USMB Coffee Shop IV

Arrived in ABQ around 3:15, been slowly unloading the trailer. On the way from Roswell to Vaughn we could see a huge storm cell we here headed towards, sure enough we hit it about 25 miles outside of Vaughn..... The winds were knocking us all over the road then the rain and hail hit with a vengeance, had to slow to 30 MPH, couldn't see ten feet in front of the truck and the hail was at least 1 1/2 inches deep on the road, not exaggerating. We would slip and slide a little, that was intense.
I need some help here. Perhaps I can get opinions?

On Friday....Evie is supposed to have surgery to remove the dead unformed kitten, and a spay and rabies shot and distemper shot. This will cost 271 far. Yesterdays visit was 418.00 for the xray, ultra sound, exam, antibiotics under her skin, etc.
I didn't pay for it. Anne did. The 271 is not paid for yet because I'm not sure what I'm going to do.

She has FEL...and vet warned me its a horrible disease and she WILL die...eventually. And not pleasantly. And it will be costly to boot. I take her in on Friday and send her over rainbow bridge to avoid the suffering she is going to experience? Or do I go ahead with the surgery and wait until she begins to suffer THEN put her down? The money is not important right now. What is important is that I do what is best for Evie...NOT for me.

And where I am does not help. Evie is a secret. I am not allowed a pet here. Landlord said NO. So how do I take proper care of a cat with FEL and keep her hidden, while taking the chance I might be evicted if caught? What if the landlord shows up without letting me know..which she usually does because she comes once a week to mow, and visits me. How do I hide a meowing cat?

Sometimes she meows..sometimes she doesn't. But if she did...IN THE HOUSE....color us evicted. But still that does not overly concern me much. What concerns me is taking care of Evie and if we ARE evicted, then what? A sick cat living in a van?

So...what would you do if Evie were your cat? She is so loving. So sweet. And it breaks my heart to type this. I will lose her. Sooner or later. Methinks sooner might be better for HER. She was and is loved. She will know it if I put her down. She can be buried with her kittens in the back yard she loves. Or....I keep her and love her until she begins to fall apart and hope we don't get pushed out on the street.

What do I do??? What would you do?
I need some help here. Perhaps I can get opinions?

On Friday....Evie is supposed to have surgery to remove the dead unformed kitten, and a spay and rabies shot and distemper shot. This will cost 271 far. Yesterdays visit was 418.00 for the xray, ultra sound, exam, antibiotics under her skin, etc.
I didn't pay for it. Anne did. The 271 is not paid for yet because I'm not sure what I'm going to do.

She has FEL...and vet warned me its a horrible disease and she WILL die...eventually. And not pleasantly. And it will be costly to boot. I take her in on Friday and send her over rainbow bridge to avoid the suffering she is going to experience? Or do I go ahead with the surgery and wait until she begins to suffer THEN put her down? The money is not important right now. What is important is that I do what is best for Evie...NOT for me.

And where I am does not help. Evie is a secret. I am not allowed a pet here. Landlord said NO. So how do I take proper care of a cat with FEL and keep her hidden, while taking the chance I might be evicted if caught? What if the landlord shows up without letting me know..which she usually does because she comes once a week to mow, and visits me. How do I hide a meowing cat?

Sometimes she meows..sometimes she doesn't. But if she did...IN THE HOUSE....color us evicted. But still that does not overly concern me much. What concerns me is taking care of Evie and if we ARE evicted, then what? A sick cat living in a van?

So...what would you do if Evie were your cat? She is so loving. So sweet. And it breaks my heart to type this. I will lose her. Sooner or later. Methinks sooner might be better for HER. She was and is loved. She will know it if I put her down. She can be buried with her kittens in the back yard she loves. Or....I keep her and love her until she begins to fall apart and hope we don't get pushed out on the street.

What do I do??? What would you do?

I've been there Gracie and the surgery just added to our beloved Siamese cat's suffering. Having it to do all over again, I would just have her put down. I really believe as hard as that is, it is the right thing to do.
Thanks Foxy. My gut says put her down but my heart says no. But I have to do what is best for her. So that is what I will probably do. I am such a mess...who knows what frame of mind I will be in this Friday.
And again..I have changed my mind. I will take her in tomorrow...let doc examine her again. If she is capable for will be done. Take ANOTHER blood test to make DOUBLE SURE, with a lab this time as vet said she wants to do, THEN wait for results. Been reading that many leukemia tests come back and negative positive positve negative and it has to be done twice within 60 days of each other and the lab test highly recommended because the vet test is good but not as in depth. I will always ALWAYS wonder if I put her down and it was unneccessary. So....thats the plan of this moment. Vet tomorrow. Talk to doc vet. Get dead baby out of her. Lab test. Love her til she heals. THEN decide what to do when and if shit hits the fan with her health later on.

