USMB Coffee Shop IV

First of November and still no snow. Even the snow at high elevations is getting thin. They're predicting snow for Tuesday but until then, temps will remain high 30s and low- to mid-40s. We're at least 20 degrees warmer than typical for this time of year. 'Course, the way it's been raining, if it were snowing, we'd be up to our earlobes in the white stuff by now.

Meanwhile Denver is sounding more like Alaska used to be.
Does porridge (oatmeal?) fall under the category of grains?

I'm not really sure in this instance. Oats are a grain yes, but not in the same category as wheat. Either way, if you like your morning oatmeal maybe have a smaller amount and use honey instead of sugar or add some berries or other fruit for sweetener and to increase the nutrition of it. :dunno:
Nope, that's my breakfast. Hers is one scambled egg with real cheese in it. I use a tablespoon of water instead of milk to mix with the egg and a spritz of canola oil in the cast iron pan, cook it on medium till it just done. Sometimes it's one eff over hard with one piece of oatbread and my home blended canola butter.

Canola butter?? Hmmm, not sure about that one. Why not regular butter?
Cut's the bad butter fat in half. BTW, I hope you don't buy into the totally debunked canola oil urban myths.........

Meh, it's just Canola is another one of those crops that Monsanto has messed with making it 'RoundUp ready' or some such junk and is Genetically Modified Organism (GMO), though so is much of the big AG crops that go into our food supply and is near impossible to get away from completely.
I tend to use either vegetable oil, extra virgin olive oil, butter or bacon fat...….and I hope you don't buy into the totally debunked animal fat is bad for you urban myths...….animal fats are good for you and has positive effects on brain function.

A few years ago DR told me my triglycerides were off the charts & I needed to take a list of meds to get the numbers down ASAP or else......I told her I'd think about it, cause I hate having to take meds of any kind. I went home & started researching it and ended up changing my diet to include real butter and other animal fats, more fruits, veggies & proteins and less carbs. Made sure to get atleast 15 minutes of physical activity more than normal daily doings. Basically very similar to the keto diet. Only I refuse to give up my bread, rice, pasta, chocolate and salty snacks completely, but I have cut back on the amounts considerably. There are times when I backslide and I can usually feel here lately and I know I have to get back on the ball.

My numbers dropped and haven't been that high since.

It's about making choices with what we put in our mouths as food. Will it fill us or fuel us?

Agreed. We still use canola for very rare deep frying and such, but I use real butter and/or unrefined organic coconut oil--in moderate quantities of course--as much as possible and that, plus the flax oil smoothies have brought Hombre's sky high triglycerides way down.
Speaking of Halloween:

Ringel05 Here is a good article about treating cancer mentions a Ketogenetic diet which is pretty much turning the food pyramid upside down, more proteins, fruits & veggies and few if any grains or carbs which turn to sugar in the body and cancer thrives on that sugar.

Treating Cancer Naturally: 11 Strategies That Work

There is just sooooo much information out there about cancer & things to help treat it.......but what it comes down to is getting the immune system strong enough to fight the cancer cells. This includes not just diet, but exercise, fresh air/sunshine and most of all mental attitude. It all works together in sinc.
Thanks for the link.
Unfortunately there are differing schools of thought on that one when it comes to the grains part. Most state grains are good as long as they are all complex carbs, stay away from the highly processed grains so it's kind of hard to know who's right and who's being a snake oil salesman.

No doubt some grains are good for you. They do have nutrients that the body does need. But it's the amount consumed. Most people eat too many carbs, that is turned to sugar and stored as fat in the body. High tryglicerides (bad cholesterol) is that fat stored in the blood.

The idea behind the Keto diet approach, is to limit the grain/carb intake and increase the good fat, protein, fruits & the body will burn the stored fat (after it's been processed by the body), instead of the carbs (before the body processes it into fat).

Everyone is born with cancer cells in their bodies.....cancer is just another one of the millions of cells that die & rejuvenate every day. Most of the time our bodies immune system & other workings keep the cancer cells in check. The trouble comes when the system isn't working in optimal condition and those cancer cells bind together & grow creating tumors. This is where the sugars from the carbs come in...….the cancer cells feed off those sugars & fat. So to keep the cancer in check, keep the carb intake to a minimum and the other nutrient dense foods at a premium.
Well she doesn't eat much in the way of grains anyway, oat products and rice primarily and not much in the way of oat products at that. Even with potatoes she doesn't eat that many. As for the Budwig Protocol supposedly they tested her and she's supposed to be allergic to flax. As for fish, no problem, her absolute favorite is salmon. I hate salmon...... :lol:

I would give the Budwig protocol a chance, and if she has no adverse reaction give it a try. Our good friend in Texas put us onto it. Cancer in his ear had metastasized and the only options they gave him was amputation of the ear and chemo with a prognosis that wasn't good. He opted for the Budwig protocol. In two weeks the pain was gone. In three months there was little visible cancer. In six months his onocologist pronounced him cancer free. And there were people praying for him too.

