USMB Coffee Shop IV

The flooring is about 2/3ds done..... kinda, sorta, still two bedrooms to do and a bunch of finish pieces to cut in then the baseboard gets installed. The two guys that helped did a pretty decent job and will be back to finish up maybe Thursday, definitely Saturday. I'm back in Roswell, so exhausted I took a two hour nap in my own bed, only got up because the wife woke me, worried about tornado and hail warnings in the Roswell area, we saw neither.
Will pick up another 5' X 8' trailer tomorrow and I will move her and the kids up to Albuquerque Wednesday.
Moving is so stressful. How's the wife holding up?
She has her moments but as for moving she's barely able to help so I'm stuck doing the vast majority myself. This last trip up to the house she stayed in Roswell, nothing she could have done in ABQ other than be in the way.
The "kids" missed me (she did too), Jasper would run around the house "crying", both he and Giz would look for me and both slept on my side of the bed. Giz in particular wanted my undivided attention when I got home which is not normal for him so yeah, they missed me.
The flooring is about 2/3ds done..... kinda, sorta, still two bedrooms to do and a bunch of finish pieces to cut in then the baseboard gets installed. The two guys that helped did a pretty decent job and will be back to finish up maybe Thursday, definitely Saturday. I'm back in Roswell, so exhausted I took a two hour nap in my own bed, only got up because the wife woke me, worried about tornado and hail warnings in the Roswell area, we saw neither.
Will pick up another 5' X 8' trailer tomorrow and I will move her and the kids up to Albuquerque Wednesday.
Moving is so stressful. How's the wife holding up?
She has her moments but as for moving she's barely able to help so I'm stuck doing the vast majority myself. This last trip up to the house she stayed in Roswell, nothing she could have done in ABQ other than be in the way.
The "kids" missed me (she did too), Jasper would run around the house "crying", both he and Giz would look for me and both slept on my side of the bed. Giz in particular wanted my undivided attention when I got home which is not normal for him so yeah, they missed me.
Hopefully the relocation will help Mrs R with her ongoing treatment. The furkids will no doubt be happier when you are home with them every day.
The lilacs and honeysuckle are in bloom pumping sweet perfume into the air. It's the final sign that summer is here. Fireflies (or lightening bugs as we call them here) are beginning to shimmer on the lawns and the airspace just amyard above. It's dusk at 9:00 while the same last gloaming happens at 5:00 in December. School's out, bicycles are oiled up and the kids are looking forward to the opening of swimming pools.

The Sprimg floods are sweeping the fallen trees from the ravines and soon boaters will benplying the river. My beloved Pittsburgh Pirates are playing under .500 so it seems like a typical summer. The cicadas, awake after their 17 year slumber, are rattling their bodies with a deafening din while graduation parties are on every block.

Is summer the best season? Perhaps. But the charms of autumn, the barren White of winter and the delight of new blooms of spring all take a profound hold on all of us here at 40 degrees north latitude.

I hate the heat, so summer isn't my favorite season. :p

I prefer spring and fall when we can have the windows open and don't need the furnace and don't need the air conditioner. We are now into our hottest part of the summer usually but still haven't needed to turn on the air conditioner. But that can't last for much longer.
Good night darlinks. I really do love you guys.
And we continue to pray and/or send good vibes and/or positive thoughts and/or keep vigil for:

Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
Rod, GW's partner,
Kat's sister,
Dana, Foxfyre's friend recovering from heart transplant
Wellness for Foxfyre's sister and Hombre's sister
Montrovant for continued progress in his transition.
JustAnotherNut for strength and wisdom dealing with challenges.
Gracie & Mr. G in difficult transition and for positive trend to continue.
BigBlackDog aka BBD for healing and wellness
GallantWarrior for pain relief and healing,
Ringel for healing and Mrs. R facing serious health challenges in difficult transition
Beautress's friend EJ for continued improvement.
Seagal and Mr. Seagal.
Beautress for wellness.
All those we love and care about who aren't on the list.

