USMB Coffee Shop IV

Well I was trying to find some info on spiders to add......but just looking at all the pictures gave me the heeby jeebies like they were all crawling on I had to give that up. Sorry Beautress :aargh:

But on a more positive note......I did mange to get another pic of the Mama & babies. Unfortunately I'm a lousy photographer.

View attachment 274023

So will those chicks become hens or fried chicken?
Well I was trying to find some info on spiders to add......but just looking at all the pictures gave me the heeby jeebies like they were all crawling on I had to give that up. Sorry Beautress :aargh:

But on a more positive note......I did mange to get another pic of the Mama & babies. Unfortunately I'm a lousy photographer.

View attachment 274023

So will those chicks become hens or fried chicken?

That depends...….if they all are really hens, then will probably stay hens....but if the chick sexer at the hatchery made a mistake and any of them turn out to be roosters....fried chicken.

Unless of course they get too aggressive or other problem behavior, even hens taste good :04:
Well I was trying to find some info on spiders to add......but just looking at all the pictures gave me the heeby jeebies like they were all crawling on I had to give that up. Sorry Beautress :aargh:

But on a more positive note......I did mange to get another pic of the Mama & babies. Unfortunately I'm a lousy photographer.

View attachment 274023
CUTE CITY, JustAnother! Sorry for being such a wussie the other day about that monster spider, but it looked determined to get me good, and I was all tangled up with my huge tractor in the sinks with an orange-colored flesh rope 3" in diameter that was the large rope hanging low enough to wrap around the tractor that was spinning out of control going down into the creek bed that likely was 2' of mud waiting to sink the monster tires on my tractor, and I wanted none of it. Before someone could pull it out of the muck, they'd have to put several tons of shale to boost up the level of the soil from the 2 sink areas that had formed in this wet year, which started in 2018 and just didn't stop raining on my property. I guess that's what I get for praying for rain to revive the tall pines in the piney woods region I've grown to love so well on account of the lake out back that sports a pair of great white egrets that were once an endangered species. That may not go away, I'm not certain.
No need to apologize. I'm a great, huge wussie when it comes to spiders, too.
A terrifying spider episode (sorry so long in the telling) :lmao:

Spent the morning on the zero turn and the afternoon on the tractor. And when I went to the remote back area that is a triangular wedge next to one of the creeks that flank the place on each side--anyway, I got stuck in the wedge. A huge ropelike vine-tree must've fallen or whatever vine trees do, I'm not certain, anyway, it got snaggled in the upper part of the canopy, which twisted the tractor into going down position, so in panic, I turned the key to off, and it stopped. When it stopped, something was sticking me in the back. Several dead trees were nearby, and the little maneuver I unwittingly did jerked a huge leafless limb with stiff points where small branches used to be. I spent 10 minutes trying to free myself from this awful situation, and being pitch dark in bright daylight is why I think the creek bed flanks a quasi-jungle with plants horrific. Of course, the meadow end of the wedge has amazing small wildflowers from February to October, because the shade keeps things cooler there than out in the 100-degree Farenheit open pastures on a hot afternoon. Anyhow, I got unwoven in about 10 minutes, then had to figure how to get the tractor that was now stuck between two quite firm trees that weren't there 2 years ago, or were so small I didn't notice them. I have no idea how the 3" diameter vine tree got there, because it wasn't there, either the last time I visited the wedge. One problem I encountered was that the neighbor had routed his part of the floodplain into two runnoff areas that broached the wedge area on the north fenceline, and some of the land next to the creek bottom had sunk, which is why the tractor slipped. And it was 6 feet lower in the two areas than it was in the meadowed area. The pine tree that had been 4 ft. high was now at least 30, and it was looking sickly with reddish patches like the other pines I lost during the drought of 2011. I just couldn't get out of there fast enough when suddenly!!! a 3" dark spider with horizontal uneven stripes parachuted down directly in front of me when I was trying to get uphill and out of the spring sink area, so in addition to a little panic from travelling uphill on a forty-five degree angle, here's the biggest, fattest spider I ever saw in my life giving me dirty looks and descending fast. I grabbed the thick piece of silk he or she had descended on, which made the spider real mad at me in particular, so I grabbed it once again and tossed the line to the side, and the spider followed. Whew! close call. You never know what kind of monster spider will go after you, and I will consider walking without destroying the spider's tree habitat from now on. Those little wildflowers in the wild woods are a magnet to me, and no less precious today than their predecessors in my memory. They were just ... magic. And beautiful.

