USMB Coffee Shop IV

I'm exhausted from loading up a 5' X 8' trailer........ That's how out of shape I am......

Will you be able to get it all in one load?
No, a 5' X 8' trailer is just a drop in the bucket. It's mostly stuff we need for minimal living, cleaning, painting, etc. Most likely we'll need two 26' Uhaul trucks for the rest or one 52' semi trailer. The Uhauls are cheaper......
I'm in a philosophical mood today.

We have a lot of friends and family in the Texas Panhandle, Oklahoma, Texas, and Arkansas and all have been under frequent tornado warnings this past week with some near misses here and there. And since we raised our own kids in that country, I got a chuckle out of this because it is so true:


And this recent shot of a storm near Fairview, Oklahoma is hair raising:


And our friends in South Dakota posted this photo from their town today:

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Hi hi hello and hi!!
Well...things are a bit better, so here I am, trying to get back into the swing of things. :)
FEMA decided we could keep the funds they sent us...whew!!
I have turned into the crazy cat lady. Who woulda thunk, since I am not really a cat person? But..there are a lot of skinny strays hanging around this alley we live in, and I won't see them go hungry so the guy next door also puts out food for them and I have joined him in his endeavors. One little kitty is preggers and she is due in about a week I'm guessing. I want her babies feed her canned food. She is skittish..wont let me hold her, runs are the drop of a pin, but WILL get in the back of my van when I am out there smoking a cig so she can get her belly rub. Yes, this cat LIKES having her belly rubbed. Probably because her nippies are all swollen getting ready for youngsters to start suckling on them. She is a sweet kitty but still very wild. I plan to keep her that way. I don't have good luck with kitties. :(

MrG seems at peace hanging out in his own bedroom, and I am thrilled I have my own now too. Anne has moved in with her boyfriend and brings the dog now and then when they are traveling so I can pet sit him for the days they are gone. Otherwise, I am hanging out in the back yard piddling around with the two tomato plants I planted. I also planted some green onions and zucchini. From seed. 'Maters are already 2 feet high and I bought them that way but the other two veggies had ot be from seeds. Guy down the street has a beautiful old home with lots of geraniums and I asked if I could get a few cuttings which he agreed to so I have a small little patch in the front for flowers.

Heard from home...they have not lost us, and called me yesterday to assure me we are still on the wait list. Said to call them in the middle of June and they will let me know if we dropped down further on the list. As of now, we are #16. Been waiting 4 years now. But, I also got on the list here in Marysville..senior, low income, really nice apartments from what I could see on the outside. Their wait time is a year. I don't really care which one calls first...cuz whomever does is where we will go permanently. I like it here...all my docs are here, we know the town now, and so far the horrible summers I have been hearing about have not hit. Heck, I have the damn heater on as I type. COLD!

Went up to Paradise over the weekend. How sad was that? SAD. I think I saw 3 cars total up there on the main drag. Three. A year ago, it was like LA with the traffic. FOR SALE signs on burned property..some still messy, some cleaned up. Anne isn't sure what she is going to do with her property which IS cleaned up...said she might have a 4plex built and would we go manage it for her? I said I would have to think about it since we are not getting younger and what happens when we can't manage any more? She said it wouldn't matter...we could live there til we die. But this is going to take a couple of years to do, so...I doubt it will happen. Either the senior complex here will call, or home will call, by that time.

Red Cross sent me more money and I didn't even ask for it, but took it greatfully. I spent some on rocks...and paint pens...and a book on mandala paintings on that's my newest hobby now. When I am not doing that or out in the garden, I am planted in front of the tv. I watch A LOT of it. But I refuse to watch news or political shows. Shit is toxic and I am so tired of the flat out hate from all sides. Its depressing and I am depressed enough without adding more to it.

I miss you guys. I think of all the arguments I was involved in before the fire...the friends I lost and gained here....the verbal fisticuffs. I miss the vibrancy of this place but I don't miss the hurt and pain I caused or was aimed at me. BUT...I smile now thinking about my pigman hunting, the gossip via PM, and in general...the LIFE this place exhibits.