And we keep the porch light on so those who have been away can find their way back and we hope they do.

Hombre is facing a full hip replacement and has been putting it off. His pain levels are far below what GW has been describing though but then he isn't as active as GW so can rest the hip more too. But usually it is the intractable pain that convinces somebody to go ahead and have the surgery.
I'll let you know how it works out. I have 7 weeks before this happens, provided everything goes smoothly. I'm pretty nervous, you might be able to tell that.

Which type of hip are you going with? Rhino or Buffalo?
The lilacs and honeysuckle are in bloom pumping sweet perfume into the air. It's the final sign that summer is here. Fireflies (or lightening bugs as we call them here) are beginning to shimmer on the lawns and the airspace just amyard above. It's dusk at 9:00 while the same last gloaming happens at 5:00 in December. School's out, bicycles are oiled up and the kids are looking forward to the opening of swimming pools.

The Sprimg floods are sweeping the fallen trees from the ravines and soon boaters will benplying the river. My beloved Pittsburgh Pirates are playing under .500 so it seems like a typical summer. The cicadas, awake after their 17 year slumber, are rattling their bodies with a deafening din while graduation parties are on every block.

Is summer the best season? Perhaps. But the charms of autumn, the barren White of winter and the delight of new blooms of spring all take a profound hold on all of us here at 40 degrees north latitude.

I hate the heat, so summer isn't my favorite season. :p

I prefer spring and fall when we can have the windows open and don't need the furnace and don't need the air conditioner. We are now into our hottest part of the summer usually but still haven't needed to turn on the air conditioner. But that can't last for much longer.

We're in the mid to high 80s during the day here, which is more than hot enough for me to use A/C. :lol:
Mid 60s here and that's pretty hot for us. High, broken clouds decorate a Delft blue sky. A light breeze helps keep the bugs off and cool the sweaty brow.
Fortunately (or not), I finally got moving on the heavy cleaning needed for my kitchen. I've pulled the stove out and am cleaning all around, inside and out. It feels good to get this mess cleaned up a bit. Yesterday I washed and cleaned all the things that were stacked up next to the well that needed work. Later I'll go out, gather them up and then put them away.
I've decided my partner must be a demon. He knows that Cheez-its are irresistible to me. He also knows I'm trying to lose weight before my surgery. So he brings a new box every week. I've been able to forgo gobbling the entire box and usually end up throwing the things out so I won't eat them. I know he's being kind but this is the kindness that kills.
Well, I'll finish my beverage and get back to work. I'm doing to well with this project to slow down too much. My hip is doing very well today, though, and I don't want to over-stress it before I get at least one project completed for the day.
Y'all have a great day. Stay safe, stay sane...
The lilacs and honeysuckle are in bloom pumping sweet perfume into the air. It's the final sign that summer is here. Fireflies (or lightening bugs as we call them here) are beginning to shimmer on the lawns and the airspace just amyard above. It's dusk at 9:00 while the same last gloaming happens at 5:00 in December. School's out, bicycles are oiled up and the kids are looking forward to the opening of swimming pools.

The Sprimg floods are sweeping the fallen trees from the ravines and soon boaters will benplying the river. My beloved Pittsburgh Pirates are playing under .500 so it seems like a typical summer. The cicadas, awake after their 17 year slumber, are rattling their bodies with a deafening din while graduation parties are on every block.

Is summer the best season? Perhaps. But the charms of autumn, the barren White of winter and the delight of new blooms of spring all take a profound hold on all of us here at 40 degrees north latitude.

I hate the heat, so summer isn't my favorite season. :p

I prefer spring and fall when we can have the windows open and don't need the furnace and don't need the air conditioner. We are now into our hottest part of the summer usually but still haven't needed to turn on the air conditioner. But that can't last for much longer.