So I got every part of the yard mowed that needed mowing, then all afternoon spent time on the Kubota with its 60" hay cutter, mowing around the fence lines, and through places where one might like to walk if so inclined. There were some really pretty lily-like flowers on branches rather than spikes like real lilies. They were all purple and so lovely going around the outside of the lake. It's only 14 acres but has 8 different worlds on it.

I never saw a spider that big that wasn't a tarantula. And I have no idea what it was, searched all over the internet for an hour, without finding it. Judging from its appearance and its fierce attitude, I'm guessing it a relative of wolf spiders, but I sure would like to have verified its name to see if its huge size was just an anomaly of having a growth hormone other spiders do not have, and its weird appearance which I have been unable to identify at any arachnid site. They'll tell you there are 1000 known type spiders in the wolf spider family, but I haven't found a website yet that identifies spiders with common and latin scientific names, and tells of their dangers of poison problems if they bite you. That spider scared me, but I tried to keep my head and spoke gently to the beast before sending him over the side onto safe ground, hopefully.

I believe the only spiders seriously dangerous to humans at least in the continguous 48 states are the brown recluse and the black widow, both small spiders. All others have mouths too small to harm humans--the grand daddy longlegs for instance are deadly poisonous but cannot harm humans, even babies, because their mouth is too small to penetrate human skin. They are deadly to other spiders especially and small insects though. if you have a lot of grand daddy longlegs, you won't need to worry about any other spiders being around. The tarantula looks vicious but they have to be really provoked or frightened to bite and their bite, while not harmless, is not deadly and easily treated with soap and water and a cold compress to take down any swelling. It rarely needs any kind of professional medical attention.

Evenso, I would not have wanted your spider coming at me either. Maybe he wouldn't hurt me but he likely could cause me to hurt myself. :) Did you get your tractor unstuck?

It seems the daddy long legs being extremely venomous is a myth: Are Daddy Longlegs Really the Most Venomous Spiders In the World?
Is a Daddy Longlegs a Danger to Humans?

I didn't recall ever hearing that particular claim before, so I looked it up. ;)

Interesting. I probably stand corrected though I have been around daddy longlegs all my life, played with them as a kid, and was never ever bitten by one. Up on the mountain they were everywhere, but we never saw any other spider. Maybe they aren't as poisonous as I thought to other spiders? But this extensive article by Livescience seems to contradict itself that they 1) are not not venemous but 2) kill spiders caught in their webs with a deadly bite? Who knows. At any rate I do not fear them.
Daddy Longlegs: Spiders & Other Critters | Live Science

I do give the scorpions and vinegaroons a wide berth and prefer not to live with any spiders or other insects in the house regardless of how harmless. The only bad snakes we have are numerous types of rattlesnakes. Lots and lots of good snakes too. The western coral snake, venomous, is found only in the southwestern tip of New Mexico and southeastern Arizona. No water moccasins or copperheads in New Mexico that I know of.
Spiders were common dwellers in my cabin when I was only a part-time resident. They did keep the fly population under control. But as soon as I, and my feline companions, moved in full-time, spiders pretty much disappeared.
Still not a cloud in the sky. It did cool down this evening. I was out until almost 6 pm trying to get things done, making calls, etc. At least we got the short-term disability through for my partner but it looks like we'll have to renew our request every month. Every little bit helps. We found out the reason why there was no disability insurance for one car note was that the finance company doesn't offer it for buyers over 64 years old.
I'm planning on going back to work Wednesday. I confess, I have very rarely been less alone but more lonely than I have been since this odyssey with the partner has begun.
Good night darlinks. I really do love you guys.
And we continue to pray and/or send good vibes and/or positive thoughts and/or keep vigil for:

Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
Wellness for Foxfyre's sister and Hombre's sister
Montrovant for continued progress in his transition.
JustAnotherNut for strength and wisdom dealing with challenges.
Gracie & Mr. G in difficult transition and for positive trend to continue.
Seagal and Mr. Seagal.
Peach for healing
Beautress for wellness
Kat for wellness
Mrs. Ringel05 for good results and comfort with new meds.
Gallantwarrior for strength, patience, healing, comfort in his challenge with caring for Rod and Rod's healing.
All those we love and care about who aren't on the list.

And we keep the porch light on so that those who have been away can find their way back.
Hey! How's everyone doing? Been busy and when I've been on the USMB been de-stressing in the FZ......... :D
The wife had a rough week but is doing much better, still not much in the way of energy but has helped unbox books and place them on the bookshelves.
I was trying to build a new desktop but ran into a couple of problems so it's been put aside for now. Was doing that and a couple of other computer related things that have been extremely frustrating in between reorganizing the "storage room" (extra bedroom), unboxing and putting things away or setting them aside to get rid of. Had a large, overstuffed chair and ottoman and a motorized recliner picked up, we donated them, too big for this house. Of course in between all of this comes the cleaning, sweeping, mopping, dusting, cooking, dishes and laundry......, and occasional sleeping........
A house husband's work is never done........ :D
Tomorrow is errand day, the rental deposit check showed up today so off to the bank tomorrow, need more coffee so that's a stop at World Market, have some items I didn't use when we put down the floor, hope Lumber Liquidators will take them back and refund my money. Finally have to stop at Super Wally World.
Right now I have the swamp cooler on and the wife is wrapped up in a blanket, I'm just comfortable........
Hey! How's everyone doing? Been busy and when I've been on the USMB been de-stressing in the FZ......... :D
The wife had a rough week but is doing much better, still not much in the way of energy but has helped unbox books and place them on the bookshelves.
I was trying to build a new desktop but ran into a couple of problems so it's been put aside for now. Was doing that and a couple of other computer related things that have been extremely frustrating in between reorganizing the "storage room" (extra bedroom), unboxing and putting things away or setting them aside to get rid of. Had a large, overstuffed chair and ottoman and a motorized recliner picked up, we donated them, too big for this house. Of course in between all of this comes the cleaning, sweeping, mopping, dusting, cooking, dishes and laundry......, and occasional sleeping........
A house husband's work is never done........ :D
Tomorrow is errand day, the rental deposit check showed up today so off to the bank tomorrow, need more coffee so that's a stop at World Market, have some items I didn't use when we put down the floor, hope Lumber Liquidators will take them back and refund my money. Finally have to stop at Super Wally World.
Right now I have the swamp cooler on and the wife is wrapped up in a blanket, I'm just comfortable........

