USMB Coffee Shop IV

Last full day of vacation in Hawaii today. Head to the airport and back home tomorrow. Flight leaves at 3:45 pm and gets to O'hare at 0500. Have had fun but will be glad to get back home again. I miss my recliner!
After I developed occasional acid reflux, I have been putting cream or half & half in my coffee to neutralize most of the acid. And that resulted in me thinking I also needed some sweetening. So this morning I put a splash of half & half in the cup and returned the bottle to the fridge, poured the coffee, added sweetener, went to the fridge and added a splash of half & half, went to answer the phone, went back to get my coffee and was about to open the fridge to get the half & half when the light bulb finally switched back on.

I had to take one of those on line intelligent tests that lets me score at mensa level (don't laugh) and then I felt reassured.

Actually, from what I've read, dairy tends to be slightly acidic. Less so than coffee, perhaps, but not on the alkaline side of things. If you use almond milk or soy milk, I think those move the body's pH toward alkaline, and would better counteract the acidic effect of coffee than a dairy cream. ;)
Happy to hear you had a good time BBD.
It's always good to get back home though.
Have lots of fun today. :)
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It's beautiful early in the morning or very late at night. It's very private and quiet. When I was limited to the wheelchair, I made it a point to get out there every day for a cigar and coffee. I suppose I should try this new laptop and see if I can get WIFI out there

I can log onto our wifi from our back patio table/chairs and get a strong signal. Most wifi will reach 75-100 feet or so easily and some up to 300 feet or more..
The router is at the opposite end of the house and signal tends to be weak. I have a wifi repeater that wasn't working properly. I just reset it to factory settings and reconfigured it. Nice strong signal inside dead center between the router and repeater.

But outside, maybe 15 feet through 1 wall away from the repeater, I have no signal. I do have adequate, but not strong signal from the router 4 walls and 50 feet away.

What kind of router are you using?
After I developed occasional acid reflux, I have been putting cream or half & half in my coffee to neutralize most of the acid. And that resulted in me thinking I also needed some sweetening. So this morning I put a splash of half & half in the cup and returned the bottle to the fridge, poured the coffee, added sweetener, went to the fridge and added a splash of half & half, went to answer the phone, went back to get my coffee and was about to open the fridge to get the half & half when the light bulb finally switched back on.

I had to take one of those on line intelligent tests that lets me score at mensa level (don't laugh) and then I felt reassured.

Actually, from what I've read, dairy tends to be slightly acidic. Less so than coffee, perhaps, but not on the alkaline side of things. If you use almond milk or soy milk, I think those move the body's pH toward alkaline, and would better counteract the acidic effect of coffee than a dairy cream. ;)

Oddly enough the right kind of acid does counteract other acids though. For instance at least mild acid reflux often settles right down when a glass of milk is consumed. I think it is the calcium that counteracts acid in coffee though so skim milk would provide more of that than the same amount of half & half or cream. (Doesn't taste nearly as good though. :) ) And a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar and a tablespoon of honey dissolved in a cup of hot water and drunk can do wonders to calm down unruly acid in the stomach along with a lot of other holistic benefits. Don't ask me for the science because I can't explain it. But it does work for many.
It's beautiful early in the morning or very late at night. It's very private and quiet. When I was limited to the wheelchair, I made it a point to get out there every day for a cigar and coffee. I suppose I should try this new laptop and see if I can get WIFI out there

I can log onto our wifi from our back patio table/chairs and get a strong signal. Most wifi will reach 75-100 feet or so easily and some up to 300 feet or more..
The router is at the opposite end of the house and signal tends to be weak. I have a wifi repeater that wasn't working properly. I just reset it to factory settings and reconfigured it. Nice strong signal inside dead center between the router and repeater.

But outside, maybe 15 feet through 1 wall away from the repeater, I have no signal. I do have adequate, but not strong signal from the router 4 walls and 50 feet away.

What kind of router are you using?
The one the DSL provider sent me
It's beautiful early in the morning or very late at night. It's very private and quiet. When I was limited to the wheelchair, I made it a point to get out there every day for a cigar and coffee. I suppose I should try this new laptop and see if I can get WIFI out there

I can log onto our wifi from our back patio table/chairs and get a strong signal. Most wifi will reach 75-100 feet or so easily and some up to 300 feet or more..
The router is at the opposite end of the house and signal tends to be weak. I have a wifi repeater that wasn't working properly. I just reset it to factory settings and reconfigured it. Nice strong signal inside dead center between the router and repeater.