It probably isn't for everybody but so many who have tried it have found relief or cures for so many things including allergies, fibromyalgia, many other autoimmune kinds of things. I know medical science doesn't recognize it and say there is no clinical evidence. But those who have been helped by it are evidence in my opinion.

But if that is not the solution for you two, or if it is, you remain in my prayers every day.

Cancer of the ear?

Have not heard of that one.

Squamous cell skin cancer that gets into the ear can affect the whole ear. My maternal grandfather died of it. My good friend in Texas was given at most a year or two if the chemo didn't work and they didn't really expect it to help much if at all. Almost his entire ear was black with it. Six months on the budwig diet, he is now cancer free.
Canola butter?? Hmmm, not sure about that one. Why not regular butter?
Cut's the bad butter fat in half. BTW, I hope you don't buy into the totally debunked canola oil urban myths.........

Meh, it's just Canola is another one of those crops that Monsanto has messed with making it 'RoundUp ready' or some such junk and is Genetically Modified Organism (GMO), though so is much of the big AG crops that go into our food supply and is near impossible to get away from completely.
I tend to use either vegetable oil, extra virgin olive oil, butter or bacon fat...….and I hope you don't buy into the totally debunked animal fat is bad for you urban myths...….animal fats are good for you and has positive effects on brain function.

A few years ago DR told me my triglycerides were off the charts & I needed to take a list of meds to get the numbers down ASAP or else......I told her I'd think about it, cause I hate having to take meds of any kind. I went home & started researching it and ended up changing my diet to include real butter and other animal fats, more fruits, veggies & proteins and less carbs. Made sure to get atleast 15 minutes of physical activity more than normal daily doings. Basically very similar to the keto diet. Only I refuse to give up my bread, rice, pasta, chocolate and salty snacks completely, but I have cut back on the amounts considerably. There are times when I backslide and I can usually feel here lately and I know I have to get back on the ball.

My numbers dropped and haven't been that high since.

It's about making choices with what we put in our mouths as food. Will it fill us or fuel us?
I never said animal fats are bad for you I just personally decided to cut them in half at one point because I eat so much animal fats. Heck the best baking fat is lard. As for vegetable oil it's mostly corn oil and I eat almost nothing with corn product in it except real corn.
Now to the canola oil and GMO, not all GMO is bad, matter of fact there's probably not a single food we eat, plant or animal that hasn't been "GMOed" in some way or another so I don't buy into the GMO paranoia and that's my stance on it.

I use coconut oil.

And: I like boiled sprouts. :04:
I use several types of oil, depending on what I'm cooking. I like my sprouts sautéed in sesame oil. I'll also use avocado, coconut, olive oils. I stay away from corn oil, and yes, canola for cooking. I use canola oil for making soap, though.

The advantage canola oil has over those others is that it doesn't smoke at much higher temperatures. But I agree it really isn't good for us so I use it sparingly.
Canola butter?? Hmmm, not sure about that one. Why not regular butter?
Cut's the bad butter fat in half. BTW, I hope you don't buy into the totally debunked canola oil urban myths.........

Meh, it's just Canola is another one of those crops that Monsanto has messed with making it 'RoundUp ready' or some such junk and is Genetically Modified Organism (GMO), though so is much of the big AG crops that go into our food supply and is near impossible to get away from completely.
I tend to use either vegetable oil, extra virgin olive oil, butter or bacon fat...….and I hope you don't buy into the totally debunked animal fat is bad for you urban myths...….animal fats are good for you and has positive effects on brain function.

A few years ago DR told me my triglycerides were off the charts & I needed to take a list of meds to get the numbers down ASAP or else......I told her I'd think about it, cause I hate having to take meds of any kind. I went home & started researching it and ended up changing my diet to include real butter and other animal fats, more fruits, veggies & proteins and less carbs. Made sure to get atleast 15 minutes of physical activity more than normal daily doings. Basically very similar to the keto diet. Only I refuse to give up my bread, rice, pasta, chocolate and salty snacks completely, but I have cut back on the amounts considerably. There are times when I backslide and I can usually feel here lately and I know I have to get back on the ball.

