USMB Coffee Shop IV

Blondie finally came thru with a text. I thought her timing couldn't have been worse because wife had agreed to marriage counseling. She only wanted to text, not talk which made me a little suspicious so I asked her to tell me something only she would know about us. That rattled her a little and she listed most of the gifts I'd given her, quite a bit of our history, couple things I had forgotten, and ended by asking if remembered her at all. Told her she was unforgettable but she didnt know if that was a compliment or not. She invited me to her place, I demurred until she assured me she only wanted to catch up, not date. We met at a restaurant last night and when I saw her I was shocked. Just wanted to break down and cry and ask, My god Cindy what has life done to you? I didnt recognize her. The girl I knew who is still one of the most beautiful I've ever seen was a frail old lady who looked like she was 80 but is 61. I sat down, smiled, and we talked to midnight. Didnt want to pry too much so I dont know if she has a medical condition to heap onto the unfortunate passing of two husbands who couldn't give her any children among other things. Her sisters are in town. They seem close but I dont know how often she sees them. Got home texted her goodnite and I was so glad we met. Probably will meet again, try to establish if there is anything I can do to comfort her.

She's no threat to wife and I's marriage so dont know if I should tell her now or wait to after counselling is wrapped up month from now,

IMO don't do that to your wife MOTS. Regardless of how an old girlfriend now looks, it cannot help but trigger insecurities and arouse suspicions. No matter how innocent, it will feel like betrayal. If you meet with Blondie again, do it with the understanding that she is meeting with you and your wife. But my gut tells me you should break it off. Your first duty is to your marriage.
She sees and talks to the guy I displaced every yr. She does his taxes. I have never made an issue of it, They are just friends now as would be the case with Cindy and I ...nothing more

Trust me on this. Especially when the relationship is going through a period of adjustment and regrouping, don't think your wife will see it as you do. And should she find out, it will hurt her greatly. I believe you are absolutely sincere and a good guy. But if you value your marriage, do not meet with this woman without your wife again. And even then you could be in the awkward position of having to explain why you did so in secret the first time.
Any women that would see her and react with anything but compassion.....I dont know if that's worth continuing
Blondie finally came thru with a text. I thought her timing couldn't have been worse because wife had agreed to marriage counseling. She only wanted to text, not talk which made me a little suspicious so I asked her to tell me something only she would know about us. That rattled her a little and she listed most of the gifts I'd given her, quite a bit of our history, couple things I had forgotten, and ended by asking if remembered her at all. Told her she was unforgettable but she didnt know if that was a compliment or not. She invited me to her place, I demurred until she assured me she only wanted to catch up, not date. We met at a restaurant last night and when I saw her I was shocked. Just wanted to break down and cry and ask, My god Cindy what has life done to you? I didnt recognize her. The girl I knew who is still one of the most beautiful I've ever seen was a frail old lady who looked like she was 80 but is 61. I sat down, smiled, and we talked to midnight. Didnt want to pry too much so I dont know if she has a medical condition to heap onto the unfortunate passing of two husbands who couldn't give her any children among other things. Her sisters are in town. They seem close but I dont know how often she sees them. Got home texted her goodnite and I was so glad we met. Probably will meet again, try to establish if there is anything I can do to comfort her.

She's no threat to wife and I's marriage so dont know if I should tell her now or wait to after counselling is wrapped up month from now,

IMO don't do that to your wife MOTS. Regardless of how an old girlfriend now looks, it cannot help but trigger insecurities and arouse suspicions. No matter how innocent, it will feel like betrayal. If you meet with Blondie again, do it with the understanding that she is meeting with you and your wife. But my gut tells me you should break it off. Your first duty is to your marriage.
She sees and talks to the guy I displaced every yr. She does his taxes. I have never made an issue of it, They are just friends now as would be the case with Cindy and I ...nothing more

Trust me on this. Especially when the relationship is going through a period of adjustment and regrouping, don't think your wife will see it as you do. And should she find out, it will hurt her greatly. I believe you are absolutely sincere and a good guy. But if you value your marriage, do not meet with this woman without your wife again. And even then you could be in the awkward position of having to explain why you did so in secret the first time.
Any women that would see her and react with anything but compassion.....I dont know if that's worth continuing