If we get kicked be it. I'm tired of losing everything I love. And I love her. She loves us. With Gods grace...maybe He will let he stay with us for many years.
Got a call out of the blue yesterday from a guy I used to work with. How'd he get my number? He was looking through some old stuff and thought he'd try the one he had. Now, I don't mind old buddies contacting me but after a short conversation I couldn't help but notice he'd make out really well in the USMB Rubber Room. Or maybe on a conspiracy theory forum. I'm not entirely sure I want this level of crazy in my life right now. He used to be a nice enough guy but after the conversation yesterday...I don't know.
My daughter called with a new dilemma to share. My older granddaughter broke up with her boyfriend. He wants understand why but the girl doesn't really have any answers. So he showed up last night at the daughter's place determined to camp on the front porch until the granddaughter spoke with him. My daughter is a soft touch but I'm pretty sure the neighbors will have called the cops to get the kid removed. "True love" at 17 is such a drama!

It's a terrible.. What would my daughter do, when she will grow up to 17? :)
It's tough to tell what any particular child might do as they mature. Teenagers are notoriously difficult because they insist that they are adults but are really poorly equipped to be adults. Best most of us can do is let them become themselves and be there to help pick up the pieces when they make mistakes. Believe me, they will make mistakes. How old is your daughter now, Sbiker? Do you only have one daughter?

I remember myself at 17 - it was very expressive. My daughter is now 13, I think, I have only 1-2 years of silent life and than would see :))) Yeah, it's my single daughter, all other children are sons.
For some odd reason, people tend to worry more about daughters than sons in western cultures. Probably an emotional hangover from less liberated times. 13 is still a nice age but you're right about having only a few years left before your daughter wants to be her own woman. I always wish other parents the best of luck. You know your children will make mistakes, you just hope none are fatal. Of course, modern times add the complication of social media and the internet, something not faced by my generation. Well, we did have a party line telephone and bathroom walls...

There are different approaches to how to control children till they'll become their own, and I think, the main idea of my way - just to be positive. She spend a lot of time inside of social nets - it's not so good, but I hope to make her more active in future. I've read an article about which specific psychic trauma each generation in Russia have - and I seriously worry about balance of my participation in her life not to make her one of generation of "don't want anything"...
And offcourse, none of mistakes I consider not be fatal. I think we, parents, must let to children to be a bit better than we're :)
I need some help here. Perhaps I can get opinions?

On Friday....Evie is supposed to have surgery to remove the dead unformed kitten, and a spay and rabies shot and distemper shot. This will cost 271 far. Yesterdays visit was 418.00 for the xray, ultra sound, exam, antibiotics under her skin, etc.
I didn't pay for it. Anne did. The 271 is not paid for yet because I'm not sure what I'm going to do.

She has FEL...and vet warned me its a horrible disease and she WILL die...eventually. And not pleasantly. And it will be costly to boot. I take her in on Friday and send her over rainbow bridge to avoid the suffering she is going to experience? Or do I go ahead with the surgery and wait until she begins to suffer THEN put her down? The money is not important right now. What is important is that I do what is best for Evie...NOT for me.

And where I am does not help. Evie is a secret. I am not allowed a pet here. Landlord said NO. So how do I take proper care of a cat with FEL and keep her hidden, while taking the chance I might be evicted if caught? What if the landlord shows up without letting me know..which she usually does because she comes once a week to mow, and visits me. How do I hide a meowing cat?

Sometimes she meows..sometimes she doesn't. But if she did...IN THE HOUSE....color us evicted. But still that does not overly concern me much. What concerns me is taking care of Evie and if we ARE evicted, then what? A sick cat living in a van?

So...what would you do if Evie were your cat? She is so loving. So sweet. And it breaks my heart to type this. I will lose her. Sooner or later. Methinks sooner might be better for HER. She was and is loved. She will know it if I put her down. She can be buried with her kittens in the back yard she loves. Or....I keep her and love her until she begins to fall apart and hope we don't get pushed out on the street.