We're in the mid to high 80s during the day here, which is more than hot enough for me to use A/C. :lol:
That's way too hot for me. I'll bet you have killer humidity there, too.
I was in Phoenix a few years ago in August for some training. The thermostat in the hotel wouldn't let you dial it down lower than 80. Outside was broiling hot, the sunlight blinding, and they wouldn't let you get your room to a decent 60!
The lilacs and honeysuckle are in bloom pumping sweet perfume into the air. It's the final sign that summer is here. Fireflies (or lightening bugs as we call them here) are beginning to shimmer on the lawns and the airspace just amyard above. It's dusk at 9:00 while the same last gloaming happens at 5:00 in December. School's out, bicycles are oiled up and the kids are looking forward to the opening of swimming pools.

The Sprimg floods are sweeping the fallen trees from the ravines and soon boaters will benplying the river. My beloved Pittsburgh Pirates are playing under .500 so it seems like a typical summer. The cicadas, awake after their 17 year slumber, are rattling their bodies with a deafening din while graduation parties are on every block.

Is summer the best season? Perhaps. But the charms of autumn, the barren White of winter and the delight of new blooms of spring all take a profound hold on all of us here at 40 degrees north latitude.

I hate the heat, so summer isn't my favorite season. :p

I prefer spring and fall when we can have the windows open and don't need the furnace and don't need the air conditioner. We are now into our hottest part of the summer usually but still haven't needed to turn on the air conditioner. But that can't last for much longer.

We're in the mid to high 80s during the day here, which is more than hot enough for me to use A/C. :lol:
That's way too hot for me. I'll bet you have killer humidity there, too.
I was in Phoenix a few years ago in August for some training. The thermostat in the hotel wouldn't let you dial it down lower than 80. Outside was broiling hot, the sunlight blinding, and they wouldn't let you get your room to a decent 60!

Right now it's about 80 degrees and 55% humidity here.
The lilacs and honeysuckle are in bloom pumping sweet perfume into the air. It's the final sign that summer is here. Fireflies (or lightening bugs as we call them here) are beginning to shimmer on the lawns and the airspace just amyard above. It's dusk at 9:00 while the same last gloaming happens at 5:00 in December. School's out, bicycles are oiled up and the kids are looking forward to the opening of swimming pools.

The Sprimg floods are sweeping the fallen trees from the ravines and soon boaters will benplying the river. My beloved Pittsburgh Pirates are playing under .500 so it seems like a typical summer. The cicadas, awake after their 17 year slumber, are rattling their bodies with a deafening din while graduation parties are on every block.

Is summer the best season? Perhaps. But the charms of autumn, the barren White of winter and the delight of new blooms of spring all take a profound hold on all of us here at 40 degrees north latitude.

I hate the heat, so summer isn't my favorite season. :p

I prefer spring and fall when we can have the windows open and don't need the furnace and don't need the air conditioner. We are now into our hottest part of the summer usually but still haven't needed to turn on the air conditioner. But that can't last for much longer.

We're in the mid to high 80s during the day here, which is more than hot enough for me to use A/C. :lol:

We are usually in the low to mid 90's by this time of year. But right now it is 80 and very pleasant with windows and doors open.
The lilacs and honeysuckle are in bloom pumping sweet perfume into the air. It's the final sign that summer is here. Fireflies (or lightening bugs as we call them here) are beginning to shimmer on the lawns and the airspace just amyard above. It's dusk at 9:00 while the same last gloaming happens at 5:00 in December. School's out, bicycles are oiled up and the kids are looking forward to the opening of swimming pools.

The Sprimg floods are sweeping the fallen trees from the ravines and soon boaters will benplying the river. My beloved Pittsburgh Pirates are playing under .500 so it seems like a typical summer. The cicadas, awake after their 17 year slumber, are rattling their bodies with a deafening din while graduation parties are on every block.

Is summer the best season? Perhaps. But the charms of autumn, the barren White of winter and the delight of new blooms of spring all take a profound hold on all of us here at 40 degrees north latitude.

