USMB Coffee Shop IV

I never said animal fats are bad for you I just personally decided to cut them in half at one point because I eat so much animal fats. Heck the best baking fat is lard. As for vegetable oil it's mostly corn oil and I eat almost nothing with corn product in it except real corn.
Now to the canola oil and GMO, not all GMO is bad, matter of fact there's probably not a single food we eat, plant or animal that hasn't been "GMOed" in some way or another so I don't buy into the GMO paranoia and that's my stance on it.

I use coconut oil.

And: I like boiled sprouts. :04:
I use several types of oil, depending on what I'm cooking. I like my sprouts sautéed in sesame oil. I'll also use avocado, coconut, olive oils. I stay away from corn oil, and yes, canola for cooking. I use canola oil for making soap, though.

The advantage canola oil has over those others is that it doesn't smoke at much higher temperatures. But I agree it really isn't good for us so I use it sparingly.
I never said animal fats are bad for you I just personally decided to cut them in half at one point because I eat so much animal fats. Heck the best baking fat is lard. As for vegetable oil it's mostly corn oil and I eat almost nothing with corn product in it except real corn.
Now to the canola oil and GMO, not all GMO is bad, matter of fact there's probably not a single food we eat, plant or animal that hasn't been "GMOed" in some way or another so I don't buy into the GMO paranoia and that's my stance on it.

I use coconut oil.

And: I like boiled sprouts. :04:
I use several types of oil, depending on what I'm cooking. I like my sprouts sautéed in sesame oil. I'll also use avocado, coconut, olive oils. I stay away from corn oil, and yes, canola for cooking. I use canola oil for making soap, though.

The advantage canola oil has over those others is that it doesn't smoke at much higher temperatures. But I agree it really isn't good for us so I use it sparingly.
If I were inclined to deep fry something, I'd consider canola. I cannot recall the last time I deep fried anything. We grill a lot and I bake or broil a lot of things. Canola does make some nice soap, though. I also use Crisco to make soap.

I wouldn't fry anything or very few things either--I do like eggs fried in butter or coconut oil--if I didn't live with Hombre. But he loves loves LOVES fried foods so I indulge him now and then as long as he eats the healthy stuff too.

And I do like my fried chicken and chicken fried steak. :)
The partner likes fried stuff like that. I'll buy him a pre-cooked fried chicken at the grocery store and he orders chicken-fried steak sometimes when we go to IHOP.
Good night darlinks. No change int the vigil list but do keep sending those prayers and positive vibes to our Coffee Shop family members who are dealing with almost impossible situations right now.

Meanwhile don't forget to set your clocks back one hour tonight if you are in a daylight savings time state. And on that point, I'll leave you with this to ponder:

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Good night darlinks. No change int the vigil list but do keep sending those prayers and positive vibes to our Coffee Shop family members who are dealing with almost impossible situations right now.

Meanwhile don't forget to set your clocks back one hour tonight if you are in a daylight savings time state. And on that point, I'll leave you with this to ponder:

No, the first was born under daylight savings time and the second under standard time. Not the same thing.
In England the clocks went back last week. I did not hear about it but I noticed my kitchen clock was different to my alarm clock. The kitchen clock is a radio controlled one that sets itself.
Sometimes I wish I lived in Hawaii or Arizona just because they don't do daylight saving time. :p

Back in the 40s and 50s states could opt out of DST.

From what I've read, it wasn't until the 60s that the country tried to get DST done everywhere. Apparently Hawaii has never done it, while Arizona did it for a year in 67, then opted out in 68.
Sometimes I wish I lived in Hawaii or Arizona just because they don't do daylight saving time. :p

Back in the 40s and 50s states could opt out of DST.

From what I've read, it wasn't until the 60s that the country tried to get DST done everywhere. Apparently Hawaii has never done it, while Arizona did it for a year in 67, then opted out in 68.

Yes in the summertime it is interesting when you have a travelling job as Hombre and I did and sometimes work in Arizona as well as New Mexico. And setting appointments was interesting trying to figure what time it was. NM is on DST while Arizona is not but the Indian lands in Arizona do go on DST. And the boundaries are not well marked. And if we were working in Northern Arizona and wandered over the state line, Utah is MST but Nevada is Pacific time.
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Sometimes I wish I lived in Hawaii or Arizona just because they don't do daylight saving time. :p

Back in the 40s and 50s states could opt out of DST.

From what I've read, it wasn't until the 60s that the country tried to get DST done everywhere. Apparently Hawaii has never done it, while Arizona did it for a year in 67, then opted out in 68.

Yes in the summertime it is interesting when you have a travelling job as Hombre and I did and sometimes work in Arizona as well as New Mexico. And setting appointments was interesting trying to figure what time it was. NM is on DST while Arizona is not but the Indian lands in Arizona do go on DST. And the boundaries are not well marked. And if we were working in Northern Arizona and wandered over the state line, Utah is MST but Nevada is Pacific time.

I think trying to figure all that out would drive me nuts...…...hats off to you & Hombre for doing so.
Bloody Amazon uk. They are a nuisance always trying to sign you up for amazon prime. Well today they succeeded because I clicked on the wrong thing, and immediately get an email telling me I have signed up.
It took me ages to find out how to cancel it, because they don't make it easy. I am thinking of complaining to them about it, because I am a good customer and have spent a lot of money with them. But I am fed up with the sales pressure to pay a monthly fee for amazon prime.

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