USMB Coffee Shop IV

Finally got home this morning. Honolulu airport sucks, guys. Worst service and facilities evah!

Sorry about your mess at home... That really sucks... Just do what you can and what don't get done will be there tomorrow sound like... Nobody else is going to do it...

I don't have an emotional attachment to the facilities at HNL first of all... My first arrival was in 1979 and the Airport Terminal has not changed very much... 40 years my friend... I am speaking of the main Terminal... Some work has been done, but nothing like what other destinations that have the Real Estate to start fresh on new and fancy digs... The Inter-Island Terminal was completely redone in the last 15 to 20 years...

It is a problem no doubt... The flying public expects more... HNL is not a interlining facility as much as it is a departure and final destination airport... There are some connecting flights but not like your airline hubs throughout the world...

Bottom line is it is a problem, but not mine to deal with...:21:

Wish you would have had a better experience...
Finally got home this morning. Honolulu airport sucks, guys. Worst service and facilities evah!

Sorry about your mess at home... That really sucks... Just do what you can and what don't get done will be there tomorrow sound like... Nobody else is going to do it...

I don't have an emotional attachment to the facilities at HNL first of all... My first arrival was in 1979 and the Airport Terminal has not changed very much... 40 years my friend... I am speaking of the main Terminal... Some work has been done, but nothing like what other destinations that have the Real Estate to start fresh on new and fancy digs... The Inter-Island Terminal was completely redone in the last 15 to 20 years...

It is a problem no doubt... The flying public expects more... HNL is not a interlining facility as much as it is a departure and final destination airport... There are some connecting flights but not like your airline hubs throughout the world...

Bottom line is it is a problem, but not mine to deal with...:21:

Wish you would have had a better experience...
Ah, small potatoes but it was interesting when many of my embarking fellow Alaskans observed that our itty-bitty airport has the amenities and 24-hr service. What you say about the lack of real estate to move and rebuild does seem true. Honolulu is pretty dense. I still am kicking myself for not thinking of you. Of course, I didn't have a lot of notice before I took off.
I was out picking up the trash and debris scattered by the dog and goats. Partner doesn't like tying the big dog up and she's learned to jump the fence, and she's turned into quite the trash picker, too. I tied her up in her pen just a while ago. I've been loading burnable trash into our big burner, a 500 gal heavy steel tank cut and vented. When you get that baby burning, you can dump in whole tree stumps that burn to ash. I've been stacking slash all winter, too, so as soon as the snow melts off, I'll have a super bonfire.
On the plus side, the hens are laying again. There were 8 eggs in the nest boxes this morning and it's been warm enough they did not freeze. And the tom turkey is in full spring breeding strut and mounting his ladies. I'll have to watch where they decide to lay their clutches. I'll eat some of the turkey eggs and keep some to see if they'll have some poults. It'll be nice to have babies all over in a few weeks.
Good night darlinks. I really do love you guys.

And we continue to pray and/or send good vibes and/or positive thoughts and/or keep vigil for:

Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
Rod, GW's partner,
Kat's sister,
Dana, Foxfyre's friend recovering from heart transplant
Strength and stamina for gallantwarrior in his relocation project,
Wellness for Foxfyre's sister and Hombre's sister
Saveliberty's mom for successful surgery and quick healing
TheLiq and family who need prayers and positive vibes now
Montrovant in difficult transition
Drifter for smooth sailing in her new job.

JustAnotherNut for strength and wisdom dealing with challenges.
Gracie & Mr. G in difficult transition and for positive trend to continue.
Ringel for healing and Mrs. R facing serious health challenges in difficult transition
GallantWarrior for healing and wellness.
BigBlackDog aka BBD for healing and wellness
All those we love and care about who aren't on the list.

And we keep the porch light on so those who have been away can find their way back and we rejoice when they do!!!

