USMB Coffee Shop IV

No, Roxy was the guard dog. Now I'm down to just my pocket-pooch adopted companion. I'll string some electric ribbon around the outside of the goat pens, it's been proven effective as a bear deterrent in tests around the state. I've only had the one bear incursion in all the years I've had this property but it only takes one bad bear to take out the whole herd.
Oh man. So sorry about your pooch, GW. :(
She was old, Gracie. She lived a happy life doing what she was made to do. She loved the kids and let them get away with using her for a playground. She definitely let us know if something was amiss. I just wish I had been able to cradle her head and let her know how loved she was as she went. I wonder how many animals would rather go off on their own because they somehow sense how much sorrow their passing brings us.
WooHoo!!! Roxy showed back up this afternoon, ate her food and wanted some treats. She was damp and patchy with mud. My guess, she went down to the creek to cool off. Tomorrow: a haircut for Roxy. I apologize for the false alarm, folks, but am so happy she's still with us.
Good night darlinks. I really do love you guys.
And we continue to pray and/or send good vibes and/or positive thoughts and/or keep vigil for:

Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
Rod, GW's partner,
Kat's sister,
Dana, Foxfyre's friend recovering from heart transplant
Wellness for Foxfyre's sister and Hombre's sister
Montrovant for continued progress in his transition.
JustAnotherNut for strength and wisdom dealing with challenges.
Gracie & Mr. G in difficult transition and for positive trend to continue.
BigBlackDog aka BBD for healing and wellness
GallantWarrior for pain relief and healing,
Ringel for healing and Mrs. R facing serious health challenges in difficult transition
Beautress's friend EJ for continued improvement.
Seagal and Mr. Seagal.
Beautress for wellness.
All those we love and care about who aren't on the list.

And we keep the porch light on so those who have been away can find their way back and we hope they do.

Thanks, Foxfyre. EJ can't speak now, and I'm home with another bad cough again. It came with a sore throat and a fever last week. Felt bad about not being able to even visit him, so I just had some flowers sent today. He doesn't seem to know anybody, but they say it's good to be close to people you care about when you're dying. His family is rotating turns to stay with him at his farmhouse/home. I feel so helpless. Thanks for the prayers. I've been trying to read a lot and stay focused, I'm just too weak to sew today. Love ya'll. ~becki
Good night darlinks. I really do love you guys.
And we continue to pray and/or send good vibes and/or positive thoughts and/or keep vigil for:

Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
Rod, GW's partner,
Kat's sister,
Dana, Foxfyre's friend recovering from heart transplant
Wellness for Foxfyre's sister and Hombre's sister
Montrovant for continued progress in his transition.
JustAnotherNut for strength and wisdom dealing with challenges.
Gracie & Mr. G in difficult transition and for positive trend to continue.
BigBlackDog aka BBD for healing and wellness
GallantWarrior for pain relief and healing,
Ringel for healing and Mrs. R facing serious health challenges in difficult transition
Beautress's friend EJ for continued improvement.
Seagal and Mr. Seagal.
Beautress for wellness.
All those we love and care about who aren't on the list.

And we keep the porch light on so those who have been away can find their way back and we hope they do.

Thanks, Foxfyre. EJ can't speak now, and I'm home with another bad cough again. It came with a sore throat and a fever last week. Felt bad about not being able to even visit him, so I just had some flowers sent today. He doesn't seem to know anybody, but they say it's good to be close to people you care about when you're dying. His family is rotating turns to stay with him at his farmhouse/home. I feel so helpless. Thanks for the prayers. I've been trying to read a lot and stay focused, I'm just too weak to sew today. Love ya'll. ~becki
Helplessness sucks so bad!
Good night darlinks. I really do love you guys.
And we continue to pray and/or send good vibes and/or positive thoughts and/or keep vigil for:

Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
Rod, GW's partner,
Kat's sister,
Dana, Foxfyre's friend recovering from heart transplant
Wellness for Foxfyre's sister and Hombre's sister
Montrovant for continued progress in his transition.
JustAnotherNut for strength and wisdom dealing with challenges.
Gracie & Mr. G in difficult transition and for positive trend to continue.
BigBlackDog aka BBD for healing and wellness
GallantWarrior for pain relief and healing,
Ringel for healing and Mrs. R facing serious health challenges in difficult transition
Beautress's friend EJ for continued improvement.
Seagal and Mr. Seagal.
Beautress for wellness.
Foxfyre for good results for tests on Wednesday
All those we love and care about who aren't on the list.

And we keep the porch light on so those who have been away can find their way back and we hope they do.

