USMB Coffee Shop IV

Sad news, folks. My dear friend EJ is in hospice. Unbeknownst to me, his cancer spread to his brain. I just got back from the hospital about a half hour ago. They have placed a "DNR" (do not resuscitate) placque on door. Today, I drove over to his house to check on him because he didn't answer his phone for a couple of days since I took him his last dinner. Fridays he just always goes out with the boys, so I wasn't too worried when I left two messages on his phone. Today, he hadn't called back, so I went over. He sat in his chair, but couldn't speak to me. I made every effort to call his recently-retired town fire chief son, but couldn't get through. So I called the Fire Department to get his phone number, which they cannot apparently by law give out. When I was crying that his father may have had a stroke due to his failure to speak, but tried to, they said they'd get the message to him, but they were sending out an ambulance. I protested his son needed to know, but they said it had to be done, because it was an emergency. Well, I followed the ambulance to the hospital, and his son and daughter-in-law got there a minute or two later. EJ by this time was pretty unhappy, but was only able to squeak out a moan. I stayed till 10 o'clock, and then had to leave as his daughter in law was staying the night, and we decided that if I went home and got back early, we could share watch responsibilities. So here I am, and I want to again thank Foxfyre for putting EJ on the prayer list here, and what a kindness that was of her. If EJ makes it through the night, it will be a miracle, but unless I get a call, I'm calling it a night. I will be praying for a while and may not be back here for at least a day, depending on the time he passes. He cannot swallow, he is suspended from all eating and drinking, and the last meal I know that he had was the little one I made for him Thursday night and delivered. He spilt his sweet tea, and all the ice. I thought he was just a little bit clumsy, but apparently, that's also the last thing he drank, and not much of it at that. When I went home, I did as much straightening and cleaning the kitchen as I could, thinking he was just sleepy. I hadn't a clue what was really going on. He was going through a final process. He has been so dear to me. If he doesn't make it through all this, he will be sorely missed.

Good night, everybody, and God bless. :sleep:
Sad news, folks. My dear friend EJ is in hospice. Unbeknownst to me, his cancer spread to his brain. I just got back from the hospital about a half hour ago. They have placed a "DNR" (do not resuscitate) placque on door. Today, I drove over to his house to check on him because he didn't answer his phone for a couple of days since I took him his last dinner. Fridays he just always goes out with the boys, so I wasn't too worried when I left two messages on his phone. Today, he hadn't called back, so I went over. He sat in his chair, but couldn't speak to me. I made every effort to call his recently-retired town fire chief son, but couldn't get through. So I called the Fire Department to get his phone number, which they cannot apparently by law give out. When I was crying that his father may have had a stroke due to his failure to speak, but tried to, they said they'd get the message to him, but they were sending out an ambulance. I protested his son needed to know, but they said it had to be done, because it was an emergency. Well, I followed the ambulance to the hospital, and his son and daughter-in-law got there a minute or two later. EJ by this time was pretty unhappy, but was only able to squeak out a moan. I stayed till 10 o'clock, and then had to leave as his daughter in law was staying the night, and we decided that if I went home and got back early, we could share watch responsibilities. So here I am, and I want to again thank Foxfyre for putting EJ on the prayer list here, and what a kindness that was of her. If EJ makes it through the night, it will be a miracle, but unless I get a call, I'm calling it a night. I will be praying for a while and may not be back here for at least a day, depending on the time he passes. He cannot swallow, he is suspended from all eating and drinking, and the last meal I know that he had was the little one I made for him Thursday night and delivered. He spilt his sweet tea, and all the ice. I thought he was just a little bit clumsy, but apparently, that's also the last thing he drank, and not much of it at that. When I went home, I did as much straightening and cleaning the kitchen as I could, thinking he was just sleepy. I hadn't a clue what was really going on. He was going through a final process. He has been so dear to me. If he doesn't make it through all this, he will be sorely missed.

