USMB Coffee Shop IV

Good night darlinks. I really do love you guys.
And we continue to pray and/or send good vibes and/or positive thoughts and/or keep vigil for:

Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
Rod, GW's partner,
Kat's sister,
Dana, Foxfyre's friend recovering from heart transplant
Wellness for Foxfyre's sister and Hombre's sister
Montrovant for continued progress in his transition.
JustAnotherNut for strength and wisdom dealing with challenges.
BigBlackDog aka BBD for healing and wellness
GallantWarrior for pain relief and healing,
Beautress's friend EJ for continued improvement.
Seagal and Mr. Seagal.
Beautress for wellness.
Ringel and Mrs. R facing serious health challenges in difficult transition and for their move to go smoothly this week.
Gracie & Mr. G in difficult transition and for their ailing fur friend.
All those we love and care about who aren't on the list.

And we keep the porch light on so those who have been away can find their way back and we hope they do.

Last edited:
Sigh. How much more can my heart take?
She had two stillborn kittens. There is one still inside, not fully formed. I took her to the vet today (she had the kittens yesterday). While ultra sounds were being done and tests run....the doc said she was concerned about ALL her kittens being dead before even being born...leukemia, she thought. So she did the test for that and...yes. She has feline leukemia. I was to take her in Friday at 8am for the surgery to remover that kitten still in her, spay her at the same time. But now? Vet doc said leukemia is 85% of cat deaths and its a horrible devastating disease and she MIGHT live 6 months to a year. Maybe. But eventually she will still die sooner rather than later and not pleasantly. I had the nicest, sweetest kitty and now I have to do AGAIN what I did to Karma, Gracie, Mokie, Pretties, Charlie, FatCat. Love a furkid..only to kill them so they don't suffer.
Yes, I could keep her alive but for whom? Her...or me? Let her suffer with whatever organ the leukemia settles in or moves around on, find the funds to treat her to keep her alive.....or let her go now?
On Friday, I still plan to take her in but to get yet another blood test to MAKE SURE, then talk to the vet again and get her opinion, then decide what to do.
This sucks. Can I not have ONE THING to love me that won't die on me and leave me to be alone?
Oh, Gracie! How sad. I've had two cats, brothers, who died of leukemia contracted because I let them outside to play. I didn't know much about it then but learned after the first kitty succumbed. The second lasted longer and I was even able to gain him an extra year because I had access to an experimental program at the Munich Veterinary School. He was such a brave kitty and was very important to my daughter. When he started going into seizures and became incontinent, I knew what had to be done. It is NEVER easy. My heart goes out to you. I cannot imagine you have done anything in this life, or any other life, to deserve all the heartache and grief you have suffered.
Even as I push this cat off my hand while I type, I will treasure her loving soul and think of you.
Arrgghh! This cat is driving me nuts! I know she's loving on me but she's overflowing onto my keyboard. I have to keep going back and correcting the mess she's helping me make. And I feel like a total heel when I have to push her away. She's old, infirm, and really emotionally needy. Poor thing!

They all get that way towards the end gallantwarrior, I'm sorry to say.
Give the love she's looking for and needs right now.
How have you been lately, Peach? Mr. Peach still tooling around on his "bike"?

I've been pretty busy doings things around and in the house.
Trying to get everything organized also (things no longer needed thrown out) and slowly painting each room.
It's very frustrating for me to try and reconcile with the fact of what used to take a few hours in youth now takes days. !

Mr. P joined the Fraternal Order of Eagles motorcycle club a few months back and they get together and go out on rides for several hours every once in a while.
Then he rides almost every day just traveling around Cochise County.
Mr. P is doing pretty well, it's remarkable how he gets around having only one quarter of his heart working and having MS.
Oh, boy, howdy! I know what you mean about how long it takes to get things done. I've been trying to get as much done as I can before I go on "light duty". Even as I accomplish each project the list grows longer. For instance: I need to bottle a batch of mead. First, I had to clean up the kitchen enough to give me space to do that (I have a very small kitchen). Now I have to prep the bottles and equipment but before I can do that I have to get my storage shed cleared out enough to get to my equipment. I'm still trying to clean up the shed after that big quake in November. Plenty of stuff was knocked off shelves. As I clear out the shed, I find things that need to be cleaned and put away again. I did get a pile of things cleaned on Monday and I have a cart full of other things that need to be moved to where they belong. Add to all these projects the fact that I'll have medical appointments at least once weekly up until surgery, I'm operating at full steam all the time. And the orthopedist wanted me to start water therapy! Some things are just not going to happen. I'll continue to do my exercises but I just don't have enough hours in a day for anything else.
Good that Mr. P. has found something that he likes to do and a group of friends to do it with. I found this, you might appreciate it:
The Average Joe Can We Talk About How Cute Motorcycle Gangs Are? - Inseparable Friends -Matching Outfits -Going on Adventures Together What Wholesome Adorable Fun Lucky Ducks | Cute Meme on
Oh and I somehow missed it when we bought the house, one of the bedrooms is painted in semi-gloss....... walls and ceiling........ Who paints bedroom walls and ceilings in semi-gloss......?
That means sanding the entire room, painting on a primer coat then putting on the finish paint........
Umm... maybe it was their rec room? Semi-gloss is easier to wash. Just sayin'...
Don't know but the ceiling? :dunno:

Possibly if they were painting the room just keep going with the same paint in the whole room.
The reason flat ceiling paint is used is it's formulated to hide imperfections not to mention it splatters less than wall paint. Right now I'm really sore and exhausted and I only painted 2/3s of the great room (13' X 26'), on top of the heavier work I did yesterday and the fact I'm 1500' above where I live in Roswell.......... Thank God I'm getting help tomorrow to lay the floor.

My landlords are busy working on my flat every day. They have been sanding down the ceilings with a power sander which means everything is covered with dust. But tomorrow they are going to start painting with what they describe as crack filling paint. Apparently the paint is designed to fill in cracks, as well as paint surfaces.
Oh and I somehow missed it when we bought the house, one of the bedrooms is painted in semi-gloss....... walls and ceiling........ Who paints bedroom walls and ceilings in semi-gloss......?
That means sanding the entire room, painting on a primer coat then putting on the finish paint........
Umm... maybe it was their rec room? Semi-gloss is easier to wash. Just sayin'...
Don't know but the ceiling? :dunno:

Possibly if they were painting the room just keep going with the same paint in the whole room.
The reason flat ceiling paint is used is it's formulated to hide imperfections not to mention it splatters less than wall paint. Right now I'm really sore and exhausted and I only painted 2/3s of the great room (13' X 26'), on top of the heavier work I did yesterday and the fact I'm 1500' above where I live in Roswell.......... Thank God I'm getting help tomorrow to lay the floor.

