USMB Coffee Shop IV

Rookies... :lmao:

What??!! You didn't like Love at First Bite??!!! Or Young Frankenstein??!!! Unclean heathen!!!!!!

I don't even know for certain that I watched Love at First Bite, but if I did I didn't like it enough to be memorable. I do remember Young Frankenstein, though! The brain belonged to a miss Abby Normal. ;)
Not even Dead and Loving it with Leslie Neilsen?

I don't like Leslie Neilsen movies. :p

Maybe you would like him in ' the forbidden planet' . A serious role in a cult movie, before he did comedy.

I enjoyed Forbidden Planet when I was little. I doubt I would want to rewatch it now, though. :)
The Mortal Storm just came on TCM. Jimmy Stewart, Margaret Sullivan, Robert Young and Frank Morgan (the Wizard of Oz). Made in 1940.
Made it through another day dealing with medical stuff. So many rules, regulations, and bureaucratic red tape...
Looking forward to a day working on projects. I made up a couple of batches of "approved" snack spreads and later will make some low carb/sugar crackers and breads. Yesterday, I set the partner up with a hose and several water containers which he was able to fill. I made him walk up and down the driveway and he got to sit outside the goat pen to watch the goats while I fed them. Today, I want to batten down the tarp over the hay and let the beasts out to romp and eat green.
It's an absolutely gorgeous day here but will be in the mid-70s, making it another scorcher. Nights are cool enough now to light off the heater. The sunshine is taking on that butter yellow glow that comes with Autumn.
Hopefully y'all will have a great day, too!

I just wish you were not having to do all that handicapped with a bad hip and intractable pain. But sounds like you are coping.

I do understand that weather and temperatures are all relative, but mid 70's daytime temps here, this time of year, would be a mite chilly. :)
I just added another DVD to my collection. I ordered ' the keep' with Scott Glenn from
I have ordered it twice before, and never received it because it was not available. But this time it looks like they have finally issued it as a DVD.

Its a lurid tale of an ethereal monster kept trapped in the crypt of an old keep by a wall of silver crosses. But the Nazis take over the keep and steal the crosses and the monster gets out.
Well, brought the partner home yesterday. Discharge took hours because they wanted to "train" me how to assist him. He is not independently ambulatory. In other words, I have to help him get up, move around, and get down. He's dressing himself, mostly, but still needs assistance with fastenings and tucking in his shirt, stuff like that. This is not going to be fun. We're going to his first primary care appointment in a few minutes and then it's off to the pharmacy to pick up his meds. I have to make sure I have lots of space because he has an extensive pharmacopeia now.
Check back later. Hope y'all have a beautiful day. It's looking like it will be one of the marvelous, to-live-for summer days here.
I'm so there with you, gallantwarrior. You are on my prayer list for strength in the worst time in life. My prayers are so up for you tonight for all you are going through and have yet to finish, and your health problems hopefully will improve enough to help you do necessary things. Call for help when needed.
I am up at 5am shopping on the Internet. I just brought a DVD of 600 occult books. You can get anything on the Internet.
Made it through another day dealing with medical stuff. So many rules, regulations, and bureaucratic red tape...
Looking forward to a day working on projects. I made up a couple of batches of "approved" snack spreads and later will make some low carb/sugar crackers and breads. Yesterday, I set the partner up with a hose and several water containers which he was able to fill. I made him walk up and down the driveway and he got to sit outside the goat pen to watch the goats while I fed them. Today, I want to batten down the tarp over the hay and let the beasts out to romp and eat green.
It's an absolutely gorgeous day here but will be in the mid-70s, making it another scorcher. Nights are cool enough now to light off the heater. The sunshine is taking on that butter yellow glow that comes with Autumn.
Hopefully y'all will have a great day, too!

I just wish you were not having to do all that handicapped with a bad hip and intractable pain. But sounds like you are coping.

