USMB Coffee Shop IV

Yesterday morning I woke up early after about 6 hours sleep and feeling exhausted, noticed that at some point during the night the hose to my Cpap mask had disconnected. Was pretty much wasted all day due to that.
Last night I went to bed around 11PM, normally I check all the doors before I go to bed but this time was just too tired. Woke up this morning and it was cold in the house, got to the kitchen and could see light in the laundry room that has no windows....... Apparently I had not closed the back door enough to latch it last time I was out and the wind had blown it open sometime during the night. Thankfully no sight of any nocturnal visitors either two or four legged and amazingly Giz was in his usual spot in the window however I have no doubt he spent much of the night outside depending on when the door blew open.
My mask stayed connected and I slept until 9:30 this morning, feeling pretty good. :thup:
I'm moved in at my friends' house. I still have some boxes to unpack or find a place to store them, but I've got both of my desks and my PCs set up, my clothes are all put away, and my room is pretty much set up the way I expect it to stay while I'm here.

I did some cleaning today, applied to another postal job, and I'm getting ready to go look for a few more jobs to put in applications for. I also ordered a couple of wireless USB adapters, as the room I'm in is not wired for internet. I only have 1 wireless adapter, and it's fairly old, but still working decently well. I should get 1 today for my gaming PC, and another on Wednesday for my media PC.

I didn't see the little one on Easter, as it's an hour+ drive from here to their new house, so we both were sad about that. We had put Skype on her phone, but she said something went wrong with that, so she wants me to use Google Duo. Unfortunately, that doesn't seem to have a PC version, just one that you use through your browser. I'm not thrilled with that, I'll have to see if I can walk her through getting Skype going again or figure out what to do with Duo.

I still find myself feeling pretty unhappy about the situation. It's going to be hard not having the little one around all the time, and although they've said multiple times that I'm welcome here for as long as I need, I feel like I'm taking advantage of my friends' generosity. Maybe things will get somewhat better when I get another job. :dunno:
Sorry I have been MIA. Not sure where to start, so I guess I will briefly tell y'all whats going on.

Day cig. I think I have pneumonia. Been sick the past week, after Anne moved out. Couldn't inhale air, much less a cig. I get better, I know I will fall back again and light Thursday, I see my doc to get the results of my chest xray, AND to get the Chantix. I am determined to quit and know I will need it to help me do it.

As I stated..Anne is gone. And the chickens. And the dog. And the cats. And all her stuff. Its like she was just a figment of my imagination. Not one thing is left to show she even existed. She doesn't call, either. Or text. I guess out of sight, out of mind? I miss her. I miss Casey, the dog. But she has a new life now with her boyfriend in their new house.....and MrG and I are here waiting for our new life to start as well. I figure my life has come and gone in stages. Currently..I am waiting for Stage 7 to begin. Or end. Whatever the case may be. It's kind of an empty life. No drama. No security either. No sure fire thing. Just....floating along aimlessly, waiting for the dreaded proverbial shoe to drop again.

Two weeks ago....a house was to be ours as a life estate. One week went bye bye along with my friend Anne. So nothing is a sure thing for us anymore and hasnt been for a few years now.

Anyway....I'm still hanging on and I don't like being Debbie Downer so....y'all take care and I will pop in again when I can.

I'm moved in at my friends' house. I still have some boxes to unpack or find a place to store them, but I've got both of my desks and my PCs set up, my clothes are all put away, and my room is pretty much set up the way I expect it to stay while I'm here.

I did some cleaning today, applied to another postal job, and I'm getting ready to go look for a few more jobs to put in applications for. I also ordered a couple of wireless USB adapters, as the room I'm in is not wired for internet. I only have 1 wireless adapter, and it's fairly old, but still working decently well. I should get 1 today for my gaming PC, and another on Wednesday for my media PC.

I didn't see the little one on Easter, as it's an hour+ drive from here to their new house, so we both were sad about that. We had put Skype on her phone, but she said something went wrong with that, so she wants me to use Google Duo. Unfortunately, that doesn't seem to have a PC version, just one that you use through your browser. I'm not thrilled with that, I'll have to see if I can walk her through getting Skype going again or figure out what to do with Duo.

I still find myself feeling pretty unhappy about the situation. It's going to be hard not having the little one around all the time, and although they've said multiple times that I'm welcome here for as long as I need, I feel like I'm taking advantage of my friends' generosity. Maybe things will get somewhat better when I get another job. :dunno:
You are probably lonely, missing the little one. It's almost like being a parent and having your child move away from home for the first time. You never really get used to them being gone, but you adjust. Glad to know you are settling in well, though.
Sorry I have been MIA. Not sure where to start, so I guess I will briefly tell y'all whats going on.

Day cig. I think I have pneumonia. Been sick the past week, after Anne moved out. Couldn't inhale air, much less a cig. I get better, I know I will fall back again and light Thursday, I see my doc to get the results of my chest xray, AND to get the Chantix. I am determined to quit and know I will need it to help me do it.