Good night, everybody, and God bless. :sleep:

Am so sorry to read this. God Bless you for showing such care and concern for your dear friend. Knowing he will be relieved of the burden of pain and immobility, knowing you were there for him will hopefully bring you some small measure of comfort during the days ahead. :)
Just wanted to drop in and say hi all! :)

Hey SeaGal. Good to hear from you. Hope all is well with you.

Thank you Foxfyre! It's been awhile for sure. In the past year we've had a move to the coast (still haven't made the decision to sell inland house, letting daughter rent it for now). I enjoy our new community - keeping busy with kayaking, fishing, painting. writing bad poetry and reading marginally entertaining novels at 3:30 am because sound sleep is somewhat illusive. :)

Hubby has end-stage copd, so please add him to your prayer list.
Sad news, folks. My dear friend EJ is in hospice. Unbeknownst to me, his cancer spread to his brain. I just got back from the hospital about a half hour ago. They have placed a "DNR" (do not resuscitate) placque on door. Today, I drove over to his house to check on him because he didn't answer his phone for a couple of days since I took him his last dinner. Fridays he just always goes out with the boys, so I wasn't too worried when I left two messages on his phone. Today, he hadn't called back, so I went over. He sat in his chair, but couldn't speak to me. I made every effort to call his recently-retired town fire chief son, but couldn't get through. So I called the Fire Department to get his phone number, which they cannot apparently by law give out. When I was crying that his father may have had a stroke due to his failure to speak, but tried to, they said they'd get the message to him, but they were sending out an ambulance. I protested his son needed to know, but they said it had to be done, because it was an emergency. Well, I followed the ambulance to the hospital, and his son and daughter-in-law got there a minute or two later. EJ by this time was pretty unhappy, but was only able to squeak out a moan. I stayed till 10 o'clock, and then had to leave as his daughter in law was staying the night, and we decided that if I went home and got back early, we could share watch responsibilities. So here I am, and I want to again thank Foxfyre for putting EJ on the prayer list here, and what a kindness that was of her. If EJ makes it through the night, it will be a miracle, but unless I get a call, I'm calling it a night. I will be praying for a while and may not be back here for at least a day, depending on the time he passes. He cannot swallow, he is suspended from all eating and drinking, and the last meal I know that he had was the little one I made for him Thursday night and delivered. He spilt his sweet tea, and all the ice. I thought he was just a little bit clumsy, but apparently, that's also the last thing he drank, and not much of it at that. When I went home, I did as much straightening and cleaning the kitchen as I could, thinking he was just sleepy. I hadn't a clue what was really going on. He was going through a final process. He has been so dear to me. If he doesn't make it through all this, he will be sorely missed.

Good night, everybody, and God bless. :sleep:

If it is his time, a blessing for it to be relatively quick. But praying for the best possible outcome. At least he had some good long months. Thank you for being a good friend to someone in need.
Just wanted to drop in and say hi all! :)

Hey SeaGal. Good to hear from you. Hope all is well with you.

Thank you Foxfyre! It's been awhile for sure. In the past year we've had a move to the coast (still haven't made the decision to sell inland house, letting daughter rent it for now). I enjoy our new community - keeping busy with kayaking, fishing, painting. writing bad poetry and reading marginally entertaining novels at 3:30 am because sound sleep is somewhat illusive. :)

Hubby has end-stage copd, so please add him to your prayer list.

Will do Seagal. Sorry to hear of your husband though medical science has advanced so much. My Uncle Ed lived with advanced stage COPD for about 20 years dying at age 90 a couple of years ago.
A friend of a friend says she took this photo and it absolutely isn't photoshopped:

A hand! I see a hand!

I know. A remarkably detailed hand down to a very well shaped thumbnail. Amazing actually.
Just wanted to drop in and say hi all! :)

Hey SeaGal. Good to hear from you. Hope all is well with you.