You are building a new desktop ? I used to build mine but there have been so many changes in the compatibility of boards I had my last one build for me. It only cost £60 labour charge, and that included installing windows and its updates. So it was worth the money. That was a couple of years ago ,and my computer is now too slow to run the latest PC games, but I am not going to have a new one built until this one goes catastrophically wrong. That is to say if it develops faults that would cost a lot to repair. It is fast enough to stream videos from the Internet. and there are not many games for PC around. Gamers have moved over to consoles like PlayStation and xbox.
Hey! How's everyone doing? Been busy and when I've been on the USMB been de-stressing in the FZ......... :D
The wife had a rough week but is doing much better, still not much in the way of energy but has helped unbox books and place them on the bookshelves.
I was trying to build a new desktop but ran into a couple of problems so it's been put aside for now. Was doing that and a couple of other computer related things that have been extremely frustrating in between reorganizing the "storage room" (extra bedroom), unboxing and putting things away or setting them aside to get rid of. Had a large, overstuffed chair and ottoman and a motorized recliner picked up, we donated them, too big for this house. Of course in between all of this comes the cleaning, sweeping, mopping, dusting, cooking, dishes and laundry......, and occasional sleeping........
A house husband's work is never done........ :D
Tomorrow is errand day, the rental deposit check showed up today so off to the bank tomorrow, need more coffee so that's a stop at World Market, have some items I didn't use when we put down the floor, hope Lumber Liquidators will take them back and refund my money. Finally have to stop at Super Wally World.
Right now I have the swamp cooler on and the wife is wrapped up in a blanket, I'm just comfortable........

You are building a new desktop ? I used to build mine but there have been so many changes in the compatibility of boards I had my last one build for me. It only cost £60 labour charge, and that included installing windows and its updates. So it was worth the money. That was a couple of years ago ,and my computer is now too slow to run the latest PC games, but I am not going to have a new one built until this one goes catastrophically wrong. That is to say if it develops faults that would cost a lot to repair. It is fast enough to stream videos from the Internet. and there are not many games for PC around. Gamers have moved over to consoles like PlayStation and xbox.
PC gamers make up the largest slice of the gamer pie by a loooooong shot with about 1.2 billion world wide. Console gamers only comprise a mere 638 million. Mobile devices (smartphones and pads) are expected to take over the global games market in 2020.
Hey! How's everyone doing? Been busy and when I've been on the USMB been de-stressing in the FZ......... :D
The wife had a rough week but is doing much better, still not much in the way of energy but has helped unbox books and place them on the bookshelves.
I was trying to build a new desktop but ran into a couple of problems so it's been put aside for now. Was doing that and a couple of other computer related things that have been extremely frustrating in between reorganizing the "storage room" (extra bedroom), unboxing and putting things away or setting them aside to get rid of. Had a large, overstuffed chair and ottoman and a motorized recliner picked up, we donated them, too big for this house. Of course in between all of this comes the cleaning, sweeping, mopping, dusting, cooking, dishes and laundry......, and occasional sleeping........
A house husband's work is never done........ :D
Tomorrow is errand day, the rental deposit check showed up today so off to the bank tomorrow, need more coffee so that's a stop at World Market, have some items I didn't use when we put down the floor, hope Lumber Liquidators will take them back and refund my money. Finally have to stop at Super Wally World.
Right now I have the swamp cooler on and the wife is wrapped up in a blanket, I'm just comfortable........

You are building a new desktop ? I used to build mine but there have been so many changes in the compatibility of boards I had my last one build for me. It only cost £60 labour charge, and that included installing windows and its updates. So it was worth the money. That was a couple of years ago ,and my computer is now too slow to run the latest PC games, but I am not going to have a new one built until this one goes catastrophically wrong. That is to say if it develops faults that would cost a lot to repair. It is fast enough to stream videos from the Internet. and there are not many games for PC around. Gamers have moved over to consoles like PlayStation and xbox.
PC gamers make up the largest slice of the gamer pie by a loooooong shot with about 1.2 billion world wide. Console gamers only comprise a mere 638 million. Mobile devices (smartphones and pads) are expected to take over the global games market in 2020.