I just hated being here when I was so down. Debbie Downer, I was and can still be, but I think I finally have a handle on it now. I be.

Hope everyone is well and I am off to wander USMB and see what is happenin'. :)

gallantwarrior , I did listen to your voice message but have not called back cuz not sure when you are at work and when you are not. I will though. Was sick when you called and I had the phone off for a few days and thats when you called. So...don't think I am avoiding you. :smiliehug:
Hi hi hello and hi!!
Well...things are a bit better, so here I am, trying to get back into the swing of things. :)
FEMA decided we could keep the funds they sent us...whew!!
I have turned into the crazy cat lady. Who woulda thunk, since I am not really a cat person? But..there are a lot of skinny strays hanging around this alley we live in, and I won't see them go hungry so the guy next door also puts out food for them and I have joined him in his endeavors. One little kitty is preggers and she is due in about a week I'm guessing. I want her babies feed her canned food. She is skittish..wont let me hold her, runs are the drop of a pin, but WILL get in the back of my van when I am out there smoking a cig so she can get her belly rub. Yes, this cat LIKES having her belly rubbed. Probably because her nippies are all swollen getting ready for youngsters to start suckling on them. She is a sweet kitty but still very wild. I plan to keep her that way. I don't have good luck with kitties. :(

MrG seems at peace hanging out in his own bedroom, and I am thrilled I have my own now too. Anne has moved in with her boyfriend and brings the dog now and then when they are traveling so I can pet sit him for the days they are gone. Otherwise, I am hanging out in the back yard piddling around with the two tomato plants I planted. I also planted some green onions and zucchini. From seed. 'Maters are already 2 feet high and I bought them that way but the other two veggies had ot be from seeds. Guy down the street has a beautiful old home with lots of geraniums and I asked if I could get a few cuttings which he agreed to so I have a small little patch in the front for flowers.

Heard from home...they have not lost us, and called me yesterday to assure me we are still on the wait list. Said to call them in the middle of June and they will let me know if we dropped down further on the list. As of now, we are #16. Been waiting 4 years now. But, I also got on the list here in Marysville..senior, low income, really nice apartments from what I could see on the outside. Their wait time is a year. I don't really care which one calls first...cuz whomever does is where we will go permanently. I like it here...all my docs are here, we know the town now, and so far the horrible summers I have been hearing about have not hit. Heck, I have the damn heater on as I type. COLD!

Went up to Paradise over the weekend. How sad was that? SAD. I think I saw 3 cars total up there on the main drag. Three. A year ago, it was like LA with the traffic. FOR SALE signs on burned property..some still messy, some cleaned up. Anne isn't sure what she is going to do with her property which IS cleaned up...said she might have a 4plex built and would we go manage it for her? I said I would have to think about it since we are not getting younger and what happens when we can't manage any more? She said it wouldn't matter...we could live there til we die. But this is going to take a couple of years to do, so...I doubt it will happen. Either the senior complex here will call, or home will call, by that time.

Red Cross sent me more money and I didn't even ask for it, but took it greatfully. I spent some on rocks...and paint pens...and a book on mandala paintings on that's my newest hobby now. When I am not doing that or out in the garden, I am planted in front of the tv. I watch A LOT of it. But I refuse to watch news or political shows. Shit is toxic and I am so tired of the flat out hate from all sides. Its depressing and I am depressed enough without adding more to it.

I miss you guys. I think of all the arguments I was involved in before the fire...the friends I lost and gained here....the verbal fisticuffs. I miss the vibrancy of this place but I don't miss the hurt and pain I caused or was aimed at me. BUT...I smile now thinking about my pigman hunting, the gossip via PM, and in general...the LIFE this place exhibits.

I just hated being here when I was so down. Debbie Downer, I was and can still be, but I think I finally have a handle on it now. I be.