Thank you Foxfyre! It's been awhile for sure. In the past year we've had a move to the coast (still haven't made the decision to sell inland house, letting daughter rent it for now). I enjoy our new community - keeping busy with kayaking, fishing, painting. writing bad poetry and reading marginally entertaining novels at 3:30 am because sound sleep is somewhat illusive. :)

Hubby has end-stage copd, so please add him to your prayer list.

Will do Seagal. Sorry to hear of your husband though medical science has advanced so much. My Uncle Ed lived with advanced stage COPD for about 20 years dying at age 90 a couple of years ago.

That's comforting to hear - and he's got good doctors.

He got so bad so quickly that it scares us but I keep telling him he'll probably outlive me!...I also encourage him to start living like he's going to live, not like he's going to die.

It's a debilitating disease despite that his other health factors are excellent. I cringe when I see young folks smoking - smoking for 30 years and fighting forest fires for over 30 made a deadly cocktail for lung damage.
Just wanted to drop in and say hi all! :)

Hey SeaGal. Good to hear from you. Hope all is well with you.

Thank you Foxfyre! It's been awhile for sure. In the past year we've had a move to the coast (still haven't made the decision to sell inland house, letting daughter rent it for now). I enjoy our new community - keeping busy with kayaking, fishing, painting. writing bad poetry and reading marginally entertaining novels at 3:30 am because sound sleep is somewhat illusive. :)

Hubby has end-stage copd, so please add him to your prayer list.

Will do Seagal. Sorry to hear of your husband though medical science has advanced so much. My Uncle Ed lived with advanced stage COPD for about 20 years dying at age 90 a couple of years ago.

That's comforting to hear - and he's got good doctors.

He got so bad so quickly that it scares us but I keep telling him he'll probably outlive me!...I also encourage him to start living like he's going to live, not like he's going to die.

It's a debilitating disease despite that his other health factors are excellent. I cringe when I see young folks smoking - smoking for 30 years and fighting forest fires for over 30 made a deadly cocktail for lung damage.

Yes, Uncle Ed was a smoker before his diagnosis forced him to quit. And it is a debilitating disease and it is a real pain dragging an oxygen tank with you everywhere you go. But at least they have made even that more manageable and less restrictive.
Did Ernie S. post yesterday? Or did I dream it?
Yeah he popped in to say hi.
Yeah, I'm still alive and doing fairly well. Life here is crazy as usual. I'm putting in a lot of time to business matters and my hobbies.
Doc Holliday's keeps growing and remaining profitable. We are days away from signing a contract to buy the building we lease. We have a commitment from the owner, secured financing and a positive appraisal. All that remains is up to the lawyers to agree on the wording of the final contract.
Dealing with lawyers, bankers architects and contractors always has delays, but at least everyone agrees in principle.
The plan is to add on to the building and install a kitchen and we already have a few appliances on hand.
Yesterday, we held a benefit for The Lighthouse, a local shelter for battered women. I cooked my world famous Boston Butt that as usual left me exhausted and off my sleep schedule. The whole process takes between 17 and 20 hours, so it tends to kick the crap out of this nearly 70 year old body, but I love to do it and love to support such a worthy cause.
We were able to raise over 2 grand and packed out the house on a Saturday afternoon.
I'll try to check in more regularly in the futyre. Miss you all!
Did Ernie S. post yesterday? Or did I dream it?
Yeah he popped in to say hi.
Yeah, I'm still alive and doing fairly well. Life here is crazy as usual. I'm putting in a lot of time to business matters and my hobbies.
Doc Holliday's keeps growing and remaining profitable. We are days away from signing a contract to buy the building we lease. We have a commitment from the owner, secured financing and a positive appraisal. All that remains is up to the lawyers to agree on the wording of the final contract.
Dealing with lawyers, bankers architects and contractors always has delays, but at least everyone agrees in principle.
The plan is to add on to the building and install a kitchen and we already have a few appliances on hand.
Yesterday, we held a benefit for The Lighthouse, a local shelter for battered women. I cooked my world famous Boston Butt that as usual left me exhausted and off my sleep schedule. The whole process takes between 17 and 20 hours, so it tends to kick the crap out of this nearly 70 year old body, but I love to do it and love to support such a worthy cause.
We were able to raise over 2 grand and packed out the house on a Saturday afternoon.
I'll try to check in more regularly in the futyre. Miss you all!

