USMB Coffee Shop IV

Busy day today. I made a small dent cleaning the mess left by the partner, but every little bit feels better. I then spent the afternoon in my goat pen waiting for the arrival of some new kids. Two does = five kids because one doe had triplets! All babies were up and had eaten their first meal within their first hour of life. That's what I like to see. That's a total of 7 new kids. I still have two does with a potential of four more babies. I love Springtime. I'm also harvesting an average of four eggs a day! Woo-hoo! Fresh eggs and soon fresh milk, too.
You're healing! Looks like the vacation did you some good, and your herd is increasing. Hope all goes well with the kids. Oh, milk! I have to go to the store and get some. Glad you have a source for good protein and calcium, gallantwarrior!

Well, time to get my dancin' shoes on and get around to issues of survival. After my 6 months of travelling pneumonia due to a pneumonia shot, I had two whole days of reprieve till bronchitis set in. I have no idea how I got it, because my social life has been limited to going to WalMart, taking meals to my shut-in friend, and letting the cat out. lol. But it was pretty much over as of a couple of days ago, just a cough every couple of hours or so. That's so better than it was. And Texas warm weather is moving in at Walker County. I haven't walked fence since I got pneumonia, and through the trees, I can see there's a new neighbor's house that went up over the winter. If it doesn't rain, I'm going to get some boots and walk over there. So it's off to the store...
Have a nice day, B. Going to visit the new neighbors? That's a super nice thing to do, hope they turn out to be decent folk.
I won't be getting any milk for a month, or so. The kids get the first production of the season. I like to let the mom's nurse their kids for a while. The bonds they form do last a lifetime if you leave the young ones with their mothers. DeeDee, the doe who gave birth last night, is still with her mom, Stumpy (who will also have kids any time now). So I have a granny goat in the herd! It'll be super once all the ice is out and the mud dries up more. Right now, the place, really, it sucks your feet into the muck. You develop a strange gait in order to break the mud suction before lifting your foot. Otherwise, you might lose a boot and end up sock-deep in the mess.
You enjoy your day and I certainly hope that you will continue to mend.
Ran across this picture of Mount Fanjing, Guizhou, China. Amazing area and hauntingly beautiful. But I can't imagine anybody wanting to make that climb to get to the top.

It looks as though it has "eek" factor all the way up, and even more so when one crosses the bridge over the chasm between the two buildings on either spike. Aye-yi-yi-yi-yi-yi-yah!

For me going down would be scarier than going up. All those people on what looks like wooden stairs. I suppose it is structurally safe but would be hard for me to trust it.
Not being a fan of heights, I would rather wait at the café at the bottom for my friends to come back down.
Ran across this picture of Mount Fanjing, Guizhou, China. Amazing area and hauntingly beautiful. But I can't imagine anybody wanting to make that climb to get to the top.

Stairs? Back in the day I'd be looking for a way up without taking the stairs....... :thup:
Over the last month or so Giz has pretty much turned his nose up at wet cat food. He's eating the dry so at least he's eating.
This afternoon we had pork chops so I decided to give him one of the bones to see what he would do. Welp the little shit must be part dog, started licking the bone then started gnawing the meat and fat off of it........

Well wouldn't you rather have a pork chop instead of cat food? I mean really. (Our cats loved getting a pork bone now and then too though they should be fed pork sparingly because of the high fat and sodium content.)

Never heard of gormet cat food?
Okay, chemo canceled again for this week. Typical government bureaucracy, step one followed by step 2, 3, 4, 5, etc......... The didn't approve the recommended treatment because it's not the next treatment step......... I think the Doctor and hospital are working on reversing Medicaid's decision, we'll see.
Over the last month or so Giz has pretty much turned his nose up at wet cat food. He's eating the dry so at least he's eating.
This afternoon we had pork chops so I decided to give him one of the bones to see what he would do. Welp the little shit must be part dog, started licking the bone then started gnawing the meat and fat off of it........

