USMB Coffee Shop IV

Was at UNM from 10 AM to 2:45 PM, labs, CT Scan and Chemo hook up then off to the VA emergency room for my back, definitely pulled something that started a couple of months ago but became very painful over the last week. Three and a half hours and a shot of morphine later we finally came home, not how I planned to spend the day....... I'm going to have to rest up for about a week before I can do any light lifting let alone anything even moderately heavy.
The guys will show up tomorrow and hopefully finish the floor then Tuesday the plumber will show up to finally get the swamp cooler running. Once she gets paid mid month from SSDI we'll pick up a couple of window AC units and get those installed, master bedroom and great room.
Also when we moved the bed up here I forgot to deflate the air chambers......, apparently cells in both chambers popped, Sleep Number is overnighting us replacement air chambers for free, still under warranty. :thup:
How's Mrs R doing? Seems like an awful lot of things going on at once.
She's a trooper, exhausted but that is fairly normal.
Saturday morning!

Back at the Wisco tree ranch for a spell....It's fisnin' season.

Let the cartoon begin!

Thanks Oddball. Catch and clean a good one for me. I love fresh caught fish right out of the stream and into the frying pan. There's nothing better.
Was at UNM from 10 AM to 2:45 PM, labs, CT Scan and Chemo hook up then off to the VA emergency room for my back, definitely pulled something that started a couple of months ago but became very painful over the last week. Three and a half hours and a shot of morphine later we finally came home, not how I planned to spend the day....... I'm going to have to rest up for about a week before I can do any light lifting let alone anything even moderately heavy.
The guys will show up tomorrow and hopefully finish the floor then Tuesday the plumber will show up to finally get the swamp cooler running. Once she gets paid mid month from SSDI we'll pick up a couple of window AC units and get those installed, master bedroom and great room.
Also when we moved the bed up here I forgot to deflate the air chambers......, apparently cells in both chambers popped, Sleep Number is overnighting us replacement air chambers for free, still under warranty. :thup:
How's Mrs R doing? Seems like an awful lot of things going on at once.
She's a trooper, exhausted but that is fairly normal.
How much longer do they think the treatments will take, or is she already improving?
Was at UNM from 10 AM to 2:45 PM, labs, CT Scan and Chemo hook up then off to the VA emergency room for my back, definitely pulled something that started a couple of months ago but became very painful over the last week. Three and a half hours and a shot of morphine later we finally came home, not how I planned to spend the day....... I'm going to have to rest up for about a week before I can do any light lifting let alone anything even moderately heavy.
The guys will show up tomorrow and hopefully finish the floor then Tuesday the plumber will show up to finally get the swamp cooler running. Once she gets paid mid month from SSDI we'll pick up a couple of window AC units and get those installed, master bedroom and great room.
Also when we moved the bed up here I forgot to deflate the air chambers......, apparently cells in both chambers popped, Sleep Number is overnighting us replacement air chambers for free, still under warranty. :thup:
How's Mrs R doing? Seems like an awful lot of things going on at once.
She's a trooper, exhausted but that is fairly normal.
How much longer do they think the treatments will take, or is she already improving?
I think the one on the kidney has shrunk a tiny bit, as for treatments, maybe the rest of her life, off and on. :dunno:
Good night darlinks. I really do love you guys.
And we continue to pray and/or send good vibes and/or positive thoughts and/or keep vigil for:

Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
Rod, GW's partner,
Kat's sister,
Dana, Foxfyre's friend recovering from heart transplant
Wellness for Foxfyre's sister and Hombre's sister
Montrovant for continued progress in his transition.
JustAnotherNut for strength and wisdom dealing with challenges.
Gracie & Mr. G in difficult transition and for positive trend to continue.
BigBlackDog aka BBD for healing and wellness
GallantWarrior for pain relief and healing,
Ringel for healing and Mrs. R facing serious health challenges in difficult transition
Beautress's friend EJ for continued improvement.
Seagal and Mr. Seagal.
Beautress for wellness.
All those we love and care about who aren't on the list.

