USMB Coffee Shop IV

I Mentioned I had a head cold a while back (couple of weeks at least) and the wife caught it also. Well we just got home from a trip to her primary care doc (2PM appt) followed by a trip to the ER for another 6 hours......... She has a mild pneumonia and probably some bronchitis and her blood O2 levels were low and some of her heart labs were borderline high so they almost admitted her. The treatments they gave her helped to put her back in the normal range so they sent her home and she will be seeing her PCP tomorrow.
Good night darlinks. I really do love you guys.
And we continue to pray and/or send good vibes and/or positive thoughts and/or keep vigil for:
Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
Rod, GW's partner,
Kat's sister,
Dana, Foxfyre's friend recovering from heart transplant
Strength and stamina for gallantwarrior in his relocation project,
Wellness for Foxfyre's sister and Hombre's sister
Saveliberty's mom for successful surgery and quick healing
TheLiq and family who need prayers and positive vibes now
Montrovant in difficult transition
Drifter for smooth sailing in her new job.
JustAnotherNut for strength and wisdom dealing with challenges.
Gracie & Mr. G in difficult transition and for positive trend to continue.
GallantWarrior for healing and wellness.
BigBlackDog aka BBD for healing and wellness
All those we love and care about who aren't on the list.
And we keep the porch light on so those who have been away can find their way back and we rejoice when they do!!!
Ringel for healing and Mrs. R facing serious health challenges in difficult transition

God spilled the paint, i.e. springtime in California

Excerpt from Robert Burns

My heart's in the highlands, my heart is not here.
My heart's in the highlands a-chasin' the deer
A-chasin' the deer and a-followin' the roe
My heart's in the highlands, wherever I go.

Went to bed about 1ish this morning and slept till almost 10am....... Too much sleep, I feel like I'm walking around in a mental fog, Yeah I know, what else is new...... :D Pretty sure allergies have a lot to do with it.
Went to bed about 1ish this morning and slept till almost 10am....... Too much sleep, I feel like I'm walking around in a mental fog, Yeah I know, what else is new...... :D Pretty sure allergies have a lot to do with it.

I am not particularly allergic but my hay fever is giving me fits this week. I think all the winter moisture has triggered an uncommon output of pollens this spring and I am obviously allergic to some of them.
Went to bed about 1ish this morning and slept till almost 10am....... Too much sleep, I feel like I'm walking around in a mental fog, Yeah I know, what else is new...... :D Pretty sure allergies have a lot to do with it.

I am not particularly allergic but my hay fever is giving me fits this week. I think all the winter moisture has triggered an uncommon output of pollens this spring and I am obviously allergic to some of them.
Yup, my real estate broker told me a couple of weeks ago he'd seen clouds of pollen in the ABQ area. Looks like the drought may be over......?
Went to bed about 1ish this morning and slept till almost 10am....... Too much sleep, I feel like I'm walking around in a mental fog, Yeah I know, what else is new...... :D Pretty sure allergies have a lot to do with it.

I am not particularly allergic but my hay fever is giving me fits this week. I think all the winter moisture has triggered an uncommon output of pollens this spring and I am obviously allergic to some of them.
Yup, my real estate broker told me a couple of weeks ago he'd seen clouds of pollen in the ABQ area. Looks like the drought may be over......?

No official word on that yet, but I think we've had a good start. We were in Corrales for our weekly 42 game yesterday, and the pollen from the cottonwoods was so thick it looked like a snowstorm there. I've lived here for more than three decades now and have never seen anything like it.
It's already 80 degrees here and one of my neighbors already has his air conditioning running...... It's actually quite comfortable in the house, interior temp is only 73.
Thursday should be trying at work. We should have five clerks. We only have four, minus one filling in as supervisor, one off for a doctor visit and a third covering another office. That leaves...oh let's
Busy like a one legged man in a butt kicking contest, heh?