It isn't a matter of the other woman really. It's that you consider the feelings of your wife. But regardless, you are you, I'm not there, so whatever my thoughts they come from pure gut instincts and perceptions and not from any first hand knowledge of the actual situation. So you'll do what's right I'm sure.
Okay, got the word last night, closing next Thursday at 10am. The wife wants to leave Thursday morning but that means being out of the house by 6 to 6:30 at the latest to make sure we'll be there by 10. I'll be loading a 6' X 8' trailer so I just might be tired enough to go to bed early on Wednesday........ Mostly what we will do is clean and paint walls and ceilings so it's associated tools plus a few necessities we'll be hauling as well as some other things.
We also made it home fine this afternoon from the chemo treatment in Albuquerque, I'm soooooo looking forward to not having to do that drive once we finally get moved in to the new house.
Seems that things are working out for you, even if they aren't necessarily working to your schedule. I'm sure it will be much nicer when your wife (and you) don't have to travel to far for her treatments. I hope treatment is working out for her.
Blondie finally came thru with a text. I thought her timing couldn't have been worse because wife had agreed to marriage counseling. She only wanted to text, not talk which made me a little suspicious so I asked her to tell me something only she would know about us. That rattled her a little and she listed most of the gifts I'd given her, quite a bit of our history, couple things I had forgotten, and ended by asking if remembered her at all. Told her she was unforgettable but she didnt know if that was a compliment or not. She invited me to her place, I demurred until she assured me she only wanted to catch up, not date. We met at a restaurant last night and when I saw her I was shocked. Just wanted to break down and cry and ask, My god Cindy what has life done to you? I didnt recognize her. The girl I knew who is still one of the most beautiful I've ever seen was a frail old lady who looked like she was 80 but is 61. I sat down, smiled, and we talked to midnight. Didnt want to pry too much so I dont know if she has a medical condition to heap onto the unfortunate passing of two husbands who couldn't give her any children among other things. Her sisters are in town. They seem close but I dont know how often she sees them. Got home texted her goodnite and I was so glad we met. Probably will meet again, try to establish if there is anything I can do to comfort her.

She's no threat to wife and I's marriage so dont know if I should tell her now or wait to after counselling is wrapped up month from now,
Make your decision. It's like you're keeping a batter in the box, waiting to see how your current hitter works out. If you don't think things will work out with Cindy, be nice but be fair and direct. Tell her you want to wait to see how the counseling goes with the wife. That let's Cindy decide for herself. The wife deserves no less as well.
Blondie finally came thru with a text. I thought her timing couldn't have been worse because wife had agreed to marriage counseling. She only wanted to text, not talk which made me a little suspicious so I asked her to tell me something only she would know about us. That rattled her a little and she listed most of the gifts I'd given her, quite a bit of our history, couple things I had forgotten, and ended by asking if remembered her at all. Told her she was unforgettable but she didnt know if that was a compliment or not. She invited me to her place, I demurred until she assured me she only wanted to catch up, not date. We met at a restaurant last night and when I saw her I was shocked. Just wanted to break down and cry and ask, My god Cindy what has life done to you? I didnt recognize her. The girl I knew who is still one of the most beautiful I've ever seen was a frail old lady who looked like she was 80 but is 61. I sat down, smiled, and we talked to midnight. Didnt want to pry too much so I dont know if she has a medical condition to heap onto the unfortunate passing of two husbands who couldn't give her any children among other things. Her sisters are in town. They seem close but I dont know how often she sees them. Got home texted her goodnite and I was so glad we met. Probably will meet again, try to establish if there is anything I can do to comfort her.