My landlords are busy working on my flat every day. They have been sanding down the ceilings with a power sander which means everything is covered with dust. But tomorrow they are going to start painting with what they describe as crack filling paint. Apparently the paint is designed to fill in cracks, as well as paint surfaces.
You were able to put drop clothes over your stuff, weren't you? Still, that dust will be everywhere. I do not envy your clean up but it will hopefully be worth it all in the end.
Oh and I somehow missed it when we bought the house, one of the bedrooms is painted in semi-gloss....... walls and ceiling........ Who paints bedroom walls and ceilings in semi-gloss......?
That means sanding the entire room, painting on a primer coat then putting on the finish paint........
Umm... maybe it was their rec room? Semi-gloss is easier to wash. Just sayin'...
Don't know but the ceiling? :dunno:

Possibly if they were painting the room just keep going with the same paint in the whole room.
The reason flat ceiling paint is used is it's formulated to hide imperfections not to mention it splatters less than wall paint. Right now I'm really sore and exhausted and I only painted 2/3s of the great room (13' X 26'), on top of the heavier work I did yesterday and the fact I'm 1500' above where I live in Roswell.......... Thank God I'm getting help tomorrow to lay the floor.

My landlords are busy working on my flat every day. They have been sanding down the ceilings with a power sander which means everything is covered with dust. But tomorrow they are going to start painting with what they describe as crack filling paint. Apparently the paint is designed to fill in cracks, as well as paint surfaces.

That must be annoying to live with. But good to hear from you Dajjal. I hope when they're done, you'll enjoy the results.
Arrgghh! This cat is driving me nuts! I know she's loving on me but she's overflowing onto my keyboard. I have to keep going back and correcting the mess she's helping me make. And I feel like a total heel when I have to push her away. She's old, infirm, and really emotionally needy. Poor thing!

They all get that way towards the end gallantwarrior, I'm sorry to say.
Give the love she's looking for and needs right now.
How have you been lately, Peach? Mr. Peach still tooling around on his "bike"?

I've been pretty busy doings things around and in the house.
Trying to get everything organized also (things no longer needed thrown out) and slowly painting each room.
It's very frustrating for me to try and reconcile with the fact of what used to take a few hours in youth now takes days. !

Mr. P joined the Fraternal Order of Eagles motorcycle club a few months back and they get together and go out on rides for several hours every once in a while.
Then he rides almost every day just traveling around Cochise County.
Mr. P is doing pretty well, it's remarkable how he gets around having only one quarter of his heart working and having MS.
Oh, boy, howdy! I know what you mean about how long it takes to get things done. I've been trying to get as much done as I can before I go on "light duty". Even as I accomplish each project the list grows longer. For instance: I need to bottle a batch of mead. First, I had to clean up the kitchen enough to give me space to do that (I have a very small kitchen). Now I have to prep the bottles and equipment but before I can do that I have to get my storage shed cleared out enough to get to my equipment. I'm still trying to clean up the shed after that big quake in November. Plenty of stuff was knocked off shelves. As I clear out the shed, I find things that need to be cleaned and put away again. I did get a pile of things cleaned on Monday and I have a cart full of other things that need to be moved to where they belong. Add to all these projects the fact that I'll have medical appointments at least once weekly up until surgery, I'm operating at full steam all the time. And the orthopedist wanted me to start water therapy! Some things are just not going to happen. I'll continue to do my exercises but I just don't have enough hours in a day for anything else.
Good that Mr. P. has found something that he likes to do and a group of friends to do it with. I found this, you might appreciate it:
The Average Joe Can We Talk About How Cute Motorcycle Gangs Are? - Inseparable Friends -Matching Outfits -Going on Adventures Together What Wholesome Adorable Fun Lucky Ducks | Cute Meme on
Arrgghh! This cat is driving me nuts! I know she's loving on me but she's overflowing onto my keyboard. I have to keep going back and correcting the mess she's helping me make. And I feel like a total heel when I have to push her away. She's old, infirm, and really emotionally needy. Poor thing!

They all get that way towards the end gallantwarrior, I'm sorry to say.
Give the love she's looking for and needs right now.
How have you been lately, Peach? Mr. Peach still tooling around on his "bike"?

I've been pretty busy doings things around and in the house.
Trying to get everything organized also (things no longer needed thrown out) and slowly painting each room.
It's very frustrating for me to try and reconcile with the fact of what used to take a few hours in youth now takes days. !

Mr. P joined the Fraternal Order of Eagles motorcycle club a few months back and they get together and go out on rides for several hours every once in a while.
Then he rides almost every day just traveling around Cochise County.
Mr. P is doing pretty well, it's remarkable how he gets around having only one quarter of his heart working and having MS.
Oh, boy, howdy! I know what you mean about how long it takes to get things done. I've been trying to get as much done as I can before I go on "light duty". Even as I accomplish each project the list grows longer. For instance: I need to bottle a batch of mead. First, I had to clean up the kitchen enough to give me space to do that (I have a very small kitchen). Now I have to prep the bottles and equipment but before I can do that I have to get my storage shed cleared out enough to get to my equipment. I'm still trying to clean up the shed after that big quake in November. Plenty of stuff was knocked off shelves. As I clear out the shed, I find things that need to be cleaned and put away again. I did get a pile of things cleaned on Monday and I have a cart full of other things that need to be moved to where they belong. Add to all these projects the fact that I'll have medical appointments at least once weekly up until surgery, I'm operating at full steam all the time. And the orthopedist wanted me to start water therapy! Some things are just not going to happen. I'll continue to do my exercises but I just don't have enough hours in a day for anything else.
Good that Mr. P. has found something that he likes to do and a group of friends to do it with. I found this, you might appreciate it:
The Average Joe Can We Talk About How Cute Motorcycle Gangs Are? - Inseparable Friends -Matching Outfits -Going on Adventures Together What Wholesome Adorable Fun Lucky Ducks | Cute Meme on

They don't have matching outfits.
Arrgghh! This cat is driving me nuts! I know she's loving on me but she's overflowing onto my keyboard. I have to keep going back and correcting the mess she's helping me make. And I feel like a total heel when I have to push her away. She's old, infirm, and really emotionally needy. Poor thing!