I do understand that weather and temperatures are all relative, but mid 70's daytime temps here, this time of year, would be a mite chilly. :)
It is amazing how the variations in temperatures affect us. I know I could live well enough where you are with your temperatures but I would have to acclimate. The reverse would apply if you came up here. I am just going to have to force myself to work when the day gets so hot.
I guess I've powered through the pain so long, it's routine for me. I did get a little testy this morning when the partner whined about his ankle hurting and wanted Aleve. I told him no and grudgingly gave him two Tylenol. He's not allowed to have Aleve any more. I also gave him a couple turmeric capsules for the swelling. I suspect that if he ever had to go through what I go through daily, he'd just put a bullet through his brain. Maybe there's a reason women get assigned child bearing duties. Men just couldn't handle the discomfort and pain of childbirth, is my guess.
On a happier note, my partner has started saying "Thank You" and meaning it. Too bad it takes such a disaster to teach that one little lesson. "Thank you" and "Please" are always welcome and have great meaning to the recipient.
Well, brought the partner home yesterday. Discharge took hours because they wanted to "train" me how to assist him. He is not independently ambulatory. In other words, I have to help him get up, move around, and get down. He's dressing himself, mostly, but still needs assistance with fastenings and tucking in his shirt, stuff like that. This is not going to be fun. We're going to his first primary care appointment in a few minutes and then it's off to the pharmacy to pick up his meds. I have to make sure I have lots of space because he has an extensive pharmacopeia now.
Check back later. Hope y'all have a beautiful day. It's looking like it will be one of the marvelous, to-live-for summer days here.
I'm so there with you, gallantwarrior. You are on my prayer list for strength in the worst time in life. My prayers are so up for you tonight for all you are going through and have yet to finish, and your health problems hopefully will improve enough to help you do necessary things. Call for help when needed.
You've already been through so much like this, haven't you? I've been a bit of a PIA. I have my own stuff to get done as well as assisting him. (At least he can clean himself, thank goodness for small mercies!) I also just "lectured" him about how easy it is to lapse into the easy life and let himself be waited on. I'm hoping his workaholic nature kicks into overdrive so he'll be motivated to heal himself.
Have a great day Beautress! Today's going to be a gorgeous scorcher, again. Breakfast is over and I've got to get the pard out and about and then located where he can enjoy his day.
I like the colors.
Hey, Dajjal, are you still painting?

No, I am afraid I have given up. My last three attempts at painting were not to my liking.

The picture I posted is not by me. If I was that good I would still be painting.

you've posted some of your work, haven't you? IIRC, it was quite I'm tempted to ask if you're not overly critical of yourself? Then I wonder if Picasso (or any artist for that matter) had ever said the same.(if I were that good) Perhaps you need a better marketing strategy or to mingle & associate more with other artists to get yourself & your work 'out there' and noticed. Are there any kind of street fairs or exhibitions in your area that you can advertise yourself?
I like the colors.
Hey, Dajjal, are you still painting?

No, I am afraid I have given up. My last three attempts at painting were not to my liking.

The picture I posted is not by me. If I was that good I would still be painting.

you've posted some of your work, haven't you? IIRC, it was quite I'm tempted to ask if you're not overly critical of yourself? Then I wonder if Picasso (or any artist for that matter) had ever said the same.(if I were that good) Perhaps you need a better marketing strategy or to mingle & associate more with other artists to get yourself & your work 'out there' and noticed. Are there any kind of street fairs or exhibitions in your area that you can advertise yourself?
All artists go through block periods, periods where nothing they do satisfies them even the masters. Far too many of the old masters died poor and unappreciated.
I think I've mentioned before about a niece that is an alcoholic and a few months ago I gave her a dose of tough love and haven't spoken to her since. I got tired of being lied to, used and manipulated...we had words and that was that. Now she's trying to contact me again and I'm not sure I'm ready to deal with it. From what I can find out...….I'm pretty sure she hasn't changed.

On a better note...….I have a broody hen that just wouldn't give up. She wanted to sit, just about the time 2 other hens had hatched out chicks 2 months ago. I didn't have room for another broody until after the Mama's & babies moved into the big coop and in the meantime I've been trying to break her. Most days I would just pick her up by the back feathers (so she couldn't peck me) and toss her into the rest of the flock, but every day she'd be right back in the nest box. Then I tried dipping her butt in a bucket of water, that didn't work. Next I tried hosing her down & that didn't work. Finally today I gave in, picked up 3 chicks from the feed store, moved everyone around and stuck the chicks under her. I hope she's happy now.
I tried to get a pic, but holding her, the flashlight and the phone....didn't work as planned. She's a feisty one for sure. Maybe in a few days, when her & the chicks are bonded, I'll try for a better picture.

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