She's no threat to wife and I's marriage so dont know if I should tell her now or wait to after counselling is wrapped up month from now,
Make your decision. It's like you're keeping a batter in the box, waiting to see how your current hitter works out. If you don't think things will work out with Cindy, be nice but be fair and direct. Tell her you want to wait to see how the counseling goes with the wife. That let's Cindy decide for herself. The wife deserves no less as well.
No I'm not...go back and read
Good night darlinks. I really do love you guys.
And we continue to pray and/or send good vibes and/or positive thoughts and/or keep vigil for:

Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
Rod, GW's partner,
Kat's sister,
Dana, Foxfyre's friend recovering from heart transplant
Strength and stamina for gallantwarrior in his relocation project,
Wellness for Foxfyre's sister and Hombre's sister
Saveliberty's mom for successful surgery and quick healing
TheLiq and family who need prayers and positive vibes now
Montrovant in difficult transition
Drifter for smooth sailing in her new job.
JustAnotherNut for strength and wisdom dealing with challenges.
Gracie & Mr. G in difficult transition and for positive trend to continue.
BigBlackDog aka BBD for healing and wellness
GallantWarrior for pain relief and healing,
Ringel for healing and Mrs. R facing serious health challenges in difficult transition
All those we love and care about who aren't on the list.

And we keep the porch light on so those who have been away can find their way back and we hope they do.

Last night and tonight is the May flower full moon.
Our friends and family in the Texas Panhandle, Oklahoma, Arkansas, and Kansas are all under severe thunderstorm and flash flood watches with possible dangerous tornadoes today. So our friends in Kansas just posted this image from the Weather Channel that I presume has corrected it by now?

Our friends and family in the Texas Panhandle, Oklahoma, Arkansas, and Kansas are all under severe thunderstorm and flash flood watches with possible dangerous tornadoes today. So our friends in Kansas just posted this image from the Weather Channel that I presume has corrected it by now?


As a former resident of Kansas, it does give a whole new context of 'you aren't in Kansas anymore.' :)
Our friends and family in the Texas Panhandle, Oklahoma, Arkansas, and Kansas are all under severe thunderstorm and flash flood watches with possible dangerous tornadoes today. So our friends in Kansas just posted this image from the Weather Channel that I presume has corrected it by now?


As a former resident of Kansas, it does give a whole new context of 'you aren't in Kansas anymore.' :)
You kinda know the risks when moving to most any area in this nation. Tornados on the Prairie hurricanes along the coasts. Earthquakes, droughts, fire and flood.

People are resilient, praise God. They grow quickly aware to disaster resistant shelter. I know of some houses here that endure flash flooding nearly every year. Gas forced air furnaces in these homes are suspended from the ceiling joists in the basement. Nothing touches the floor.

I've seen YouTube videos of tornado shelters, hurricane shelters. I've lived through two hurricanes and that's two too many. I hope they serve their occupants well in times of peril from nature.
Hello, y'all!
It's been a bit since I posted but I have been following things in the CS.
It's greened up splendidly here. The last few days we've had actual thunderstorms blowing through. Thunderstorms are usually rare.
This is the first weekend in forever that my partner decided to stay in town instead of come out here. It's quiet and I get a lot more done when I don't have to deal with him. Tomorrow I want to get down to the lower goat pen, clean up the mess left from the puppy, fix some fencing. I've been dragging tarps out of the muck and spreading them out to dry before folding and stacking them. Again, the partner usually just leaves things like tarps laying around. I've also been gathering tools and materials left out from his last project. A friend of mine came over yesterday and I saw this place through someone else's eyes and it's a total mess. Junk cars, trash, old wood, slash, and all manner of detritus strewn everywhere. I have to get a handle on the mess before hip surgery.
I've also discovered that the Honda generator can run almost 24 hours! That's pretty impressive.
But I'm rambling right now. Too much to think about, too many projects to try to finish.
Take care and be happy.
I took advantage of the Learning Center's theater tonight. My brother and my oldest friend (we were in Cub Scouts together) watched an Al Pacino movie from 1980.

Then I cruised downtown to the Hot Dog Shoppe. Ya know it's classy when they throw in that extra P and E. It's no secret that the fall of industry from the mid 70's through today. And shuttered plants and mills make shuttered downtowns.

But there are little green sprouts in the downtown business district. There is a great trade school in what once was Olgilvie's Department Store. Young folks from miles around attend state of the art classes in welding, CNC and 3 D printing, commercial driving and pipefittimg. By the way, we are atop the Marcellus shale formation. When you hear 'fracking', think of East Liverpool.

