USMB Coffee Shop IV

One more:

In a trial, a Texas small-town prosecuting attorney called his first witness, a grandmotherly, elderly woman to the stand. He approached her and asked, 'Mrs. Jones, do you know me?' She responded, 'Why, yes, I do know you, Mr. Williams. I've known you since you were a boy, and frankly, you've been a big disappointment to me. You lie, you cheat on your wife, and you manipulate people and talk about them behind their backs. You think you're a big shot when you haven't the brains to realize you'll never amount to anything more than a two-bit paper pusher. Yes, I know you.'

The lawyer was stunned. Not knowing what else to do, he pointed across the room and asked, 'Mrs. Jones, do you know the defense attorney?'

She again replied, 'Why yes, I do. I've known Mr. Bradley since he was a
youngster, too. He's lazy, bigoted, and he has a drinking problem. He can't build a normal relationship with anyone, and his law practice is one of the worst in the entire state. Not to mention he cheated on his wife with three different women. One of them was your wife. Yes, I know him.'

The defense attorney nearly died.

The judge asked both counselors to approach the bench and, in a very quiet voice, said,

'If either of you idiots asks her if she knows me, I'll send you both to the electric chair...
Okay may just one more? :)

From where I am sitting I can read the titles on the backs of my cd collection and here are a few of them.

' The lion in winter' and ' seven samurai' and 'Andrei Rublev ' and 'when worlds collide' And
' Caligula' (the uncut version of Caligula which is hard core porn)

and 'a beautiful mind' and 'flying daggers' and 'dune' and 'all quiet on the western front' and ' troy' and 'Alexandra'

After that it gets into more commercial films like' the matrix trilogy' and 'Xmen' and 'lord of the rings trilogy'
"A Lion in Winter" is one of my all-time favs! I have close to 3000 DVDs in my collection. I've been at it for years. The benefit to having an eclectic and extensive collection is, I rarely buy any DVDs nowadays. I have about all the ones I want. I also like binge watching some of the TV series I have collected. I don't know how often I've seen that "Lord of the Rings" trilogy. I love the story and that latest trilogy version although there is still a great deal left out.
From where I am sitting I can read the titles on the backs of my cd collection and here are a few of them.

' The lion in winter' and ' seven samurai' and 'Andrei Rublev ' and 'when worlds collide' And
' Caligula' (the uncut version of Caligula which is hard core porn)

and 'a beautiful mind' and 'flying daggers' and 'dune' and 'all quiet on the western front' and ' troy' and 'Alexandra'

After that it gets into more commercial films like' the matrix trilogy' and 'Xmen' and 'lord of the rings trilogy'

Is that the 80s Dune movie? I didn't like that, but I did very much enjoy the miniseries of Dune that the ScyFy channel did in 2000.

My version of Dune is probably the one from the 1980's its by David Lynch and Dino de Laurentis.
Did it star Kyle McLaughlin?
Well, brought the partner home yesterday. Discharge took hours because they wanted to "train" me how to assist him. He is not independently ambulatory. In other words, I have to help him get up, move around, and get down. He's dressing himself, mostly, but still needs assistance with fastenings and tucking in his shirt, stuff like that. This is not going to be fun. We're going to his first primary care appointment in a few minutes and then it's off to the pharmacy to pick up his meds. I have to make sure I have lots of space because he has an extensive pharmacopeia now.
Check back later. Hope y'all have a beautiful day. It's looking like it will be one of the marvelous, to-live-for summer days here.
My own collection is too lengthy to list--in fact I don't have a list. Should make one. "The Matrix" however is one of those iconic films I don't have yet but need to add to the group. It is one of those films that you can't describe adequately--it must be seen--but you cannot not watch if you happen to run across it on television somewhere. As with many sequels that rarely match up to the original, Matrix II lacked some of the genius in the original, but it was more fun to watch. :)

I have quite a lot more films I didn't list, ' for example 'the abominable Dr Phibes' and ' Dr Phibes rises again '
Always good for a laugh.

I'm not much into horror films, even funny ones. There are a very few exceptions though, mostly adapted from Stephen King novels. He had considerable say in the direction of those films and actually appeared either personally or via voice in most, maybe all of them. The three stand outs for me that have achieved iconic status are "Carrie", "The Shining", and "The Green Mile."
What??!! You didn't like Love at First Bite??!!! Or Young Frankenstein??!!! Unclean heathen!!!!!!

I don't even know for certain that I watched Love at First Bite, but if I did I didn't like it enough to be memorable. I do remember Young Frankenstein, though! The brain belonged to a miss Abby Normal. ;)
Not even Dead and Loving it with Leslie Neilsen?