They all get that way towards the end gallantwarrior, I'm sorry to say.
Give the love she's looking for and needs right now.
How have you been lately, Peach? Mr. Peach still tooling around on his "bike"?

I've been pretty busy doings things around and in the house.
Trying to get everything organized also (things no longer needed thrown out) and slowly painting each room.
It's very frustrating for me to try and reconcile with the fact of what used to take a few hours in youth now takes days. !

Mr. P joined the Fraternal Order of Eagles motorcycle club a few months back and they get together and go out on rides for several hours every once in a while.
Then he rides almost every day just traveling around Cochise County.
Mr. P is doing pretty well, it's remarkable how he gets around having only one quarter of his heart working and having MS.
Oh, boy, howdy! I know what you mean about how long it takes to get things done. I've been trying to get as much done as I can before I go on "light duty". Even as I accomplish each project the list grows longer. For instance: I need to bottle a batch of mead. First, I had to clean up the kitchen enough to give me space to do that (I have a very small kitchen). Now I have to prep the bottles and equipment but before I can do that I have to get my storage shed cleared out enough to get to my equipment. I'm still trying to clean up the shed after that big quake in November. Plenty of stuff was knocked off shelves. As I clear out the shed, I find things that need to be cleaned and put away again. I did get a pile of things cleaned on Monday and I have a cart full of other things that need to be moved to where they belong. Add to all these projects the fact that I'll have medical appointments at least once weekly up until surgery, I'm operating at full steam all the time. And the orthopedist wanted me to start water therapy! Some things are just not going to happen. I'll continue to do my exercises but I just don't have enough hours in a day for anything else.
Good that Mr. P. has found something that he likes to do and a group of friends to do it with. I found this, you might appreciate it:
The Average Joe Can We Talk About How Cute Motorcycle Gangs Are? - Inseparable Friends -Matching Outfits -Going on Adventures Together What Wholesome Adorable Fun Lucky Ducks | Cute Meme on
Arrgghh! This cat is driving me nuts! I know she's loving on me but she's overflowing onto my keyboard. I have to keep going back and correcting the mess she's helping me make. And I feel like a total heel when I have to push her away. She's old, infirm, and really emotionally needy. Poor thing!

They all get that way towards the end gallantwarrior, I'm sorry to say.
Give the love she's looking for and needs right now.
How have you been lately, Peach? Mr. Peach still tooling around on his "bike"?

I've been pretty busy doings things around and in the house.
Trying to get everything organized also (things no longer needed thrown out) and slowly painting each room.
It's very frustrating for me to try and reconcile with the fact of what used to take a few hours in youth now takes days. !

Mr. P joined the Fraternal Order of Eagles motorcycle club a few months back and they get together and go out on rides for several hours every once in a while.
Then he rides almost every day just traveling around Cochise County.
Mr. P is doing pretty well, it's remarkable how he gets around having only one quarter of his heart working and having MS.
Oh, boy, howdy! I know what you mean about how long it takes to get things done. I've been trying to get as much done as I can before I go on "light duty". Even as I accomplish each project the list grows longer. For instance: I need to bottle a batch of mead. First, I had to clean up the kitchen enough to give me space to do that (I have a very small kitchen). Now I have to prep the bottles and equipment but before I can do that I have to get my storage shed cleared out enough to get to my equipment. I'm still trying to clean up the shed after that big quake in November. Plenty of stuff was knocked off shelves. As I clear out the shed, I find things that need to be cleaned and put away again. I did get a pile of things cleaned on Monday and I have a cart full of other things that need to be moved to where they belong. Add to all these projects the fact that I'll have medical appointments at least once weekly up until surgery, I'm operating at full steam all the time. And the orthopedist wanted me to start water therapy! Some things are just not going to happen. I'll continue to do my exercises but I just don't have enough hours in a day for anything else.
Good that Mr. P. has found something that he likes to do and a group of friends to do it with. I found this, you might appreciate it:
The Average Joe Can We Talk About How Cute Motorcycle Gangs Are? - Inseparable Friends -Matching Outfits -Going on Adventures Together What Wholesome Adorable Fun Lucky Ducks | Cute Meme on

They don't have matching outfits.
LOL! Maybe some colorful tropical shirts?
Arrgghh! This cat is driving me nuts! I know she's loving on me but she's overflowing onto my keyboard. I have to keep going back and correcting the mess she's helping me make. And I feel like a total heel when I have to push her away. She's old, infirm, and really emotionally needy. Poor thing!

They all get that way towards the end gallantwarrior, I'm sorry to say.
Give the love she's looking for and needs right now.
How have you been lately, Peach? Mr. Peach still tooling around on his "bike"?

I've been pretty busy doings things around and in the house.
Trying to get everything organized also (things no longer needed thrown out) and slowly painting each room.
It's very frustrating for me to try and reconcile with the fact of what used to take a few hours in youth now takes days. !

Mr. P joined the Fraternal Order of Eagles motorcycle club a few months back and they get together and go out on rides for several hours every once in a while.
Then he rides almost every day just traveling around Cochise County.
Mr. P is doing pretty well, it's remarkable how he gets around having only one quarter of his heart working and having MS.
Oh, boy, howdy! I know what you mean about how long it takes to get things done. I've been trying to get as much done as I can before I go on "light duty". Even as I accomplish each project the list grows longer. For instance: I need to bottle a batch of mead. First, I had to clean up the kitchen enough to give me space to do that (I have a very small kitchen). Now I have to prep the bottles and equipment but before I can do that I have to get my storage shed cleared out enough to get to my equipment. I'm still trying to clean up the shed after that big quake in November. Plenty of stuff was knocked off shelves. As I clear out the shed, I find things that need to be cleaned and put away again. I did get a pile of things cleaned on Monday and I have a cart full of other things that need to be moved to where they belong. Add to all these projects the fact that I'll have medical appointments at least once weekly up until surgery, I'm operating at full steam all the time. And the orthopedist wanted me to start water therapy! Some things are just not going to happen. I'll continue to do my exercises but I just don't have enough hours in a day for anything else.
Good that Mr. P. has found something that he likes to do and a group of friends to do it with. I found this, you might appreciate it:
The Average Joe Can We Talk About How Cute Motorcycle Gangs Are? - Inseparable Friends -Matching Outfits -Going on Adventures Together What Wholesome Adorable Fun Lucky Ducks | Cute Meme on
Arrgghh! This cat is driving me nuts! I know she's loving on me but she's overflowing onto my keyboard. I have to keep going back and correcting the mess she's helping me make. And I feel like a total heel when I have to push her away. She's old, infirm, and really emotionally needy. Poor thing!