I hate the heat, so summer isn't my favorite season. :p

I prefer spring and fall when we can have the windows open and don't need the furnace and don't need the air conditioner. We are now into our hottest part of the summer usually but still haven't needed to turn on the air conditioner. But that can't last for much longer.

We're in the mid to high 80s during the day here, which is more than hot enough for me to use A/C. :lol:
That's way too hot for me. I'll bet you have killer humidity there, too.
I was in Phoenix a few years ago in August for some training. The thermostat in the hotel wouldn't let you dial it down lower than 80. Outside was broiling hot, the sunlight blinding, and they wouldn't let you get your room to a decent 60!

Right now it's about 80 degrees and 55% humidity here.
Two reasons why I will never move back to the south eastern parts of the country.
Cool! "Les Miserables" is playing on PBS so I can listen while I work. Amazing how many of the songs I know. I've seen it on stage twice and I have the Russel Crow version on DVD. I particularly like when Eponine, Cosette, and Marius sing "A Heart Full of Love".
les miserables trio - Bing video
Sigh. How much more can my heart take?
She had two stillborn kittens. There is one still inside, not fully formed. I took her to the vet today (she had the kittens yesterday). While ultra sounds were being done and tests run....the doc said she was concerned about ALL her kittens being dead before even being born...leukemia, she thought. So she did the test for that and...yes. She has feline leukemia. I was to take her in Friday at 8am for the surgery to remover that kitten still in her, spay her at the same time. But now? Vet doc said leukemia is 85% of cat deaths and its a horrible devastating disease and she MIGHT live 6 months to a year. Maybe. But eventually she will still die sooner rather than later and not pleasantly. I had the nicest, sweetest kitty and now I have to do AGAIN what I did to Karma, Gracie, Mokie, Pretties, Charlie, FatCat. Love a furkid..only to kill them so they don't suffer.
Yes, I could keep her alive but for whom? Her...or me? Let her suffer with whatever organ the leukemia settles in or moves around on, find the funds to treat her to keep her alive.....or let her go now?
On Friday, I still plan to take her in but to get yet another blood test to MAKE SURE, then talk to the vet again and get her opinion, then decide what to do.
This sucks. Can I not have ONE THING to love me that won't die on me and leave me to be alone?
Sigh. How much more can my heart take?
She had two stillborn kittens. There is one still inside, not fully formed. I took her to the vet today (she had the kittens yesterday). While ultra sounds were being done and tests run....the doc said she was concerned about ALL her kittens being dead before even being born...leukemia, she thought. So she did the test for that and...yes. She has feline leukemia. I was to take her in Friday at 8am for the surgery to remover that kitten still in her, spay her at the same time. But now? Vet doc said leukemia is 85% of cat deaths and its a horrible devastating disease and she MIGHT live 6 months to a year. Maybe. But eventually she will still die sooner rather than later and not pleasantly. I had the nicest, sweetest kitty and now I have to do AGAIN what I did to Karma, Gracie, Mokie, Pretties, Charlie, FatCat. Love a furkid..only to kill them so they don't suffer.
Yes, I could keep her alive but for whom? Her...or me? Let her suffer with whatever organ the leukemia settles in or moves around on, find the funds to treat her to keep her alive.....or let her go now?
On Friday, I still plan to take her in but to get yet another blood test to MAKE SURE, then talk to the vet again and get her opinion, then decide what to do.
This sucks. Can I not have ONE THING to love me that won't die on me and leave me to be alone?