But outside, maybe 15 feet through 1 wall away from the repeater, I have no signal. I do have adequate, but not strong signal from the router 4 walls and 50 feet away.

What kind of router are you using?
The one the DSL provider sent me

Ah DSL. I can't help with that since I've never had it. We have cable (Comcast) high speed internet we can connect to with ethernet and also have a Netgear wifi router. The Netgear really gets out there to pretty much every place on our property with a decent signal. And we also get signals from our neighbors but of course can't access that without their passwords.
After I developed occasional acid reflux, I have been putting cream or half & half in my coffee to neutralize most of the acid. And that resulted in me thinking I also needed some sweetening. So this morning I put a splash of half & half in the cup and returned the bottle to the fridge, poured the coffee, added sweetener, went to the fridge and added a splash of half & half, went to answer the phone, went back to get my coffee and was about to open the fridge to get the half & half when the light bulb finally switched back on.

I had to take one of those on line intelligent tests that lets me score at mensa level (don't laugh) and then I felt reassured.

Actually, from what I've read, dairy tends to be slightly acidic. Less so than coffee, perhaps, but not on the alkaline side of things. If you use almond milk or soy milk, I think those move the body's pH toward alkaline, and would better counteract the acidic effect of coffee than a dairy cream. ;)

Oddly enough the right kind of acid does counteract other acids though. For instance at least mild acid reflux often settles right down when a glass of milk is consumed. I think it is the calcium that counteracts acid in coffee though so skim milk would provide more of that than the same amount of half & half or cream. (Doesn't taste nearly as good though. :) ) And a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar and a tablespoon of honey dissolved in a cup of hot water and drunk can do wonders to calm down unruly acid in the stomach along with a lot of other holistic benefits. Don't ask me for the science because I can't explain it. But it does work for many.

I think it would be a difference in effecting the body vs counteracting the effects of the coffee. ACV doesn't counteract or neutralize acid in the body, but it may lead to a reduction in acid production in the stomach, or perhaps some component of ACV changes the way portions of the digestive system function. It wouldn't increase pH levels, but maybe something about it causes your body to increase pH levels.

It also could be that there is a difference between the overall pH levels of the body and just the acid issues that arise from reflux; reflux might cause problems regardless of whether your blood pH is low, in other words.

As long as you feel fine with cream in your coffee, and your doctor hasn't told you to stop, it doesn't seem like anything to worry about. :) If you do ever find yourself having acid issues, though, you could try switching to a less acidic form of milk/cream in case it helps. :D
After I developed occasional acid reflux, I have been putting cream or half & half in my coffee to neutralize most of the acid. And that resulted in me thinking I also needed some sweetening. So this morning I put a splash of half & half in the cup and returned the bottle to the fridge, poured the coffee, added sweetener, went to the fridge and added a splash of half & half, went to answer the phone, went back to get my coffee and was about to open the fridge to get the half & half when the light bulb finally switched back on.

I had to take one of those on line intelligent tests that lets me score at mensa level (don't laugh) and then I felt reassured.

Actually, from what I've read, dairy tends to be slightly acidic. Less so than coffee, perhaps, but not on the alkaline side of things. If you use almond milk or soy milk, I think those move the body's pH toward alkaline, and would better counteract the acidic effect of coffee than a dairy cream. ;)

Oddly enough the right kind of acid does counteract other acids though. For instance at least mild acid reflux often settles right down when a glass of milk is consumed. I think it is the calcium that counteracts acid in coffee though so skim milk would provide more of that than the same amount of half & half or cream. (Doesn't taste nearly as good though. :) ) And a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar and a tablespoon of honey dissolved in a cup of hot water and drunk can do wonders to calm down unruly acid in the stomach along with a lot of other holistic benefits. Don't ask me for the science because I can't explain it. But it does work for many.

I think it would be a difference in effecting the body vs counteracting the effects of the coffee. ACV doesn't counteract or neutralize acid in the body, but it may lead to a reduction in acid production in the stomach, or perhaps some component of ACV changes the way portions of the digestive system function. It wouldn't increase pH levels, but maybe something about it causes your body to increase pH levels.

It also could be that there is a difference between the overall pH levels of the body and just the acid issues that arise from reflux; reflux might cause problems regardless of whether your blood pH is low, in other words.