They all get that way towards the end gallantwarrior, I'm sorry to say.
Give the love she's looking for and needs right now.
How have you been lately, Peach? Mr. Peach still tooling around on his "bike"?

I've been pretty busy doings things around and in the house.
Trying to get everything organized also (things no longer needed thrown out) and slowly painting each room.
It's very frustrating for me to try and reconcile with the fact of what used to take a few hours in youth now takes days. !

Mr. P joined the Fraternal Order of Eagles motorcycle club a few months back and they get together and go out on rides for several hours every once in a while.
Then he rides almost every day just traveling around Cochise County.
Mr. P is doing pretty well, it's remarkable how he gets around having only one quarter of his heart working and having MS.
Oh, boy, howdy! I know what you mean about how long it takes to get things done. I've been trying to get as much done as I can before I go on "light duty". Even as I accomplish each project the list grows longer. For instance: I need to bottle a batch of mead. First, I had to clean up the kitchen enough to give me space to do that (I have a very small kitchen). Now I have to prep the bottles and equipment but before I can do that I have to get my storage shed cleared out enough to get to my equipment. I'm still trying to clean up the shed after that big quake in November. Plenty of stuff was knocked off shelves. As I clear out the shed, I find things that need to be cleaned and put away again. I did get a pile of things cleaned on Monday and I have a cart full of other things that need to be moved to where they belong. Add to all these projects the fact that I'll have medical appointments at least once weekly up until surgery, I'm operating at full steam all the time. And the orthopedist wanted me to start water therapy! Some things are just not going to happen. I'll continue to do my exercises but I just don't have enough hours in a day for anything else.
Good that Mr. P. has found something that he likes to do and a group of friends to do it with. I found this, you might appreciate it:
The Average Joe Can We Talk About How Cute Motorcycle Gangs Are? - Inseparable Friends -Matching Outfits -Going on Adventures Together What Wholesome Adorable Fun Lucky Ducks | Cute Meme on

I recommend the water therapy.
We have one of those walk in tubs that have the jets for the back, feet and legs.
It works well, we both feel better afterwards and it makes the soreness become more manageable to bear.
Today my neck, between my shoulders and my lower back hurts, so I'm taking it easy .
Maybe later this afternoon I will use them, if it continues to get any worse.
Arrgghh! This cat is driving me nuts! I know she's loving on me but she's overflowing onto my keyboard. I have to keep going back and correcting the mess she's helping me make. And I feel like a total heel when I have to push her away. She's old, infirm, and really emotionally needy. Poor thing!

They all get that way towards the end gallantwarrior, I'm sorry to say.
Give the love she's looking for and needs right now.
How have you been lately, Peach? Mr. Peach still tooling around on his "bike"?

I've been pretty busy doings things around and in the house.
Trying to get everything organized also (things no longer needed thrown out) and slowly painting each room.
It's very frustrating for me to try and reconcile with the fact of what used to take a few hours in youth now takes days. !

Mr. P joined the Fraternal Order of Eagles motorcycle club a few months back and they get together and go out on rides for several hours every once in a while.
Then he rides almost every day just traveling around Cochise County.
Mr. P is doing pretty well, it's remarkable how he gets around having only one quarter of his heart working and having MS.
Oh, boy, howdy! I know what you mean about how long it takes to get things done. I've been trying to get as much done as I can before I go on "light duty". Even as I accomplish each project the list grows longer. For instance: I need to bottle a batch of mead. First, I had to clean up the kitchen enough to give me space to do that (I have a very small kitchen). Now I have to prep the bottles and equipment but before I can do that I have to get my storage shed cleared out enough to get to my equipment. I'm still trying to clean up the shed after that big quake in November. Plenty of stuff was knocked off shelves. As I clear out the shed, I find things that need to be cleaned and put away again. I did get a pile of things cleaned on Monday and I have a cart full of other things that need to be moved to where they belong. Add to all these projects the fact that I'll have medical appointments at least once weekly up until surgery, I'm operating at full steam all the time. And the orthopedist wanted me to start water therapy! Some things are just not going to happen. I'll continue to do my exercises but I just don't have enough hours in a day for anything else.
Good that Mr. P. has found something that he likes to do and a group of friends to do it with. I found this, you might appreciate it:
The Average Joe Can We Talk About How Cute Motorcycle Gangs Are? - Inseparable Friends -Matching Outfits -Going on Adventures Together What Wholesome Adorable Fun Lucky Ducks | Cute Meme on
Arrgghh! This cat is driving me nuts! I know she's loving on me but she's overflowing onto my keyboard. I have to keep going back and correcting the mess she's helping me make. And I feel like a total heel when I have to push her away. She's old, infirm, and really emotionally needy. Poor thing!

They all get that way towards the end gallantwarrior, I'm sorry to say.
Give the love she's looking for and needs right now.
How have you been lately, Peach? Mr. Peach still tooling around on his "bike"?

I've been pretty busy doings things around and in the house.
Trying to get everything organized also (things no longer needed thrown out) and slowly painting each room.
It's very frustrating for me to try and reconcile with the fact of what used to take a few hours in youth now takes days. !

Mr. P joined the Fraternal Order of Eagles motorcycle club a few months back and they get together and go out on rides for several hours every once in a while.
Then he rides almost every day just traveling around Cochise County.
Mr. P is doing pretty well, it's remarkable how he gets around having only one quarter of his heart working and having MS.
Oh, boy, howdy! I know what you mean about how long it takes to get things done. I've been trying to get as much done as I can before I go on "light duty". Even as I accomplish each project the list grows longer. For instance: I need to bottle a batch of mead. First, I had to clean up the kitchen enough to give me space to do that (I have a very small kitchen). Now I have to prep the bottles and equipment but before I can do that I have to get my storage shed cleared out enough to get to my equipment. I'm still trying to clean up the shed after that big quake in November. Plenty of stuff was knocked off shelves. As I clear out the shed, I find things that need to be cleaned and put away again. I did get a pile of things cleaned on Monday and I have a cart full of other things that need to be moved to where they belong. Add to all these projects the fact that I'll have medical appointments at least once weekly up until surgery, I'm operating at full steam all the time. And the orthopedist wanted me to start water therapy! Some things are just not going to happen. I'll continue to do my exercises but I just don't have enough hours in a day for anything else.
Good that Mr. P. has found something that he likes to do and a group of friends to do it with. I found this, you might appreciate it:
The Average Joe Can We Talk About How Cute Motorcycle Gangs Are? - Inseparable Friends -Matching Outfits -Going on Adventures Together What Wholesome Adorable Fun Lucky Ducks | Cute Meme on

