USMB Coffee Shop IV

Tonight was pork sirloin roast with an apple mustard sauce/glaze and sauteed brussels sprouts. The sprouts are definitely much better cooked this way but the wife still wasn't impressed...... :D
For those looking for a different job. . .

It's really too bad we don't have live feed , I could entertain you all with seeing my antics on the third step ladder. :laugh:

When I was pushing back the electric stove I had to crawl on top of the stove in order to shine a lite in the back to make sure I didn't pinch the cord.
When I crawled off I had my left foot on third step, I put my right foot on the 1st step totally missing the 2nd step.
So my left knee was near my ear .
I caught myself and grabed onto the counter top, but I really stepped down hard on my abnormally high arch .
Poor, poor Abby.:)
At least normal was ok. :laughing0301:
Lot's of fun things to see with Peaches height phobias, including myself in that crazy fun.

My only explanation is maybe something happened to me in a past life or something like that. :D
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Then again the upside of having abnormally high arches was when I took ballet dancing classes. As soon as I put those shoes on I could walk very easily on my toes.
The others had trouble with it in the beginning.
I have never had very good balance. Do a gymnastic balance beam? Forget it. If I ever have to pass a DWI test by walking the white line, I'll be needing bail money. So I'm sure I wouldn't have been able to balance on my toes had I taken ballet which I didn't.

But I trust you didn't injure yourself friend Peach?
I may have high arches, but ballet was definitely out, weak ankles (never could ice skate cause they'd shake so bad) and could trip over my own feet. Nickname growing up.....klutz.

Then I got the part of Tinkerbell in the 6th grade school about a shocker. Wasn't really though cause I didn't get the part based on gracefulness, but my hairdo. Mother would frequently put my hair up in a bun or trying to keep my hair curled.....Shirley Temple style. :mad:
I may have high arches, but ballet was definitely out, weak ankles (never could ice skate cause they'd shake so bad) and could trip over my own feet. Nickname growing up.....klutz.

Then I got the part of Tinkerbell in the 6th grade school about a shocker. Wasn't really though cause I didn't get the part based on gracefulness, but my hairdo. Mother would frequently put my hair up in a bun or trying to keep my hair curled.....Shirley Temple style. :mad:

That's what my teacher said.
She said that it was very rare to find people with high arches and strong ankles. We were naturals she said, because of the ability to walk instantly on the flat round part of that heavily padded steel toe enclosure.
I was 6 at that time so I really didn't understand it ,till I was older.
By the time I understood it, I thought of it as a curse in gymnastics.
Man if I accidentally landed flat footed, it really hurt for a few seconds or so.

I also hatted when my mom did the Shirley temple look.
We complained about it but we all did it anyway just to please our mom's. :)
I have never had very good balance. Do a gymnastic balance beam? Forget it. If I ever have to pass a DWI test by walking the white line, I'll be needing bail money. So I'm sure I wouldn't have been able to balance on my toes had I taken ballet which I didn't.

But I trust you didn't injure yourself friend Peach?

I jarred poor Abby really hard so it impacted the whole top of my bone structure.
I couldn't walk well the rest of the day and that evening.
I had to stay off of it as much as possible, but by morning it was OK just a little tender for a couple of days. :)
I may have high arches, but ballet was definitely out, weak ankles (never could ice skate cause they'd shake so bad) and could trip over my own feet. Nickname growing up.....klutz.

Then I got the part of Tinkerbell in the 6th grade school about a shocker. Wasn't really though cause I didn't get the part based on gracefulness, but my hairdo. Mother would frequently put my hair up in a bun or trying to keep my hair curled.....Shirley Temple style. :mad:

That's what my teacher said.
She said that it was very rare to find people with high arches and strong ankles. We were naturals she said, because of the ability to walk instantly on the flat round part of that heavily padded steel toe enclosure.
I was 6 at that time so I really didn't understand it ,till I was older.
By the time I understood it, I thought of it as a curse in gymnastics.
Man if I accidentally landed flat footed, it really hurt for a few seconds or so.

