the crops like. The grass liked it too and as the dew point dropped, I fetched the mower, weed eater and jugs of unsweetened ice tea and went to work. I let the killer slope go because it's treacherous and didn't really need trimming.

Tomorrow I'll trim the shrubbery and spray a little icy killer. English ivy is really aggressive on masonry. A couple years,ago, it actually broke through to the inside, right in the laundry room. I had pale green sprigs of ivy coming down the wall above the washer.

I'm going to have to do ous again after the monsoon too. Probably wed.
It's hard for me to do because the mower is one of those industrial big trimmers with two wheels and you keep the end up in order to weed whack.
Hubby used to do it but he can't right now.
The thang is almost bigger than me.
He is also very upset that I do have to do it and not him. :lol:

Hombre is like that too. He hates when I do his chores when he is laid up from a surgery or has been seriously ill. I have to go into my sternest Mama Fox mode to keep him from doing it.
I mowed the lawn today. I've been superstitious about doing that. The last Ike I did it I wound up in the emergency room. But today was our first break from sultry nights and soaking rain days. A gentle but steady rain, the kind the crops like. The grass liked it too and as the dew point dropped, I fetched the mower, weed eater and jugs of unsweetened ice tea and went to work. I let the killer slope go because it's treacherous and didn't really need trimming.

Tomorrow I'll trim the shrubbery and spray a little icy killer. English ivy is really aggressive on masonry. A couple years,ago, it actually broke through to the inside, right in the laundry room. I had pale green sprigs of ivy coming down the wall above the washer.

I'm going to have to do ous again after the monsoon too. Probably wed.
It's hard for me to do because the mower is one of those industrial big trimmers with two wheels and you keep the end up in order to weed whack.
Hubby used to do it but he can't right now.
The thang is almost bigger than me.
He is also very upset that I do have to do it and not him. :lol:

Hombre is like that too. He hates when I do his chores when he is laid up from a surgery or has been seriously ill. I have to go into my sternest Mama Fox mode to keep him from doing it.

He has done really well sticking to the diet I have him on.
He lost about 30 pounds on the old diet before his heat attack.
Now on this one has lost even more and has less than 20 pound to go.
He is still a big man though and when I have to get in stern mode it looks like a banty hen taking on the barnyard big rooster. :lmao:
My parents left on Saturday, so I relaxed the rest of that day. But something is keeping me ambitious. So on Sunday, I did three loads of laundry and painted my half-bathroom's floor. The old owners painted it and it was peeling up. Yesterday I gathered materials for my summer camp lessons and went shopping.

Today, I'm thinking about another two room floors that need to be painted. I don't know why they were painted, because I love the look of plain hardwood floors, but now that they have paint, I know it will be a pain to strip them. So, I'm thinking of cleaning and painting two more floors. My daughter claims she will help. My son wants no part of it.

Sounds ambitious. I don't think I've ever seen a painted hardwood floor though. Is that an east coast thing? But then hardwood sort of fell out of favor here in favor of carpet and tile floors here for a few decades and are just now making a strong comeback. As for myself, I'm pretty well behind my ambitious phase and am squarely in the don't have to be careful and ease of care phase. :)

By the way ricechickie, where are you in New York? Farmland? Mountains? Coast? I have a sort of general visual image of where most of our regular Coffee Shopper are though not the specific towns or nearest towns of most.

They painted all kinds of things I would have left as varnished wood. Doors, the banister, one flight of stairs, floors. It's probably hiding lots of imperfections or patches. But everything is structurally sound.

I live in a city in Upstate NY.

Well structurally sound is good. That's our place too. But it also is needing some TLC maintenance that I am not qualified to do and that I won't let Hombre do. And on a retirement income, we have to watch our pennies so hiring somebody both honest and affordable to do things we once could do ourselves has become an issue. But hiring the cheapest service offered has not always turned out wonderful.
Replaced the old, failed LED lighting in the gazebo. This one is remote controlled with strobe and pulse options with speed and brightness control. It involved some climbing which the knee handled well.
Other than some residual swelling when I'm upright during the day and the much improved neuropathy, I'm nearly back. The flexibility is somewhat lacking, but improving with the addition of a stationary bicycle to my daily therapy.