I recommend the water therapy.
We have one of those walk in tubs that have the jets for the back, feet and legs.
It works well, we both feel better afterwards and it makes the soreness become more manageable to bear.
Today my neck, between my shoulders and my lower back hurts, so I'm taking it easy .
Maybe later this afternoon I will use them, if it continues to get any worse.
I'm not sure when I can find the time. I don't have access to in-home facilities. I work 10 hr days, drive 2 hours each way. It takes me at least 2 hours to do the minimum chores, which I have stream lined to the best of my ability (thank goodness I have a well now). If I do errands on the way home, that's another hour, at least. That makes 16-18 hours a day, leaving about 6 hours, max, for a nap. I cook my week's meals on weekends. I am fortunate enough to be able to snatch a nap at work, although we are so short-handed lately, I'm working 4-5 flights a shift. Adding an hour of therapy to the schedule is very difficult. I am tired and I hurt all the time. I'd love water therapy and will gladly indulge myself after surgery, but for now, I have to forgo this.
They all get that way towards the end gallantwarrior, I'm sorry to say.
Give the love she's looking for and needs right now.
How have you been lately, Peach? Mr. Peach still tooling around on his "bike"?

I've been pretty busy doings things around and in the house.
Trying to get everything organized also (things no longer needed thrown out) and slowly painting each room.
It's very frustrating for me to try and reconcile with the fact of what used to take a few hours in youth now takes days. !

Mr. P joined the Fraternal Order of Eagles motorcycle club a few months back and they get together and go out on rides for several hours every once in a while.
Then he rides almost every day just traveling around Cochise County.
Mr. P is doing pretty well, it's remarkable how he gets around having only one quarter of his heart working and having MS.
Oh, boy, howdy! I know what you mean about how long it takes to get things done. I've been trying to get as much done as I can before I go on "light duty". Even as I accomplish each project the list grows longer. For instance: I need to bottle a batch of mead. First, I had to clean up the kitchen enough to give me space to do that (I have a very small kitchen). Now I have to prep the bottles and equipment but before I can do that I have to get my storage shed cleared out enough to get to my equipment. I'm still trying to clean up the shed after that big quake in November. Plenty of stuff was knocked off shelves. As I clear out the shed, I find things that need to be cleaned and put away again. I did get a pile of things cleaned on Monday and I have a cart full of other things that need to be moved to where they belong. Add to all these projects the fact that I'll have medical appointments at least once weekly up until surgery, I'm operating at full steam all the time. And the orthopedist wanted me to start water therapy! Some things are just not going to happen. I'll continue to do my exercises but I just don't have enough hours in a day for anything else.
Good that Mr. P. has found something that he likes to do and a group of friends to do it with. I found this, you might appreciate it:
The Average Joe Can We Talk About How Cute Motorcycle Gangs Are? - Inseparable Friends -Matching Outfits -Going on Adventures Together What Wholesome Adorable Fun Lucky Ducks | Cute Meme on

They don't have matching outfits.[/QUOTE]
LOL! Maybe some colorful tropical shirts?

You have just unintentionally insulted a very fine group of men.
They all get that way towards the end gallantwarrior, I'm sorry to say.
Give the love she's looking for and needs right now.
How have you been lately, Peach? Mr. Peach still tooling around on his "bike"?

I've been pretty busy doings things around and in the house.
Trying to get everything organized also (things no longer needed thrown out) and slowly painting each room.
It's very frustrating for me to try and reconcile with the fact of what used to take a few hours in youth now takes days. !

Mr. P joined the Fraternal Order of Eagles motorcycle club a few months back and they get together and go out on rides for several hours every once in a while.
Then he rides almost every day just traveling around Cochise County.
Mr. P is doing pretty well, it's remarkable how he gets around having only one quarter of his heart working and having MS.
Oh, boy, howdy! I know what you mean about how long it takes to get things done. I've been trying to get as much done as I can before I go on "light duty". Even as I accomplish each project the list grows longer. For instance: I need to bottle a batch of mead. First, I had to clean up the kitchen enough to give me space to do that (I have a very small kitchen). Now I have to prep the bottles and equipment but before I can do that I have to get my storage shed cleared out enough to get to my equipment. I'm still trying to clean up the shed after that big quake in November. Plenty of stuff was knocked off shelves. As I clear out the shed, I find things that need to be cleaned and put away again. I did get a pile of things cleaned on Monday and I have a cart full of other things that need to be moved to where they belong. Add to all these projects the fact that I'll have medical appointments at least once weekly up until surgery, I'm operating at full steam all the time. And the orthopedist wanted me to start water therapy! Some things are just not going to happen. I'll continue to do my exercises but I just don't have enough hours in a day for anything else.
Good that Mr. P. has found something that he likes to do and a group of friends to do it with. I found this, you might appreciate it:
The Average Joe Can We Talk About How Cute Motorcycle Gangs Are? - Inseparable Friends -Matching Outfits -Going on Adventures Together What Wholesome Adorable Fun Lucky Ducks | Cute Meme on

They don't have matching outfits.
LOL! Maybe some colorful tropical shirts?

You have just unintentionally insulted a very fine group of men.[/QUOTE]
It's all in good humor, you know. Can you picture a bunch of serious bikers tooling down the road in something like that?
They all get that way towards the end gallantwarrior, I'm sorry to say.
Give the love she's looking for and needs right now.
How have you been lately, Peach? Mr. Peach still tooling around on his "bike"?

I've been pretty busy doings things around and in the house.
Trying to get everything organized also (things no longer needed thrown out) and slowly painting each room.
It's very frustrating for me to try and reconcile with the fact of what used to take a few hours in youth now takes days. !