As long as you feel fine with cream in your coffee, and your doctor hasn't told you to stop, it doesn't seem like anything to worry about. :) If you do ever find yourself having acid issues, though, you could try switching to a less acidic form of milk/cream in case it helps. :D

Naw. I take an omeprazole (brand name Prilosec) every other day and I have essentially no acid reflux issues on a normal diet. It might flare up if I eat super spicey food but I can handle our local green chili with no problem. I do take ACV when I am having any kind of stomach issue though and it almost always helps. ACV and regional honey do wonders for regional allergies. arthritis, sore throat, and various other issues. Both are staples at our house. The cream was at the doctor's recommendation to prevent any issues, I learned to like it that way, and now I prefer it to black coffee.
Oddly enough the right kind of acid does counteract other acids though.

I mowed the lawn today. I've been superstitious about doing that. The last Ike I did it I wound up in the emergency room. But today was our first break from sultry nights and soaking rain days. A gentle but steady rain, the kind the crops like. The grass liked it too and as the dew point dropped, I fetched the mower, weed eater and jugs of unsweetened ice tea and went to work. I let the killer slope go because it's treacherous and didn't really need trimming.

Tomorrow I'll trim the shrubbery and spray a little icy killer. English ivy is really aggressive on masonry. A couple years,ago, it actually broke through to the inside, right in the laundry room. I had pale green sprigs of ivy coming down the wall above the washer.
It's beautiful early in the morning or very late at night. It's very private and quiet. When I was limited to the wheelchair, I made it a point to get out there every day for a cigar and coffee. I suppose I should try this new laptop and see if I can get WIFI out there

I can log onto our wifi from our back patio table/chairs and get a strong signal. Most wifi will reach 75-100 feet or so easily and some up to 300 feet or more..
The router is at the opposite end of the house and signal tends to be weak. I have a wifi repeater that wasn't working properly. I just reset it to factory settings and reconfigured it. Nice strong signal inside dead center between the router and repeater.

But outside, maybe 15 feet through 1 wall away from the repeater, I have no signal. I do have adequate, but not strong signal from the router 4 walls and 50 feet away.

What kind of router are you using?
The one the DSL provider sent me

Ah DSL. I can't help with that since I've never had it. We have cable (Comcast) high speed internet we can connect to with ethernet and also have a Netgear wifi router. The Netgear really gets out there to pretty much every place on our property with a decent signal. And we also get signals from our neighbors but of course can't access that without their passwords.

We have netgear too and can get great signals on our property anywhere.
Netgear is pretty good.
I mowed the lawn today. I've been superstitious about doing that. The last Ike I did it I wound up in the emergency room. But today was our first break from sultry nights and soaking rain days. A gentle but steady rain, the kind the crops like. The grass liked it too and as the dew point dropped, I fetched the mower, weed eater and jugs of unsweetened ice tea and went to work. I let the killer slope go because it's treacherous and didn't really need trimming.

Tomorrow I'll trim the shrubbery and spray a little icy killer. English ivy is really aggressive on masonry. A couple years,ago, it actually broke through to the inside, right in the laundry room. I had pale green sprigs of ivy coming down the wall above the washer.

I'm going to have to do ous again after the monsoon too. Probably wed.
It's hard for me to do because the mower is one of those industrial big trimmers with two wheels and you keep the end up in order to weed whack.
Hubby used to do it but he can't right now.
The thang is almost bigger than me.
He is also very upset that I do have to do it and not him. :lol:
I mowed the lawn today. I've been superstitious about doing that. The last Ike I did it I wound up in the emergency room. But today was our first break from sultry nights and soaking rain days. A gentle but steady rain, the kind the crops like. The grass liked it too and as the dew point dropped, I fetched the mower, weed eater and jugs of unsweetened ice tea and went to work. I let the killer slope go because it's treacherous and didn't really need trimming.

Tomorrow I'll trim the shrubbery and spray a little icy killer. English ivy is really aggressive on masonry. A couple years,ago, it actually broke through to the inside, right in the laundry room. I had pale green sprigs of ivy coming down the wall above the washer.

I'm going to have to do ous again after the monsoon too. Probably wed.
It's hard for me to do because the mower is one of those industrial big trimmers with two wheels and you keep the end up in order to weed whack.
Hubby used to do it but he can't right now.
The thang is almost bigger than me.
He is also very upset that I do have to do it and not him. :lol:
Pop had one of those mower/trimmer hybrids too. The thing rolled on a hard plastic ball a little smaller than a volleyball. His was electric and plugged in by way of a 75 foot long extension. Ya had to think of the cord as a lariat, or as close to a lariat as you get here in northeast Ohio.

Swing that cord around to keep it tangling up the plastic string. And it was really thick plastic too! That thing could mow down saplings!

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