Just had a funny weird moment, at least to me, leaving work. An elderly man fell stepping up on the curb across the road so I slammed it in park and ran across to help him. As I was getting him up and checking to make sure he was ok, this elderly woman came along and started yelling at him about needing to use a cane. She hoisted her cane up to point the tip of it it at him while lecturing him, and lost her balance and I then had to catch her before she fell. The old man said, "You should have let the bitch bust her ass too" and waddled off in a huff in one direction and she got all under her breath mouthy and waddled off in the other direction. He tumbled back pretty hard but somehow managed not to strike the back of his head so I guess he is okay. He said he was.
Just had a funny weird moment, at least to me, leaving work. An elderly man fell stepping up on the curb across the road so I slammed it in park and ran across to help him. As I was getting him up and checking to make sure he was ok, this elderly woman came along and started yelling at him about needing to use a cane. She hoisted her cane up to point the tip of it it at him while lecturing him, and lost her balance and I then had to catch her before she fell. The old man said, "You should have let the bitch bust her ass too" and waddled off in a huff in one direction and she got all under her breath mouthy and waddled off in the other direction. He tumbled back pretty hard but somehow managed not to strike the back of his head so I guess he is okay. He said he was.
You were a hero twice. :thup:
Arrgghh! This cat is driving me nuts! I know she's loving on me but she's overflowing onto my keyboard. I have to keep going back and correcting the mess she's helping me make. And I feel like a total heel when I have to push her away. She's old, infirm, and really emotionally needy. Poor thing!

They all get that way towards the end gallantwarrior, I'm sorry to say.
Give the love she's looking for and needs right now.
How have you been lately, Peach? Mr. Peach still tooling around on his "bike"?

I've been pretty busy doings things around and in the house.
Trying to get everything organized also (things no longer needed thrown out) and slowly painting each room.
It's very frustrating for me to try and reconcile with the fact of what used to take a few hours in youth now takes days. !

Mr. P joined the Fraternal Order of Eagles motorcycle club a few months back and they get together and go out on rides for several hours every once in a while.
Then he rides almost every day just traveling around Cochise County.
Mr. P is doing pretty well, it's remarkable how he gets around having only one quarter of his heart working and having MS.
"what used to take a few hours in youth now takes days. !"
I've been thinking that a lot lately. One day it took half an hour to put on a pair of those compression socks to help keep the swelling off my ankles. They were so tight I almost had to cut them off with kitchen shears, but that took 20 minutes. At the end of 20 minutes, I was just mad. I thought it's awful to spend almost an hour to put on socks when in high school, we used to get 10 minutes to leave the gymn, shower, dry off, dress, and get to the next class after stopping by a locker to change books. lol

What a difference a lifetime makes. :lmao:
The lilacs and honeysuckle are in bloom pumping sweet perfume into the air. It's the final sign that summer is here. Fireflies (or lightening bugs as we call them here) are beginning to shimmer on the lawns and the airspace just amyard above. It's dusk at 9:00 while the same last gloaming happens at 5:00 in December. School's out, bicycles are oiled up and the kids are looking forward to the opening of swimming pools.

The Sprimg floods are sweeping the fallen trees from the ravines and soon boaters will benplying the river. My beloved Pittsburgh Pirates are playing under .500 so it seems like a typical summer. The cicadas, awake after their 17 year slumber, are rattling their bodies with a deafening din while graduation parties are on every block.

Is summer the best season? Perhaps. But the charms of autumn, the barren White of winter and the delight of new blooms of spring all take a profound hold on all of us here at 40 degrees north latitude.

I hate the heat, so summer isn't my favorite season. :p

I prefer spring and fall when we can have the windows open and don't need the furnace and don't need the air conditioner. We are now into our hottest part of the summer usually but still haven't needed to turn on the air conditioner. But that can't last for much longer.

We're in the mid to high 80s during the day here, which is more than hot enough for me to use A/C. :lol:
That's way too hot for me. I'll bet you have killer humidity there, too.
I was in Phoenix a few years ago in August for some training. The thermostat in the hotel wouldn't let you dial it down lower than 80. Outside was broiling hot, the sunlight blinding, and they wouldn't let you get your room to a decent 60!

Right now it's about 80 degrees and 55% humidity here.
Nice Avie, Montrovant. It's a beautiful bear on that one.
Fire in the foothills at the Elena Gallegos trail head/picnic area, started about 40 minutes ago. No homes in immediate danger as the winds are blowing away from the closest homes but the winds are gusting at 30 mph. The winds will die down this evening and then shift back to the west in the morning. It is headed for more rough terrain.
They were reporting the fire started at the Elena Gallegos trailhead but now they're saying it's at the Michael Emery trailhead which is further south but still well north of where we are. The foothills are essentially open areas with multiple trails.
Hawaiian Livestock...

Zoey - Calico on the couch
Nani - Maine-Coon on foot-stool
Sam - Alley Cat (Saveliberty breed)

Now keep in mind that all I know about these cats is at birth they were all feral and were either saved by my mother-in-law (Zoey) or my ex (Nani and Sam)...

Zoey is a real diva with a serious personality disorder... Queen Bee syndrome...

Nani is the living example of a scaredy cat... If you see her 2 or 3 times a day your lucky... She is in hiding (from Zoey) most of the time...

Sam is my buddy... He was meaner than hell when I first got here and would bite anyone who tried to touch him... We have an agreement now... He don't bite me and I don't slap him around... He bites my ex all the time... It's play kind of biting but sometimes there is blood involved... He was a little less than a year old when I got here so we have bonded pretty well... He talks to me all the time...

Unfortunately they are inside cats... Never go outside... Very well taken care of and spoiled rotten when it comes to food... The ex will buy them fresh Ahi and feeds it to them...

Oh yea... The top comes off of the foot-stool and is Full of Cat toys... :bang3:


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