Mr. P joined the Fraternal Order of Eagles motorcycle club a few months back and they get together and go out on rides for several hours every once in a while.
Then he rides almost every day just traveling around Cochise County.
Mr. P is doing pretty well, it's remarkable how he gets around having only one quarter of his heart working and having MS.
Oh, boy, howdy! I know what you mean about how long it takes to get things done. I've been trying to get as much done as I can before I go on "light duty". Even as I accomplish each project the list grows longer. For instance: I need to bottle a batch of mead. First, I had to clean up the kitchen enough to give me space to do that (I have a very small kitchen). Now I have to prep the bottles and equipment but before I can do that I have to get my storage shed cleared out enough to get to my equipment. I'm still trying to clean up the shed after that big quake in November. Plenty of stuff was knocked off shelves. As I clear out the shed, I find things that need to be cleaned and put away again. I did get a pile of things cleaned on Monday and I have a cart full of other things that need to be moved to where they belong. Add to all these projects the fact that I'll have medical appointments at least once weekly up until surgery, I'm operating at full steam all the time. And the orthopedist wanted me to start water therapy! Some things are just not going to happen. I'll continue to do my exercises but I just don't have enough hours in a day for anything else.
Good that Mr. P. has found something that he likes to do and a group of friends to do it with. I found this, you might appreciate it:
The Average Joe Can We Talk About How Cute Motorcycle Gangs Are? - Inseparable Friends -Matching Outfits -Going on Adventures Together What Wholesome Adorable Fun Lucky Ducks | Cute Meme on
They all get that way towards the end gallantwarrior, I'm sorry to say.
Give the love she's looking for and needs right now.
How have you been lately, Peach? Mr. Peach still tooling around on his "bike"?

I've been pretty busy doings things around and in the house.
Trying to get everything organized also (things no longer needed thrown out) and slowly painting each room.
It's very frustrating for me to try and reconcile with the fact of what used to take a few hours in youth now takes days. !

Mr. P joined the Fraternal Order of Eagles motorcycle club a few months back and they get together and go out on rides for several hours every once in a while.
Then he rides almost every day just traveling around Cochise County.
Mr. P is doing pretty well, it's remarkable how he gets around having only one quarter of his heart working and having MS.
Oh, boy, howdy! I know what you mean about how long it takes to get things done. I've been trying to get as much done as I can before I go on "light duty". Even as I accomplish each project the list grows longer. For instance: I need to bottle a batch of mead. First, I had to clean up the kitchen enough to give me space to do that (I have a very small kitchen). Now I have to prep the bottles and equipment but before I can do that I have to get my storage shed cleared out enough to get to my equipment. I'm still trying to clean up the shed after that big quake in November. Plenty of stuff was knocked off shelves. As I clear out the shed, I find things that need to be cleaned and put away again. I did get a pile of things cleaned on Monday and I have a cart full of other things that need to be moved to where they belong. Add to all these projects the fact that I'll have medical appointments at least once weekly up until surgery, I'm operating at full steam all the time. And the orthopedist wanted me to start water therapy! Some things are just not going to happen. I'll continue to do my exercises but I just don't have enough hours in a day for anything else.
Good that Mr. P. has found something that he likes to do and a group of friends to do it with. I found this, you might appreciate it:
The Average Joe Can We Talk About How Cute Motorcycle Gangs Are? - Inseparable Friends -Matching Outfits -Going on Adventures Together What Wholesome Adorable Fun Lucky Ducks | Cute Meme on

I recommend the water therapy.
We have one of those walk in tubs that have the jets for the back, feet and legs.
It works well, we both feel better afterwards and it makes the soreness become more manageable to bear.
Today my neck, between my shoulders and my lower back hurts, so I'm taking it easy .
Maybe later this afternoon I will use them, if it continues to get any worse.
I'm not sure when I can find the time. I don't have access to in-home facilities. I work 10 hr days, drive 2 hours each way. It takes me at least 2 hours to do the minimum chores, which I have stream lined to the best of my ability (thank goodness I have a well now). If I do errands on the way home, that's another hour, at least. That makes 16-18 hours a day, leaving about 6 hours, max, for a nap. I cook my week's meals on weekends. I am fortunate enough to be able to snatch a nap at work, although we are so short-handed lately, I'm working 4-5 flights a shift. Adding an hour of therapy to the schedule is very difficult. I am tired and I hurt all the time. I'd love water therapy and will gladly indulge myself after surgery, but for now, I have to forgo this.

See if it can be done during your lunch hour and eat your lunch while in the water therapy.
How have you been lately, Peach? Mr. Peach still tooling around on his "bike"?

I've been pretty busy doings things around and in the house.
Trying to get everything organized also (things no longer needed thrown out) and slowly painting each room.
It's very frustrating for me to try and reconcile with the fact of what used to take a few hours in youth now takes days. !

Mr. P joined the Fraternal Order of Eagles motorcycle club a few months back and they get together and go out on rides for several hours every once in a while.
Then he rides almost every day just traveling around Cochise County.
Mr. P is doing pretty well, it's remarkable how he gets around having only one quarter of his heart working and having MS.
Oh, boy, howdy! I know what you mean about how long it takes to get things done. I've been trying to get as much done as I can before I go on "light duty". Even as I accomplish each project the list grows longer. For instance: I need to bottle a batch of mead. First, I had to clean up the kitchen enough to give me space to do that (I have a very small kitchen). Now I have to prep the bottles and equipment but before I can do that I have to get my storage shed cleared out enough to get to my equipment. I'm still trying to clean up the shed after that big quake in November. Plenty of stuff was knocked off shelves. As I clear out the shed, I find things that need to be cleaned and put away again. I did get a pile of things cleaned on Monday and I have a cart full of other things that need to be moved to where they belong. Add to all these projects the fact that I'll have medical appointments at least once weekly up until surgery, I'm operating at full steam all the time. And the orthopedist wanted me to start water therapy! Some things are just not going to happen. I'll continue to do my exercises but I just don't have enough hours in a day for anything else.
Good that Mr. P. has found something that he likes to do and a group of friends to do it with. I found this, you might appreciate it:
The Average Joe Can We Talk About How Cute Motorcycle Gangs Are? - Inseparable Friends -Matching Outfits -Going on Adventures Together What Wholesome Adorable Fun Lucky Ducks | Cute Meme on
How have you been lately, Peach? Mr. Peach still tooling around on his "bike"?

I've been pretty busy doings things around and in the house.
Trying to get everything organized also (things no longer needed thrown out) and slowly painting each room.
It's very frustrating for me to try and reconcile with the fact of what used to take a few hours in youth now takes days. !