Well wouldn't you rather have a pork chop instead of cat food? I mean really. (Our cats loved getting a pork bone now and then too though they should be fed pork sparingly because of the high fat and sodium content.)

Never heard of gormet cat food?
Over the last month or so Giz has pretty much turned his nose up at wet cat food. He's eating the dry so at least he's eating.
This afternoon we had pork chops so I decided to give him one of the bones to see what he would do. Welp the little shit must be part dog, started licking the bone then started gnawing the meat and fat off of it........

Well wouldn't you rather have a pork chop instead of cat food? I mean really. (Our cats loved getting a pork bone now and then too though they should be fed pork sparingly because of the high fat and sodium content.)

Never heard of gormet cat food?

Sure. But our cats would pass that up in a NY second to get a pork chop.
Okay, chemo canceled again for this week. Typical government bureaucracy, step one followed by step 2, 3, 4, 5, etc......... The didn't approve the recommended treatment because it's not the next treatment step......... I think the Doctor and hospital are working on reversing Medicaid's decision, we'll see.

I can empathize with you and your bride's dilemma... Fighting the government/medical bureaucracy requires a certain amount of finesse... You either have to be killing someone with kindness or putting a combat boot square up somewhere the sun don't shine... Best of luck and please give my best to the Mrs...
Okay, chemo canceled again for this week. Typical government bureaucracy, step one followed by step 2, 3, 4, 5, etc......... The didn't approve the recommended treatment because it's not the next treatment step......... I think the Doctor and hospital are working on reversing Medicaid's decision, we'll see.

So frustrating. But you can probably enjoy not making the drive again so soon maybe? That road between Vaughn and Roswell is about as much of 100 miles of nothing as you can find in a road. There is nothing to even look for except maybe an occasion pronghorn.

This was before they 4-laned it which does help:

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Okay, chemo canceled again for this week. Typical government bureaucracy, step one followed by step 2, 3, 4, 5, etc......... The didn't approve the recommended treatment because it's not the next treatment step......... I think the Doctor and hospital are working on reversing Medicaid's decision, we'll see.

So frustrating. But you can probably enjoy not making the drive again so soon maybe? That road between Vaughn and Roswell is about as much of 100 miles of nothing as you can find in a road. There is nothing to even look for except maybe an occasion pronghorn.

This was before they 4-laned it which does help:

Right now closing is scheduled for May 13...... Hope it's not a Friday.......:eusa_whistle:

Just made cheeseburgers and fries plus green beans for dinner........ If I wasn't so stuffed (or thirty years younger) I'd have seconds..... :thup:
Throwing together a 6 qt. Dutch Oven full of Dirty Rice... Modified somewhat from your average Dirty Rice recipe... Guaranteed I will eat way to much... I deserve it maybe... Went to Dr. yesterday and results of lab work was spot on for a man in my shape... Sugar was good (doesn't count that I take 2 different meds for Diabetes), Cholesterol was good (both good and bad numbers)… Had a little protein in my tinkle, this to will pass...

I know I have mentioned in the past that I had Hep C... Found out in 1999... Was told that I would die with it, maybe not from it but that there was no cure... Treated 3 different times for a total of 3 years on some really weird medicines in the early years (early 2000's) and to no avail the meds did not work... I just kind of give up and just started living life with the virus and figured I would go out with it...

Make a long 20 year story shorter, when negotiations were finalized and it was determined I was going to come back and live with my ex I looked up my old liver Doctor and become a patient again after being gone for 17 years... Well the wonders of modern day medicine was opened up to me and I tried one treatment that lasted 6 months when I first got here... Lot different than the treatments I had done in the early years... Just one capsule a day, no shots and side effects were minimal if any... Well the first one didn't work... This was the 4th time that I had failed... Well Some pretty young Nurse Practitioner talked me into trying one last treatment... After a 6 month regime of some drug I can't spell or say, the virus went away... I know longer have Hepatitis C. Now I still have stage 4 liver disease, but with a healthy life style (no alcohol) my liver can slowly regenerate... I don't expect to have a nice pink liver when I die, but at least I don't have some virus eating away at it like I have had for over 40 years...

