USMB Coffee Shop IV

Just had a funny weird moment, at least to me, leaving work. An elderly man fell stepping up on the curb across the road so I slammed it in park and ran across to help him. As I was getting him up and checking to make sure he was ok, this elderly woman came along and started yelling at him about needing to use a cane. She hoisted her cane up to point the tip of it it at him while lecturing him, and lost her balance and I then had to catch her before she fell. The old man said, "You should have let the bitch bust her ass too" and waddled off in a huff in one direction and she got all under her breath mouthy and waddled off in the other direction. He tumbled back pretty hard but somehow managed not to strike the back of his head so I guess he is okay. He said he was.
You were a hero twice. :thup:

No not really. It was just funny to me to see too old people trolling each other at even the most inopportune time. The building across the road from our parking lot is not well suited for old people/the disabled at least that entrance. It is a fairly long slope lengthwise and is sort of concave and the street slopes away and down as well so it is easy to misjudge the curb. There really is no flat ground so this is not the first time I have seen and sometimes helped old folks falling there. They are supposed to park on the upperside and come in the top floor and then come down, but they don't usually because it is such a tight parking lot and it requires more walking than parking on the street. The one good thing about all that slope was that the man fell backwards downslope so he landed on his shoulders and sort of rocked back so he didn't crack his skull on the pavement. I paid careful attention to his head because I knew he was going to lose it the way he was walking before he even lost his balance and started falling. I already had my phone in my hand because if I saw his head hit pavement I was calling 911 first before going over.
Hawaiian Livestock...

Zoey - Calico on the couch
Nani - Maine-Coon on foot-stool
Sam - Alley Cat (Saveliberty breed)

Now keep in mind that all I know about these cats is at birth they were all feral and were either saved by my mother-in-law (Zoey) or my ex (Nani and Sam)...

Zoey is a real diva with a serious personality disorder... Queen Bee syndrome...

Nani is the living example of a scaredy cat... If you see her 2 or 3 times a day your lucky... She is in hiding (from Zoey) most of the time...

Sam is my buddy... He was meaner than hell when I first got here and would bite anyone who tried to touch him... We have an agreement now... He don't bite me and I don't slap him around... He bites my ex all the time... It's play kind of biting but sometimes there is blood involved... He was a little less than a year old when I got here so we have bonded pretty well... He talks to me all the time...

Unfortunately they are inside cats... Never go outside... Very well taken care of and spoiled rotten when it comes to food... The ex will buy them fresh Ahi and feeds it to them...

Oh yea... The top comes off of the foot-stool and is Full of Cat toys... :bang3:

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All my cats are former ferals or else they would not be at my house as we are dog people. They just showed up as almost dead barely weaned kittens we felt sorry for. Fortunately we have been able to whittle down the gypsy cat population doing an unofficial (and technically illegal in my city) TNR on every one we could get our hands on. It has taken 5 years but they are now mostly under control. We have the replenishment rate lower than the death/disappearance rate. There are still 2 females we cannot catch, but one is old and the other is tiny and only seems to be able to have about 1 a liter survive. We are still working on them, but they are very elusive and won't get near a cage.
I mentioned that the air bags in my Sleep Number bed had possible popped and had ordered a replacements...... The replacements arrived today, went to change out the bags and discovered the real problem....... The bed sits atop an aluminium framed box spring which I had upside down, the two primary middle cross supports were raising the middle of the mattress. Oops.....

All fixed now.
Arrgghh! This cat is driving me nuts! I know she's loving on me but she's overflowing onto my keyboard. I have to keep going back and correcting the mess she's helping me make. And I feel like a total heel when I have to push her away. She's old, infirm, and really emotionally needy. Poor thing!

They all get that way towards the end gallantwarrior, I'm sorry to say.
Give the love she's looking for and needs right now.
How have you been lately, Peach? Mr. Peach still tooling around on his "bike"?

I've been pretty busy doings things around and in the house.
Trying to get everything organized also (things no longer needed thrown out) and slowly painting each room.
It's very frustrating for me to try and reconcile with the fact of what used to take a few hours in youth now takes days. !