Hope everyone is well and I am off to wander USMB and see what is happenin'. :)

gallantwarrior , I did listen to your voice message but have not called back cuz not sure when you are at work and when you are not. I will though. Was sick when you called and I had the phone off for a few days and thats when you called. So...don't think I am avoiding you. :smiliehug:

Hi hi hello and hi!!
Well...things are a bit better, so here I am, trying to get back into the swing of things. :)
FEMA decided we could keep the funds they sent us...whew!!
I have turned into the crazy cat lady. Who woulda thunk, since I am not really a cat person? But..there are a lot of skinny strays hanging around this alley we live in, and I won't see them go hungry so the guy next door also puts out food for them and I have joined him in his endeavors. One little kitty is preggers and she is due in about a week I'm guessing. I want her babies feed her canned food. She is skittish..wont let me hold her, runs are the drop of a pin, but WILL get in the back of my van when I am out there smoking a cig so she can get her belly rub. Yes, this cat LIKES having her belly rubbed. Probably because her nippies are all swollen getting ready for youngsters to start suckling on them. She is a sweet kitty but still very wild. I plan to keep her that way. I don't have good luck with kitties. :(

MrG seems at peace hanging out in his own bedroom, and I am thrilled I have my own now too. Anne has moved in with her boyfriend and brings the dog now and then when they are traveling so I can pet sit him for the days they are gone. Otherwise, I am hanging out in the back yard piddling around with the two tomato plants I planted. I also planted some green onions and zucchini. From seed. 'Maters are already 2 feet high and I bought them that way but the other two veggies had ot be from seeds. Guy down the street has a beautiful old home with lots of geraniums and I asked if I could get a few cuttings which he agreed to so I have a small little patch in the front for flowers.

Heard from home...they have not lost us, and called me yesterday to assure me we are still on the wait list. Said to call them in the middle of June and they will let me know if we dropped down further on the list. As of now, we are #16. Been waiting 4 years now. But, I also got on the list here in Marysville..senior, low income, really nice apartments from what I could see on the outside. Their wait time is a year. I don't really care which one calls first...cuz whomever does is where we will go permanently. I like it here...all my docs are here, we know the town now, and so far the horrible summers I have been hearing about have not hit. Heck, I have the damn heater on as I type. COLD!

Went up to Paradise over the weekend. How sad was that? SAD. I think I saw 3 cars total up there on the main drag. Three. A year ago, it was like LA with the traffic. FOR SALE signs on burned property..some still messy, some cleaned up. Anne isn't sure what she is going to do with her property which IS cleaned up...said she might have a 4plex built and would we go manage it for her? I said I would have to think about it since we are not getting younger and what happens when we can't manage any more? She said it wouldn't matter...we could live there til we die. But this is going to take a couple of years to do, so...I doubt it will happen. Either the senior complex here will call, or home will call, by that time.

Red Cross sent me more money and I didn't even ask for it, but took it greatfully. I spent some on rocks...and paint pens...and a book on mandala paintings on that's my newest hobby now. When I am not doing that or out in the garden, I am planted in front of the tv. I watch A LOT of it. But I refuse to watch news or political shows. Shit is toxic and I am so tired of the flat out hate from all sides. Its depressing and I am depressed enough without adding more to it.

I miss you guys. I think of all the arguments I was involved in before the fire...the friends I lost and gained here....the verbal fisticuffs. I miss the vibrancy of this place but I don't miss the hurt and pain I caused or was aimed at me. BUT...I smile now thinking about my pigman hunting, the gossip via PM, and in general...the LIFE this place exhibits.

I just hated being here when I was so down. Debbie Downer, I was and can still be, but I think I finally have a handle on it now. I be.

Hope everyone is well and I am off to wander USMB and see what is happenin'. :)

gallantwarrior , I did listen to your voice message but have not called back cuz not sure when you are at work and when you are not. I will though. Was sick when you called and I had the phone off for a few days and thats when you called. So...don't think I am avoiding you. :smiliehug:

So good to hear from you Gracie. I've wondered so many times where you were, how you and the mister are doing, etc. It does sound like you are reasonably settled at least for the time being. I hope things keep improving and you wind up where you need to be.
Hi hi hello and hi!!
Well...things are a bit better, so here I am, trying to get back into the swing of things. :)
FEMA decided we could keep the funds they sent us...whew!!
I have turned into the crazy cat lady. Who woulda thunk, since I am not really a cat person? But..there are a lot of skinny strays hanging around this alley we live in, and I won't see them go hungry so the guy next door also puts out food for them and I have joined him in his endeavors. One little kitty is preggers and she is due in about a week I'm guessing. I want her babies feed her canned food. She is skittish..wont let me hold her, runs are the drop of a pin, but WILL get in the back of my van when I am out there smoking a cig so she can get her belly rub. Yes, this cat LIKES having her belly rubbed. Probably because her nippies are all swollen getting ready for youngsters to start suckling on them. She is a sweet kitty but still very wild. I plan to keep her that way. I don't have good luck with kitties. :(