Springtime in New Mexico
OMG! This just gets better n' better...partner came in from doing whatever it is he does outside. We decided to play a hand of cribbage. He took off his gear and came in to the living room. The stink was unbearable. I tried but after I pulled my shirt up over my nose, he got insulted and declared the game at an end. He's been sleeping downstairs in my bed but went up to his bedroom this evening. The stink lingers. I've been away about 2 1/2 weeks, he's been here for three weekends to care for the animals. I found out he hasn't showed or bathed since before I left for Okinawa. The stink in my house isn't just because he wouldn't take time to let the poor dog outside and she had to do her business on wee-wee pads and in front of the door, or the fact that the cat boxes haven't been cleaned since I left...a three week filthy human is pretty rank. He's been using my car, too. I thought that smell was me because I hadn't had a shower since the day I left Okinawa, two days ago. I hang my head in shame. How could I claim close affiliation with an animal like this? How can I find a way to "divorce" him?
OMG! This just gets better n' better...partner came in from doing whatever it is he does outside. We decided to play a hand of cribbage. He took off his gear and came in to the living room. The stink was unbearable. I tried but after I pulled my shirt up over my nose, he got insulted and declared the game at an end. He's been sleeping downstairs in my bed but went up to his bedroom this evening. The stink lingers. I've been away about 2 1/2 weeks, he's been here for three weekends to care for the animals. I found out he hasn't showed or bathed since before I left for Okinawa. The stink in my house isn't just because he wouldn't take time to let the poor dog outside and she had to do her business on wee-wee pads and in front of the door, or the fact that the cat boxes haven't been cleaned since I left...a three week filthy human is pretty rank. He's been using my car, too. I thought that smell was me because I hadn't had a shower since the day I left Okinawa, two days ago. I hang my head in shame. How could I claim close affiliation with an animal like this? How can I find a way to "divorce" him?
Hunting accident...... :eusa_whistle:
OMG! This just gets better n' better...partner came in from doing whatever it is he does outside. We decided to play a hand of cribbage. He took off his gear and came in to the living room. The stink was unbearable. I tried but after I pulled my shirt up over my nose, he got insulted and declared the game at an end. He's been sleeping downstairs in my bed but went up to his bedroom this evening. The stink lingers. I've been away about 2 1/2 weeks, he's been here for three weekends to care for the animals. I found out he hasn't showed or bathed since before I left for Okinawa. The stink in my house isn't just because he wouldn't take time to let the poor dog outside and she had to do her business on wee-wee pads and in front of the door, or the fact that the cat boxes haven't been cleaned since I left...a three week filthy human is pretty rank. He's been using my car, too. I thought that smell was me because I hadn't had a shower since the day I left Okinawa, two days ago. I hang my head in shame. How could I claim close affiliation with an animal like this? How can I find a way to "divorce" him?

Maybe a private consult with an attorney?
Picked up a feather in the back yard a couple of days ago.


This morning outback I hear a strange bird call in the tree look up and there's the bird the feather came from, a Northern Flicker, a woodpecker.

Picked up a feather in the back yard a couple of days ago.


This morning outback I hear a strange bird call in the tree look up and there's the bird the feather came from, a Northern Flicker, a woodpecker.


When we lived up on the mountain we had a lot of flickers--don't remember them being that colorful but it has been a lot of water under the bridge since then. They were mildly destructive hanging upside down from the vents in the soffits so they could intercept spiders and such that lived in those vents. And they were big and heavy enough to damage the vents a bit. Nothing serious though.
I just copied my favorites file to a usb stick and there were 488 items. I thought it was a long list, ha, ha,
Absolutely, pard... I don't know what you use as a browser, but Chrome and Firefox and such have a favorites list. You can save the most used favorites and they're displayed on top of your browser window. The rest can be saved in another list. All the little icons at the top of this capture are links to favorite websites. The rest are in another list... BOOKMARKS...

Went out this morning to discover that one of my Narragansett turkey hens is a tom! I know I have one hen because I had eggs from one of them last summer. That means I have breeding pairs for two heritage breed turkeys: Narragansett and Spanish Black. I'll have to find some way to sequester each pair before I let them go broody. Then I'll have some purebred heritage breed poults to sell at the farmer's market.
Partner's wethers got out, again. They are a pretty destructive force. I think I'll get the wires set up and charge the energizers. Goats do seem respectful of electric fencing. Another option might be tying them out on a gang line.
But giving credit where credit is due, I doubt I could figure out those maps pilots use, at least without much study.

With enough bananas, you can train a chimp to fly. Trust me. I've done it.

I teach ground school part time in my retirement.

I teach aircraft systems, avionics and procedures to pilots. (Read: I toss bananas to chimpanzees). Up on the 4th floor, aircraft mechanics go through instruction. I often go upstairs to flesh out an inquiry. I've developed a relationship with the maintenance instructors up there. Whenever I can, I sit in on the maintenance classes.