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I wish you wouldn't keep bringing up your knee, Ernie S. I'm getting my knee replacement surgery on Friday and if you keep on talking about your knee I may just go AWOL.
Replaced the old, failed LED lighting in the gazebo. This one is remote controlled with strobe and pulse options with speed and brightness control. It involved some climbing which the knee handled well.
Other than some residual swelling when I'm upright during the day and the much improved neuropathy, I'm nearly back. The flexibility is somewhat lacking, but improving with the addition of a stationary bicycle to my daily therapy.

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I wish you wouldn't keep bringing up your knee, Ernie S. I'm getting my knee replacement surgery on Friday and if you keep on talking about your knee I may just go AWOL.

Did they work out something re the pain meds Hossfly? Can you at least take Nsaids (Ibuprofen or Naproxen?)
Replaced the old, failed LED lighting in the gazebo. This one is remote controlled with strobe and pulse options with speed and brightness control. It involved some climbing which the knee handled well.
Other than some residual swelling when I'm upright during the day and the much improved neuropathy, I'm nearly back. The flexibility is somewhat lacking, but improving with the addition of a stationary bicycle to my daily therapy.

View attachment 140309

I wish you wouldn't keep bringing up your knee, Ernie S. I'm getting my knee replacement surgery on Friday and if you keep on talking about your knee I may just go AWOL.

Did they work out something re the pain meds Hossfly? Can you at least take Nsaids (Ibuprofen or Naproxen?)

Doctor said a reduced strength narcotic but didn't say what type.
I am on a painting roll! We have what the previous owner called a "bonus room," but we use as a game room/guest bedroom. The floor in there was crazy. There was one color around the outside edges, like someone painted where a rug didn't cover. But in the middle, where a rug would cover, there is two different shades of blue, and some varnished wooden flooring.

The whole thing is getting a nice even coating of chocolate brown. I finished half the room already. Tomorrow, if dry enough, I will move the pool table to the other side and paint the remainder.

I will also have to inspect closely for spots to touch up after my cat jumped over the pan in the doorway and landed smack in the middle of the wet paint, trotted for a few steps, but thank GOODNESS did not lay down. Stupid nut.
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I don't think I mentioned this, but the little one is getting braces in just over a week. She has issues with "shark teeth," where some of her adult teeth are coming in without pushing the baby teeth out. The orthodontist decided it would be better to work on it now rather than wait. She's got little rubber spacers in her mouth already, trying to make a little room between her molars and the next teeth up.

Hopefully she won't get any crap from other kids at school about it. I think she's still young enough that the kids aren't usually intentionally mean to each other; that seems like more of a post-puberty characteristic. However, younger kids can be unintentionally mean, not having a well developed social filter, so I still have some worry.

She gets to pick a color, apparently. I'm not sure how much of the braces will be colored. She's supposed to wear them for a year and a half, I believe.
Foxfyre , I really enjoy your good nights. I was touched that you thought of me with my shoulder, and I want you to know, it's much better. I seemed to have worked it out....for now.

If you'd like to still send good thoughts my way, I can always use it for general health and sanity. I wouldn't turn that down.
Ours is gas and yes it takes down sampling mesquite trees. :)
Sorry I'm on my tablet and can only put up the link to it.
Wheeled Trimmer | eBay

Like I said almost bigger than me. It's huge and about 20 years old but runs great. :)
My mower is just like this one:


Can I borrow it?
Sure! Come on out here. I'll buy you a beer

:)) The choice of REAL MEN is (for a tiny areas of grass :)))):

Oddly enough the right kind of acid does counteract other acids though.

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Do you remember that, Peach?

Very much so ,you're the one who took the stupid brown stuff. :)

Do you remember this?
For Yasgur's Farm


Your a part of me, I'm a part of you......
Guilty! The warning came about 1/2 hour late. The scary part is I remember that afternoon, but the night before you yanked me out of the mud is missing from the Grateful Dead until you found me
Yup Remember Mountain and Joe Cocker (pictured)

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