Hey, I've been a cat as long as you've known me. I promise not to die on you.
Sigh. How much more can my heart take?
She had two stillborn kittens. There is one still inside, not fully formed. I took her to the vet today (she had the kittens yesterday). While ultra sounds were being done and tests run....the doc said she was concerned about ALL her kittens being dead before even being born...leukemia, she thought. So she did the test for that and...yes. She has feline leukemia. I was to take her in Friday at 8am for the surgery to remover that kitten still in her, spay her at the same time. But now? Vet doc said leukemia is 85% of cat deaths and its a horrible devastating disease and she MIGHT live 6 months to a year. Maybe. But eventually she will still die sooner rather than later and not pleasantly. I had the nicest, sweetest kitty and now I have to do AGAIN what I did to Karma, Gracie, Mokie, Pretties, Charlie, FatCat. Love a furkid..only to kill them so they don't suffer.
Yes, I could keep her alive but for whom? Her...or me? Let her suffer with whatever organ the leukemia settles in or moves around on, find the funds to treat her to keep her alive.....or let her go now?
On Friday, I still plan to take her in but to get yet another blood test to MAKE SURE, then talk to the vet again and get her opinion, then decide what to do.
This sucks. Can I not have ONE THING to love me that won't die on me and leave me to be alone?

So sorry Gracie but the vet is right. If it is feline leukemia best not to put her through that. I wonder why it hurts so hard to love and lose them when they can't live as long as we do. But the love is worth the pain.
Arrgghh! This cat is driving me nuts! I know she's loving on me but she's overflowing onto my keyboard. I have to keep going back and correcting the mess she's helping me make. And I feel like a total heel when I have to push her away. She's old, infirm, and really emotionally needy. Poor thing!

They all get that way towards the end gallantwarrior, I'm sorry to say.
Give the love she's looking for and needs right now.
How have you been lately, Peach? Mr. Peach still tooling around on his "bike"?

I've been pretty busy doings things around and in the house.
Trying to get everything organized also (things no longer needed thrown out) and slowly painting each room.
It's very frustrating for me to try and reconcile with the fact of what used to take a few hours in youth now takes days. !

Mr. P joined the Fraternal Order of Eagles motorcycle club a few months back and they get together and go out on rides for several hours every once in a while.
Then he rides almost every day just traveling around Cochise County.
Mr. P is doing pretty well, it's remarkable how he gets around having only one quarter of his heart working and having MS.
I hate the heat, so summer isn't my favorite season. :p

I prefer spring and fall when we can have the windows open and don't need the furnace and don't need the air conditioner. We are now into our hottest part of the summer usually but still haven't needed to turn on the air conditioner. But that can't last for much longer.

We're in the mid to high 80s during the day here, which is more than hot enough for me to use A/C. :lol:
That's way too hot for me. I'll bet you have killer humidity there, too.
I was in Phoenix a few years ago in August for some training. The thermostat in the hotel wouldn't let you dial it down lower than 80. Outside was broiling hot, the sunlight blinding, and they wouldn't let you get your room to a decent 60!

Right now it's about 80 degrees and 55% humidity here.
Two reasons why I will never move back to the south eastern parts of the country.
Cool! "Les Miserables" is playing on PBS so I can listen while I work. Amazing how many of the songs I know. I've seen it on stage twice and I have the Russel Crow version on DVD. I particularly like when Eponine, Cosette, and Marius sing "A Heart Full of Love".
les miserables trio - Bing video
I hate the heat, so summer isn't my favorite season. :p

I prefer spring and fall when we can have the windows open and don't need the furnace and don't need the air conditioner. We are now into our hottest part of the summer usually but still haven't needed to turn on the air conditioner. But that can't last for much longer.

We're in the mid to high 80s during the day here, which is more than hot enough for me to use A/C. :lol:
That's way too hot for me. I'll bet you have killer humidity there, too.
I was in Phoenix a few years ago in August for some training. The thermostat in the hotel wouldn't let you dial it down lower than 80. Outside was broiling hot, the sunlight blinding, and they wouldn't let you get your room to a decent 60!

Right now it's about 80 degrees and 55% humidity here.
Two reasons why I will never move back to the south eastern parts of the country.
Cool! "Les Miserables" is playing on PBS so I can listen while I work. Amazing how many of the songs I know. I've seen it on stage twice and I have the Russel Crow version on DVD. I particularly like when Eponine, Cosette, and Marius sing "A Heart Full of Love".
les miserables trio - Bing video

I'm also watching it.
The historical detail of the time period is very accurate , it must have been very expensive to film it.

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