As I stated..Anne is gone. And the chickens. And the dog. And the cats. And all her stuff. Its like she was just a figment of my imagination. Not one thing is left to show she even existed. She doesn't call, either. Or text. I guess out of sight, out of mind? I miss her. I miss Casey, the dog. But she has a new life now with her boyfriend in their new house.....and MrG and I are here waiting for our new life to start as well. I figure my life has come and gone in stages. Currently..I am waiting for Stage 7 to begin. Or end. Whatever the case may be. It's kind of an empty life. No drama. No security either. No sure fire thing. Just....floating along aimlessly, waiting for the dreaded proverbial shoe to drop again.

Two weeks ago....a house was to be ours as a life estate. One week went bye bye along with my friend Anne. So nothing is a sure thing for us anymore and hasnt been for a few years now.

Anyway....I'm still hanging on and I don't like being Debbie Downer so....y'all take care and I will pop in again when I can.

While not a palace, you would always be welcome here. I'd make sure to keep you guys warm at least. I hate to know you guys are in such dire straights and I am unable to do anything to help. It is good to see you here again. Luvs ya, sister!
Sorry I have been MIA. Not sure where to start, so I guess I will briefly tell y'all whats going on.

Day cig. I think I have pneumonia. Been sick the past week, after Anne moved out. Couldn't inhale air, much less a cig. I get better, I know I will fall back again and light Thursday, I see my doc to get the results of my chest xray, AND to get the Chantix. I am determined to quit and know I will need it to help me do it.

As I stated..Anne is gone. And the chickens. And the dog. And the cats. And all her stuff. Its like she was just a figment of my imagination. Not one thing is left to show she even existed. She doesn't call, either. Or text. I guess out of sight, out of mind? I miss her. I miss Casey, the dog. But she has a new life now with her boyfriend in their new house.....and MrG and I are here waiting for our new life to start as well. I figure my life has come and gone in stages. Currently..I am waiting for Stage 7 to begin. Or end. Whatever the case may be. It's kind of an empty life. No drama. No security either. No sure fire thing. Just....floating along aimlessly, waiting for the dreaded proverbial shoe to drop again.

Two weeks ago....a house was to be ours as a life estate. One week went bye bye along with my friend Anne. So nothing is a sure thing for us anymore and hasnt been for a few years now.

Anyway....I'm still hanging on and I don't like being Debbie Downer so....y'all take care and I will pop in again when I can.

Prays up for you and MrG
Sorry I have been MIA. Not sure where to start, so I guess I will briefly tell y'all whats going on.

Day cig. I think I have pneumonia. Been sick the past week, after Anne moved out. Couldn't inhale air, much less a cig. I get better, I know I will fall back again and light Thursday, I see my doc to get the results of my chest xray, AND to get the Chantix. I am determined to quit and know I will need it to help me do it.

As I stated..Anne is gone. And the chickens. And the dog. And the cats. And all her stuff. Its like she was just a figment of my imagination. Not one thing is left to show she even existed. She doesn't call, either. Or text. I guess out of sight, out of mind? I miss her. I miss Casey, the dog. But she has a new life now with her boyfriend in their new house.....and MrG and I are here waiting for our new life to start as well. I figure my life has come and gone in stages. Currently..I am waiting for Stage 7 to begin. Or end. Whatever the case may be. It's kind of an empty life. No drama. No security either. No sure fire thing. Just....floating along aimlessly, waiting for the dreaded proverbial shoe to drop again.

Two weeks ago....a house was to be ours as a life estate. One week went bye bye along with my friend Anne. So nothing is a sure thing for us anymore and hasnt been for a few years now.

Anyway....I'm still hanging on and I don't like being Debbie Downer so....y'all take care and I will pop in again when I can.


We've all wondered how you're doing Gracie. And my prayer is that you are able to find happiness somewhere whether that is what you know you want or maybe something that never occurred to you. Hope you will let us know how it is going from time to time.
I'm moved in at my friends' house. I still have some boxes to unpack or find a place to store them, but I've got both of my desks and my PCs set up, my clothes are all put away, and my room is pretty much set up the way I expect it to stay while I'm here.

I did some cleaning today, applied to another postal job, and I'm getting ready to go look for a few more jobs to put in applications for. I also ordered a couple of wireless USB adapters, as the room I'm in is not wired for internet. I only have 1 wireless adapter, and it's fairly old, but still working decently well. I should get 1 today for my gaming PC, and another on Wednesday for my media PC.

I didn't see the little one on Easter, as it's an hour+ drive from here to their new house, so we both were sad about that. We had put Skype on her phone, but she said something went wrong with that, so she wants me to use Google Duo. Unfortunately, that doesn't seem to have a PC version, just one that you use through your browser. I'm not thrilled with that, I'll have to see if I can walk her through getting Skype going again or figure out what to do with Duo.