What do I do??? What would you do?

Very serious situation...
But the last thing, I think, to try to manage of life of other creature. And the second - to force or be forced to wait a death of someone... Maybe you would find a place where your cat will be live more to less happy till death?
Or, at another way, which opportunities you have to delay of decision?
Got a call out of the blue yesterday from a guy I used to work with. How'd he get my number? He was looking through some old stuff and thought he'd try the one he had. Now, I don't mind old buddies contacting me but after a short conversation I couldn't help but notice he'd make out really well in the USMB Rubber Room. Or maybe on a conspiracy theory forum. I'm not entirely sure I want this level of crazy in my life right now. He used to be a nice enough guy but after the conversation yesterday...I don't know.
My daughter called with a new dilemma to share. My older granddaughter broke up with her boyfriend. He wants understand why but the girl doesn't really have any answers. So he showed up last night at the daughter's place determined to camp on the front porch until the granddaughter spoke with him. My daughter is a soft touch but I'm pretty sure the neighbors will have called the cops to get the kid removed. "True love" at 17 is such a drama!

It's a terrible.. What would my daughter do, when she will grow up to 17? :)
It's tough to tell what any particular child might do as they mature. Teenagers are notoriously difficult because they insist that they are adults but are really poorly equipped to be adults. Best most of us can do is let them become themselves and be there to help pick up the pieces when they make mistakes. Believe me, they will make mistakes. How old is your daughter now, Sbiker? Do you only have one daughter?

I remember myself at 17 - it was very expressive. My daughter is now 13, I think, I have only 1-2 years of silent life and than would see :))) Yeah, it's my single daughter, all other children are sons.
For some odd reason, people tend to worry more about daughters than sons in western cultures. Probably an emotional hangover from less liberated times. 13 is still a nice age but you're right about having only a few years left before your daughter wants to be her own woman. I always wish other parents the best of luck. You know your children will make mistakes, you just hope none are fatal. Of course, modern times add the complication of social media and the internet, something not faced by my generation. Well, we did have a party line telephone and bathroom walls...

There are different approaches to how to control children till they'll become their own, and I think, the main idea of my way - just to be positive. She spend a lot of time inside of social nets - it's not so good, but I hope to make her more active in future. I've read an article about which specific psychic trauma each generation in Russia have - and I seriously worry about balance of my participation in her life not to make her one of generation of "don't want anything"...
And offcourse, none of mistakes I consider not be fatal. I think we, parents, must let to children to be a bit better than we're :)
My daughter is better than me in lots of respects and I am proud of what she's done with her life. She opted to be a stay-at-home parent. It's been tough but she's managed a decent household by being careful with her budget and planning. They haven't had credit cards, either. Two pieces of advice I gave her were: avoid the credit trap and to raise her own children.
Credit is such an evil in this country. I don't whether you can get easy credit in Russia. Credit makes getting the things you want easy and fast. Instead of working and saving for something you would like (not need), people buy those things oldren) if you can claim that child to be your best friend after they grow up and become adults, I consider
n credit. Then they end up paying high interest on that easy money. Sometimes, you make payments that barely cover the interest and it takes years to pay the debt. In the meantime, that thing you bought costs sometimes double or triple its original value.
I also suggested that the cost of child care is so high that any job she could get would not even earn enough to pay for child care while she worked. She agreed that I was correct and has stayed at home and her daughters are much better off because of that. There's a lot of importance that you raise your children the way you want them raised. Once you farm them out to hired care providers, you have lost some of the control and influence parents should have over their children.
After doing the difficult job of raising a child if you can claim the adult they become to be your best friend, you have done a good job. Too many people try to be their children's best friend when they should be their parent.
I was born in Lubbock TX but lived there less than a couple of weeks. Hombre grew up 40 miles south of Lubbock in Plainview TX where we met and married and started our life together. And eastern New Mexico, where I grew up and went to college is just across the state line from both. So I am very familiar with the area. And West Texas weather is pretty much as crazy as New Mexico weather though it tends to be more violent.

After rains and floods of Biblical proportions throughout that area as recently as two weeks ago, this was coming at Lubbock yesterday--a full fledged haboob. Only in our part of the world.

