USMB Coffee Shop IV

RIP Doris Day and Tim Conway, both of whom we lost this week.

I just ran across this video and had to share:

Help me... My eyes are so full of tears from laughing... Is the man in the yellow shirt Dick Van Dyke?

No, that's Harvey Korman, a staple on the Carol Burnett show and a brilliant comedian in his own right. I suppose he was to play straight man opposite Tim Conway but never quite made it in that role. But they were great together.
RIP Doris Day and Tim Conway, both of whom we lost this week.

I just ran across this video and had to share:

Help me... My eyes are so full of tears from laughing... Is the man in the yellow shirt Dick Van Dyke?

No, that's Harvey Korman, a staple on the Carol Burnett show and a brilliant comedian in his own right. I suppose he was to play straight man opposite Tim Conway but never quite made it in that role. But they were great together.

I should have known that... Lets blame it on poor video quality and the fact my eyes were really full of tears from laughing so hard...
RIP Doris Day and Tim Conway, both of whom we lost this week.

I just ran across this video and had to share:

Help me... My eyes are so full of tears from laughing... Is the man in the yellow shirt Dick Van Dyke?

No, that's Harvey Korman, a staple on the Carol Burnett show and a brilliant comedian in his own right. I suppose he was to play straight man opposite Tim Conway but never quite made it in that role. But they were great together.

I'm thinking that was Dick Van Dyke. He's thinner than Korman and I don't recall Korman having the shock of silver-gray hair on top. The face is difficult to make out.
RIP Doris Day and Tim Conway, both of whom we lost this week.

I just ran across this video and had to share:

Help me... My eyes are so full of tears from laughing... Is the man in the yellow shirt Dick Van Dyke?

No, that's Harvey Korman, a staple on the Carol Burnett show and a brilliant comedian in his own right. I suppose he was to play straight man opposite Tim Conway but never quite made it in that role. But they were great together.

I'm thinking that was Dick Van Dyke. He's thinner than Korman and I don't recall Korman having the shock of silver-gray hair on top. The face is difficult to make out.

Okay I went back and looked again and you guys are probably right. I think that is Dick Van Dyke. Maybe I need to get my eyes checked. :)
RIP Doris Day and Tim Conway, both of whom we lost this week.

I just ran across this video and had to share:

Help me... My eyes are so full of tears from laughing... Is the man in the yellow shirt Dick Van Dyke?

No, that's Harvey Korman, a staple on the Carol Burnett show and a brilliant comedian in his own right. I suppose he was to play straight man opposite Tim Conway but never quite made it in that role. But they were great together.

I'm thinking that was Dick Van Dyke. He's thinner than Korman and I don't recall Korman having the shock of silver-gray hair on top. The face is difficult to make out.

Okay I went back and looked again and you guys are probably right. I think that is Dick Van Dyke. Maybe I need to get my eyes checked. :)

Save your money Foxy...

Oh yeah. I forgot that one, but it is in my repertoire too. And yes, it is surprisingly tasty and refreshing.

Okay I went back and looked again and you guys are probably right. I think that is Dick Van Dyke. Maybe I need to get my eyes checked. :)

Memory, eyesight... Foxy you might think about getting your points and plugs, ignition wires and condenser checked before any long trips... Just sayin... :dunno:
Good night darlinks. I really do love you guys.
And we continue to pray and/or send good vibes and/or positive thoughts and/or keep vigil for:

Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
Rod, GW's partner,
Kat's sister,
Dana, Foxfyre's friend recovering from heart transplant
Strength and stamina for gallantwarrior in his relocation project,
Wellness for Foxfyre's sister and Hombre's sister
Saveliberty's mom for successful surgery and quick healing
TheLiq and family who need prayers and positive vibes now
Montrovant in difficult transition
Drifter for smooth sailing in her new job.
JustAnotherNut for strength and wisdom dealing with challenges.
Gracie & Mr. G in difficult transition and for positive trend to continue.
BigBlackDog aka BBD for healing and wellness
GallantWarrior for pain relief and healing,
Ringel for healing and Mrs. R facing serious health challenges in difficult transition
All those we love and care about who aren't on the list.

And we keep the porch light on so those who have been away can find their way back and we hope they do.

It is hard not to have an inexplicable urge to garden in May
Oh yeah. I forgot that one, but it is in my repertoire too. And yes, it is surprisingly tasty and refreshing.

Okay I went back and looked again and you guys are probably right. I think that is Dick Van Dyke. Maybe I need to get my eyes checked. :)

Memory, eyesight... Foxy you might think about getting your points and plugs, ignition wires and condenser checked before any long trips... Just sayin... :dunno:

Sweetheart, I'm barely street legal these days as it is. :)
I hate to be the bearer of sad news, but I just read that Grumpy Cat, age 7, passed away this week. Another legend gone. :(


But I think she will live on in our society for a long time. And perhaps already a successor?