Pfft, mobile games. :eusa_snooty:
Hey! How's everyone doing? Been busy and when I've been on the USMB been de-stressing in the FZ......... :D
The wife had a rough week but is doing much better, still not much in the way of energy but has helped unbox books and place them on the bookshelves.
I was trying to build a new desktop but ran into a couple of problems so it's been put aside for now. Was doing that and a couple of other computer related things that have been extremely frustrating in between reorganizing the "storage room" (extra bedroom), unboxing and putting things away or setting them aside to get rid of. Had a large, overstuffed chair and ottoman and a motorized recliner picked up, we donated them, too big for this house. Of course in between all of this comes the cleaning, sweeping, mopping, dusting, cooking, dishes and laundry......, and occasional sleeping........
A house husband's work is never done........ :D
Tomorrow is errand day, the rental deposit check showed up today so off to the bank tomorrow, need more coffee so that's a stop at World Market, have some items I didn't use when we put down the floor, hope Lumber Liquidators will take them back and refund my money. Finally have to stop at Super Wally World.
Right now I have the swamp cooler on and the wife is wrapped up in a blanket, I'm just comfortable........

Bitching hat on. . . .

My week this week has been at doctor's offices--three days in a row. All appointments for other people who could not drive themselves. Monday - 3 hours waiting at the osteoporosis center - required some time for procedures but mostly just waiting to be called for procedures or time with the doctor. Tuesday - six hours (including driving time) - for a 10-minute visit with a cardiologist that was not at all necessary. And today 3 hours at the eye doctor for evaluation and an injection.

I\m ready to return to leeches and witch doctors. At least you didn't have to wait for an appointment.

Bitching hat off. . .

I'm good. I'm okay. Hombre is hungry. :)
Hey! How's everyone doing? Been busy and when I've been on the USMB been de-stressing in the FZ......... :D
The wife had a rough week but is doing much better, still not much in the way of energy but has helped unbox books and place them on the bookshelves.
I was trying to build a new desktop but ran into a couple of problems so it's been put aside for now. Was doing that and a couple of other computer related things that have been extremely frustrating in between reorganizing the "storage room" (extra bedroom), unboxing and putting things away or setting them aside to get rid of. Had a large, overstuffed chair and ottoman and a motorized recliner picked up, we donated them, too big for this house. Of course in between all of this comes the cleaning, sweeping, mopping, dusting, cooking, dishes and laundry......, and occasional sleeping........
A house husband's work is never done........ :D
Tomorrow is errand day, the rental deposit check showed up today so off to the bank tomorrow, need more coffee so that's a stop at World Market, have some items I didn't use when we put down the floor, hope Lumber Liquidators will take them back and refund my money. Finally have to stop at Super Wally World.
Right now I have the swamp cooler on and the wife is wrapped up in a blanket, I'm just comfortable........

Have the side effects from the new med been tolerable for her?
Hey! How's everyone doing? Been busy and when I've been on the USMB been de-stressing in the FZ......... :D
The wife had a rough week but is doing much better, still not much in the way of energy but has helped unbox books and place them on the bookshelves.
I was trying to build a new desktop but ran into a couple of problems so it's been put aside for now. Was doing that and a couple of other computer related things that have been extremely frustrating in between reorganizing the "storage room" (extra bedroom), unboxing and putting things away or setting them aside to get rid of. Had a large, overstuffed chair and ottoman and a motorized recliner picked up, we donated them, too big for this house. Of course in between all of this comes the cleaning, sweeping, mopping, dusting, cooking, dishes and laundry......, and occasional sleeping........
A house husband's work is never done........ :D
Tomorrow is errand day, the rental deposit check showed up today so off to the bank tomorrow, need more coffee so that's a stop at World Market, have some items I didn't use when we put down the floor, hope Lumber Liquidators will take them back and refund my money. Finally have to stop at Super Wally World.
Right now I have the swamp cooler on and the wife is wrapped up in a blanket, I'm just comfortable........

Bitching hat on. . . .

My week this week has been at doctor's offices--three days in a row. All appointments for other people who could not drive themselves. Monday - 3 hours waiting at the osteoporosis center - required some time for procedures but mostly just waiting to be called for procedures or time with the doctor. Tuesday - six hours (including driving time) - for a 10-minute visit with a cardiologist that was not at all necessary. And today 3 hours at the eye doctor for evaluation and an injection.

I\m ready to return to leeches and witch doctors. At least you didn't have to wait for an appointment.