Well we've missed you. Glad things are still going well for you. I look at your Doc Holliday's website now and then and wondered how you were doing.
Did Ernie S. post yesterday? Or did I dream it?
Yeah he popped in to say hi.
Yeah, I'm still alive and doing fairly well. Life here is crazy as usual. I'm putting in a lot of time to business matters and my hobbies.
Doc Holliday's keeps growing and remaining profitable. We are days away from signing a contract to buy the building we lease. We have a commitment from the owner, secured financing and a positive appraisal. All that remains is up to the lawyers to agree on the wording of the final contract.
Dealing with lawyers, bankers architects and contractors always has delays, but at least everyone agrees in principle.
The plan is to add on to the building and install a kitchen and we already have a few appliances on hand.
Yesterday, we held a benefit for The Lighthouse, a local shelter for battered women. I cooked my world famous Boston Butt that as usual left me exhausted and off my sleep schedule. The whole process takes between 17 and 20 hours, so it tends to kick the crap out of this nearly 70 year old body, but I love to do it and love to support such a worthy cause.
We were able to raise over 2 grand and packed out the house on a Saturday afternoon.
I'll try to check in more regularly in the futyre. Miss you all!

Well we've missed you. Glad things are still going well for you. I look at your Doc Holliday's website now and then and wondered how you were doing.
I personally am doing pretty damned good for being near 70 but if I knew I'd live this long, I'd have taken better care of myself. The knee is about 70% and the muscles are still a bit weal. I can get around without a cane but I don't take long walks very often.
The bar is a source of pride. We have a great staff offer vacation and health insurance just like a real business LOL
Bars are not a real high profit business plan. We hover around 10 to 12% profit margin and have be in the black every one of our 64 months since opening the doors.
Since we opened up in February of 2014, 23 other bars have opened up here in Foley. 21 are no longer in business and the other 2 are just hanging on. One is barely in the black after about 8 months and the other is owned by a local real estate guy who just runs it because he can't find a tenant who can run the business and pay the rent. He doesn't particularly care if he makes a profit.
Did Ernie S. post yesterday? Or did I dream it?
Yeah he popped in to say hi.
Yeah, I'm still alive and doing fairly well. Life here is crazy as usual. I'm putting in a lot of time to business matters and my hobbies.
Doc Holliday's keeps growing and remaining profitable. We are days away from signing a contract to buy the building we lease. We have a commitment from the owner, secured financing and a positive appraisal. All that remains is up to the lawyers to agree on the wording of the final contract.
Dealing with lawyers, bankers architects and contractors always has delays, but at least everyone agrees in principle.
The plan is to add on to the building and install a kitchen and we already have a few appliances on hand.
Yesterday, we held a benefit for The Lighthouse, a local shelter for battered women. I cooked my world famous Boston Butt that as usual left me exhausted and off my sleep schedule. The whole process takes between 17 and 20 hours, so it tends to kick the crap out of this nearly 70 year old body, but I love to do it and love to support such a worthy cause.
We were able to raise over 2 grand and packed out the house on a Saturday afternoon.
I'll try to check in more regularly in the futyre. Miss you all!