Guess I just wanted to say Life is Good...
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Busy day today. I made a small dent cleaning the mess left by the partner, but every little bit feels better. I then spent the afternoon in my goat pen waiting for the arrival of some new kids. Two does = five kids because one doe had triplets! All babies were up and had eaten their first meal within their first hour of life. That's what I like to see. That's a total of 7 new kids. I still have two does with a potential of four more babies. I love Springtime. I'm also harvesting an average of four eggs a day! Woo-hoo! Fresh eggs and soon fresh milk, too.
You're healing! Looks like the vacation did you some good, and your herd is increasing. Hope all goes well with the kids. Oh, milk! I have to go to the store and get some. Glad you have a source for good protein and calcium, gallantwarrior!

Well, time to get my dancin' shoes on and get around to issues of survival. After my 6 months of travelling pneumonia due to a pneumonia shot, I had two whole days of reprieve till bronchitis set in. I have no idea how I got it, because my social life has been limited to going to WalMart, taking meals to my shut-in friend, and letting the cat out. lol. But it was pretty much over as of a couple of days ago, just a cough every couple of hours or so. That's so better than it was. And Texas warm weather is moving in at Walker County. I haven't walked fence since I got pneumonia, and through the trees, I can see there's a new neighbor's house that went up over the winter. If it doesn't rain, I'm going to get some boots and walk over there. So it's off to the store...
Have a nice day, B. Going to visit the new neighbors? That's a super nice thing to do, hope they turn out to be decent folk.
I won't be getting any milk for a month, or so. The kids get the first production of the season. I like to let the mom's nurse their kids for a while. The bonds they form do last a lifetime if you leave the young ones with their mothers. DeeDee, the doe who gave birth last night, is still with her mom, Stumpy (who will also have kids any time now). So I have a granny goat in the herd! It'll be super once all the ice is out and the mud dries up more. Right now, the place, really, it sucks your feet into the muck. You develop a strange gait in order to break the mud suction before lifting your foot. Otherwise, you might lose a boot and end up sock-deep in the mess.
You enjoy your day and I certainly hope that you will continue to mend.
Well, thanks for reminding me, gallantwarrior. When I left here, I was so tired I took a nap, woke up and remembered I was going to the store. lol The rain started and clouds are everywhere, It's getting dark, no chance that I can walk through the muck to see the neighbor's house now. I'm a little up in years, and walking through the field to the back fence is a rabbit-hole ordeal. My ol' feet and ankles can't take it, so I usually ride the lawn mower or tractor. The last time I took the tractor out back in the spring, it took 4 great big men, huge chains to somehow go around a tree and hoist the tractor up and out of about 20" of muck at the site of the seasonal creek. I guess I could always go and get the binoculars.... nah, no sense in invading people's privacy. Besides, every year the trees with leaves on them disclose less and less of the sights across the fence. It should be nice and dry by the middle of June, but nature makes no promises here except 1. "If ya don't like the weather, wait 10 minutes." Yeah, right. This year has seen more rain for the last 6 months, it's just unusual. Oh, and I did get to the store, remembered the boots when I was turning into the drive way. I thought, "Going back is not an option."
Okay, chemo canceled again for this week. Typical government bureaucracy, step one followed by step 2, 3, 4, 5, etc......... The didn't approve the recommended treatment because it's not the next treatment step......... I think the Doctor and hospital are working on reversing Medicaid's decision, we'll see.
Good luck for Ms. Ringel, hope she comes out ok. Maybe when the reprieve is up, they'll call with a new treatment that won't hurt so much. /wishful thinking, prolly, but I hope y'all beat the monster and live well when it's gone.
By the way the kitchen cabinets are in good physical shape but old and somewhat abused. I plan on refinishing the cabinets in turquoise.
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