Mr. P joined the Fraternal Order of Eagles motorcycle club a few months back and they get together and go out on rides for several hours every once in a while.
Then he rides almost every day just traveling around Cochise County.
Mr. P is doing pretty well, it's remarkable how he gets around having only one quarter of his heart working and having MS.
Oh, boy, howdy! I know what you mean about how long it takes to get things done. I've been trying to get as much done as I can before I go on "light duty". Even as I accomplish each project the list grows longer. For instance: I need to bottle a batch of mead. First, I had to clean up the kitchen enough to give me space to do that (I have a very small kitchen). Now I have to prep the bottles and equipment but before I can do that I have to get my storage shed cleared out enough to get to my equipment. I'm still trying to clean up the shed after that big quake in November. Plenty of stuff was knocked off shelves. As I clear out the shed, I find things that need to be cleaned and put away again. I did get a pile of things cleaned on Monday and I have a cart full of other things that need to be moved to where they belong. Add to all these projects the fact that I'll have medical appointments at least once weekly up until surgery, I'm operating at full steam all the time. And the orthopedist wanted me to start water therapy! Some things are just not going to happen. I'll continue to do my exercises but I just don't have enough hours in a day for anything else.
Good that Mr. P. has found something that he likes to do and a group of friends to do it with. I found this, you might appreciate it:
The Average Joe Can We Talk About How Cute Motorcycle Gangs Are? - Inseparable Friends -Matching Outfits -Going on Adventures Together What Wholesome Adorable Fun Lucky Ducks | Cute Meme on

I recommend the water therapy.
We have one of those walk in tubs that have the jets for the back, feet and legs.
It works well, we both feel better afterwards and it makes the soreness become more manageable to bear.
Today my neck, between my shoulders and my lower back hurts, so I'm taking it easy .
Maybe later this afternoon I will use them, if it continues to get any worse.
I'm not sure when I can find the time. I don't have access to in-home facilities. I work 10 hr days, drive 2 hours each way. It takes me at least 2 hours to do the minimum chores, which I have stream lined to the best of my ability (thank goodness I have a well now). If I do errands on the way home, that's another hour, at least. That makes 16-18 hours a day, leaving about 6 hours, max, for a nap. I cook my week's meals on weekends. I am fortunate enough to be able to snatch a nap at work, although we are so short-handed lately, I'm working 4-5 flights a shift. Adding an hour of therapy to the schedule is very difficult. I am tired and I hurt all the time. I'd love water therapy and will gladly indulge myself after surgery, but for now, I have to forgo this.

See if it can be done during your lunch hour and eat your lunch while in the water therapy.
I work from midnight to 10 am, no official lunch hour. We usually eat in our trucks or in a small break between flights. I try my best to schedule appointments on Wednesdays, when I have time, or Thur-Fri mornings after 10 am. Most offices are accommodating at possible, but it isn't very easy.
They all get that way towards the end gallantwarrior, I'm sorry to say.
Give the love she's looking for and needs right now.
How have you been lately, Peach? Mr. Peach still tooling around on his "bike"?

I've been pretty busy doings things around and in the house.
Trying to get everything organized also (things no longer needed thrown out) and slowly painting each room.
It's very frustrating for me to try and reconcile with the fact of what used to take a few hours in youth now takes days. !

Mr. P joined the Fraternal Order of Eagles motorcycle club a few months back and they get together and go out on rides for several hours every once in a while.
Then he rides almost every day just traveling around Cochise County.
Mr. P is doing pretty well, it's remarkable how he gets around having only one quarter of his heart working and having MS.
Oh, boy, howdy! I know what you mean about how long it takes to get things done. I've been trying to get as much done as I can before I go on "light duty". Even as I accomplish each project the list grows longer. For instance: I need to bottle a batch of mead. First, I had to clean up the kitchen enough to give me space to do that (I have a very small kitchen). Now I have to prep the bottles and equipment but before I can do that I have to get my storage shed cleared out enough to get to my equipment. I'm still trying to clean up the shed after that big quake in November. Plenty of stuff was knocked off shelves. As I clear out the shed, I find things that need to be cleaned and put away again. I did get a pile of things cleaned on Monday and I have a cart full of other things that need to be moved to where they belong. Add to all these projects the fact that I'll have medical appointments at least once weekly up until surgery, I'm operating at full steam all the time. And the orthopedist wanted me to start water therapy! Some things are just not going to happen. I'll continue to do my exercises but I just don't have enough hours in a day for anything else.
Good that Mr. P. has found something that he likes to do and a group of friends to do it with. I found this, you might appreciate it:
The Average Joe Can We Talk About How Cute Motorcycle Gangs Are? - Inseparable Friends -Matching Outfits -Going on Adventures Together What Wholesome Adorable Fun Lucky Ducks | Cute Meme on

They don't have matching outfits.
LOL! Maybe some colorful tropical shirts?

You have just unintentionally insulted a very fine group of men.[/QUOTE]
It's all in good humor, you know. Can you picture a bunch of serious bikers tooling down the road in something like that?[/QUOTE]

They aren't serious bikers either. :)
Just a bunch of great husbands who enjoy riding motorcycles.
How have you been lately, Peach? Mr. Peach still tooling around on his "bike"?

I've been pretty busy doings things around and in the house.
Trying to get everything organized also (things no longer needed thrown out) and slowly painting each room.
It's very frustrating for me to try and reconcile with the fact of what used to take a few hours in youth now takes days. !

Mr. P joined the Fraternal Order of Eagles motorcycle club a few months back and they get together and go out on rides for several hours every once in a while.
Then he rides almost every day just traveling around Cochise County.
Mr. P is doing pretty well, it's remarkable how he gets around having only one quarter of his heart working and having MS.
Oh, boy, howdy! I know what you mean about how long it takes to get things done. I've been trying to get as much done as I can before I go on "light duty". Even as I accomplish each project the list grows longer. For instance: I need to bottle a batch of mead. First, I had to clean up the kitchen enough to give me space to do that (I have a very small kitchen). Now I have to prep the bottles and equipment but before I can do that I have to get my storage shed cleared out enough to get to my equipment. I'm still trying to clean up the shed after that big quake in November. Plenty of stuff was knocked off shelves. As I clear out the shed, I find things that need to be cleaned and put away again. I did get a pile of things cleaned on Monday and I have a cart full of other things that need to be moved to where they belong. Add to all these projects the fact that I'll have medical appointments at least once weekly up until surgery, I'm operating at full steam all the time. And the orthopedist wanted me to start water therapy! Some things are just not going to happen. I'll continue to do my exercises but I just don't have enough hours in a day for anything else.
Good that Mr. P. has found something that he likes to do and a group of friends to do it with. I found this, you might appreciate it:
The Average Joe Can We Talk About How Cute Motorcycle Gangs Are? - Inseparable Friends -Matching Outfits -Going on Adventures Together What Wholesome Adorable Fun Lucky Ducks | Cute Meme on

They don't have matching outfits.
LOL! Maybe some colorful tropical shirts?