I still find myself feeling pretty unhappy about the situation. It's going to be hard not having the little one around all the time, and although they've said multiple times that I'm welcome here for as long as I need, I feel like I'm taking advantage of my friends' generosity. Maybe things will get somewhat better when I get another job. :dunno:

You are definitely suffering from the empty nest syndrome but it is better than never having loved somebody and experienced it. :)

As for feeling like a moocher, find some way to make yourself useful in ways that will truly be appreciated by your hosts. They wouldn't have offered the space if they didn't want you. So allow yourself to be loved. :)
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Back to give you the depressing news that FEMA now wants their money back they gave us. Said Anne got money for her house via her

I said "yeah. It was HER HOUSE. MY STUFF was not covered in HER insuranjce". So now...we have to appeal their demand for repayment. Like...its gone. Wtf????
Back to give you the depressing news that FEMA now wants their money back they gave us. Said Anne got money for her house via her

I said "yeah. It was HER HOUSE. MY STUFF was not covered in HER insuranjce". So now...we have to appeal their demand for repayment. Like...its gone. Wtf????
Holy shit! They pass out money left and right to anyone and everyone. I'd tell them to come and get it. What the hell do they think they'll take to cover their "losses"? Blood from a rock, Gracie. They're still up here begging people to file for that earthquake in November.
I'm still trying to figure out how people managed to survive natural disasters before the federal government started paying them off...
Back to give you the depressing news that FEMA now wants their money back they gave us. Said Anne got money for her house via her

I said "yeah. It was HER HOUSE. MY STUFF was not covered in HER insuranjce". So now...we have to appeal their demand for repayment. Like...its gone. Wtf????

Go to Legal Aid or get whatever assistance is available there. You definitely should be able to fight that. That's nuts.
Got some good news this morning, Medicaid reversed it's decision and we're back on for this week with the chemo the doc wanted.

Well it's hard to be happy that one of our own is getting chemo, but all in all, sometimes things work out like they are supposed to.
Back to give you the depressing news that FEMA now wants their money back they gave us. Said Anne got money for her house via her

I said "yeah. It was HER HOUSE. MY STUFF was not covered in HER insuranjce". So now...we have to appeal their demand for repayment. Like...its gone. Wtf????
Holy shit! They pass out money left and right to anyone and everyone. I'd tell them to come and get it. What the hell do they think they'll take to cover their "losses"? Blood from a rock, Gracie. They're still up here begging people to file for that earthquake in November.
I'm still trying to figure out how people managed to survive natural disasters before the federal government started paying them off...
Our wonderful government bureaucracy at work........
Got a good rain in Albuquerque late this afternoon with the possibility of more to come. That's a good thing. Except our northern mountains are under winter storm warnings and getting snow which will be a problem if it warms and rains on top of it, so the middle strip of the state is also under flood watches including Ringel's area. And suddenly we are in the mid 40's and it is winter time again after shirtsleeve weather most of the day. Just a normal spring day in Albuquerque. :)

Good night darlinks. I really do love you guys.
And we continue to pray and/or send good vibes and/or positive thoughts and/or keep vigil for:

Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
Rod, GW's partner,
Kat's sister,
Dana, Foxfyre's friend recovering from heart transplant
Strength and stamina for gallantwarrior in his relocation project,
Wellness for Foxfyre's sister and Hombre's sister
Saveliberty's mom for successful surgery and quick healing
TheLiq and family who need prayers and positive vibes now
Montrovant in difficult transition
Drifter for smooth sailing in her new job.
JustAnotherNut for strength and wisdom dealing with challenges.
Gracie & Mr. G in difficult transition and for positive trend to continue.
BigBlackDog aka BBD for healing and wellness
GallantWarrior for healing and wellness and solutions
Ringel for healing and Mrs. R facing serious health challenges in difficult transition
All those we love and care about who aren't on the list.

And we keep the porch light on so those who have been away can find their way back and we hope they do.

This spring picture is significant. . . just because :)
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BTW, here's front pictures of the house we're buying.


Where's the greenery? Maybe you could paint your gravel?
Greenery? Greenery? Nope, have no clue what that is. :dunno:
An anecdote: My parents lived in Carson City for many years after Dad retired. Sage brush provided the greenest scenery around. When they came to visit my in Alaska, my mother was awed by the green. Guess you don't know what you miss until you see again? I can certainly see the attraction of not having to mow a lawn or water the garden, but don't you have to weed your rocks occasionally? Oh, and bushes under the windows is considered a fire hazard up here. It's like a direct path for a wildfire to invade your house. Again, though, with a yard full of gravel, I don't suppose one needs worry about the approach of a fire...

Yes wildfires in the city aren't an issue. Out where we lived on he mountain though, we would agree on not having shrubbery or brush near the house.
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In my opinion not the best song list of the 1970's that produced some timeless melodies and lyrics.

The No. 1 best seller of the 1970's was "Bohemian Rhapsody" by Queen. I love it, but not my favorite either.

If I had to pick a favorite from the 1970's it would be this one:
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We are running last minute doctor's appointments--my eye appointment, Hombre's appointment, and leaving now to go get Aunt Betty to take her to her appointment. Then packing tomorrow and early Wednesday we are off to Arkansas for most of a week.
Ar Kansas eh...... :eusa_whistle:


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