USMB Coffee Shop IV

Been texting my real estate broker like crazy...... Kind of....... The Title Company sent an email with a link to register, okay, registered followed by a boatload of questions to answer...... Got to the one that asked for previous addresses.... for the last fourteen years..... I lost it, the government only goes back seven years for a top secret clearance. If the bank does not require Title Insurance on my VA loan then I may just use a real estate attorney because the VA doesn't require it.

When we were trying to get a VA loan on our last re-fi, we ran into the same problem with first Quicken and then USAA--question, after question, after question with lots of repetition. Finally went through our local bank and got it taken care of in a week with pretty much the same rate.
The VA doesn't require title insurance though the lender might so if the lender doesn't require it we'll most likely go the real estate attorney route and save some money. Honestly I'm still amazed at who incensed I still am, even fired off an nastygram to the title insurance company basically tell them their requirement is absurd and the possibility of using an attorney instead of their services if the situation allows.
I'm actually still pissed off.

Been the same place for over 25 years. I just go on the porch and check the address.
Been texting my real estate broker like crazy...... Kind of....... The Title Company sent an email with a link to register, okay, registered followed by a boatload of questions to answer...... Got to the one that asked for previous addresses.... for the last fourteen years..... I lost it, the government only goes back seven years for a top secret clearance. If the bank does not require Title Insurance on my VA loan then I may just use a real estate attorney because the VA doesn't require it.

When we were trying to get a VA loan on our last re-fi, we ran into the same problem with first Quicken and then USAA--question, after question, after question with lots of repetition. Finally went through our local bank and got it taken care of in a week with pretty much the same rate.
The VA doesn't require title insurance though the lender might so if the lender doesn't require it we'll most likely go the real estate attorney route and save some money. Honestly I'm still amazed at who incensed I still am, even fired off an nastygram to the title insurance company basically tell them their requirement is absurd and the possibility of using an attorney instead of their services if the situation allows.
I'm actually still pissed off.

Been the same place for over 25 years. I just go on the porch and check the address.
Eight different addresses for us in the last fourteen years.
Good night darlinks. I really do love you guys.
And we continue to pray and/or send good vibes and/or positive thoughts and/or keep vigil for:

Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
Rod, GW's partner,
Kat's sister,
Dana, Foxfyre's friend recovering from heart transplant
Strength and stamina for gallantwarrior in his relocation project,
Wellness for Foxfyre's sister and Hombre's sister
Saveliberty's mom for successful surgery and quick healing
TheLiq and family who need prayers and positive vibes now
Montrovant in difficult transition
Drifter for smooth sailing in her new job.
JustAnotherNut for strength and wisdom dealing with challenges.
Gracie & Mr. G in difficult transition and for positive trend to continue.
BigBlackDog aka BBD for healing and wellness
GallantWarrior for healing and wellness and solutions
Ringel for healing and Mrs. R facing serious health challenges in difficult transition
All those we love and care about who aren't on the list.

And we keep the porch light on so those who have been away can find their way back and we hope they do.

Springtime in Alabama:

Foxy, we took a similar picture on our recent vacation when we visited Bellingrath Gardens and Home. It was so beautiful. :)
Good night darlinks. I really do love you guys.
And we continue to pray and/or send good vibes and/or positive thoughts and/or keep vigil for:

Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
Rod, GW's partner,
Kat's sister,
Dana, Foxfyre's friend recovering from heart transplant
Strength and stamina for gallantwarrior in his relocation project,
Wellness for Foxfyre's sister and Hombre's sister
Saveliberty's mom for successful surgery and quick healing
TheLiq and family who need prayers and positive vibes now
Montrovant in difficult transition
Drifter for smooth sailing in her new job.
JustAnotherNut for strength and wisdom dealing with challenges.
Gracie & Mr. G in difficult transition and for positive trend to continue.
BigBlackDog aka BBD for healing and wellness
GallantWarrior for healing and wellness and solutions
Ringel for healing and Mrs. R facing serious health challenges in difficult transition
All those we love and care about who aren't on the list.

And we keep the porch light on so those who have been away can find their way back and we hope they do.

Springtime in Alabama:

Foxy, we took a similar picture on our recent vacation when we visited Bellingrath Gardens and Home. It was so beautiful. :)

I didn't look it up but that probably is Bellingrath Gardens?
Good night darlinks. I really do love you guys.
And we continue to pray and/or send good vibes and/or positive thoughts and/or keep vigil for:

Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
Rod, GW's partner,
Kat's sister,
Dana, Foxfyre's friend recovering from heart transplant
Strength and stamina for gallantwarrior in his relocation project,
Wellness for Foxfyre's sister and Hombre's sister
Saveliberty's mom for successful surgery and quick healing
TheLiq and family who need prayers and positive vibes now
Montrovant in difficult transition
Drifter for smooth sailing in her new job.
JustAnotherNut for strength and wisdom dealing with challenges.
Gracie & Mr. G in difficult transition and for positive trend to continue.
BigBlackDog aka BBD for healing and wellness
GallantWarrior for healing and wellness and solutions
Ringel for healing and Mrs. R facing serious health challenges in difficult transition
All those we love and care about who aren't on the list.