Got through the day better than expected. The boss was happy with performance, so there's that. Next week we have three people in with the fourth on vacation. Not a whole lot better deal.
Thursday should be trying at work. We should have five clerks. We only have four, minus one filling in as supervisor, one off for a doctor visit and a third covering another office. That leaves...oh let's
Busy like a one legged man in a butt kicking contest, heh?

Got through the day better than expected. The boss was happy with performance, so there's that. Next week we have three people in with the fourth on vacation. Not a whole lot better deal.

You are probably a lot better than you give yourself credit for. :)
OMG! This just gets better n' better...partner came in from doing whatever it is he does outside. We decided to play a hand of cribbage. He took off his gear and came in to the living room. The stink was unbearable. I tried but after I pulled my shirt up over my nose, he got insulted and declared the game at an end. He's been sleeping downstairs in my bed but went up to his bedroom this evening. The stink lingers. I've been away about 2 1/2 weeks, he's been here for three weekends to care for the animals. I found out he hasn't showed or bathed since before I left for Okinawa. The stink in my house isn't just because he wouldn't take time to let the poor dog outside and she had to do her business on wee-wee pads and in front of the door, or the fact that the cat boxes haven't been cleaned since I left...a three week filthy human is pretty rank. He's been using my car, too. I thought that smell was me because I hadn't had a shower since the day I left Okinawa, two days ago. I hang my head in shame. How could I claim close affiliation with an animal like this? How can I find a way to "divorce" him?
GW, I'm so sorry for your situation. Is your partner depressed? Medicine in the psychiatric industry has likely come a long ways since more is now known about brain mapping and what to look out for. He may also be suffering from dementia caused by a blow to the head before adulthood, shaken baby syndrome, which doesn't always show symptoms before the age of 50, and sometimes is a lifelong battle. There's so little we truly understand about human behaviors like what you describe. I know from experience that anger does not resolve issues with a person suffering from a brain disorder or a brain chemistry issue. I will put your partner on my prayer list, and you too for the hassle you've experienced when you love animals so and are like children to you. Abuse is complex. It can be controlled with the proper psychiatric and medical care. Sometimes.
Best wishes, gallantwarrior. Oh, and do-it-yourself psychiatry may not be a good idea considering that mistreatment of animals is more illegal in some states than others. Please be careful if he needs hospitalization.
Beau, I believe I've mentioned before that my partner is not only a hoarder, he's a passive-aggressive controller, a very successful one. Unfortunately, even if a p-a-c recognizes and acknowledges their problem, it is such a successful coping mechanism that there is almost no way to deal with them. I never thought of some of the underlying causes for his personality flaws. I know he believes that people should be productive and make or build things. It is so strange that he seldom completes a project, so his success at making/building is pretty iffy. Maybe he is depressed because he is a failure, in his own eyes by his own standards. He has a lot of good things about him, generous to a fault and always trying to be helpful, but sometimes those characteristics are just not enough to overcome his failures. I'm afraid if I ever "ditched" him, he would either destroy himself or destroy something I care for. Passive-aggressive control is kind of like that. I do appreciate the insight you all can give me, probably why I air my dirty drawers here. I hesitate to discuss him at work because he works there, too. My daughter is my usual vent because her husband is so very much like my partner.
How are you doing lately? I saw the pics of your quilts and admire your art and talent. While I was on vacation, I started a knitting project I had laid aside over 13 years ago. It's a lace shawl with a cat motif that I intended to donate to the local no-kill cat shelter. It's made of an airy, fine yarn, 70% baby mohair/30% silk. When I get it done, I'll try to post a photo of it here.
I Mentioned I had a head cold a while back (couple of weeks at least) and the wife caught it also. Well we just got home from a trip to her primary care doc (2PM appt) followed by a trip to the ER for another 6 hours......... She has a mild pneumonia and probably some bronchitis and her blood O2 levels were low and some of her heart labs were borderline high so they almost admitted her. The treatments they gave her helped to put her back in the normal range so they sent her home and she will be seeing her PCP tomorrow.
Do you expect them to hospitalize her? That all seems pretty serious, especially given the current treatment she's under.
Thursday should be trying at work. We should have five clerks. We only have four, minus one filling in as supervisor, one off for a doctor visit and a third covering another office. That leaves...oh let's
Busy like a one legged man in a butt kicking contest, heh?