I also hatted when my mom did the Shirley temple look.
We complained about it but we all did it anyway just to please our mom's. :)

Not important now, but for a number of years I was Executive Director of a large social agency with an olympic sized swimming pool, a gym that accommodated three volley ball matches or two basketball games simultaneously, and offered all manner of educational and recreational classes including fitness, dance, gymnastics etc. My staffer who headed the dance classes was adamant that you never put kids into toe shoes until age 14 and found a wonderful Russian teacher--she had once been a member of the famous Russian ballet theater--who also firmly believed it could harm kids' bone structure to put them on their toes before age 14.

I never took any form of dance, except square dance as a P.E. course in college, so I have no opinion on that.
I have never had very good balance. Do a gymnastic balance beam? Forget it. If I ever have to pass a DWI test by walking the white line, I'll be needing bail money. So I'm sure I wouldn't have been able to balance on my toes had I taken ballet which I didn't.

But I trust you didn't injure yourself friend Peach?

I jarred poor Abby really hard so it impacted the whole top of my bone structure.
I couldn't walk well the rest of the day and that evening.
I had to stay off of it as much as possible, but by morning it was OK just a little tender for a couple of days. :)

Well glad there was no serious damage. You have definitely been through enough lately that you don't need that.

I do so poorly on ladders that I invested in a 10 ft folding ladder like they use in stores with high shelves. Has wide sturdy steps and hand rails on both sides. I can handle that okay. :)
1 year ago today...we were fleeing the Paradise Camp Fire.

We thank those who assisted us in our time of need.

I think of Paradise and how much I really miss it. I hated it when we first moved there. But once it was gone...we realized how much that small community meant to us.
I have never had very good balance. Do a gymnastic balance beam? Forget it. If I ever have to pass a DWI test by walking the white line, I'll be needing bail money. So I'm sure I wouldn't have been able to balance on my toes had I taken ballet which I didn't.

But I trust you didn't injure yourself friend Peach?

I jarred poor Abby really hard so it impacted the whole top of my bone structure.
I couldn't walk well the rest of the day and that evening.
I had to stay off of it as much as possible, but by morning it was OK just a little tender for a couple of days. :)

Well glad there was no serious damage. You have definitely been through enough lately that you don't need that.

I do so poorly on ladders that I invested in a 10 ft folding ladder like they use in stores with high shelves. Has wide sturdy steps and hand rails on both sides. I can handle that okay. :)

Well I manage on the 2 and 3 step latter.
It's when I suddenly get rickety I have to get down and take a break.
Like I said if we had live video here you all could be entertained. :)
My neighbors are taking turns coming down for a cup of coffee and to watch me on the step ladder. :)
It is quite funny and entertaining. :laugh:
1 year ago today...we were fleeing the Paradise Camp Fire.

We thank those who assisted us in our time of need.

I think of Paradise and how much I really miss it. I hated it when we first moved there. But once it was gone...we realized how much that small community meant to us.

Strange how that works, huh. But I still believe it's going to work out for you and Dennis.
And for today's entertainment:

Rob Christie on Twitter

You just can't tell me they are not sentient beings, that they don't think. That they don't enjoy a good time as much as we do. I loved the Siamese twittering at the birds he/she saw out the window. Both our Siamese cats would do that when they saw birds outside.
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1 year ago today...we were fleeing the Paradise Camp Fire.

We thank those who assisted us in our time of need.

I think of Paradise and how much I really miss it. I hated it when we first moved there. But once it was gone...we realized how much that small community meant to us.

Just watched a piece on new housing construction that can withstand fires. Uses styrofoam cores inside a steel mesh that has concrete poured over the exterior. Is rated for two hours of forest fires. Also can stay standing in hurricanes and tornadoes.

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