USMB Coffee Shop IV

Hombre is facing a full hip replacement and has been putting it off. His pain levels are far below what GW has been describing though but then he isn't as active as GW so can rest the hip more too. But usually it is the intractable pain that convinces somebody to go ahead and have the surgery.
I'll let you know how it works out. I have 7 weeks before this happens, provided everything goes smoothly. I'm pretty nervous, you might be able to tell that.
Hombre is facing a full hip replacement and has been putting it off. His pain levels are far below what GW has been describing though but then he isn't as active as GW so can rest the hip more too. But usually it is the intractable pain that convinces somebody to go ahead and have the surgery.
I'll let you know how it works out. I have 7 weeks before this happens, provided everything goes smoothly. I'm pretty nervous, you might be able to tell that.

And with good cause. But you'll be fine. And you remain on the list. I strongly believe in the power of prayer, positive thoughts, positive energy. And all of the above is directed your way.
Arrgghh! This cat is driving me nuts! I know she's loving on me but she's overflowing onto my keyboard. I have to keep going back and correcting the mess she's helping me make. And I feel like a total heel when I have to push her away. She's old, infirm, and really emotionally needy. Poor thing!

They all get that way towards the end gallantwarrior, I'm sorry to say.
Give the love she's looking for and needs right now.
Hombre is facing a full hip replacement and has been putting it off. His pain levels are far below what GW has been describing though but then he isn't as active as GW so can rest the hip more too. But usually it is the intractable pain that convinces somebody to go ahead and have the surgery.
I'll let you know how it works out. I have 7 weeks before this happens, provided everything goes smoothly. I'm pretty nervous, you might be able to tell that.

And with good cause. But you'll be fine. And you remain on the list. I strongly believe in the power of prayer, positive thoughts, positive energy. And all of the above is directed your way.

Mr. P and I will add you to our prayer list also.
On a lighter note...

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That meme is one of the truest I have ever seen! LOLOLOL!
I prefer Rush Limbaugh's take on cats vs. dogs. He claims that dogs have owners, but cats have staff.
Well, my cat has very poor staff, so she sleeps a lot and doesn't have to think about her bad luck. Today, the only staff member she has was gone all morning to buy water, visit friend in hospital, and came home only to have a bad cold from spending so much time in the hospital, prolly.

Poor kitty.. :auiqs.jpg::badgrin::coffee::laugh::laugh2::laughing0301::lmao::lol: Miss Piccolo puts up with a lot. She is presently snoring off her issues on the storage dresser next to the kitchenette table.
Goodness, a miracle happened at the hospital today after I left the hospital to come home with a headache and a bad cold.

EJ is coming back to his home. After not being able to say anything, he progressed in about 48 hours to fighting words with everyone over all the annoying hydrating iv, catheter line, and one other iv medicine line. They are sending him home tomorrow with hospice workers, and he is now speaking full sentences, but can't remember much of nothing, which will also probably be over in a day or so. I'm now too sick to even visit, and with a sore throat along with the sinusitis, this probably means a three-day stint in bed with a half gallon of limeade nearby. Ugh. Don't know if I will get to see much of EJ again, unless his treatments wiped out every trace of lung cancer. Miracles seem to be popping up everywhere with people getting cured after all hope was lost. I hope EJ made the cut. Nothing is more entertaining than watching a cowboy you're fond of shooting himself in the foot at least once a day over people he knows whose names I will not remember here. Hope everybody has a good day. I have to go locate another box of tissues. Aaaa-choo!
Arrgghh! This cat is driving me nuts! I know she's loving on me but she's overflowing onto my keyboard. I have to keep going back and correcting the mess she's helping me make. And I feel like a total heel when I have to push her away. She's old, infirm, and really emotionally needy. Poor thing!

They all get that way towards the end gallantwarrior, I'm sorry to say.
Give the love she's looking for and needs right now.
I am. I've lost loads of good fur-friends over the years but lately I have been seeing myself reflected in their struggles.
Arrgghh! This cat is driving me nuts! I know she's loving on me but she's overflowing onto my keyboard. I have to keep going back and correcting the mess she's helping me make. And I feel like a total heel when I have to push her away. She's old, infirm, and really emotionally needy. Poor thing!