MrG seems at peace hanging out in his own bedroom, and I am thrilled I have my own now too. Anne has moved in with her boyfriend and brings the dog now and then when they are traveling so I can pet sit him for the days they are gone. Otherwise, I am hanging out in the back yard piddling around with the two tomato plants I planted. I also planted some green onions and zucchini. From seed. 'Maters are already 2 feet high and I bought them that way but the other two veggies had ot be from seeds. Guy down the street has a beautiful old home with lots of geraniums and I asked if I could get a few cuttings which he agreed to so I have a small little patch in the front for flowers.

Heard from home...they have not lost us, and called me yesterday to assure me we are still on the wait list. Said to call them in the middle of June and they will let me know if we dropped down further on the list. As of now, we are #16. Been waiting 4 years now. But, I also got on the list here in Marysville..senior, low income, really nice apartments from what I could see on the outside. Their wait time is a year. I don't really care which one calls first...cuz whomever does is where we will go permanently. I like it here...all my docs are here, we know the town now, and so far the horrible summers I have been hearing about have not hit. Heck, I have the damn heater on as I type. COLD!

Went up to Paradise over the weekend. How sad was that? SAD. I think I saw 3 cars total up there on the main drag. Three. A year ago, it was like LA with the traffic. FOR SALE signs on burned property..some still messy, some cleaned up. Anne isn't sure what she is going to do with her property which IS cleaned up...said she might have a 4plex built and would we go manage it for her? I said I would have to think about it since we are not getting younger and what happens when we can't manage any more? She said it wouldn't matter...we could live there til we die. But this is going to take a couple of years to do, so...I doubt it will happen. Either the senior complex here will call, or home will call, by that time.

Red Cross sent me more money and I didn't even ask for it, but took it greatfully. I spent some on rocks...and paint pens...and a book on mandala paintings on that's my newest hobby now. When I am not doing that or out in the garden, I am planted in front of the tv. I watch A LOT of it. But I refuse to watch news or political shows. Shit is toxic and I am so tired of the flat out hate from all sides. Its depressing and I am depressed enough without adding more to it.

I miss you guys. I think of all the arguments I was involved in before the fire...the friends I lost and gained here....the verbal fisticuffs. I miss the vibrancy of this place but I don't miss the hurt and pain I caused or was aimed at me. BUT...I smile now thinking about my pigman hunting, the gossip via PM, and in general...the LIFE this place exhibits.

I just hated being here when I was so down. Debbie Downer, I was and can still be, but I think I finally have a handle on it now. I be.

Hope everyone is well and I am off to wander USMB and see what is happenin'. :)

gallantwarrior , I did listen to your voice message but have not called back cuz not sure when you are at work and when you are not. I will though. Was sick when you called and I had the phone off for a few days and thats when you called. So...don't think I am avoiding you. :smiliehug:

Wow .. nice to hear from you Gracie .. I've thought of you often and always with best wishes..

I like you just as you are and just as you've been in the past .. so welcome back ol friend.. :)
Well, so much has been going on that I don't even want to talk about it.. Luckily though, happiness prevails and I just won the Coffee Shop perfecta .. Ladies Gracie, Kat and Foxfyre posted, I call that a win..:113:
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Well, so much has been going on that I don't even want to talk about it.. Luckily though, happiness prevails and I just won the Coffee Shop perfecta .. Ladies Gracie, Kat and Foxfyre posted, I call that a win..:113:

Doesn't happen that often all on the same day, does it. I like it too. And when Lumpy chimes in as well, that's the cherry on top. :)
Hi hi hello and hi!!
Well...things are a bit better, so here I am, trying to get back into the swing of things. :)
FEMA decided we could keep the funds they sent us...whew!!
I have turned into the crazy cat lady. Who woulda thunk, since I am not really a cat person? But..there are a lot of skinny strays hanging around this alley we live in, and I won't see them go hungry so the guy next door also puts out food for them and I have joined him in his endeavors. One little kitty is preggers and she is due in about a week I'm guessing. I want her babies feed her canned food. She is skittish..wont let me hold her, runs are the drop of a pin, but WILL get in the back of my van when I am out there smoking a cig so she can get her belly rub. Yes, this cat LIKES having her belly rubbed. Probably because her nippies are all swollen getting ready for youngsters to start suckling on them. She is a sweet kitty but still very wild. I plan to keep her that way. I don't have good luck with kitties. :(

MrG seems at peace hanging out in his own bedroom, and I am thrilled I have my own now too. Anne has moved in with her boyfriend and brings the dog now and then when they are traveling so I can pet sit him for the days they are gone. Otherwise, I am hanging out in the back yard piddling around with the two tomato plants I planted. I also planted some green onions and zucchini. From seed. 'Maters are already 2 feet high and I bought them that way but the other two veggies had ot be from seeds. Guy down the street has a beautiful old home with lots of geraniums and I asked if I could get a few cuttings which he agreed to so I have a small little patch in the front for flowers.

Heard from home...they have not lost us, and called me yesterday to assure me we are still on the wait list. Said to call them in the middle of June and they will let me know if we dropped down further on the list. As of now, we are #16. Been waiting 4 years now. But, I also got on the list here in Marysville..senior, low income, really nice apartments from what I could see on the outside. Their wait time is a year. I don't really care which one calls first...cuz whomever does is where we will go permanently. I like it here...all my docs are here, we know the town now, and so far the horrible summers I have been hearing about have not hit. Heck, I have the damn heater on as I type. COLD!

Went up to Paradise over the weekend. How sad was that? SAD. I think I saw 3 cars total up there on the main drag. Three. A year ago, it was like LA with the traffic. FOR SALE signs on burned property..some still messy, some cleaned up. Anne isn't sure what she is going to do with her property which IS cleaned up...said she might have a 4plex built and would we go manage it for her? I said I would have to think about it since we are not getting younger and what happens when we can't manage any more? She said it wouldn't matter...we could live there til we die. But this is going to take a couple of years to do, so...I doubt it will happen. Either the senior complex here will call, or home will call, by that time.

Red Cross sent me more money and I didn't even ask for it, but took it greatfully. I spent some on rocks...and paint pens...and a book on mandala paintings on that's my newest hobby now. When I am not doing that or out in the garden, I am planted in front of the tv. I watch A LOT of it. But I refuse to watch news or political shows. Shit is toxic and I am so tired of the flat out hate from all sides. Its depressing and I am depressed enough without adding more to it.

I miss you guys. I think of all the arguments I was involved in before the fire...the friends I lost and gained here....the verbal fisticuffs. I miss the vibrancy of this place but I don't miss the hurt and pain I caused or was aimed at me. BUT...I smile now thinking about my pigman hunting, the gossip via PM, and in general...the LIFE this place exhibits.

I just hated being here when I was so down. Debbie Downer, I was and can still be, but I think I finally have a handle on it now. I be.

Hope everyone is well and I am off to wander USMB and see what is happenin'. :)