My numbers dropped and haven't been that high since.

It's about making choices with what we put in our mouths as food. Will it fill us or fuel us?
I never said animal fats are bad for you I just personally decided to cut them in half at one point because I eat so much animal fats. Heck the best baking fat is lard. As for vegetable oil it's mostly corn oil and I eat almost nothing with corn product in it except real corn.
Now to the canola oil and GMO, not all GMO is bad, matter of fact there's probably not a single food we eat, plant or animal that hasn't been "GMOed" in some way or another so I don't buy into the GMO paranoia and that's my stance on it.

OK, while I disagree with you I did not in no way intend to offend you and I apologize if I had.

I am no doctor, nor am I a medical research scientist, nor am I a nutritional dietician. I don't have all the answers, I'm not even sure if I have any answers. I do know cancer in any form sucks and it doesn't make sense how it's become such an epidemic in recent years when it was almost unheard of before that. Nor does it make sense that people who do everything right & live a clean life can die from it, while those who live like there's no tomorrow doing all the 'wrong' things, never get it. Then there's all the millions of others that fall somewhere in between.

I do wish you and your wife the best with prayers for healing
No, you didn't offend me, I don't think anyone could do that to me so the apology is not necessary, thanks anyway. I was simply and definitively stating how I saw it so as to divert any potential argument.
It's okay, don't worry about it. :thup:

I would never argue with you or anyone in the Coffee Shop...…..but I make no guarantees outside of here. Though I probably wouldn't anyway just because of knowing the members that frequent here on a more personal basis, than some of the critters elsewhere on the board. :113:
Thanks for the link.
Unfortunately there are differing schools of thought on that one when it comes to the grains part. Most state grains are good as long as they are all complex carbs, stay away from the highly processed grains so it's kind of hard to know who's right and who's being a snake oil salesman.

No doubt some grains are good for you. They do have nutrients that the body does need. But it's the amount consumed. Most people eat too many carbs, that is turned to sugar and stored as fat in the body. High tryglicerides (bad cholesterol) is that fat stored in the blood.

The idea behind the Keto diet approach, is to limit the grain/carb intake and increase the good fat, protein, fruits & the body will burn the stored fat (after it's been processed by the body), instead of the carbs (before the body processes it into fat).

Everyone is born with cancer cells in their bodies.....cancer is just another one of the millions of cells that die & rejuvenate every day. Most of the time our bodies immune system & other workings keep the cancer cells in check. The trouble comes when the system isn't working in optimal condition and those cancer cells bind together & grow creating tumors. This is where the sugars from the carbs come in...….the cancer cells feed off those sugars & fat. So to keep the cancer in check, keep the carb intake to a minimum and the other nutrient dense foods at a premium.
Well she doesn't eat much in the way of grains anyway, oat products and rice primarily and not much in the way of oat products at that. Even with potatoes she doesn't eat that many. As for the Budwig Protocol supposedly they tested her and she's supposed to be allergic to flax. As for fish, no problem, her absolute favorite is salmon. I hate salmon...... :lol:

I would give the Budwig protocol a chance, and if she has no adverse reaction give it a try. Our good friend in Texas put us onto it. Cancer in his ear had metastasized and the only options they gave him was amputation of the ear and chemo with a prognosis that wasn't good. He opted for the Budwig protocol. In two weeks the pain was gone. In three months there was little visible cancer. In six months his onocologist pronounced him cancer free. And there were people praying for him too.

It probably isn't for everybody but so many who have tried it have found relief or cures for so many things including allergies, fibromyalgia, many other autoimmune kinds of things. I know medical science doesn't recognize it and say there is no clinical evidence. But those who have been helped by it are evidence in my opinion.

But if that is not the solution for you two, or if it is, you remain in my prayers every day.

Cancer of the ear?

Have not heard of that one.

Squamous cell skin cancer that gets into the ear can affect the whole ear. My maternal grandfather died of it. My good friend in Texas was given at most a year or two if the chemo didn't work and they didn't really expect it to help much if at all. Almost his entire ear was black with it. Six months on the budwig diet, he is now cancer free.