Well we've missed you. Glad things are still going well for you. I look at your Doc Holliday's website now and then and wondered how you were doing.
I personally am doing pretty damned good for being near 70 but if I knew I'd live this long, I'd have taken better care of myself. The knee is about 70% and the muscles are still a bit weal. I can get around without a cane but I don't take long walks very often.
The bar is a source of pride. We have a great staff offer vacation and health insurance just like a real business LOL
Bars are not a real high profit business plan. We hover around 10 to 12% profit margin and have be in the black every one of our 64 months since opening the doors.
Since we opened up in February of 2014, 23 other bars have opened up here in Foley. 21 are no longer in business and the other 2 are just hanging on. One is barely in the black after about 8 months and the other is owned by a local real estate guy who just runs it because he can't find a tenant who can run the business and pay the rent. He doesn't particularly care if he makes a profit.

That's probably because Doc Hollidays is more like a community center than a bar maybe?
Well Ernie S. your lookin purty damn good, heavy on the damn part... If I wasn't so damn lazy my hair would look similar...
Congratulation's on Doc's... I would bet a dollar to a donut that you make it sound easier than it actually is... Running a small business is not for the faint of heart...
Take care and sleep well when you get the chance...
Oh and the first thing we did was disconnect the ugly 70s wood stove and stuck it out back for now. It's for sale....... :eusa_whistle:
Got a picture? How much?
Not yet but wouldn't shipping up to you cost an arm and a leg?
Oh, don't I know it! I've been looking for a nice wood burning cookstove forever. Buying on line or from a dealer means hundreds in freight costs. Any time a decent one shows up on Craigslist, it's gone within milliseconds. The are very popular up here. I believe that my patience will pay off eventually. If all else fails, I'll wait until my SIL ETS's and have them include one in their household goods shipment.
Sad news, folks. My dear friend EJ is in hospice. Unbeknownst to me, his cancer spread to his brain. I just got back from the hospital about a half hour ago. They have placed a "DNR" (do not resuscitate) placque on door. Today, I drove over to his house to check on him because he didn't answer his phone for a couple of days since I took him his last dinner. Fridays he just always goes out with the boys, so I wasn't too worried when I left two messages on his phone. Today, he hadn't called back, so I went over. He sat in his chair, but couldn't speak to me. I made every effort to call his recently-retired town fire chief son, but couldn't get through. So I called the Fire Department to get his phone number, which they cannot apparently by law give out. When I was crying that his father may have had a stroke due to his failure to speak, but tried to, they said they'd get the message to him, but they were sending out an ambulance. I protested his son needed to know, but they said it had to be done, because it was an emergency. Well, I followed the ambulance to the hospital, and his son and daughter-in-law got there a minute or two later. EJ by this time was pretty unhappy, but was only able to squeak out a moan. I stayed till 10 o'clock, and then had to leave as his daughter in law was staying the night, and we decided that if I went home and got back early, we could share watch responsibilities. So here I am, and I want to again thank Foxfyre for putting EJ on the prayer list here, and what a kindness that was of her. If EJ makes it through the night, it will be a miracle, but unless I get a call, I'm calling it a night. I will be praying for a while and may not be back here for at least a day, depending on the time he passes. He cannot swallow, he is suspended from all eating and drinking, and the last meal I know that he had was the little one I made for him Thursday night and delivered. He spilt his sweet tea, and all the ice. I thought he was just a little bit clumsy, but apparently, that's also the last thing he drank, and not much of it at that. When I went home, I did as much straightening and cleaning the kitchen as I could, thinking he was just sleepy. I hadn't a clue what was really going on. He was going through a final process. He has been so dear to me. If he doesn't make it through all this, he will be sorely missed.

Good night, everybody, and God bless. :sleep:
Condolences, beautress! My daughter's stepmom died of brain cancer two summers ago. She deteriorated over a period of time until she wasn't even there anymore. So sorry about your friend but I feel the best would be to wish him a swift and painless passing. I'm more interested in how you are getting on with your grief and sorrow. Hugs, Sweetie! All the best to you.
Just wanted to drop in and say hi all! :)

Hey SeaGal. Good to hear from you. Hope all is well with you.