Mr. P joined the Fraternal Order of Eagles motorcycle club a few months back and they get together and go out on rides for several hours every once in a while.
Then he rides almost every day just traveling around Cochise County.
Mr. P is doing pretty well, it's remarkable how he gets around having only one quarter of his heart working and having MS.
"what used to take a few hours in youth now takes days. !"
I've been thinking that a lot lately. One day it took half an hour to put on a pair of those compression socks to help keep the swelling off my ankles. They were so tight I almost had to cut them off with kitchen shears, but that took 20 minutes. At the end of 20 minutes, I was just mad. I thought it's awful to spend almost an hour to put on socks when in high school, we used to get 10 minutes to leave the gymn, shower, dry off, dress, and get to the next class after stopping by a locker to change books. lol

What a difference a lifetime makes. :lmao:
Had similar experience with compression socks when I was recovering from my knee surgery.
Y'all do know about that, don't you?
Here is a question to discuss, lol:

Is it easier to get warm....or to stay cool?

This question was on my mind today as I sweated most of my weight in gallons today in 104 degrees at 10am today. ONE HUNDRED only 10AM!!!! wtf!!!
I hate this weather. Hate it hate it hate it. In Los usually stayed around 60/65 year round..sometimes it would hit 75 or 80, rarely 90. Which is why I loved the coast. COOL air coming off the ocean. Here? Yuck yuck and double yuck. But the healthcare is awesome here. Still......

So....back to the question:
Staying cool...easier than keeping warm?
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btw...the SNAP test came back from the lab. She has leukemia. No question about it.
But...I already was prepared for that info and it comes as no shock. We will do as I her and take care of her until its time to send her off to meet Karma, Gracie, Pretties, Charlie, Chooch and FatCat...just to name a few of those in my life that I loved.
WooHoo!!! Roxy showed back up this afternoon, ate her food and wanted some treats. She was damp and patchy with mud. My guess, she went down to the creek to cool off. Tomorrow: a haircut for Roxy. I apologize for the false alarm, folks, but am so happy she's still with us.
I thought maybe she would show back up...but didn't want to give false hope. So glad she did!! WOOT!!!
So....back to the question:
Staying cool...easier than keeping warm?

I can build a fire... Can't build air conditioner...
But you can hang out in a cool stream all day..or near one. Under a big shady tree. Naked. See? Dilemma. lol

G R A C I E!! :11_2_1043:

Kiss kiss hug hug. Long time not see. How's life? Just saw your name and pounced. Rowr.

To your question, infinitely easier to keep warm that to stay cool. Learned that after one year living in New Orleans. Because you can always put another layer of clothes on but once you're down to skin... nuttin' you can do folks, it's like, say goodnight Gracie.

Arrgghh! This cat is driving me nuts! I know she's loving on me but she's overflowing onto my keyboard. I have to keep going back and correcting the mess she's helping me make. And I feel like a total heel when I have to push her away. She's old, infirm, and really emotionally needy. Poor thing!

They all get that way towards the end gallantwarrior, I'm sorry to say.
Give the love she's looking for and needs right now.
How have you been lately, Peach? Mr. Peach still tooling around on his "bike"?

I've been pretty busy doings things around and in the house.
Trying to get everything organized also (things no longer needed thrown out) and slowly painting each room.
It's very frustrating for me to try and reconcile with the fact of what used to take a few hours in youth now takes days. !

Mr. P joined the Fraternal Order of Eagles motorcycle club a few months back and they get together and go out on rides for several hours every once in a while.
Then he rides almost every day just traveling around Cochise County.
Mr. P is doing pretty well, it's remarkable how he gets around having only one quarter of his heart working and having MS.
"what used to take a few hours in youth now takes days. !"
I've been thinking that a lot lately. One day it took half an hour to put on a pair of those compression socks to help keep the swelling off my ankles. They were so tight I almost had to cut them off with kitchen shears, but that took 20 minutes. At the end of 20 minutes, I was just mad. I thought it's awful to spend almost an hour to put on socks when in high school, we used to get 10 minutes to leave the gymn, shower, dry off, dress, and get to the next class after stopping by a locker to change books. lol

What a difference a lifetime makes. :lmao:
Had similar experience with compression socks when I was recovering from my knee surgery.
Y'all do know about that, don't you?
I'm glad you took care of your knees. I had my knee scoped 20 years ago and had forgotten all about it because it worked pretty good. Now, the other knee is bothering me. I think it's the other knee.... :coffee:
So....back to the question:
Staying cool...easier than keeping warm?

I can build a fire... Can't build air conditioner...
Betcha could if you folded a piece of paper. :D
They all get that way towards the end gallantwarrior, I'm sorry to say.
Give the love she's looking for and needs right now.
How have you been lately, Peach? Mr. Peach still tooling around on his "bike"?