Bitching hat off. . .

I'm good. I'm okay. Hombre is hungry. :)
I am certainly familiar with your complaints and fully sympathize. Sometimes our dedication to others comes across as pretty thankless and our generosity eats into the time we need for other things. Next week, three appointments in two days for the partner. At least my brother will be arriving Saturday to give me a hand and someone over the age of three to converse with. Scrabble! I'll have someone to play Scrabble with. 'Course, my brother let me know that he cheats. He'll have to get past my cheat-detection spidey senses.
It's overcast today but only slightly cooler. It doesn't matter, I've got to get the house cleaned. It looks like paper explosion has gone off and I need to be methodical in order to get everything in good order. Back to work tonight, we'll see how that works out. Guess I'd better get back to work, but I'm stopping by once in a while.
Hey! How's everyone doing? Been busy and when I've been on the USMB been de-stressing in the FZ......... :D
The wife had a rough week but is doing much better, still not much in the way of energy but has helped unbox books and place them on the bookshelves.
I was trying to build a new desktop but ran into a couple of problems so it's been put aside for now. Was doing that and a couple of other computer related things that have been extremely frustrating in between reorganizing the "storage room" (extra bedroom), unboxing and putting things away or setting them aside to get rid of. Had a large, overstuffed chair and ottoman and a motorized recliner picked up, we donated them, too big for this house. Of course in between all of this comes the cleaning, sweeping, mopping, dusting, cooking, dishes and laundry......, and occasional sleeping........
A house husband's work is never done........ :D
Tomorrow is errand day, the rental deposit check showed up today so off to the bank tomorrow, need more coffee so that's a stop at World Market, have some items I didn't use when we put down the floor, hope Lumber Liquidators will take them back and refund my money. Finally have to stop at Super Wally World.
Right now I have the swamp cooler on and the wife is wrapped up in a blanket, I'm just comfortable........
Oooopps! Missed this one. It would seem your wife might be doing better if she was able to help a little. Maybe these new meds will be the ticket to help her get better?
Hey! How's everyone doing? Been busy and when I've been on the USMB been de-stressing in the FZ......... :D
The wife had a rough week but is doing much better, still not much in the way of energy but has helped unbox books and place them on the bookshelves.
I was trying to build a new desktop but ran into a couple of problems so it's been put aside for now. Was doing that and a couple of other computer related things that have been extremely frustrating in between reorganizing the "storage room" (extra bedroom), unboxing and putting things away or setting them aside to get rid of. Had a large, overstuffed chair and ottoman and a motorized recliner picked up, we donated them, too big for this house. Of course in between all of this comes the cleaning, sweeping, mopping, dusting, cooking, dishes and laundry......, and occasional sleeping........
A house husband's work is never done........ :D
Tomorrow is errand day, the rental deposit check showed up today so off to the bank tomorrow, need more coffee so that's a stop at World Market, have some items I didn't use when we put down the floor, hope Lumber Liquidators will take them back and refund my money. Finally have to stop at Super Wally World.
Right now I have the swamp cooler on and the wife is wrapped up in a blanket, I'm just comfortable........

Have the side effects from the new med been tolerable for her?
Getting better thought the first week was a week from hell.
Hey! How's everyone doing? Been busy and when I've been on the USMB been de-stressing in the FZ......... :D
The wife had a rough week but is doing much better, still not much in the way of energy but has helped unbox books and place them on the bookshelves.
I was trying to build a new desktop but ran into a couple of problems so it's been put aside for now. Was doing that and a couple of other computer related things that have been extremely frustrating in between reorganizing the "storage room" (extra bedroom), unboxing and putting things away or setting them aside to get rid of. Had a large, overstuffed chair and ottoman and a motorized recliner picked up, we donated them, too big for this house. Of course in between all of this comes the cleaning, sweeping, mopping, dusting, cooking, dishes and laundry......, and occasional sleeping........
A house husband's work is never done........ :D
Tomorrow is errand day, the rental deposit check showed up today so off to the bank tomorrow, need more coffee so that's a stop at World Market, have some items I didn't use when we put down the floor, hope Lumber Liquidators will take them back and refund my money. Finally have to stop at Super Wally World.
Right now I have the swamp cooler on and the wife is wrapped up in a blanket, I'm just comfortable........