You have just unintentionally insulted a very fine group of men.
It's all in good humor, you know. Can you picture a bunch of serious bikers tooling down the road in something like that?[/QUOTE]

They aren't serious bikers either. :)
Just a bunch of great husbands who enjoy riding motorcycles.[/QUOTE]
How have you been lately, Peach? Mr. Peach still tooling around on his "bike"?

I've been pretty busy doings things around and in the house.
Trying to get everything organized also (things no longer needed thrown out) and slowly painting each room.
It's very frustrating for me to try and reconcile with the fact of what used to take a few hours in youth now takes days. !

Mr. P joined the Fraternal Order of Eagles motorcycle club a few months back and they get together and go out on rides for several hours every once in a while.
Then he rides almost every day just traveling around Cochise County.
Mr. P is doing pretty well, it's remarkable how he gets around having only one quarter of his heart working and having MS.
Oh, boy, howdy! I know what you mean about how long it takes to get things done. I've been trying to get as much done as I can before I go on "light duty". Even as I accomplish each project the list grows longer. For instance: I need to bottle a batch of mead. First, I had to clean up the kitchen enough to give me space to do that (I have a very small kitchen). Now I have to prep the bottles and equipment but before I can do that I have to get my storage shed cleared out enough to get to my equipment. I'm still trying to clean up the shed after that big quake in November. Plenty of stuff was knocked off shelves. As I clear out the shed, I find things that need to be cleaned and put away again. I did get a pile of things cleaned on Monday and I have a cart full of other things that need to be moved to where they belong. Add to all these projects the fact that I'll have medical appointments at least once weekly up until surgery, I'm operating at full steam all the time. And the orthopedist wanted me to start water therapy! Some things are just not going to happen. I'll continue to do my exercises but I just don't have enough hours in a day for anything else.
Good that Mr. P. has found something that he likes to do and a group of friends to do it with. I found this, you might appreciate it:
The Average Joe Can We Talk About How Cute Motorcycle Gangs Are? - Inseparable Friends -Matching Outfits -Going on Adventures Together What Wholesome Adorable Fun Lucky Ducks | Cute Meme on

They don't have matching outfits.
LOL! Maybe some colorful tropical shirts?

You have just unintentionally insulted a very fine group of men.
It's all in good humor, you know. Can you picture a bunch of serious bikers tooling down the road in something like that?[/QUOTE]

They aren't serious bikers either. :)
Just a bunch of great husbands who enjoy riding motorcycles.[/QUOTE]
Who have a bunch of great wives who enjoy that they ride motorcycles! Peace, Peach!
The wives go along on their overnight or full weekend rides that they do on occasions .
Mr .P can no longer do those long type of rides any longer, he gets too tired.

Something seems to be wrong with my computer and the quotes.
It's doing 3 multiple quotes and then they are not displaying right at the bottom.
It's doing it in other threads as well.
They all get that way towards the end gallantwarrior, I'm sorry to say.
Give the love she's looking for and needs right now.
How have you been lately, Peach? Mr. Peach still tooling around on his "bike"?

I've been pretty busy doings things around and in the house.
Trying to get everything organized also (things no longer needed thrown out) and slowly painting each room.
It's very frustrating for me to try and reconcile with the fact of what used to take a few hours in youth now takes days. !

Mr. P joined the Fraternal Order of Eagles motorcycle club a few months back and they get together and go out on rides for several hours every once in a while.
Then he rides almost every day just traveling around Cochise County.
Mr. P is doing pretty well, it's remarkable how he gets around having only one quarter of his heart working and having MS.
Oh, boy, howdy! I know what you mean about how long it takes to get things done. I've been trying to get as much done as I can before I go on "light duty". Even as I accomplish each project the list grows longer. For instance: I need to bottle a batch of mead. First, I had to clean up the kitchen enough to give me space to do that (I have a very small kitchen). Now I have to prep the bottles and equipment but before I can do that I have to get my storage shed cleared out enough to get to my equipment. I'm still trying to clean up the shed after that big quake in November. Plenty of stuff was knocked off shelves. As I clear out the shed, I find things that need to be cleaned and put away again. I did get a pile of things cleaned on Monday and I have a cart full of other things that need to be moved to where they belong. Add to all these projects the fact that I'll have medical appointments at least once weekly up until surgery, I'm operating at full steam all the time. And the orthopedist wanted me to start water therapy! Some things are just not going to happen. I'll continue to do my exercises but I just don't have enough hours in a day for anything else.
Good that Mr. P. has found something that he likes to do and a group of friends to do it with. I found this, you might appreciate it:
The Average Joe Can We Talk About How Cute Motorcycle Gangs Are? - Inseparable Friends -Matching Outfits -Going on Adventures Together What Wholesome Adorable Fun Lucky Ducks | Cute Meme on

They don't have matching outfits.
LOL! Maybe some colorful tropical shirts?

You have just unintentionally insulted a very fine group of men.[/QUOTE]
It's all in good humor, you know. Can you picture a bunch of serious bikers tooling down the road in something like that?[/QUOTE]

Yes it's all a OK. :)
I probably slightly unintentionally insulted you too with the cat remark. :biggrin:
The wives go along on their overnight or full weekend rides that they do on occasions .
Mr .P can no longer do those long type of rides any longer, he gets too tired.

Something seems to be wrong with my computer and the quotes.
It's doing 3 multiple quotes and then they are not displaying right at the bottom.
It's doing it in other threads as well.

Maybe close out everything and restart your computer? It seems to be working correctly for me today.

Once a quote has been messed up though, the mess up just keeps amplifying itself it seems. Best just to start a new comment.
I have friends who send me stuff like this and some of it I just can't help sharing. I don't have the source or would post it.


While on a road trip, an elderly couple stopped at a roadside restaurant for lunch.

After finishing their meal, they left the restaurant, and resumed their trip.

When leaving, the elderly woman unknowingly left her glasses on the table, and she didn't miss them until they had been driving for about forty minutes.


By then, to add to the aggravation, they had to travel quite a distance before theycould find a place to turnaround, in order to return to the restaurant to retrieve her glasses.

All the way back, the elderly husband became the classic grumpy old man.


He fussed and complained, and scolded his wife relentlessly during the entire return drive.

The more he chided her, the more agitated he became. He just wouldn't let up for a single minute.

To her relief, they finally arrived at the restaurant.

As the woman got out of the car, and hurried inside to retrieve her glasses, the old geezer yelled to her, “While you're in there, you might as well get my hat and the credit card.”

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