I've been pretty busy doings things around and in the house.
Trying to get everything organized also (things no longer needed thrown out) and slowly painting each room.
It's very frustrating for me to try and reconcile with the fact of what used to take a few hours in youth now takes days. !

Mr. P joined the Fraternal Order of Eagles motorcycle club a few months back and they get together and go out on rides for several hours every once in a while.
Then he rides almost every day just traveling around Cochise County.
Mr. P is doing pretty well, it's remarkable how he gets around having only one quarter of his heart working and having MS.
Oh, boy, howdy! I know what you mean about how long it takes to get things done. I've been trying to get as much done as I can before I go on "light duty". Even as I accomplish each project the list grows longer. For instance: I need to bottle a batch of mead. First, I had to clean up the kitchen enough to give me space to do that (I have a very small kitchen). Now I have to prep the bottles and equipment but before I can do that I have to get my storage shed cleared out enough to get to my equipment. I'm still trying to clean up the shed after that big quake in November. Plenty of stuff was knocked off shelves. As I clear out the shed, I find things that need to be cleaned and put away again. I did get a pile of things cleaned on Monday and I have a cart full of other things that need to be moved to where they belong. Add to all these projects the fact that I'll have medical appointments at least once weekly up until surgery, I'm operating at full steam all the time. And the orthopedist wanted me to start water therapy! Some things are just not going to happen. I'll continue to do my exercises but I just don't have enough hours in a day for anything else.
Good that Mr. P. has found something that he likes to do and a group of friends to do it with. I found this, you might appreciate it:
The Average Joe Can We Talk About How Cute Motorcycle Gangs Are? - Inseparable Friends -Matching Outfits -Going on Adventures Together What Wholesome Adorable Fun Lucky Ducks | Cute Meme on

They don't have matching outfits.
LOL! Maybe some colorful tropical shirts?

You have just unintentionally insulted a very fine group of men.
It's all in good humor, you know. Can you picture a bunch of serious bikers tooling down the road in something like that?

They aren't serious bikers either. :)
Just a bunch of great husbands who enjoy riding motorcycles.[/QUOTE]
I've been pretty busy doings things around and in the house.
Trying to get everything organized also (things no longer needed thrown out) and slowly painting each room.
It's very frustrating for me to try and reconcile with the fact of what used to take a few hours in youth now takes days. !

Mr. P joined the Fraternal Order of Eagles motorcycle club a few months back and they get together and go out on rides for several hours every once in a while.
Then he rides almost every day just traveling around Cochise County.
Mr. P is doing pretty well, it's remarkable how he gets around having only one quarter of his heart working and having MS.
Oh, boy, howdy! I know what you mean about how long it takes to get things done. I've been trying to get as much done as I can before I go on "light duty". Even as I accomplish each project the list grows longer. For instance: I need to bottle a batch of mead. First, I had to clean up the kitchen enough to give me space to do that (I have a very small kitchen). Now I have to prep the bottles and equipment but before I can do that I have to get my storage shed cleared out enough to get to my equipment. I'm still trying to clean up the shed after that big quake in November. Plenty of stuff was knocked off shelves. As I clear out the shed, I find things that need to be cleaned and put away again. I did get a pile of things cleaned on Monday and I have a cart full of other things that need to be moved to where they belong. Add to all these projects the fact that I'll have medical appointments at least once weekly up until surgery, I'm operating at full steam all the time. And the orthopedist wanted me to start water therapy! Some things are just not going to happen. I'll continue to do my exercises but I just don't have enough hours in a day for anything else.
Good that Mr. P. has found something that he likes to do and a group of friends to do it with. I found this, you might appreciate it:
The Average Joe Can We Talk About How Cute Motorcycle Gangs Are? - Inseparable Friends -Matching Outfits -Going on Adventures Together What Wholesome Adorable Fun Lucky Ducks | Cute Meme on

They don't have matching outfits.
LOL! Maybe some colorful tropical shirts?

You have just unintentionally insulted a very fine group of men.
It's all in good humor, you know. Can you picture a bunch of serious bikers tooling down the road in something like that?[/QUOTE]

They aren't serious bikers either. :)
Just a bunch of great husbands who enjoy riding motorcycles.[/QUOTE]
Who have a bunch of great wives who enjoy that they ride motorcycles! Peace, Peach![/QUOTE]

When quote functions go bad....
I need some help here. Perhaps I can get opinions?

