USMB Coffee Shop IV

Here is a question to discuss, lol:

Is it easier to get warm....or to stay cool?

This question was on my mind today as I sweated most of my weight in gallons today in 104 degrees at 10am today. ONE HUNDRED only 10AM!!!! wtf!!!
I hate this weather. Hate it hate it hate it. In Los usually stayed around 60/65 year round..sometimes it would hit 75 or 80, rarely 90. Which is why I loved the coast. COOL air coming off the ocean. Here? Yuck yuck and double yuck. But the healthcare is awesome here. Still......

So....back to the question:
Staying cool...easier than keeping warm?

Daughter is on the coast a bit north of Los Osos but it has been in the high 90's there this week. Unreal as Albuquerque is unusually cool for this time of year. Mother Nature needs to get a new weather manager I think. :)

But keeping warm or keeping cool is relative. It's all in the resources you have at your disposal.
Welcome back to the Coffee Shop Pogo !

And a warm welcome to the Coffee Shop to Dekster and Mike Dwight who dropped in for the first time this week. So happy you found us and joined right in. The Coffee Shop is a good place to chill out from the sometimes rough parts of USMG.

First timers to the Coffee Shop receive a complimentary beverage so for the two of you:

How have you been lately, Peach? Mr. Peach still tooling around on his "bike"?

I've been pretty busy doings things around and in the house.
Trying to get everything organized also (things no longer needed thrown out) and slowly painting each room.
It's very frustrating for me to try and reconcile with the fact of what used to take a few hours in youth now takes days. !

Mr. P joined the Fraternal Order of Eagles motorcycle club a few months back and they get together and go out on rides for several hours every once in a while.
Then he rides almost every day just traveling around Cochise County.
Mr. P is doing pretty well, it's remarkable how he gets around having only one quarter of his heart working and having MS.
"what used to take a few hours in youth now takes days. !"
I've been thinking that a lot lately. One day it took half an hour to put on a pair of those compression socks to help keep the swelling off my ankles. They were so tight I almost had to cut them off with kitchen shears, but that took 20 minutes. At the end of 20 minutes, I was just mad. I thought it's awful to spend almost an hour to put on socks when in high school, we used to get 10 minutes to leave the gymn, shower, dry off, dress, and get to the next class after stopping by a locker to change books. lol

What a difference a lifetime makes. :lmao:
Had similar experience with compression socks when I was recovering from my knee surgery.
Y'all do know about that, don't you?
I'm glad you took care of your knees. I had my knee scoped 20 years ago and had forgotten all about it because it worked pretty good. Now, the other knee is bothering me. I think it's the other knee.... :coffee:
I guess I didn't tell y'all about my knee. In March of '17, I was dismantling a wall of glass block 5 feet high and 20 feet long when it collapsed, trapping me below it. They call the injury a tibia plateau fracture. Basically, I crushed the lower part of my knee where the tibia and fibula join. Had surgery with hardware and bone grafts and was in the hospital for 9 days, bed for 21 days and wheel chair until July. The leg is still not as strong as it should be, but there is no noticeable limp most days until I twist it wrong.View attachment 264988
Yeah, I remember you posting about that, glad to see you've recovered from it. :thup:
Welcome back to the Coffee Shop Pogo !

And a warm welcome to the Coffee Shop to Dekster and Mike Dwight who dropped in for the first time this week. So happy you found us and joined right in. The Coffee Shop is a good place to chill out from the sometimes rough parts of USMG.

First timers to the Coffee Shop receive a complimentary beverage so for the two of you:


Whoa --- what's in that thing?? :stir:

I've been making mango lassi at home, once it dawned on me how easy it is. Roughly half-and-half plain yogurt and mango puree (or I use frozen mango sorbet) with a few shakes of cardamom. Delicioso, but doesn't keep long so drink up. This looks something like that but more orange and with ---- blueberries?
Welcome back to the Coffee Shop Pogo !

And a warm welcome to the Coffee Shop to Dekster and Mike Dwight who dropped in for the first time this week. So happy you found us and joined right in. The Coffee Shop is a good place to chill out from the sometimes rough parts of USMG.

First timers to the Coffee Shop receive a complimentary beverage so for the two of you:


Whoa --- what's in that thing?? :stir:

I've been making mango lassi at home, once it dawned on me how easy it is. Roughly half-and-half plain yogurt and mango puree (or I use frozen mango sorbet) with a few shakes of cardamom. Delicioso, but doesn't keep long so drink up. This looks something like that but more orange and with ---- blueberries?

I'm not sure. But it looks like something I would want to try. :)
Welcome back to the Coffee Shop Pogo !

And a warm welcome to the Coffee Shop to Dekster and Mike Dwight who dropped in for the first time this week. So happy you found us and joined right in. The Coffee Shop is a good place to chill out from the sometimes rough parts of USMG.

First timers to the Coffee Shop receive a complimentary beverage so for the two of you:


Whoa --- what's in that thing?? :stir:

I've been making mango lassi at home, once it dawned on me how easy it is. Roughly half-and-half plain yogurt and mango puree (or I use frozen mango sorbet) with a few shakes of cardamom. Delicioso, but doesn't keep long so drink up. This looks something like that but more orange and with ---- blueberries?

I'm not sure. But it looks like something I would want to try. :)

Oh I know what that is now. Boba tea. Tapioca pearls.