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Okay, got the word last night, closing next Thursday at 10am. The wife wants to leave Thursday morning but that means being out of the house by 6 to 6:30 at the latest to make sure we'll be there by 10. I'll be loading a 6' X 8' trailer so I just might be tired enough to go to bed early on Wednesday........ Mostly what we will do is clean and paint walls and ceilings so it's associated tools plus a few necessities we'll be hauling as well as some other things.
We also made it home fine this afternoon from the chemo treatment in Albuquerque, I'm soooooo looking forward to not having to do that drive once we finally get moved in to the new house.
Okay, got the word last night, closing next Thursday at 10am. The wife wants to leave Thursday morning but that means being out of the house by 6 to 6:30 at the latest to make sure we'll be there by 10. I'll be loading a 6' X 8' trailer so I just might be tired enough to go to bed early on Wednesday........ Mostly what we will do is clean and paint walls and ceilings so it's associated tools plus a few necessities we'll be hauling as well as some other things.
We also made it home fine this afternoon from the chemo treatment in Albuquerque, I'm soooooo looking forward to not having to do that drive once we finally get moved in to the new house.
Good luck, ol' boy! I'm sure you got enough karma stocked up for this.
It is High Spring in the Ohio Valley. Lawns have been mowed since Palm Sunday. The only trees not either in bloom or leafed out is the stubborn Catalpa trees. Last to leaf out, last to turn color and drop in the autumn. This has been a 'Chamber of Commerece' Spring with the azaleas and dogwoods showing off bigly, to borrow a phrase.

There’s a dogwood in Riverview Cemetery that is a red flowering variety and a pink flowering variety that bloom simultaneously. The resulting trees is fully mature and rocks it's place on the Hillside.

A couple white dogwoods, my favorite, are slathering lights on the otherwise spartan concrete block walls at the East Liverpool Community and Learning Center. The one thing the architect of the old Trinity Presbyterian church building let the congregation influence was the landscaping. When the cornerstone for the building was laid in 1962, the site was a barren slope of clay shale about three acres all around the building. It was not opened until 1964.

I was in the youth groups pressed into chain gang-like labor raking, fertilizing, seeding and planting that site. We were fed only ginger snaps and orange drink and were taunted into singing while we toiled. And had a grand time.

Now the trees we laid out and planted are fully mature and the shrubs that form little courtyards are too. As are the red of firebushes that ring the building. They bloom white in the Spring, then the leaves turn bright red in the autumn and have little bright red berries around Christmas, or until the birds find them. The bushes stand twelve to fifteen feet high and are pruned into a globe shape.

Another popular shrub is Barberry. The branches of Barberry are lined with thorns. We Yinzers call Barberry 'jagger bushes', the thorns being the jaggers. A test of manhood for the young, dumb and bulletproof is to grab a stem of jaggers and strip the leaves while dragging your palm up the stem. The jaggers point upward so slamming a jagger into your flesh is unlikely. But it impresses the chicks when everybody involved are thirteen.
Blondie finally came thru with a text. I thought her timing couldn't have been worse because wife had agreed to marriage counseling. She only wanted to text, not talk which made me a little suspicious so I asked her to tell me something only she would know about us. That rattled her a little and she listed most of the gifts I'd given her, quite a bit of our history, couple things I had forgotten, and ended by asking if remembered her at all. Told her she was unforgettable but she didnt know if that was a compliment or not. She invited me to her place, I demurred until she assured me she only wanted to catch up, not date. We met at a restaurant last night and when I saw her I was shocked. Just wanted to break down and cry and ask, My god Cindy what has life done to you? I didnt recognize her. The girl I knew who is still one of the most beautiful I've ever seen was a frail old lady who looked like she was 80 but is 61. I sat down, smiled, and we talked to midnight. Didnt want to pry too much so I dont know if she has a medical condition to heap onto the unfortunate passing of two husbands who couldn't give her any children among other things. Her sisters are in town. They seem close but I dont know how often she sees them. Got home texted her goodnite and I was so glad we met. Probably will meet again, try to establish if there is anything I can do to comfort her.