On Friday....Evie is supposed to have surgery to remove the dead unformed kitten, and a spay and rabies shot and distemper shot. This will cost 271 far. Yesterdays visit was 418.00 for the xray, ultra sound, exam, antibiotics under her skin, etc.
I didn't pay for it. Anne did. The 271 is not paid for yet because I'm not sure what I'm going to do.

She has FEL...and vet warned me its a horrible disease and she WILL die...eventually. And not pleasantly. And it will be costly to boot. I take her in on Friday and send her over rainbow bridge to avoid the suffering she is going to experience? Or do I go ahead with the surgery and wait until she begins to suffer THEN put her down? The money is not important right now. What is important is that I do what is best for Evie...NOT for me.

And where I am does not help. Evie is a secret. I am not allowed a pet here. Landlord said NO. So how do I take proper care of a cat with FEL and keep her hidden, while taking the chance I might be evicted if caught? What if the landlord shows up without letting me know..which she usually does because she comes once a week to mow, and visits me. How do I hide a meowing cat?

Sometimes she meows..sometimes she doesn't. But if she did...IN THE HOUSE....color us evicted. But still that does not overly concern me much. What concerns me is taking care of Evie and if we ARE evicted, then what? A sick cat living in a van?

So...what would you do if Evie were your cat? She is so loving. So sweet. And it breaks my heart to type this. I will lose her. Sooner or later. Methinks sooner might be better for HER. She was and is loved. She will know it if I put her down. She can be buried with her kittens in the back yard she loves. Or....I keep her and love her until she begins to fall apart and hope we don't get pushed out on the street.

What do I do??? What would you do?

Ah...Hopefully not a surprise I like cats. FEL wins every time, unfortunately I see sending her to the great cat bowl in the sky as the best choice.
She had the surgery. Talked to vet in depth of pros and cons and finally she said "lets give Evie a chance". I agreed.
Vet called around noon..said the surgery went well. No dead babies in her after all, but she is now spayed, had her rabies and distemper shots, took the anethesia well and they think she will make a full recovery. As far the the FEL is concerned....lab work was sent off and we will get the results in a few days. This test will be more accurate and can say yae or nae on what the vets office test said. Lets hope it was a positive negative or whatever its called and it was wrong. Thats all anyone can hope.
Meanwhile.....Evie will come home in about an hour, and I will take care of her, love her, and do the best I can until she becomes too sick to live peacefully...THEN I will send her off to Rainbow Bridge. Just not yet.:)
Oh, as far as the landlord is concerned....Evie is mine and will stay. If we get kicked out...then I guess we will get kicked out. I will worry about it when and if it happens.
Was at UNM from 10 AM to 2:45 PM, labs, CT Scan and Chemo hook up then off to the VA emergency room for my back, definitely pulled something that started a couple of months ago but became very painful over the last week. Three and a half hours and a shot of morphine later we finally came home, not how I planned to spend the day....... I'm going to have to rest up for about a week before I can do any light lifting let alone anything even moderately heavy.
The guys will show up tomorrow and hopefully finish the floor then Tuesday the plumber will show up to finally get the swamp cooler running. Once she gets paid mid month from SSDI we'll pick up a couple of window AC units and get those installed, master bedroom and great room.
Also when we moved the bed up here I forgot to deflate the air chambers......, apparently cells in both chambers popped, Sleep Number is overnighting us replacement air chambers for free, still under warranty. :thup:
Was at UNM from 10 AM to 2:45 PM, labs, CT Scan and Chemo hook up then off to the VA emergency room for my back, definitely pulled something that started a couple of months ago but became very painful over the last week. Three and a half hours and a shot of morphine later we finally came home, not how I planned to spend the day....... I'm going to have to rest up for about a week before I can do any light lifting let alone anything even moderately heavy.
The guys will show up tomorrow and hopefully finish the floor then Tuesday the plumber will show up to finally get the swamp cooler running. Once she gets paid mid month from SSDI we'll pick up a couple of window AC units and get those installed, master bedroom and great room.
Also when we moved the bed up here I forgot to deflate the air chambers......, apparently cells in both chambers popped, Sleep Number is overnighting us replacement air chambers for free, still under warranty. :thup:
How's Mrs R doing? Seems like an awful lot of things going on at once.

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