gallantwarrior , I did listen to your voice message but have not called back cuz not sure when you are at work and when you are not. I will though. Was sick when you called and I had the phone off for a few days and thats when you called. So...don't think I am avoiding you. :smiliehug:
That's all GREAT news, Gracie. I'm still crossing my hooks that you get something permanent and reliable sooner rather than later. The skinny stray cats have no clue what a patron saint they have acquired. Just be aware that they do become very dependent on the food. My buddy in Birchwood is still putting out chow for the ferals. I don't know what will happen to the cats when he moves to Oregon later this year. Maybe the new owners won't mind feeding them.
I figured you were probably busy when I called and thought I'd try again this week sometime. I work Wed-Sat, midnight to 10am. You are welcome to call anytime, of course, but if I'm at work I might be busy. When are you best reached?
Summer is progressing nicely here. Daytime temps are getting into the 60s now, nights are a little cooler. I haven't had to light the woodstove for weeks now, using the propane heater to take the chill off if I need to. My cats are back to the revolving door system: door open-cat out, door open-cat in. There are two active cats and two less active cats, so there's usually at least one coming in when one's going out. They're a pain in the butt!
It is good to see you back in the CS and I hope to "see" a lot more of you again.
Well, so much has been going on that I don't even want to talk about it.. Luckily though, happiness prevails and I just won the Coffee Shop perfecta .. Ladies Gracie, Kat and Foxfyre posted, I call that a win..:113:
I think it makes all of us winners. Did you notice that Earnie reported in earlier this week, too? Not one of the grand dames but an old friend who had been MIA for a while.
Good to see you back, too, Lumpy!
I'm posting from Casa Ringel....... We arrived early at the title company so they took us early for closing. Now being that it's New Mexico we had to wait for the bank to clear the funds the for the county to register the purchase, normally an hour or two but there was a problem with the secure documents upload to the bank so we didn't get the keys until just after 2PM. It was a good thing because they were just finishing up replacing the sewer line when we arrived. Oh and the water line was almost on top of the sewer line and leaking so they replaced that also. :thup:
I'm wasted from unloading, oof.......
Hi hi hello and hi!!
Well...things are a bit better, so here I am, trying to get back into the swing of things. :)
FEMA decided we could keep the funds they sent us...whew!!
I have turned into the crazy cat lady. Who woulda thunk, since I am not really a cat person? But..there are a lot of skinny strays hanging around this alley we live in, and I won't see them go hungry so the guy next door also puts out food for them and I have joined him in his endeavors. One little kitty is preggers and she is due in about a week I'm guessing. I want her babies feed her canned food. She is skittish..wont let me hold her, runs are the drop of a pin, but WILL get in the back of my van when I am out there smoking a cig so she can get her belly rub. Yes, this cat LIKES having her belly rubbed. Probably because her nippies are all swollen getting ready for youngsters to start suckling on them. She is a sweet kitty but still very wild. I plan to keep her that way. I don't have good luck with kitties. :(

MrG seems at peace hanging out in his own bedroom, and I am thrilled I have my own now too. Anne has moved in with her boyfriend and brings the dog now and then when they are traveling so I can pet sit him for the days they are gone. Otherwise, I am hanging out in the back yard piddling around with the two tomato plants I planted. I also planted some green onions and zucchini. From seed. 'Maters are already 2 feet high and I bought them that way but the other two veggies had ot be from seeds. Guy down the street has a beautiful old home with lots of geraniums and I asked if I could get a few cuttings which he agreed to so I have a small little patch in the front for flowers.

Heard from home...they have not lost us, and called me yesterday to assure me we are still on the wait list. Said to call them in the middle of June and they will let me know if we dropped down further on the list. As of now, we are #16. Been waiting 4 years now. But, I also got on the list here in Marysville..senior, low income, really nice apartments from what I could see on the outside. Their wait time is a year. I don't really care which one calls first...cuz whomever does is where we will go permanently. I like it here...all my docs are here, we know the town now, and so far the horrible summers I have been hearing about have not hit. Heck, I have the damn heater on as I type. COLD!

Went up to Paradise over the weekend. How sad was that? SAD. I think I saw 3 cars total up there on the main drag. Three. A year ago, it was like LA with the traffic. FOR SALE signs on burned property..some still messy, some cleaned up. Anne isn't sure what she is going to do with her property which IS cleaned up...said she might have a 4plex built and would we go manage it for her? I said I would have to think about it since we are not getting younger and what happens when we can't manage any more? She said it wouldn't matter...we could live there til we die. But this is going to take a couple of years to do, so...I doubt it will happen. Either the senior complex here will call, or home will call, by that time.

Red Cross sent me more money and I didn't even ask for it, but took it greatfully. I spent some on rocks...and paint pens...and a book on mandala paintings on that's my newest hobby now. When I am not doing that or out in the garden, I am planted in front of the tv. I watch A LOT of it. But I refuse to watch news or political shows. Shit is toxic and I am so tired of the flat out hate from all sides. Its depressing and I am depressed enough without adding more to it.