I don't like Leslie Neilsen movies. :p
I have quite a lot more films I didn't list, ' for example 'the abominable Dr Phibes' and ' Dr Phibes rises again '
Always good for a laugh.

I'm not much into horror films, even funny ones. There are a very few exceptions though, mostly adapted from Stephen King novels. He had considerable say in the direction of those films and actually appeared either personally or via voice in most, maybe all of them. The three stand outs for me that have achieved iconic status are "Carrie", "The Shining", and "The Green Mile."
What??!! You didn't like Love at First Bite??!!! Or Young Frankenstein??!!! Unclean heathen!!!!!!

I don't even know for certain that I watched Love at First Bite, but if I did I didn't like it enough to be memorable. I do remember Young Frankenstein, though! The brain belonged to a miss Abby Normal. ;)
Not even Dead and Loving it with Leslie Neilsen?

I don't like Leslie Neilsen movies. :p
To each their own. :dunno:
Good night darlinks. I really do love you guys.
And we continue to pray and/or send good vibes and/or positive thoughts and/or keep vigil for:

Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
Wellness for Foxfyre's sister and Hombre's sister
Montrovant for continued progress in his transition.
JustAnotherNut for strength and wisdom dealing with challenges.
Gracie & Mr. G in difficult transition and for positive trend to continue.
Seagal and Mr. Seagal.
Peach for healing
Beautress for wellness
Kat for wellness
Mrs. Ringel05 for good results and comfort with new meds.
Gallantwarrior for strength, patience, healing, comfort in his challenge with caring for Rod and Rod's healing.
All those we love and care about who aren't on the list.

And we keep the porch light on so that those who have been away can find their way back.

The storm may test us to our limits, but it does pass.
From where I am sitting I can read the titles on the backs of my cd collection and here are a few of them.

' The lion in winter' and ' seven samurai' and 'Andrei Rublev ' and 'when worlds collide' And
' Caligula' (the uncut version of Caligula which is hard core porn)

and 'a beautiful mind' and 'flying daggers' and 'dune' and 'all quiet on the western front' and ' troy' and 'Alexandra'

After that it gets into more commercial films like' the matrix trilogy' and 'Xmen' and 'lord of the rings trilogy'

Is that the 80s Dune movie? I didn't like that, but I did very much enjoy the miniseries of Dune that the ScyFy channel did in 2000.

My version of Dune is probably the one from the 1980's its by David Lynch and Dino de Laurentis.
Did it star Kyle McLaughlin?

From where I am sitting I can read the titles on the backs of my cd collection and here are a few of them.

' The lion in winter' and ' seven samurai' and 'Andrei Rublev ' and 'when worlds collide' And
' Caligula' (the uncut version of Caligula which is hard core porn)

and 'a beautiful mind' and 'flying daggers' and 'dune' and 'all quiet on the western front' and ' troy' and 'Alexandra'

After that it gets into more commercial films like' the matrix trilogy' and 'Xmen' and 'lord of the rings trilogy'
"A Lion in Winter" is one of my all-time favs! I have close to 3000 DVDs in my collection. I've been at it for years. The benefit to having an eclectic and extensive collection is, I rarely buy any DVDs nowadays. I have about all the ones I want. I also like binge watching some of the TV series I have collected. I don't know how often I've seen that "Lord of the Rings" trilogy. I love the story and that latest trilogy version although there is still a great deal left out.

You have a lot more DVD's than me I only have about 300. I do have the 'Lord of the rings' trilogy though
I have quite a lot more films I didn't list, ' for example 'the abominable Dr Phibes' and ' Dr Phibes rises again '
Always good for a laugh.

I'm not much into horror films, even funny ones. There are a very few exceptions though, mostly adapted from Stephen King novels. He had considerable say in the direction of those films and actually appeared either personally or via voice in most, maybe all of them. The three stand outs for me that have achieved iconic status are "Carrie", "The Shining", and "The Green Mile."
What??!! You didn't like Love at First Bite??!!! Or Young Frankenstein??!!! Unclean heathen!!!!!!

I don't even know for certain that I watched Love at First Bite, but if I did I didn't like it enough to be memorable. I do remember Young Frankenstein, though! The brain belonged to a miss Abby Normal. ;)
Not even Dead and Loving it with Leslie Neilsen?

I don't like Leslie Neilsen movies. :p

Maybe you would like him in ' the forbidden planet' . A serious role in a cult movie, before he did comedy.
From where I am sitting I can read the titles on the backs of my cd collection and here are a few of them.