I've been pretty busy doings things around and in the house.
Trying to get everything organized also (things no longer needed thrown out) and slowly painting each room.
It's very frustrating for me to try and reconcile with the fact of what used to take a few hours in youth now takes days. !

Mr. P joined the Fraternal Order of Eagles motorcycle club a few months back and they get together and go out on rides for several hours every once in a while.
Then he rides almost every day just traveling around Cochise County.
Mr. P is doing pretty well, it's remarkable how he gets around having only one quarter of his heart working and having MS.
"what used to take a few hours in youth now takes days. !"
I've been thinking that a lot lately. One day it took half an hour to put on a pair of those compression socks to help keep the swelling off my ankles. They were so tight I almost had to cut them off with kitchen shears, but that took 20 minutes. At the end of 20 minutes, I was just mad. I thought it's awful to spend almost an hour to put on socks when in high school, we used to get 10 minutes to leave the gymn, shower, dry off, dress, and get to the next class after stopping by a locker to change books. lol

What a difference a lifetime makes. :lmao:
Had similar experience with compression socks when I was recovering from my knee surgery.
Y'all do know about that, don't you?
I'm glad you took care of your knees. I had my knee scoped 20 years ago and had forgotten all about it because it worked pretty good. Now, the other knee is bothering me. I think it's the other knee.... :coffee:
I guess I didn't tell y'all about my knee. In March of '17, I was dismantling a wall of glass block 5 feet high and 20 feet long when it collapsed, trapping me below it. They call the injury a tibia plateau fracture. Basically, I crushed the lower part of my knee where the tibia and fibula join. Had surgery with hardware and bone grafts and was in the hospital for 9 days, bed for 21 days and wheel chair until July. The leg is still not as strong as it should be, but there is no noticeable limp most days until I twist it wrong.
Fire in the foothills at the Elena Gallegos trail head/picnic area, started about 40 minutes ago. No homes in immediate danger as the winds are blowing away from the closest homes but the winds are gusting at 30 mph. The winds will die down this evening and then shift back to the west in the morning. It is headed for more rough terrain.

I was watching that one closely last night as my Aunt Betty lives in High Desert not far from there. But they didn't think any people/homes were at risk. Happy to have you guys back in Albuquerque by the way.
How have you been lately, Peach? Mr. Peach still tooling around on his "bike"?

I've been pretty busy doings things around and in the house.
Trying to get everything organized also (things no longer needed thrown out) and slowly painting each room.
It's very frustrating for me to try and reconcile with the fact of what used to take a few hours in youth now takes days. !

Mr. P joined the Fraternal Order of Eagles motorcycle club a few months back and they get together and go out on rides for several hours every once in a while.
Then he rides almost every day just traveling around Cochise County.
Mr. P is doing pretty well, it's remarkable how he gets around having only one quarter of his heart working and having MS.
"what used to take a few hours in youth now takes days. !"
I've been thinking that a lot lately. One day it took half an hour to put on a pair of those compression socks to help keep the swelling off my ankles. They were so tight I almost had to cut them off with kitchen shears, but that took 20 minutes. At the end of 20 minutes, I was just mad. I thought it's awful to spend almost an hour to put on socks when in high school, we used to get 10 minutes to leave the gymn, shower, dry off, dress, and get to the next class after stopping by a locker to change books. lol

What a difference a lifetime makes. :lmao:
Had similar experience with compression socks when I was recovering from my knee surgery.
Y'all do know about that, don't you?
I'm glad you took care of your knees. I had my knee scoped 20 years ago and had forgotten all about it because it worked pretty good. Now, the other knee is bothering me. I think it's the other knee.... :coffee:
I guess I didn't tell y'all about my knee. In March of '17, I was dismantling a wall of glass block 5 feet high and 20 feet long when it collapsed, trapping me below it. They call the injury a tibia plateau fracture. Basically, I crushed the lower part of my knee where the tibia and fibula join. Had surgery with hardware and bone grafts and was in the hospital for 9 days, bed for 21 days and wheel chair until July. The leg is still not as strong as it should be, but there is no noticeable limp most days until I twist it wrong.View attachment 264988

I do recall you had a bad accident that you were dealing with, but didn't realize it was that serious. Wow. Glad for a good outcome though.
Ya thanks FoxFyre! I couldn't have said it better. I mean was anybody watching when the glass fell? Sort of village idiot?

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