Have the side effects from the new med been tolerable for her?
Getting better thought the first week was a week from hell.

I pray for the day that the treatment isn't worse than the disease. :(
Hey! How's everyone doing? Been busy and when I've been on the USMB been de-stressing in the FZ......... :D
The wife had a rough week but is doing much better, still not much in the way of energy but has helped unbox books and place them on the bookshelves.
I was trying to build a new desktop but ran into a couple of problems so it's been put aside for now. Was doing that and a couple of other computer related things that have been extremely frustrating in between reorganizing the "storage room" (extra bedroom), unboxing and putting things away or setting them aside to get rid of. Had a large, overstuffed chair and ottoman and a motorized recliner picked up, we donated them, too big for this house. Of course in between all of this comes the cleaning, sweeping, mopping, dusting, cooking, dishes and laundry......, and occasional sleeping........
A house husband's work is never done........ :D
Tomorrow is errand day, the rental deposit check showed up today so off to the bank tomorrow, need more coffee so that's a stop at World Market, have some items I didn't use when we put down the floor, hope Lumber Liquidators will take them back and refund my money. Finally have to stop at Super Wally World.
Right now I have the swamp cooler on and the wife is wrapped up in a blanket, I'm just comfortable........

You are building a new desktop ? I used to build mine but there have been so many changes in the compatibility of boards I had my last one build for me. It only cost £60 labour charge, and that included installing windows and its updates. So it was worth the money. That was a couple of years ago ,and my computer is now too slow to run the latest PC games, but I am not going to have a new one built until this one goes catastrophically wrong. That is to say if it develops faults that would cost a lot to repair. It is fast enough to stream videos from the Internet. and there are not many games for PC around. Gamers have moved over to consoles like PlayStation and xbox.
PC gamers make up the largest slice of the gamer pie by a loooooong shot with about 1.2 billion world wide. Console gamers only comprise a mere 638 million. Mobile devices (smartphones and pads) are expected to take over the global games market in 2020.

I used to have some great games on my PC... I miss them...
Hey! How's everyone doing? Been busy and when I've been on the USMB been de-stressing in the FZ......... :D
The wife had a rough week but is doing much better, still not much in the way of energy but has helped unbox books and place them on the bookshelves.
I was trying to build a new desktop but ran into a couple of problems so it's been put aside for now. Was doing that and a couple of other computer related things that have been extremely frustrating in between reorganizing the "storage room" (extra bedroom), unboxing and putting things away or setting them aside to get rid of. Had a large, overstuffed chair and ottoman and a motorized recliner picked up, we donated them, too big for this house. Of course in between all of this comes the cleaning, sweeping, mopping, dusting, cooking, dishes and laundry......, and occasional sleeping........
A house husband's work is never done........ :D
Tomorrow is errand day, the rental deposit check showed up today so off to the bank tomorrow, need more coffee so that's a stop at World Market, have some items I didn't use when we put down the floor, hope Lumber Liquidators will take them back and refund my money. Finally have to stop at Super Wally World.
Right now I have the swamp cooler on and the wife is wrapped up in a blanket, I'm just comfortable........

You are building a new desktop ? I used to build mine but there have been so many changes in the compatibility of boards I had my last one build for me. It only cost £60 labour charge, and that included installing windows and its updates. So it was worth the money. That was a couple of years ago ,and my computer is now too slow to run the latest PC games, but I am not going to have a new one built until this one goes catastrophically wrong. That is to say if it develops faults that would cost a lot to repair. It is fast enough to stream videos from the Internet. and there are not many games for PC around. Gamers have moved over to consoles like PlayStation and xbox.
PC gamers make up the largest slice of the gamer pie by a loooooong shot with about 1.2 billion world wide. Console gamers only comprise a mere 638 million. Mobile devices (smartphones and pads) are expected to take over the global games market in 2020.