Meh, I've tried it, looks better than it is...
Especially for Oddball :

I grew up watching them...And I know a lot of 78-year olds who look much better than those guys are being portrayed. :)

That's what I thought too. My Aunt Betty will be 93 in September. She drives, does much of her own housework, and is in better shape than a lot of 60 and 70 year olds. She was flying home from Austin a couple of months ago and the flight attendant was so impressed when he checked her birth certificate, he said anybody who looks as good as she does at 92 should get preboarded and upgraded into first class. So she flew home first class. :)
Welcome back to the Coffee Shop Pogo !

And a warm welcome to the Coffee Shop to Dekster and Mike Dwight who dropped in for the first time this week. So happy you found us and joined right in. The Coffee Shop is a good place to chill out from the sometimes rough parts of USMG.

First timers to the Coffee Shop receive a complimentary beverage so for the two of you:


Whoa --- what's in that thing?? :stir:

I've been making mango lassi at home, once it dawned on me how easy it is. Roughly half-and-half plain yogurt and mango puree (or I use frozen mango sorbet) with a few shakes of cardamom. Delicioso, but doesn't keep long so drink up. This looks something like that but more orange and with ---- blueberries?

I'm not sure. But it looks like something I would want to try. :)
It looks like what I read about this morning...those black thingies. Some kind of "pearl tapioca" that they had to remove from some girls gut cuz its hard to digest and she had over 100 of them in there. Ack!!
Especially for Oddball :

The Tom and Jerry pals were around before me. I visited EJ this morning in hospice. He may not make it through the end of the week. He hasn't talked for nearly a week now, and he isn't eating or drinking anything. That's about what happened to my husband his last week. He died on June 13, 2016. June isn't my lucky month, it seems.
Speaking of folks getting old, did anybody catch AGT last night? The 80 something guy and the guy mid 50's doing unbelievable strength moves?

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Especially for Oddball :

The Tom and Jerry pals were around before me. I visited EJ this morning in hospice. He may not make it through the end of the week. He hasn't talked for nearly a week now, and he isn't eating or drinking anything. That's about what happened to my husband his last week. He died on June 13, 2016. June isn't my lucky month, it seems.

Same with my Uncle Ed. When it was his time he stopped eating or drinking anything. Within a short time he was comatose. And then gone. But I can think of much worse ways. When it is your time to go peacefully, without pain, surrounded by people who care for you and love you. Hospice is wonderful.

The grief is real for those left behind though. And sending you a comforting hug across the miles Beautress. What a blessing you must be and have been for EJ.
My dad was kind of in-home hospice at the end. A nurse came in to care for him while my sister and her husband worked. He was weak as a kitten but able to get around a bit on a walker. He was still sharp as a tack.
He called me the day before he passed. His words were, Ernie, I've had a hell of a run, but frankly, I'm tired. He was 93 years, 2 months and 7 days. This Saturday would be his 102nd birthday
My dad was kind of in-home hospice at the end. A nurse came in to care for him while my sister and her husband worked. He was weak as a kitten but able to get around a bit on a walker. He was still sharp as a tack.
He called me the day before he passed. His words were, Ernie, I've had a hell of a run, but frankly, I'm tired. He was 93 years, 2 months and 7 days. This Saturday would be his 102nd birthday

I think they know when it is time. Hombre's mom died on her 100th birthday while the entire family was there at the nursing home to celebrate that birthday. She had been in the comatose state for about three days or so, but the Hospice nurse told us she was just waiting for us to get there for the send off. It was pretty special.
I am going to apologize to everybody in advance because once I saw this, the d*** song is stuck in my head and I don't want to be alone. . .

Especially for Oddball :

The Tom and Jerry pals were around before me. I visited EJ this morning in hospice. He may not make it through the end of the week. He hasn't talked for nearly a week now, and he isn't eating or drinking anything. That's about what happened to my husband his last week. He died on June 13, 2016. June isn't my lucky month, it seems.

Same with my Uncle Ed. When it was his time he stopped eating or drinking anything. Within a short time he was comatose. And then gone. But I can think of much worse ways. When it is your time to go peacefully, without pain, surrounded by people who care for you and love you. Hospice is wonderful.

The grief is real for those left behind though. And sending you a comforting hug across the miles Beautress. What a blessing you must be and have been for EJ.
Thanks, Foxfyre. I returned this evening and got back about an hour ago. His condition is still grim, but he if fighting it like he fought fires for 44 years, with bravery and patience with the inevitable outcome. His daughter-in-law is a retired nurse and is so good about making sure he is comfortable in his final hours. Firefighters have a special place in my heart. In my years in Wyoming, a businessman 3 doors from my business on a downtown block got a little careless with his roof repair of ignighting tar and set his business on fire by accident. Because of a firefighter I only came to know as "Shorty," he got in there and dug out the core of the fire after being told to get out of there. He lost his eyebrows and eyelashes and got a cherry-colored face out of the deal, but he showed contempt for a devil and fought it to its death. He saved every business on the block including two theaters, a bank, and dozens of other restaurants and small businesses. All that was yukky was the smell of the smoke seepage for about three weeks later, then it just got back to normal. We lost nothing but a night's sleep. I became very appreciative of firefighters after that. Those firefighters were something else, and I thank God for all the First Responders who show up to who knows what treachery when they respond to an emergency. EJ saw a lot of hurt in his 44 years as a volunteer fireman in Walker County, Texas, he was a friend to my dying husband, and later, a friend to me, too. Everybody should be so lucky to have such a good friend in their lives, but EJ is pretty much in transition between this world and the next. I pray for God to welcome him and all who've spent their lives in service to their country and communities to the best of Heaven when they go. :thup:

Thanks again for your prayers, Foxfyre. You're sorta a first responder to all here who have sorrows, and you lighten the load like I can't even tell you. :huddle:

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