Got through the day better than expected. The boss was happy with performance, so there's that. Next week we have three people in with the fourth on vacation. Not a whole lot better deal.
Sadly, it isn't difficult for folks of our vintage to work circles around some of the more recent work force. Makes us valuable enough that we might keep our jobs a little longer.
Example: I had to change a light bulb in the cockpit of a B747 last night. The screws fastening the bracket were rounded to the point that I would only have made a bigger mess had I kept trying. So, I asked the lead for some grinding compound, which he couldn't provide. A younger colleague piped up and brought his tube to me. (He had been told about this by another old dog.) He spent the rest of his shift telling everyone how "magic" it was. The trick he learned: if you have a cross-tip screw that is stripped, apply a dab of grinding compound to your screwdriver and you can usually get the screw to come out. It provides a little extra grip. Old dog showed new dog how to make magic happen. New dog will be old dog someday and pass the magic on...
Speaking of...skeeters are BAD here. Probably due to being surrounded by rivers, lakes and ponds. It sucks. I have experienced skeeters in the house before but according to everyone else around here..they are suffering the same thing. The locals say its bad this year and should be still too cold for them but I guess the skeeters haven't been told that. And as one ages, they get new allergies they never had before. I get bit now..I swell up like a balloon. :( sucks where there are squeeters? I can vouch that squeeters will hatch when it's warm enough, even it it's sub-zero outside. Have you tried taking garlic supplements?
Super bowl. I don't get it. Millions are paid for ads, guys not worth the money get paid shitloads of money to toss a ball around, and the usa suffers depression, child trafficking, homelessness, disease, hunger, etc.

Meh. Pisses me off.

I get the feeling none of us is much enamored with the Super Bowl, but one thing isn't fixed by doing away with the other though. Anyhow how are things with you and Mr. G , Gracie?
Day by day, hon. That's all we can do. :)
I wonder how you guys are every day. I wish there was more I could do to help, I really do. You're already a heroine in my book, you've been through so much and yet you are still strong for everyone who needs that strength.
I keep meaning to call you, hon...but I wind up getting sidetracked. Like tonight for instance. I wound up setting up the van as my bedroom.I am going to sleep out there tonight just to refresh my memory of what we did for almost 4 months. We have a duplex now, but I have no privacy of my own. Anne has her room..and MrG bogarts our room. He stays awake watching tv until 4am. He uses headphones. But that big assed tv he insisted on flickers against my eyelids and I can't sleep. I tried an eye mask but it gives me a headache and scruntches my eyelashes so they are all discombooberated in the morning poking me in the eyes. Also, I am allergic to skeeters, and the twin bed I sleep in is too small for a skeeter I get bit all night. I cant sleep on the couch in the living room because Anne gets up at dawn and the kitchen is RIGHT THERE, plus skeeters are now in the house and no place to have a skeeter net in the living room. So my solution is to make my van my bedroom. Again. I ran an electric cord out there with a small heater so I don't freeze to death out there. MrG says I'm crazy and maybe I am..but I haven't had a decent nights sleep since November 7th and even that was not a good night since we ran for our lives early on the 8th and have been running ever since.

I admire YOU, gallantwarrior. Anyone that can live rough like you do is admirable and brave. I couldn't do it. I'd die for sure. So while you are admiring me..know I admire you back.

Anyway....I will be heading to the van soon. I hope there are no skeeters in there!
I'll call you the next couple of days. I got back from visiting my daughter/granddaughters in Okinawa a couple of days ago. Lots to share.
I love you like a sister, Gracie. You could definitely survive my lifestyle, even thrive, I think. But you have faced so much more adversity than I have. Chica, you my hero! I have lots to share, both good and...well, interesting. You take care of yourself. Hugs!

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