USMB Coffee Shop IV

Comcast/Xfinity came by today, hooked up the TV, internet and security system.
You'd figure with all I did yesterday I'd sleep for two day, nope. Went to bed at 10 PM and woke up at 1 AM....... Got about a half hours more sleep and was up again at 5 AM.
I did crash for and hour and a half before the Comcast people arrived.

So you are planning to do the big move when?
We will be doing it over the month of June. Will head to Lumber Liquidators tomorrow for flooring, on sale and see how much they want to install it.
I made Yvie DD (Evie DeeDee) a bed in a box....(she is the stray kitty that is preggers) and I was surprised she was acutally IN it today. I was so pleased cuz I tend to worry about critters and its supposed to rain Sunday. So..I puttered around with it some more, got it raised up so it doesn't get wet on the grass, put another blankey in there and now I wait again to see if she approves of my messing with her new house, lol.

Speaking of traveling...MrG said maybe we should splurge and go back to Maui one last time and I said no. Me? Saying no???? Oh my. I told him, I would not have a good time. Can't walk LaHaina like I used to. Can't go out to a nice dinner like I used to. Can't really go anywhere in a regular car like I used to. So why go? But if I COULD go would be Ireland. Friend of mine is there for a whole month with her daughter just to get away from the hassles of caregiving her mother and her husbands ornery father. Two separate parents, separate states, and she is running back and forth. Hope she and her girl are having a blast!
BTW..I named the cat after RuPail drag queen YvieOddly. Dude is very weird, but sweet. Broken, but sweet. The cat reminds me of him. Er....her?
Love watching the drag races. I know. I'm weird too. :cuckoo:
5 days into the new job, I've worked 50+ hours and I'm working all weekend. My feet hurt; I stand all day. I don't know how long I'll be comfortable always doing 10+ hour shifts, but for now I'll just try to be happy about the OT money.

Saturday morning!

Day of the Indianapolis 500...Easily my favorite 1-day sporting event of all.

Let the cartoon begin!

5 days into the new job, I've worked 50+ hours and I'm working all weekend. My feet hurt; I stand all day. I don't know how long I'll be comfortable always doing 10+ hour shifts, but for now I'll just try to be happy about the OT money.

Invest in some of those great soles with gel insoles. It will make all the difference. I have had one standing all day job in the past and did it for a year--it was a stop gap jobs between career positions--and I was about your age at the time. It's doable. But you do need really good shoes that not only help your feet feel better but all your body in general.
Comcast/Xfinity came by today, hooked up the TV, internet and security system.
You'd figure with all I did yesterday I'd sleep for two day, nope. Went to bed at 10 PM and woke up at 1 AM....... Got about a half hours more sleep and was up again at 5 AM.
I did crash for and hour and a half before the Comcast people arrived.

So you are planning to do the big move when?

Didn't you listen to him? Comcast hooked him up, he's not going anywhere, except maybe during commericals.
Waiting on the PS50 to confirm, but it looks like the post office converted me to a career position as of today.
Waiting on the PS50 to confirm, but it looks like the post office converted me to a career position as of today.

Woo hoo! Nothing like job security to make a person feel more secure. You've had a long spell of not-quite-security so congratulations that the ordeal is finally over.

Are you going to keep your landscape business going?
...oh bronchitis is attempting to kill me, stupid cough....

A tablespoon of cider vinegar and one or two tablespoons honey mixed in a cup or mug of water hot enough you have to sip carefully or it will burn. Take several times during the day. It almost always helps.
Comcast/Xfinity came by today, hooked up the TV, internet and security system.
You'd figure with all I did yesterday I'd sleep for two day, nope. Went to bed at 10 PM and woke up at 1 AM....... Got about a half hours more sleep and was up again at 5 AM.
I did crash for and hour and a half before the Comcast people arrived.

So you are planning to do the big move when?