' The lion in winter' and ' seven samurai' and 'Andrei Rublev ' and 'when worlds collide' And
' Caligula' (the uncut version of Caligula which is hard core porn)

and 'a beautiful mind' and 'flying daggers' and 'dune' and 'all quiet on the western front' and ' troy' and 'Alexandra'

After that it gets into more commercial films like' the matrix trilogy' and 'Xmen' and 'lord of the rings trilogy'
"A Lion in Winter" is one of my all-time favs! I have close to 3000 DVDs in my collection. I've been at it for years. The benefit to having an eclectic and extensive collection is, I rarely buy any DVDs nowadays. I have about all the ones I want. I also like binge watching some of the TV series I have collected. I don't know how often I've seen that "Lord of the Rings" trilogy. I love the story and that latest trilogy version although there is still a great deal left out.

You have a lot more DVD's than me I only have about 300. I do have the 'Lord of the rings' trilogy though
I had a big selection myself but no where near that many, got rid of at least half of them and over the years have been slowly replacing my DVDs with digital versions on Amazon.
I have probably posted these here in the Coffee Shop, but they just came up on my Facebook feed reminding me of old FB posts. And they are still funny as some serious marketing fails. :)

From where I am sitting I can read the titles on the backs of my cd collection and here are a few of them.

' The lion in winter' and ' seven samurai' and 'Andrei Rublev ' and 'when worlds collide' And
' Caligula' (the uncut version of Caligula which is hard core porn)

and 'a beautiful mind' and 'flying daggers' and 'dune' and 'all quiet on the western front' and ' troy' and 'Alexandra'

After that it gets into more commercial films like' the matrix trilogy' and 'Xmen' and 'lord of the rings trilogy'
"A Lion in Winter" is one of my all-time favs! I have close to 3000 DVDs in my collection. I've been at it for years. The benefit to having an eclectic and extensive collection is, I rarely buy any DVDs nowadays. I have about all the ones I want. I also like binge watching some of the TV series I have collected. I don't know how often I've seen that "Lord of the Rings" trilogy. I love the story and that latest trilogy version although there is still a great deal left out.

You have a lot more DVD's than me I only have about 300. I do have the 'Lord of the rings' trilogy though
I've probably been collecting longer. I used to like to go to Blockbuster when they were selling excess stock, I got a lot of DVDs for pennies on the dollar that way. I had a rule that I wouldn't pay more than $10 for a DVD unless it was a special case. No more Blockbuster, though, so I watch for sales at other places.
Made it through another day dealing with medical stuff. So many rules, regulations, and bureaucratic red tape...
Looking forward to a day working on projects. I made up a couple of batches of "approved" snack spreads and later will make some low carb/sugar crackers and breads. Yesterday, I set the partner up with a hose and several water containers which he was able to fill. I made him walk up and down the driveway and he got to sit outside the goat pen to watch the goats while I fed them. Today, I want to batten down the tarp over the hay and let the beasts out to romp and eat green.
It's an absolutely gorgeous day here but will be in the mid-70s, making it another scorcher. Nights are cool enough now to light off the heater. The sunshine is taking on that butter yellow glow that comes with Autumn.
Hopefully y'all will have a great day, too!
From where I am sitting I can read the titles on the backs of my cd collection and here are a few of them.

' The lion in winter' and ' seven samurai' and 'Andrei Rublev ' and 'when worlds collide' And
' Caligula' (the uncut version of Caligula which is hard core porn)

and 'a beautiful mind' and 'flying daggers' and 'dune' and 'all quiet on the western front' and ' troy' and 'Alexandra'

After that it gets into more commercial films like' the matrix trilogy' and 'Xmen' and 'lord of the rings trilogy'
"A Lion in Winter" is one of my all-time favs! I have close to 3000 DVDs in my collection. I've been at it for years. The benefit to having an eclectic and extensive collection is, I rarely buy any DVDs nowadays. I have about all the ones I want. I also like binge watching some of the TV series I have collected. I don't know how often I've seen that "Lord of the Rings" trilogy. I love the story and that latest trilogy version although there is still a great deal left out.

You have a lot more DVD's than me I only have about 300. I do have the 'Lord of the rings' trilogy though
I've probably been collecting longer. I used to like to go to Blockbuster when they were selling excess stock, I got a lot of DVDs for pennies on the dollar that way. I had a rule that I wouldn't pay more than $10 for a DVD unless it was a special case. No more Blockbuster, though, so I watch for sales at other places.

I don't know how you manage to store 3000 disks. I have two bookcases full and I only have around 300 to 400
I think I underestimated the amount because I was not counting the individual disks in box sets. For example I have the first 7 series of the game of thrones, and that's 40 to 50 disks right there.
From where I am sitting I can read the titles on the backs of my cd collection and here are a few of them.