Right across Washington Street where a dry cleaner did business before the computer repair shop bought them out. The computer repair shop moved out to the Township and out of the city. Anyway, a new coffee shop, that's right, the official East Liverpool venue for any Coffee Shoppers mosey through the valley.

What was the East Liverpool High School is now a branch of Kent State University. The campus consists of the old Main Building, the gymnasium building that is now the downtown YMCA, the Mary Patterson Building that houses students and has great ,eeting rooms and programs.

Hissom Roofing is renovating the Carnegie Library right mext door to the 'Mary Pat'. The same firm milled, fitted, intsalled and finish the magnificent woodwork in the Central Clocktower building.

I found myself on my little inspection of the downtown buildings talking it over with a fellow East Liverpudlian. I heard myself say, "You should have seen this town fifty years ago." Quoting my grandfather verbatim. Mom, but especially Pop was sentimentally attached to the town they saw begin to die.

Their East Liverpool was in the hay day, the salad days and whatever other plant life you want a day for. The War was over. The war resulted in a lot of broken dishes. I don't intend to sound flippant about war, but at the bottom of all those statistics and ledgers, somewhere broken china is factored in.

So everyone was working, the potteries were running three shifts. The steel mill was pumping 4,000 paychecks into the local economy. And there were two coal fired and one nuclear power plants that can be seen at once from a point up in Riverview Cemetery.

Times were good and a bus service replaced a trolley service. Five movie theaters in town. Shoppers three abreast on any Saturday and Thursday night until 8:00.

Well, pull the rug out from everything by closing the mills and plants means pulling the rug from under whole communities. It's actually harder to find active storefronts downtown than vacant windows.

You should have seen it fifty years ago. But it's great to see those sprouts!
Our friends and family in the Texas Panhandle, Oklahoma, Arkansas, and Kansas are all under severe thunderstorm and flash flood watches with possible dangerous tornadoes today. So our friends in Kansas just posted this image from the Weather Channel that I presume has corrected it by now?


As a former resident of Kansas, it does give a whole new context of 'you aren't in Kansas anymore.' :)
You kinda know the risks when moving to most any area in this nation. Tornados on the Prairie hurricanes along the coasts. Earthquakes, droughts, fire and flood.

People are resilient, praise God. They grow quickly aware to disaster resistant shelter. I know of some houses here that endure flash flooding nearly every year. Gas forced air furnaces in these homes are suspended from the ceiling joists in the basement. Nothing touches the floor.

I've seen YouTube videos of tornado shelters, hurricane shelters. I've lived through two hurricanes and that's two too many. I hope they serve their occupants well in times of peril from nature.

True. Kansas is a state that has tornado shelters here and there on the major highways so those caught in bad storms on the road have somewher to go. And people who live in country like that do learn the drills, the do's and don'ts and how best to protect themselves as best they can. That's why the death tolls do not go much higher.

The most remarkable thing on that severe weather map, however, is that there is no Kansas. :)
Good night darlinks. I really do love you guys. And it was good hearing from Ernie tonight.

And we continue to pray and/or send good vibes and/or positive thoughts and/or keep vigil for:

Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
Rod, GW's partner,
Kat's sister,
Dana, Foxfyre's friend recovering from heart transplant
Strength and stamina for gallantwarrior in his relocation project,
Wellness for Foxfyre's sister and Hombre's sister
Saveliberty's mom for successful surgery and quick healing
TheLiq and family who need prayers and positive vibes now
Montrovant in difficult transition
Drifter for smooth sailing in her new job.
JustAnotherNut for strength and wisdom dealing with challenges.
Gracie & Mr. G in difficult transition and for positive trend to continue.
BigBlackDog aka BBD for healing and wellness
GallantWarrior for pain relief and healing,
Ringel for healing and Mrs. R facing serious health challenges in difficult transition
All those we love and care about who aren't on the list.

And we keep the porch light on so those who have been away can find their way back and we hope they do.

Butchart Gardens, Victoria, Canada!!!

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