I used to have some great games on my PC... I miss them...
I have some great old games that stopped working when Microsoft went to Win 7.
Hey! How's everyone doing? Been busy and when I've been on the USMB been de-stressing in the FZ......... :D
The wife had a rough week but is doing much better, still not much in the way of energy but has helped unbox books and place them on the bookshelves.
I was trying to build a new desktop but ran into a couple of problems so it's been put aside for now. Was doing that and a couple of other computer related things that have been extremely frustrating in between reorganizing the "storage room" (extra bedroom), unboxing and putting things away or setting them aside to get rid of. Had a large, overstuffed chair and ottoman and a motorized recliner picked up, we donated them, too big for this house. Of course in between all of this comes the cleaning, sweeping, mopping, dusting, cooking, dishes and laundry......, and occasional sleeping........
A house husband's work is never done........ :D
Tomorrow is errand day, the rental deposit check showed up today so off to the bank tomorrow, need more coffee so that's a stop at World Market, have some items I didn't use when we put down the floor, hope Lumber Liquidators will take them back and refund my money. Finally have to stop at Super Wally World.
Right now I have the swamp cooler on and the wife is wrapped up in a blanket, I'm just comfortable........

Aren't these current treatments 'platinum based'.....where the hair falls out & makes ya sick? Kinda sounds like it. If so, how many does she have left to get?? I think that type of chemo, only 6 treatments are allowed. At that point either your treatment is over, or they change to a 'maintainance' chemo. Will she be getting that type as well?

(sorry if you've posted this and I missed it)
Hey! How's everyone doing? Been busy and when I've been on the USMB been de-stressing in the FZ......... :D
The wife had a rough week but is doing much better, still not much in the way of energy but has helped unbox books and place them on the bookshelves.
I was trying to build a new desktop but ran into a couple of problems so it's been put aside for now. Was doing that and a couple of other computer related things that have been extremely frustrating in between reorganizing the "storage room" (extra bedroom), unboxing and putting things away or setting them aside to get rid of. Had a large, overstuffed chair and ottoman and a motorized recliner picked up, we donated them, too big for this house. Of course in between all of this comes the cleaning, sweeping, mopping, dusting, cooking, dishes and laundry......, and occasional sleeping........
A house husband's work is never done........ :D
Tomorrow is errand day, the rental deposit check showed up today so off to the bank tomorrow, need more coffee so that's a stop at World Market, have some items I didn't use when we put down the floor, hope Lumber Liquidators will take them back and refund my money. Finally have to stop at Super Wally World.
Right now I have the swamp cooler on and the wife is wrapped up in a blanket, I'm just comfortable........

You are building a new desktop ? I used to build mine but there have been so many changes in the compatibility of boards I had my last one build for me. It only cost £60 labour charge, and that included installing windows and its updates. So it was worth the money. That was a couple of years ago ,and my computer is now too slow to run the latest PC games, but I am not going to have a new one built until this one goes catastrophically wrong. That is to say if it develops faults that would cost a lot to repair. It is fast enough to stream videos from the Internet. and there are not many games for PC around. Gamers have moved over to consoles like PlayStation and xbox.
PC gamers make up the largest slice of the gamer pie by a loooooong shot with about 1.2 billion world wide. Console gamers only comprise a mere 638 million. Mobile devices (smartphones and pads) are expected to take over the global games market in 2020.

I used to have some great games on my PC... I miss them...

Me too. i still have Civilization and Rise of Nations on my computer, Zuma, and Hoyle card games and Hoyle Casino, but the pickings are really slim any more. The games writers are now focued on smart phones, Xbox and such.

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