She's no threat to wife and I's marriage so dont know if I should tell her now or wait to after counselling is wrapped up month from now,
Blondie finally came thru with a text. I thought her timing couldn't have been worse because wife had agreed to marriage counseling. She only wanted to text, not talk which made me a little suspicious so I asked her to tell me something only she would know about us. That rattled her a little and she listed most of the gifts I'd given her, quite a bit of our history, couple things I had forgotten, and ended by asking if remembered her at all. Told her she was unforgettable but she didnt know if that was a compliment or not. She invited me to her place, I demurred until she assured me she only wanted to catch up, not date. We met at a restaurant last night and when I saw her I was shocked. Just wanted to break down and cry and ask, My god Cindy what has life done to you? I didnt recognize her. The girl I knew who is still one of the most beautiful I've ever seen was a frail old lady who looked like she was 80 but is 61. I sat down, smiled, and we talked to midnight. Didnt want to pry too much so I dont know if she has a medical condition to heap onto the unfortunate passing of two husbands who couldn't give her any children among other things. Her sisters are in town. They seem close but I dont know how often she sees them. Got home texted her goodnite and I was so glad we met. Probably will meet again, try to establish if there is anything I can do to comfort her.

She's no threat to wife and I's marriage so dont know if I should tell her now or wait to after counselling is wrapped up month from now,

IMO don't do that to your wife MOTS. Regardless of how an old girlfriend now looks, it cannot help but trigger insecurities and arouse suspicions. No matter how innocent, it will feel like betrayal. If you meet with Blondie again, do it with the understanding that she is meeting with you and your wife. But my gut tells me you should break it off. Your first duty is to your marriage.
Blondie finally came thru with a text. I thought her timing couldn't have been worse because wife had agreed to marriage counseling. She only wanted to text, not talk which made me a little suspicious so I asked her to tell me something only she would know about us. That rattled her a little and she listed most of the gifts I'd given her, quite a bit of our history, couple things I had forgotten, and ended by asking if remembered her at all. Told her she was unforgettable but she didnt know if that was a compliment or not. She invited me to her place, I demurred until she assured me she only wanted to catch up, not date. We met at a restaurant last night and when I saw her I was shocked. Just wanted to break down and cry and ask, My god Cindy what has life done to you? I didnt recognize her. The girl I knew who is still one of the most beautiful I've ever seen was a frail old lady who looked like she was 80 but is 61. I sat down, smiled, and we talked to midnight. Didnt want to pry too much so I dont know if she has a medical condition to heap onto the unfortunate passing of two husbands who couldn't give her any children among other things. Her sisters are in town. They seem close but I dont know how often she sees them. Got home texted her goodnite and I was so glad we met. Probably will meet again, try to establish if there is anything I can do to comfort her.

She's no threat to wife and I's marriage so dont know if I should tell her now or wait to after counselling is wrapped up month from now,

IMO don't do that to your wife MOTS. Regardless of how an old girlfriend now looks, it cannot help but trigger insecurities and arouse suspicions. No matter how innocent, it will feel like betrayal. If you meet with Blondie again, do it with the understanding that she is meeting with you and your wife. But my gut tells me you should break it off. Your first duty is to your marriage.
She sees and talks to the guy I displaced every yr. She does his taxes. I have never made an issue of it, They are just friends now as would be the case with Cindy and I ...nothing more
Blondie finally came thru with a text. I thought her timing couldn't have been worse because wife had agreed to marriage counseling. She only wanted to text, not talk which made me a little suspicious so I asked her to tell me something only she would know about us. That rattled her a little and she listed most of the gifts I'd given her, quite a bit of our history, couple things I had forgotten, and ended by asking if remembered her at all. Told her she was unforgettable but she didnt know if that was a compliment or not. She invited me to her place, I demurred until she assured me she only wanted to catch up, not date. We met at a restaurant last night and when I saw her I was shocked. Just wanted to break down and cry and ask, My god Cindy what has life done to you? I didnt recognize her. The girl I knew who is still one of the most beautiful I've ever seen was a frail old lady who looked like she was 80 but is 61. I sat down, smiled, and we talked to midnight. Didnt want to pry too much so I dont know if she has a medical condition to heap onto the unfortunate passing of two husbands who couldn't give her any children among other things. Her sisters are in town. They seem close but I dont know how often she sees them. Got home texted her goodnite and I was so glad we met. Probably will meet again, try to establish if there is anything I can do to comfort her.

She's no threat to wife and I's marriage so dont know if I should tell her now or wait to after counselling is wrapped up month from now,

IMO don't do that to your wife MOTS. Regardless of how an old girlfriend now looks, it cannot help but trigger insecurities and arouse suspicions. No matter how innocent, it will feel like betrayal. If you meet with Blondie again, do it with the understanding that she is meeting with you and your wife. But my gut tells me you should break it off. Your first duty is to your marriage.
She sees and talks to the guy I displaced every yr. She does his taxes. I have never made an issue of it, They are just friends now as would be the case with Cindy and I ...nothing more

Trust me on this. Especially when the relationship is going through a period of adjustment and regrouping, don't think your wife will see it as you do. And should she find out, it will hurt her greatly. I believe you are absolutely sincere and a good guy. But if you value your marriage, do not meet with this woman without your wife again. And even then you could be in the awkward position of having to explain why you did so in secret the first time.

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