I miss you guys. I think of all the arguments I was involved in before the fire...the friends I lost and gained here....the verbal fisticuffs. I miss the vibrancy of this place but I don't miss the hurt and pain I caused or was aimed at me. BUT...I smile now thinking about my pigman hunting, the gossip via PM, and in general...the LIFE this place exhibits.

I just hated being here when I was so down. Debbie Downer, I was and can still be, but I think I finally have a handle on it now. I be.

Hope everyone is well and I am off to wander USMB and see what is happenin'. :)

gallantwarrior , I did listen to your voice message but have not called back cuz not sure when you are at work and when you are not. I will though. Was sick when you called and I had the phone off for a few days and thats when you called. So...don't think I am avoiding you. :smiliehug:

Gracie - it's good to see you here. I'm glad that life is improving for you. xoxo boe
Well, I recently returned from a trip to Italy. mr. boe and I decided we needed a complete getaway after the past few years of caregiving and then losing my folks. We had such a fabulous time.

The highlight of the trip was so incredibly profound. In Rome, we visited the Sistine Chapel (and it was surprisingly not crowded). A priest said a prayer to the group, and then invited people to come up for individual blessings. Nobody moved, so I took the opportunity to speak with the priest and asked him to bless my Mom and Dad. He was so compassionate and gentle - and said a lovely blessing for me, my family and the folks. I will treasure this for the rest of my life.
Well, I recently returned from a trip to Italy. mr. boe and I decided we needed a complete getaway after the past few years of caregiving and then losing my folks. We had such a fabulous time.

The highlight of the trip was so incredibly profound. In Rome, we visited the Sistine Chapel (and it was surprisingly not crowded). A priest said a prayer to the group, and then invited people to come up for individual blessings. Nobody moved, so I took the opportunity to speak with the priest and asked him to bless my Mom and Dad. He was so compassionate and gentle - and said a lovely blessing for me, my family and the folks. I will treasure this for the rest of my life.

What a great memory to have forever!!! Going to Europe, ANYWHERE in Europe, has always been on my bucket list but as the years ticked by, other responsibilities always seemed to get in the way of plans like that. And now Hombre is physically challenged to the point that travel involving a lot of walking and sight seeing just isn't possible for us right now. But later on. . .maybe. . .
Well, I recently returned from a trip to Italy. mr. boe and I decided we needed a complete getaway after the past few years of caregiving and then losing my folks. We had such a fabulous time.

The highlight of the trip was so incredibly profound. In Rome, we visited the Sistine Chapel (and it was surprisingly not crowded). A priest said a prayer to the group, and then invited people to come up for individual blessings. Nobody moved, so I took the opportunity to speak with the priest and asked him to bless my Mom and Dad. He was so compassionate and gentle - and said a lovely blessing for me, my family and the folks. I will treasure this for the rest of my life.

What a great memory to have forever!!! Going to Europe, ANYWHERE in Europe, has always been on my bucket list but as the years ticked by, other responsibilities always seemed to get in the way of plans like that. And now Hombre is physically challenged to the point that travel involving a lot of walking and sight seeing just isn't possible for us right now. But later on. . .maybe. . .

Travel is definitely worth it - but rather hard on the body! We had been wanting to do this trip for years, and always had some reason to not make the plans. Very glad we finally did it.
Comcast/Xfinity came by today, hooked up the TV, internet and security system.
You'd figure with all I did yesterday I'd sleep for two day, nope. Went to bed at 10 PM and woke up at 1 AM....... Got about a half hours more sleep and was up again at 5 AM.
I did crash for and hour and a half before the Comcast people arrived.
Comcast/Xfinity came by today, hooked up the TV, internet and security system.
You'd figure with all I did yesterday I'd sleep for two day, nope. Went to bed at 10 PM and woke up at 1 AM....... Got about a half hours more sleep and was up again at 5 AM.
I did crash for and hour and a half before the Comcast people arrived.

So you are planning to do the big move when?

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