And we keep the porch light on so those who have been away can find their way back and we hope they do.

Was at UNM from 10 AM to 2:45 PM, labs, CT Scan and Chemo hook up then off to the VA emergency room for my back, definitely pulled something that started a couple of months ago but became very painful over the last week. Three and a half hours and a shot of morphine later we finally came home, not how I planned to spend the day....... I'm going to have to rest up for about a week before I can do any light lifting let alone anything even moderately heavy.
The guys will show up tomorrow and hopefully finish the floor then Tuesday the plumber will show up to finally get the swamp cooler running. Once she gets paid mid month from SSDI we'll pick up a couple of window AC units and get those installed, master bedroom and great room.
Also when we moved the bed up here I forgot to deflate the air chambers......, apparently cells in both chambers popped, Sleep Number is overnighting us replacement air chambers for free, still under warranty. :thup:
How's Mrs R doing? Seems like an awful lot of things going on at once.
She's a trooper, exhausted but that is fairly normal.
How much longer do they think the treatments will take, or is she already improving?
I think the one on the kidney has shrunk a tiny bit, as for treatments, maybe the rest of her life, off and on. :dunno:
That really sucks. I'll keep her in my thoughts, you, too. I hope your back feels better soon and you guys can finally get settled in somewhere.
Evie hated her cone of got her a onesie. :)



That does not look like a sick cat. You very likely made the right decision.

By the way Gracie. Are you still in the duplex? Or have you moved again?
Still in the duplex. For the moment. We have until the end of the year, I think. After telling where we may land. I stay hopeful it will be where we are supposed to be. :)
The guys finally finished up the flooring today, looks great. I was short and had to pick up six more boxes but it's done, well at least the flooring is. Next I have to find or make thresholds for where the wood floor meets the tile then install the baseboard and finish painting. Of course we still have to move the rest of the household and clean the rental by the end of the month. I'm still resting, giving my back a chance to heal, hopefully by mid month I can do some "heavy" lifting again.
The weather has calmed down in Albuquerque though we were hit by a strong cold front last night. Made for great sleeping. Our high today is to be mid 70's which is downright chilly for Albuquerque in mid June. Not complaining. I love it.

This awesome photo was of a massive rain bomb over Dallas yesterday. Was impressive enough to make the national news:

Here we go again. Partner wants me log onto his car loan account and adjust the payment date. OK, can do, what are your user name and password? Uh, he doesn't know. So off he goes to the dealership where he bought the car, the salesman writes down both. Partner passes me the note. I try to logon and get locked out because something is wrong, most likely case sensitive characters are not written down legibly enough for me to tell what they are. Now, he's been nagging the shit out of me to get this done. Every time I see him, and now the very first thing this morning, he demands to know if I did this for him.
I suggested he learn to use a computer and he won't be such an angry little boy. If I wanted another angry three-year-old, I'd have had one of my own around, thanks
On another note, my big Pyr has died, most likely. She's been a bit mopey and the last time I fed her, she didn't touch her chow. When I went to work, she wasn't around but that's not too unusual, she has some places she likes and the heat has been brutal for her lately. I came home from work and she wasn't in her usual watch post. I searched all over, called, but she was a no show. I suspect she found a cool green place in the woods to rest her head and escape the heat, most likely for the last time. She will be missed, one less friendly fur-face to greet me as I go through my days.
RIP, Roxy!
On another note, my big Pyr has died, most likely. She's been a bit mopey and the last time I fed her, she didn't touch her chow. When I went to work, she wasn't around but that's not too unusual, she has some places she likes and the heat has been brutal for her lately. I came home from work and she wasn't in her usual watch post. I searched all over, called, but she was a no show. I suspect she found a cool green place in the woods to rest her head and escape the heat, most likely for the last time. She will be missed, one less friendly fur-face to greet me as I go through my days.
RIP, Roxy!

So sorry GW. And since your pup didn't work out you're down a guard dog?
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