And we keep the porch light on so those who have been away can find their way back and we hope they do.

Springtime in Alabama:

Foxy, we took a similar picture on our recent vacation when we visited Bellingrath Gardens and Home. It was so beautiful. :)

I didn't look it up but that probably is Bellingrath Gardens?

Most definitely. :thup:
I cried. Partner was confused until I clarified that it was the actual Notre Dame Cathedral and not the university. Bugger actually cried too! What a tragedy. So much history and cultural consumed by the flames.

Absolutely heartbreaking. I'm so grateful that my son had the opportunity a few years ago to visit Europe and that location was on the tour.
I cried. Partner was confused until I clarified that it was the actual Notre Dame Cathedral and not the university. Bugger actually cried too! What a tragedy. So much history and cultural consumed by the flames.

Absolutely heartbreaking. I'm so grateful that my son had the opportunity a few years ago to visit Europe and that location was on the tour.
I visited many years ago. Notre Dame was breathtaking. How sad and tragic that it should be so simply destroyed, and all it represents, by fire. If my prophesies be true, I will die by fire.
Way back when I was a wee lad I read an article in National Geographic about Paris and particularly the cathedral of Notre Dame. I made a promise to myself then that, if I ever had the opportunity to see it for myself I would.

Thirty odd years ago I had a project in western West Germany. What a time that was. The Berlin Wall fell while I was there. My crew and I visited Prague. We spent a weekend in Switzerland. But one weekend, I kept my promise and visited Paris.

I drove across Alsace Lorraine and pulled into central Paris long after dark. I found the Champs d'elyssa and, of all things, a Burger King. My first meal in Paris was a Whopper and a Coke, the ugly American. I saw an American Legion post right there on the street. They recommended a clean, cheap hotel and I checked in.

Saturday morning dawned and I had a decidedly more Parisian meal of croissants, orange juice and stinky cheese. Then I bought ten tickets (dix, sil vous plait) for the Paris subway. I'm pretty good at cartography and soon divised the best route to the cathedral.

It was, in the parlance of today's youth, awesome. Literally awesome, as it truly inspired awe. My April morning at Notre Dame was not only fulfilling a childhood promise, but one of the most memorable days of my life.

There was a souvenir shop in the neighborhood on Isle Cite that sold reproductions of all the gargoyles on the cathedral. My little plaster cast gargoyle sits proudly on my bedroom bookcase right alongside a photograph I took of Notre Dame.

I'm so glad I had the chance to keep my promise. But I am so sorry for anyone who never got the chance to be there, and for those who were lucky enough to gaze on that magnificent facade everyday.
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Palm Sunday marked the first of two performances of the Easter Pageant on the Hillside (like us on Facebook). We kept the weather apps open on our phones because the weather guessers spoke of an 80% chance of severe thunderstorms. The performance was set to start at 6:00 pm. We met at what was Trinity Presbyterian Church but is now the East Liverpool Community and Learning Center. The costumes were donned and makeup was applied. Gallons of coffee, fruit punch and scores of ginger snaps were consumed. Incidentally, fruit punch and ginger snaps are the unofficial communion of Scottish-American Presbyterians.

There was a sparse crowd due to the looming storms rumbling in from the north and west. But they saw a great show! There were no noticeable mistakes and the pace of the Pageant was brisk and prompt.

At the last scene, Thomas doubts, Peter proclaims the empty tomb. Andrew bickers about the danger of the meeting so soon after the crucifixion. Then Christ appears before the stunned and amazed disciples. The apostles run from the room, down the slope and into the parking lot where the audience is seated. They proclaim the risen Christ and shout hosannas. Jesus moves to his right and stands triumphant atop the empty tomb, raising his arms and saying, 'Go therefore and proclaim the good news!'

That's when the skies opened, the winds blew and the weather guessers were proved correct.

I walked down the drive from the Learning Center and one block West down Anderson Boulevard to the driveway of the Luxurious Pimplebutt Estate. I punched in the code for the garage door opener and took shelter from the storm.

Next Saturday at 6:00 will be the last performance of the year. If you find yourself in the Crotch of the Tri-State area, do drop by and enjoy our Pageant.
Over the last month or so Giz has pretty much turned his nose up at wet cat food. He's eating the dry so at least he's eating.
This afternoon we had pork chops so I decided to give him one of the bones to see what he would do. Welp the little shit must be part dog, started licking the bone then started gnawing the meat and fat off of it........

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