' The lion in winter' and ' seven samurai' and 'Andrei Rublev ' and 'when worlds collide' And
' Caligula' (the uncut version of Caligula which is hard core porn)

and 'a beautiful mind' and 'flying daggers' and 'dune' and 'all quiet on the western front' and ' troy' and 'Alexandra'

After that it gets into more commercial films like' the matrix trilogy' and 'Xmen' and 'lord of the rings trilogy'
"A Lion in Winter" is one of my all-time favs! I have close to 3000 DVDs in my collection. I've been at it for years. The benefit to having an eclectic and extensive collection is, I rarely buy any DVDs nowadays. I have about all the ones I want. I also like binge watching some of the TV series I have collected. I don't know how often I've seen that "Lord of the Rings" trilogy. I love the story and that latest trilogy version although there is still a great deal left out.

You have a lot more DVD's than me I only have about 300. I do have the 'Lord of the rings' trilogy though
I've probably been collecting longer. I used to like to go to Blockbuster when they were selling excess stock, I got a lot of DVDs for pennies on the dollar that way. I had a rule that I wouldn't pay more than $10 for a DVD unless it was a special case. No more Blockbuster, though, so I watch for sales at other places.

I don't know how you manage to store 3000 disks. I have two bookcases full and I only have around 300 to 400
I think I underestimated the amount because I was not counting the individual disks in box sets. For example I have the first 7 series of the game of thrones, and that's 40 to 50 disks right there.
I used to have an entire room designated "library". Now, most of my books are boxed and stored, as well as my vinyl and taped music. The DVDs are in labeled boxes and I have a list that indicates which box any DVD is stored in. When I want to watch something, I get into the box and pull the DVD. Setting up the database was pretty exhausting but once it was done, all I have to do is update it periodically. I also carry a "short list" of titles with me in the car. I have occasionally bought duplicates.
From where I am sitting I can read the titles on the backs of my cd collection and here are a few of them.

' The lion in winter' and ' seven samurai' and 'Andrei Rublev ' and 'when worlds collide' And
' Caligula' (the uncut version of Caligula which is hard core porn)

and 'a beautiful mind' and 'flying daggers' and 'dune' and 'all quiet on the western front' and ' troy' and 'Alexandra'

After that it gets into more commercial films like' the matrix trilogy' and 'Xmen' and 'lord of the rings trilogy'
"A Lion in Winter" is one of my all-time favs! I have close to 3000 DVDs in my collection. I've been at it for years. The benefit to having an eclectic and extensive collection is, I rarely buy any DVDs nowadays. I have about all the ones I want. I also like binge watching some of the TV series I have collected. I don't know how often I've seen that "Lord of the Rings" trilogy. I love the story and that latest trilogy version although there is still a great deal left out.

You have a lot more DVD's than me I only have about 300. I do have the 'Lord of the rings' trilogy though
I've probably been collecting longer. I used to like to go to Blockbuster when they were selling excess stock, I got a lot of DVDs for pennies on the dollar that way. I had a rule that I wouldn't pay more than $10 for a DVD unless it was a special case. No more Blockbuster, though, so I watch for sales at other places.

I don't know how you manage to store 3000 disks. I have two bookcases full and I only have around 300 to 400
I think I underestimated the amount because I was not counting the individual disks in box sets. For example I have the first 7 series of the game of thrones, and that's 40 to 50 disks right there.
I used to have an entire room designated "library". Now, most of my books are boxed and stored, as well as my vinyl and taped music. The DVDs are in labeled boxes and I have a list that indicates which box any DVD is stored in. When I want to watch something, I get into the box and pull the DVD. Setting up the database was pretty exhausting but once it was done, all I have to do is update it periodically. I also carry a "short list" of titles with me in the car. I have occasionally bought duplicates.

I have a library too. The front room has wall to wall bookcases. But they are exclusively full of books. I have several more bookcases in the bedroom, and that is where I keep my DVD collection.
I'm not much into horror films, even funny ones. There are a very few exceptions though, mostly adapted from Stephen King novels. He had considerable say in the direction of those films and actually appeared either personally or via voice in most, maybe all of them. The three stand outs for me that have achieved iconic status are "Carrie", "The Shining", and "The Green Mile."
What??!! You didn't like Love at First Bite??!!! Or Young Frankenstein??!!! Unclean heathen!!!!!!

I don't even know for certain that I watched Love at First Bite, but if I did I didn't like it enough to be memorable. I do remember Young Frankenstein, though! The brain belonged to a miss Abby Normal. ;)
Not even Dead and Loving it with Leslie Neilsen?

I don't like Leslie Neilsen movies. :p

Maybe you would like him in ' the forbidden planet' . A serious role in a cult movie, before he did comedy.

I enjoyed Forbidden Planet when I was little. I doubt I would want to rewatch it now, though. :)

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