I had not known about the Budwig Protocol, but when hubs had been first diagnosed with Stage 3B Squamous cell lung cancer (the tumor was right at the opening of the lung and on, in or around the bronchial tube to the lung and the aortic vein to the heart) Not sure of the other measurements because of the shock, but all I heard was 9.5cm and all I could think was a baby is born at 10cm......a radiologist said he only had 2 months to live, which I still don't think he knew what he was talking about. Mainly because he came to that conclusion with only an MRI. No CT or PET scans, no biopsy, NOTHING. AND it takes atleast 4 months or more from diagnoses before ever starting chemo, but that's now water under the bridge.

The first 2 years, hubs had been fairly good about eating whatever I prepared which I snuck the kale powder and even turmeric in most everything. He had received the standard chemo which had shrunk the tumor, then was doing immunotherapy treatment that had kept the cancer in check. It wasn't growing and was only shrinking at a considerably slower rate. Then he'd buy or want me to buy more & more prepackaged junk. About this time he also decided to get his teeth fixed by having them all pulled out at once. He had but never wore the dentures, even after numerous fittings and had finally said they were great. Then he'd only eat KFC mashed potatoes & gravy, or a Banquet turkey tv dinner. I sure wasn't going to refuse him but then the tumor started changing and eventually it was growing.

I can't help but to think the kale & turmeric did help him and not just the tumor changes but the fact he lived 3 years. And I can only wonder what might have been, IF he'd been more cooperative
No doubt some grains are good for you. They do have nutrients that the body does need. But it's the amount consumed. Most people eat too many carbs, that is turned to sugar and stored as fat in the body. High tryglicerides (bad cholesterol) is that fat stored in the blood.

The idea behind the Keto diet approach, is to limit the grain/carb intake and increase the good fat, protein, fruits & the body will burn the stored fat (after it's been processed by the body), instead of the carbs (before the body processes it into fat).

Everyone is born with cancer cells in their bodies.....cancer is just another one of the millions of cells that die & rejuvenate every day. Most of the time our bodies immune system & other workings keep the cancer cells in check. The trouble comes when the system isn't working in optimal condition and those cancer cells bind together & grow creating tumors. This is where the sugars from the carbs come in...….the cancer cells feed off those sugars & fat. So to keep the cancer in check, keep the carb intake to a minimum and the other nutrient dense foods at a premium.
Well she doesn't eat much in the way of grains anyway, oat products and rice primarily and not much in the way of oat products at that. Even with potatoes she doesn't eat that many. As for the Budwig Protocol supposedly they tested her and she's supposed to be allergic to flax. As for fish, no problem, her absolute favorite is salmon. I hate salmon...... :lol:

I would give the Budwig protocol a chance, and if she has no adverse reaction give it a try. Our good friend in Texas put us onto it. Cancer in his ear had metastasized and the only options they gave him was amputation of the ear and chemo with a prognosis that wasn't good. He opted for the Budwig protocol. In two weeks the pain was gone. In three months there was little visible cancer. In six months his onocologist pronounced him cancer free. And there were people praying for him too.

It probably isn't for everybody but so many who have tried it have found relief or cures for so many things including allergies, fibromyalgia, many other autoimmune kinds of things. I know medical science doesn't recognize it and say there is no clinical evidence. But those who have been helped by it are evidence in my opinion.

But if that is not the solution for you two, or if it is, you remain in my prayers every day.

Cancer of the ear?

Have not heard of that one.

Squamous cell skin cancer that gets into the ear can affect the whole ear. My maternal grandfather died of it. My good friend in Texas was given at most a year or two if the chemo didn't work and they didn't really expect it to help much if at all. Almost his entire ear was black with it. Six months on the budwig diet, he is now cancer free.

I had not known about the Budwig Protocol, but when hubs had been first diagnosed with Stage 3B Squamous cell lung cancer (the tumor was right at the opening of the lung and on, in or around the bronchial tube to the lung and the aortic vein to the heart) Not sure of the other measurements because of the shock, but all I heard was 9.5cm and all I could think was a baby is born at 10cm......a radiologist said he only had 2 months to live, which I still don't think he knew what he was talking about. Mainly because he came to that conclusion with only an MRI. No CT or PET scans, no biopsy, NOTHING. AND it takes atleast 4 months or more from diagnoses before ever starting chemo, but that's now water under the bridge.