Thank you Foxfyre! It's been awhile for sure. In the past year we've had a move to the coast (still haven't made the decision to sell inland house, letting daughter rent it for now). I enjoy our new community - keeping busy with kayaking, fishing, painting. writing bad poetry and reading marginally entertaining novels at 3:30 am because sound sleep is somewhat illusive. :)

Hubby has end-stage copd, so please add him to your prayer list.
I'm going to do my best to send positive thoughts and vibes to your hubby, Seagal. My he have a peaceful and happy life yet. You take care of yourself, too.
Getting old is certainly not for the fainthearted, I will agree. Right now I deal with soul-crushing pain pretty much all day, every day. I am not a fan of surgery but if a hip replacement will help, I am willing to give it a try. I have at least one appointment every week this month. First up, my last will and testament and a medical power of attorney. My partner questions why I might want my will in order...duh! While we all hope surgery goes well, shit happens. I've always been a good scout, always prepared (as best I can be). Then come a dentist appointment. I have to make sure that all possibility of infection is minimized because they will begin administering immuno-depressants about two weeks prior to surgery. A full physical and a couple of other routine maintenance checks round out the agenda.
Unfortunately, my daughter is dealing with some family issues and will be unable to come over to help me with my convalescence. Fortunately, my brother just retired from his 35 year teaching career. Mostly I need help with the critters, as far as I know. I've done a lot of research about the surgery and recovery, it should be doable but I am not what I used to be and may encounter difficulties I do not anticipate.
In the meantime, I am still climbing up and down ladders and crew stairs. I am not looking forward to light duty because I will have to come in during the day, bucking rush hour traffic for over 50 miles, both ways. I actually like working graves for many reasons. The staff at the University has asked me again to come back to teach. They have been unable to find anyone who can communicate using layman's terms as well as I can. I had lunch with a former colleague a couple of weeks ago and he mentioned that I am quite the legend...and they need help. Flattery is nice and I might be tempted if I get accustomed to dealing with the traffic.
Apologies for rambling. I am feeling very deeply how others are suffering, like beautress' friend, Mrs R, Gracie,
Take care of yourselves.
Just wanted to drop in and say hi all! :)

Hey SeaGal. Good to hear from you. Hope all is well with you.

Thank you Foxfyre! It's been awhile for sure. In the past year we've had a move to the coast (still haven't made the decision to sell inland house, letting daughter rent it for now). I enjoy our new community - keeping busy with kayaking, fishing, painting. writing bad poetry and reading marginally entertaining novels at 3:30 am because sound sleep is somewhat illusive. :)

Hubby has end-stage copd, so please add him to your prayer list.

Will do Seagal. Sorry to hear of your husband though medical science has advanced so much. My Uncle Ed lived with advanced stage COPD for about 20 years dying at age 90 a couple of years ago.

That's comforting to hear - and he's got good doctors.

He got so bad so quickly that it scares us but I keep telling him he'll probably outlive me!...I also encourage him to start living like he's going to live, not like he's going to die.

It's a debilitating disease despite that his other health factors are excellent. I cringe when I see young folks smoking - smoking for 30 years and fighting forest fires for over 30 made a deadly cocktail for lung damage.
That's what happened to EJ. He was a county volunteer fireman for 44 years and was a smoker until I mentioned he was flirting with disaster when lighting up a suicide stick after being diagnosed with lung cancer. He at first didn't cotton to it, but after chemo started, he lost his appetite for smoking. When I went to feed his dogs today, I tossed 2 near-empty packs of chewing tobacco. They looked old as the hills, but I hadn't seen chewing tobacco merchandised in an aluminum-foiled sandwich baggie before. That stuff is associated with brain cancer as it works its damage in the mouth and spreads upward from there. :(

We don't know if EJ will live or die. His daughter in law thinks he has one week at tops, but that was said before he got mad about being attached to a tube in every orifice of his body. At least his fire's back. Modern medicine has come a long way in combatting lung cancer, but I don't know what to think now.

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