Didn't you listen to him? Comcast hooked him up, he's not going anywhere, except maybe during commericals.
That would be the wife......... My addiction is the internet.......
Comcast/Xfinity came by today, hooked up the TV, internet and security system.
You'd figure with all I did yesterday I'd sleep for two day, nope. Went to bed at 10 PM and woke up at 1 AM....... Got about a half hours more sleep and was up again at 5 AM.
I did crash for and hour and a half before the Comcast people arrived.

So you are planning to do the big move when?

Didn't you listen to him? Comcast hooked him up, he's not going anywhere, except maybe during commericals.
That would be the wife......... My addiction is the internet.......

I think I am addicted to both. Most of my time on the computer is in the office during the day and we go to the great room in the early evening to watch TV. And there my laptop is on my lap. :) (Admittedly I do spend as much or more time playing games or working on some project as I do on the internet though.)
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Attributed to Bob Bertino who is an electrician or something somewhere. . .I think I'll use this as an example of what critical thinking is:

I mowed the lawn today, and after doing so I sat down and had a cold beer.
The day was really quite beautiful, and the drink facilitated some deep thinking.
My wife walked by and asked me what I was doing, and I said 'nothing'.

The reason I said 'nothing' instead of saying 'just thinking' is because she then would have asked 'about what?'
At that point I would have had to explain that men are deep thinkers about various topics, which would lead to other questions.

Finally I pondered an age old question:
Is giving birth more painful than getting kicked in the nuts?
Women always maintain that giving birth is way more painful than a guy getting kicked in the nuts, but how could they "know"?

Well, after another beer, and some more heavy deductive thinking, I have come up with an answer to that question.

Getting kicked in the nuts is more painful than having a baby, and even though I obviously couldn't really "know", here is the reason for my conclusion.
A year or so after giving birth, a woman will often say, "It might be nice to have another child."
On the other hand, you never hear a guy say, "You know, I think I would like another kick in the nuts."

I rest my case. Time for another beer, and then maybe a nap in that hammock.​
There should be one place in the USMB village where folks can just be themselves and get to know each other as we would if we lived next door or worked together or joined the same gym.

This is a place to just come in and say hi, let us know what's going on with you these days, celebrate joys, concerns, jokes, music, hobbies, interests, love and life.

So check your spurs, sidearms, politics, and religious fussing at the door, come in to enjoy an adult beverage or a hot cup of coffee and a piece of pie or whatever comforts your soul, and let's just enjoy each other.

Kind of like Friends at Central Perk?
There should be one place in the USMB village where folks can just be themselves and get to know each other as we would if we lived next door or worked together or joined the same gym.

This is a place to just come in and say hi, let us know what's going on with you these days, celebrate joys, concerns, jokes, music, hobbies, interests, love and life.

So check your spurs, sidearms, politics, and religious fussing at the door, come in to enjoy an adult beverage or a hot cup of coffee and a piece of pie or whatever comforts your soul, and let's just enjoy each other.

Kind of like Friends at Central Perk?

Not familiar with Central Perk. I've always thought of it as more like Cheers.

But welcome to the Coffee Shop Third Party. We're happy you found us. Just pull up a chair or bar stool and join right in. You'll feel at home in no time.
There should be one place in the USMB village where folks can just be themselves and get to know each other as we would if we lived next door or worked together or joined the same gym.

This is a place to just come in and say hi, let us know what's going on with you these days, celebrate joys, concerns, jokes, music, hobbies, interests, love and life.

So check your spurs, sidearms, politics, and religious fussing at the door, come in to enjoy an adult beverage or a hot cup of coffee and a piece of pie or whatever comforts your soul, and let's just enjoy each other.

Kind of like Friends at Central Perk?

Not familiar with Central Perk. I've always thought of it as more like Cheers.

But welcome to the Coffee Shop Third Party. We're happy you found us. Just pull up a chair or bar stool and join right in. You'll feel at home in no time.


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