The first 2 years, hubs had been fairly good about eating whatever I prepared which I snuck the kale powder and even turmeric in most everything. He had received the standard chemo which had shrunk the tumor, then was doing immunotherapy treatment that had kept the cancer in check. It wasn't growing and was only shrinking at a considerably slower rate. Then he'd buy or want me to buy more & more prepackaged junk. About this time he also decided to get his teeth fixed by having them all pulled out at once. He had but never wore the dentures, even after numerous fittings and had finally said they were great. Then he'd only eat KFC mashed potatoes & gravy, or a Banquet turkey tv dinner. I sure wasn't going to refuse him but then the tumor started changing and eventually it was growing.

I can't help but to think the kale & turmeric did help him and not just the tumor changes but the fact he lived 3 years. And I can only wonder what might have been, IF he'd been more cooperative

Husbands or other loved ones who just don't get the program can be difficult.

Yes the full Budwig protocol eliminates all refined products of all sorts--no refined flours, sugars, anything. Only whole grains, and unrefined honey or stevia used to sweeten. Juices used should be pure 100% juice with no sugar added, no other additives (I do allow Vitamin C) and should be fresh preferably or made from frozen concentrate which is what our friend and we use.

Dr. Budwig was a firm believer that sugar feeds cancer and all forms of refined sugar, even maple syrup, should be eliminated from the diet. Unrefined honey or stevia okay. Artificial sweetners are strictly forbidden. Stevia will not raise blood sugar though for the diabetics.

As clean vegetables--fresh or frozen--as possible should be consumed but no artificial additives, preservatives, etc. Salt, pepper, herbs, cinnamon, other natural seasonings can be used.

I think probably all fresh fruit is okay--frozen but no sugar added if fresh isn't available. All melons are okay. Berries, especially blueberries, are excellent on this protocol.

The only fats allowed are unrefined fresh flax oil or a little coconut oil.

No dairy other than the cottage cheese used to combine with the flax oil. No meat or if it is consumed should be wild caught or grass fed and uncontaminated with hormones, etc. (Dr. Budwig was a strict vegetarian but admitted animal protein as described probably was not a really poisonous factor for us.) Black, green, and herbal teas are good. And I imagine an occasional cup of coffee isn't really going to set anybody back.
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Cut's the bad butter fat in half. BTW, I hope you don't buy into the totally debunked canola oil urban myths.........

Meh, it's just Canola is another one of those crops that Monsanto has messed with making it 'RoundUp ready' or some such junk and is Genetically Modified Organism (GMO), though so is much of the big AG crops that go into our food supply and is near impossible to get away from completely.
I tend to use either vegetable oil, extra virgin olive oil, butter or bacon fat...….and I hope you don't buy into the totally debunked animal fat is bad for you urban myths...….animal fats are good for you and has positive effects on brain function.

A few years ago DR told me my triglycerides were off the charts & I needed to take a list of meds to get the numbers down ASAP or else......I told her I'd think about it, cause I hate having to take meds of any kind. I went home & started researching it and ended up changing my diet to include real butter and other animal fats, more fruits, veggies & proteins and less carbs. Made sure to get atleast 15 minutes of physical activity more than normal daily doings. Basically very similar to the keto diet. Only I refuse to give up my bread, rice, pasta, chocolate and salty snacks completely, but I have cut back on the amounts considerably. There are times when I backslide and I can usually feel here lately and I know I have to get back on the ball.

My numbers dropped and haven't been that high since.

It's about making choices with what we put in our mouths as food. Will it fill us or fuel us?
I never said animal fats are bad for you I just personally decided to cut them in half at one point because I eat so much animal fats. Heck the best baking fat is lard. As for vegetable oil it's mostly corn oil and I eat almost nothing with corn product in it except real corn.
Now to the canola oil and GMO, not all GMO is bad, matter of fact there's probably not a single food we eat, plant or animal that hasn't been "GMOed" in some way or another so I don't buy into the GMO paranoia and that's my stance on it.

I use coconut oil.

And: I like boiled sprouts. :04:
I use several types of oil, depending on what I'm cooking. I like my sprouts sautéed in sesame oil. I'll also use avocado, coconut, olive oils. I stay away from corn oil, and yes, canola for cooking. I use canola oil for making soap, though.

The advantage canola oil has over those others is that it doesn't smoke at much higher temperatures. But I agree it really isn't good for us so I use it sparingly.
Cut's the bad butter fat in half. BTW, I hope you don't buy into the totally debunked canola oil urban myths.........

Meh, it's just Canola is another one of those crops that Monsanto has messed with making it 'RoundUp ready' or some such junk and is Genetically Modified Organism (GMO), though so is much of the big AG crops that go into our food supply and is near impossible to get away from completely.
I tend to use either vegetable oil, extra virgin olive oil, butter or bacon fat...….and I hope you don't buy into the totally debunked animal fat is bad for you urban myths...….animal fats are good for you and has positive effects on brain function.

