USMB Coffee Shop IV

Does anyone else have a cat that likes to lay on your keyboard...when you're using it?

Ha ! your cat's a dummy. My bird used to tap on the keyboard with her beak, trying to type.
Does anyone else have a cat that likes to lay on your keyboard...when you're using it?
View attachment 261829

Ha ! your cat's a dummy. My bird used to tap on the keyboard with her beak, trying to type.

The cat would just say she is being practical. How else to get attention and a nap at the same time? :)

Our Tom cat used to poke at the keys of my typewriter too--the click fascinated him. And both cats loved to walk up and down on the piano keys.

The coach called one of his 9-year-old baseball players aside and asked, "Do you understand what co-operation is? What a team is?" "Yes, coach", replied the boy.... "Do you understand that what matters is we win or lose as a team?" The boy nodded in yes. The coach continued, "I'm sure you know, when an out is called, you shouldn't argue, curse, attack the umpire, or call him a pecker-head, jerk-face or a-hole. Do you understand all that?" Again, the boy nodded yes. And when I take you out of the game so that another boy gets a chance to play, it's not good sportsmanship to call your coach a dumb ass or shithead is it?" "No, coach. "Good," said the coach, "Now go over there and explain all that to your Grandmother"!
Michael Martin Murphey was a native Texan who grew up and started his career there before moving it to California. But he had a residence in New Mexico and a special love for our state and we claimed him as a New Mexican in heart and soul.

Our nephew just posted this rendition of one of his greatest hits: "Wildfire" It is much more than the piano solo that starts it off. Enjoy

Does anyone else have a cat that likes to lay on your keyboard...when you're using it?
View attachment 261829

Ha ! your cat's a dummy. My bird used to tap on the keyboard with her beak, trying to type.
This particular cat is a bit dimwitted. She's pretty old and wobbly, like she's got Parkinson's. She's also lost most of her teeth. Mostly she likes to lay next to my hand and arm while I work at the laptop and her sprawl usually includes the key board. It's a pain in the butt, too. She used to come out and follow me while I did chores but I'm afraid that now she'll get lost and not find her way back. If she's out at all I am with her.
I have never had birds because I have always had cats. An aunt of mine had over a 100 birds at one time. She had little button quail in her aviary, peachy faced love birds, all kinds of parrots, parakeets, and other birds of that type. Her prized pet was a hyacinth macaw. Her place was always noisy. Oh, and the birds did not seem to like me much. One of the love birds would go into full aggressive display any time I walked past their cage.
Well at least we know Ernie is alive... He was pretty buggered up for awhile if my remember is working properly... Who knows, maybe he cut his hair and started a church or sumthin...
Well at least we know Ernie is alive... He was pretty buggered up for awhile if my remember is working properly... Who knows, maybe he cut his hair and started a church or sumthin...

Well he might have attended a church, but I can't imagine he cut his hair. He wouldn't look like Ernie. :)
I've gone from not getting any hits for jobs to almost feeling like I'm getting too many.

I've started working at a print place through a staffing company. It's not hard work; mostly it's pretty repetitive stuff, but I've done well enough with it, and the job is location very close to where I'm living. I had an interview yesterday for a data entry job, although the person ended up not being there when I arrived, which was annoying. I have another interview today for a position with a healthcare company doing clerical work. I also got a call this morning from a different staffing company about an assembly position. I'll probably be calling them back later to tell them no, since I've got the work already started at the print shop. Of course, I feel as if I'm being rude by not taking the job from the second staffing company after I told them I was interested, but I'm sure I'll get over it. :p

I'll see how the interview goes today. It's for a job farther away, but it pays a bit more, and I like that it's in the medical field, since I did get my associate's in healthcare. Otherwise, I may limit myself to applying to particularly good sounding opportunities until/unless this print job ends. I didn't really miss having a normal, clock in to work kind of job. :lol:
I've gone from not getting any hits for jobs to almost feeling like I'm getting too many.

I've started working at a print place through a staffing company. It's not hard work; mostly it's pretty repetitive stuff, but I've done well enough with it, and the job is location very close to where I'm living. I had an interview yesterday for a data entry job, although the person ended up not being there when I arrived, which was annoying. I have another interview today for a position with a healthcare company doing clerical work. I also got a call this morning from a different staffing company about an assembly position. I'll probably be calling them back later to tell them no, since I've got the work already started at the print shop. Of course, I feel as if I'm being rude by not taking the job from the second staffing company after I told them I was interested, but I'm sure I'll get over it. :p

I'll see how the interview goes today. It's for a job farther away, but it pays a bit more, and I like that it's in the medical field, since I did get my associate's in healthcare. Otherwise, I may limit myself to applying to particularly good sounding opportunities until/unless this print job ends. I didn't really miss having a normal, clock in to work kind of job. :lol:

Sounds like things are beginning to click Montro. And yes, it does take a bit of reconditioning to get back on the scheduled work life after being used to setting your own schedules for awhile. But you'll be back in the swing in no time. You're on your way. :)
My flat is now a complete tip. The carpets are up and I had to pile books on the floor to move the bookcases to make a space for the central heating pipes to go under the floor. I think it will be weeks before I can put my flat back to some kind of order.
I've gone from not getting any hits for jobs to almost feeling like I'm getting too many.

I've started working at a print place through a staffing company. It's not hard work; mostly it's pretty repetitive stuff, but I've done well enough with it, and the job is location very close to where I'm living. I had an interview yesterday for a data entry job, although the person ended up not being there when I arrived, which was annoying. I have another interview today for a position with a healthcare company doing clerical work. I also got a call this morning from a different staffing company about an assembly position. I'll probably be calling them back later to tell them no, since I've got the work already started at the print shop. Of course, I feel as if I'm being rude by not taking the job from the second staffing company after I told them I was interested, but I'm sure I'll get over it. :p

I'll see how the interview goes today. It's for a job farther away, but it pays a bit more, and I like that it's in the medical field, since I did get my associate's in healthcare. Otherwise, I may limit myself to applying to particularly good sounding opportunities until/unless this print job ends. I didn't really miss having a normal, clock in to work kind of job. :lol:

Sounds like things are beginning to click Montro. And yes, it does take a bit of reconditioning to get back on the scheduled work life after being used to setting your own schedules for awhile. But you'll be back in the swing in no time. You're on your way. :)

It's odd how guilty I feel for telling the second staffing company I was interested in a job and now needing to tell them I don't want it. They informed me today they want me to start tomorrow, but since I'm already doing the print shop job, I don't think switching to another temp staffing job is a great idea. There's no reason for me to feel as if I were obligated to take this new job, of course, but emotion and intellect are often at odds.

I think my interview today went pretty well. It was short, but pleasant. The commute to the job would be a lot longer: 45 minutes compared to 10 or less at the print shop. It would also be a temporary position, probably until September. Still, I do like the idea of getting some healthcare related experience outside of my degree. I guess I'll cross that bridge if they call to offer me the position.

The little one sent me a text last night asking me to video chat, but I was at work. I missed the text until a couple of hours later. It made me sad, not being available for her. Something else I have to get used to, and the one thing really speaking against the shift I'm on now (4:30PM - 1:00AM+). I'll try to talk to her before work.

Time to call the second staffing company now and tell them no, then I'm off to nap before I go to work later this afternoon.

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