They all get that way towards the end gallantwarrior, I'm sorry to say.
Give the love she's looking for and needs right now.
How have you been lately, Peach? Mr. Peach still tooling around on his "bike"?
Goodness, a miracle happened at the hospital today after I left the hospital to come home with a headache and a bad cold.

EJ is coming back to his home. After not being able to say anything, he progressed in about 48 hours to fighting words with everyone over all the annoying hydrating iv, catheter line, and one other iv medicine line. They are sending him home tomorrow with hospice workers, and he is now speaking full sentences, but can't remember much of nothing, which will also probably be over in a day or so. I'm now too sick to even visit, and with a sore throat along with the sinusitis, this probably means a three-day stint in bed with a half gallon of limeade nearby. Ugh. Don't know if I will get to see much of EJ again, unless his treatments wiped out every trace of lung cancer. Miracles seem to be popping up everywhere with people getting cured after all hope was lost. I hope EJ made the cut. Nothing is more entertaining than watching a cowboy you're fond of shooting himself in the foot at least once a day over people he knows whose names I will not remember here. Hope everybody has a good day. I have to go locate another box of tissues. Aaaa-choo!
Lots of vitamin C, and Foxy's honey and lemon draught (I add a smidge of cayenne to mine). If cayenne doesn't seem tempting, ground cloves will help, too.
The flooring is about 2/3ds done..... kinda, sorta, still two bedrooms to do and a bunch of finish pieces to cut in then the baseboard gets installed. The two guys that helped did a pretty decent job and will be back to finish up maybe Thursday, definitely Saturday. I'm back in Roswell, so exhausted I took a two hour nap in my own bed, only got up because the wife woke me, worried about tornado and hail warnings in the Roswell area, we saw neither.
Will pick up another 5' X 8' trailer tomorrow and I will move her and the kids up to Albuquerque Wednesday.
Goodness, a miracle happened at the hospital today after I left the hospital to come home with a headache and a bad cold.

EJ is coming back to his home. After not being able to say anything, he progressed in about 48 hours to fighting words with everyone over all the annoying hydrating iv, catheter line, and one other iv medicine line. They are sending him home tomorrow with hospice workers, and he is now speaking full sentences, but can't remember much of nothing, which will also probably be over in a day or so. I'm now too sick to even visit, and with a sore throat along with the sinusitis, this probably means a three-day stint in bed with a half gallon of limeade nearby. Ugh. Don't know if I will get to see much of EJ again, unless his treatments wiped out every trace of lung cancer. Miracles seem to be popping up everywhere with people getting cured after all hope was lost. I hope EJ made the cut. Nothing is more entertaining than watching a cowboy you're fond of shooting himself in the foot at least once a day over people he knows whose names I will not remember here. Hope everybody has a good day. I have to go locate another box of tissues. Aaaa-choo!
Lots of vitamin C, and Foxy's honey and lemon draught (I add a smidge of cayenne to mine). If cayenne doesn't seem tempting, ground cloves will help, too.

Actually its a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar, a tablespoon of honey, in a cup of water so hot it must be sipped very gingerly. I would use cinnamon instead of cayenne. :)
My job at the print place is changing. I was part of a group of temp people hired to help their peak season in shipping on second shift. I'm being moved to a non-peak position and first shift. I'm pretty sure I'm still going through the staffing company, but it's a more permanent position, so maybe I'll get directly hired.
The lilacs and honeysuckle are in bloom pumping sweet perfume into the air. It's the final sign that summer is here. Fireflies (or lightening bugs as we call them here) are beginning to shimmer on the lawns and the airspace just amyard above. It's dusk at 9:00 while the same last gloaming happens at 5:00 in December. School's out, bicycles are oiled up and the kids are looking forward to the opening of swimming pools.

The Sprimg floods are sweeping the fallen trees from the ravines and soon boaters will benplying the river. My beloved Pittsburgh Pirates are playing under .500 so it seems like a typical summer. The cicadas, awake after their 17 year slumber, are rattling their bodies with a deafening din while graduation parties are on every block.