I teach kick ass classes to pilots that I'm proud of but when I sit in a maintenance class, I feel like this:

Until recently, I was teaching aviation maintenance at University of Alaska. My move out of the Anchorage area limits the amount of time I have to do that any longer. I specialized in hydraulics, landing gear systems, turbine engines, and auxiliary systems. As long as I taught, I was the only instructor who still worked full time on aircraft. I love the big Boeings and Airbuses. I also worked on DC-10s and MD-11s and caught the tail end of the DC-8 era. When UAA acquired a B727 that FedEx retired, there were only two or three instructors who knew much about it. Unfortunately, the school just doesn't have the equipment needed to keep up with that old plane. The UAA Aviation facility is located at a general aviation airport built on an old landfill in Anchorage so it was quite a show when the landed the B727 there..
b727 landing on merrill field - Bing video

That was awesome footage. Were the go arounds on purpose for the photographers? Or the pilot was squeamish or couldn't get it down?
But giving credit where credit is due, I doubt I could figure out those maps pilots use, at least without much study.

With enough bananas, you can train a chimp to fly. Trust me. I've done it.

I teach ground school part time in my retirement.

I teach aircraft systems, avionics and procedures to pilots. (Read: I toss bananas to chimpanzees). Up on the 4th floor, aircraft mechanics go through instruction. I often go upstairs to flesh out an inquiry. I've developed a relationship with the maintenance instructors up there. Whenever I can, I sit in on the maintenance classes.

I teach kick ass classes to pilots that I'm proud of but when I sit in a maintenance class, I feel like this:

Until recently, I was teaching aviation maintenance at University of Alaska. My move out of the Anchorage area limits the amount of time I have to do that any longer. I specialized in hydraulics, landing gear systems, turbine engines, and auxiliary systems. As long as I taught, I was the only instructor who still worked full time on aircraft. I love the big Boeings and Airbuses. I also worked on DC-10s and MD-11s and caught the tail end of the DC-8 era. When UAA acquired a B727 that FedEx retired, there were only two or three instructors who knew much about it. Unfortunately, the school just doesn't have the equipment needed to keep up with that old plane. The UAA Aviation facility is located at a general aviation airport built on an old landfill in Anchorage so it was quite a show when the landed the B727 there..
b727 landing on merrill field - Bing video

That was awesome footage. Were the go arounds on purpose for the photographers? Or the pilot was squeamish or couldn't get it down?
The go arounds were to take the measure of the field. Runway 7/25 is only 4000 ft long. That's a pretty short landing distance for even a stripped down B727 and as you may note, runway conditions may not have been optimal. The crew that flew it in was probably one of their most skilled piloting crews. And, there might have been a bit of showmanship, as well. So, no squeamish pilots but a high probability of performance art.
Off to the grind, wash, rinse, repeat. I'll be leaving for my weekly work routine as soon as I've fed and watered everyone. Sadly, I cannot feed the birds because the pard's goats will raid the bird feed. I'll put some out for the birds, anyway, hoping they'll get enough to sustain them until I can get back tomorrow and confine these shitball geldings. Is there anything more useless on a dairy farm than geldings? Nah.
Check back later!
My job search is so far going nowhere. I did get to take the postal exam, but that hasn't led to anything despite my passing it, and right now there are very few open postal positions. By very few, I mean the USPS site shows 3 in the entire state of Georgia (and 2 in all of Florida, which I checked out of curiosity). My employer is selling the house, which is supposed to happen on the 25th of April, or the 19th if they can get it pushed up a little. I'm not going with them to the new house. My plan had been to move in with the little one's father, and despite my inability to so far find a new job, I could do that with my savings if necessary, at least for a little while. I'd have to stop looking for jobs I want and just take anything available, but I could do it. Unfortunately, he's not in a position to do that now, and I'm not sure when he will be, so I'm having to view things as if that won't be happening.

Luckily I have friends who live about an hour's drive away who are willing to take me in until I can get myself into a new job and find a place to live. Unfortunately, I don't think my current job is really much help in my job search. Unless I try to get some sort of childcare position, my experience for the past decade is fairly worthless. I've got my associate's, but none of the various healthcare places/positions I've applied for have shown any interest. I've been mostly avoiding applying to jobs in Atlanta, because I very much would like to avoid having to commute there, but that's where most of the jobs are.

It's a frustrating time at the moment.

Passing the postal exam is good, but you need a high score to get interviews. Veterans get bonus points. Looks like the USPS careers website is transitioning to a new format this week, so a lot of the jobs are not visible right now.

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