Is summer the best season? Perhaps. But the charms of autumn, the barren White of winter and the delight of new blooms of spring all take a profound hold on all of us here at 40 degrees north latitude.
The flooring is about 2/3ds done..... kinda, sorta, still two bedrooms to do and a bunch of finish pieces to cut in then the baseboard gets installed. The two guys that helped did a pretty decent job and will be back to finish up maybe Thursday, definitely Saturday. I'm back in Roswell, so exhausted I took a two hour nap in my own bed, only got up because the wife woke me, worried about tornado and hail warnings in the Roswell area, we saw neither.
Will pick up another 5' X 8' trailer tomorrow and I will move her and the kids up to Albuquerque Wednesday.
Moving is so stressful. How's the wife holding up?
My job at the print place is changing. I was part of a group of temp people hired to help their peak season in shipping on second shift. I'm being moved to a non-peak position and first shift. I'm pretty sure I'm still going through the staffing company, but it's a more permanent position, so maybe I'll get directly hired.
Good luck!
The lilacs and honeysuckle are in bloom pumping sweet perfume into the air. It's the final sign that summer is here. Fireflies (or lightening bugs as we call them here) are beginning to shimmer on the lawns and the airspace just amyard above. It's dusk at 9:00 while the same last gloaming happens at 5:00 in December. School's out, bicycles are oiled up and the kids are looking forward to the opening of swimming pools.

The Sprimg floods are sweeping the fallen trees from the ravines and soon boaters will benplying the river. My beloved Pittsburgh Pirates are playing under .500 so it seems like a typical summer. The cicadas, awake after their 17 year slumber, are rattling their bodies with a deafening din while graduation parties are on every block.

Is summer the best season? Perhaps. But the charms of autumn, the barren White of winter and the delight of new blooms of spring all take a profound hold on all of us here at 40 degrees north latitude.
Summer is here now, too. All trees in bloom, yellow pollen all over. At least I don't have to deal with the cottonwoods here. I do enjoy each season for it's own charm, though. No real night here, just a dusky gray between about 0300 and 0400. By Solstice we won't have much night time at all.
The lilacs and honeysuckle are in bloom pumping sweet perfume into the air. It's the final sign that summer is here. Fireflies (or lightening bugs as we call them here) are beginning to shimmer on the lawns and the airspace just amyard above. It's dusk at 9:00 while the same last gloaming happens at 5:00 in December. School's out, bicycles are oiled up and the kids are looking forward to the opening of swimming pools.

The Sprimg floods are sweeping the fallen trees from the ravines and soon boaters will benplying the river. My beloved Pittsburgh Pirates are playing under .500 so it seems like a typical summer. The cicadas, awake after their 17 year slumber, are rattling their bodies with a deafening din while graduation parties are on every block.

Is summer the best season? Perhaps. But the charms of autumn, the barren White of winter and the delight of new blooms of spring all take a profound hold on all of us here at 40 degrees north latitude.

I hate the heat, so summer isn't my favorite season. :p
The lilacs and honeysuckle are in bloom pumping sweet perfume into the air. It's the final sign that summer is here. Fireflies (or lightening bugs as we call them here) are beginning to shimmer on the lawns and the airspace just amyard above. It's dusk at 9:00 while the same last gloaming happens at 5:00 in December. School's out, bicycles are oiled up and the kids are looking forward to the opening of swimming pools.

The Sprimg floods are sweeping the fallen trees from the ravines and soon boaters will benplying the river. My beloved Pittsburgh Pirates are playing under .500 so it seems like a typical summer. The cicadas, awake after their 17 year slumber, are rattling their bodies with a deafening din while graduation parties are on every block.

Is summer the best season? Perhaps. But the charms of autumn, the barren White of winter and the delight of new blooms of spring all take a profound hold on all of us here at 40 degrees north latitude.

I hate the heat, so summer isn't my favorite season. :p
Where you are I would hate the heat (and humidity), too. Hot here is 65+ with no humidity to speak of.

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