A few years ago DR told me my triglycerides were off the charts & I needed to take a list of meds to get the numbers down ASAP or else......I told her I'd think about it, cause I hate having to take meds of any kind. I went home & started researching it and ended up changing my diet to include real butter and other animal fats, more fruits, veggies & proteins and less carbs. Made sure to get atleast 15 minutes of physical activity more than normal daily doings. Basically very similar to the keto diet. Only I refuse to give up my bread, rice, pasta, chocolate and salty snacks completely, but I have cut back on the amounts considerably. There are times when I backslide and I can usually feel here lately and I know I have to get back on the ball.

My numbers dropped and haven't been that high since.

It's about making choices with what we put in our mouths as food. Will it fill us or fuel us?
I never said animal fats are bad for you I just personally decided to cut them in half at one point because I eat so much animal fats. Heck the best baking fat is lard. As for vegetable oil it's mostly corn oil and I eat almost nothing with corn product in it except real corn.
Now to the canola oil and GMO, not all GMO is bad, matter of fact there's probably not a single food we eat, plant or animal that hasn't been "GMOed" in some way or another so I don't buy into the GMO paranoia and that's my stance on it.

I use coconut oil.

And: I like boiled sprouts. :04:
I use several types of oil, depending on what I'm cooking. I like my sprouts sautéed in sesame oil. I'll also use avocado, coconut, olive oils. I stay away from corn oil, and yes, canola for cooking. I use canola oil for making soap, though.

The advantage canola oil has over those others is that it doesn't smoke at much higher temperatures. But I agree it really isn't good for us so I use it sparingly.
If I were inclined to deep fry something, I'd consider canola. I cannot recall the last time I deep fried anything. We grill a lot and I bake or broil a lot of things. Canola does make some nice soap, though. I also use Crisco to make soap.
Just got back from the doc's, not so good news. The chemos they've given her have not worked, the kidney and spleen continue to grow along with the new spot in the liver, we are now looking at possible experimental treatments and are willing to start looking at all options. Fox, you've mentioned a diet a few times, need to look into that.
Asked about removing the kidney and spleen but that's a no-go, due to the nature of the cancer not only would it do no good the surgery has a high probability of killing her outright. Keep us in your prayers.

I wish I could do more than offer my hopes and best wishes, but you certainly have those.
So much going on... veterans day has become my busiest time of year. Meeting last night with VVA (Vietnam Veterans of America). Laying of the roses for over 300 county veterans who didn't come home from Nam on Sunday Ceramics class on Monday. Veterans breakfast on Wednesday. St Joseph's Veterans appreciation Ceremony wednesday. HS veterans Day Ceremony 11th at 0830 then off to the county Ceremony at 10:30. My American Legion Post veterans Day ceremony on the 14th and Veteran Recognition service at a retirement home on the 14th, then 2 weeks off before 5 hour drive to daughters for Thanksgiving. Add to all that that tomorrow marks 3 years since I lost my beautiful Maria. I think it's time I started "accepting applications" Though those would be some hard shoes to fill.
Son in law has gone through his second round of bone marrow transplants, waiting on word for how he's doing, only 1 week in ICU instead of a month and he's home, so hopefully that's good... So much happening.... I think I'll do what has become custom tomorrow and just go for a long ride... Tonight Gentleman Jack and I have a conversation started....
Just got back from the doc's, not so good news. The chemos they've given her have not worked, the kidney and spleen continue to grow along with the new spot in the liver, we are now looking at possible experimental treatments and are willing to start looking at all options. Fox, you've mentioned a diet a few times, need to look into that.
Asked about removing the kidney and spleen but that's a no-go, due to the nature of the cancer not only would it do no good the surgery has a high probability of killing her outright. Keep us in your prayers.

Lord, so often we come to you when nothing short of a miracle can sustain or protect us. We ask for your intercession here and grant healing. Amen
Meh, it's just Canola is another one of those crops that Monsanto has messed with making it 'RoundUp ready' or some such junk and is Genetically Modified Organism (GMO), though so is much of the big AG crops that go into our food supply and is near impossible to get away from completely.
I tend to use either vegetable oil, extra virgin olive oil, butter or bacon fat...….and I hope you don't buy into the totally debunked animal fat is bad for you urban myths...….animal fats are good for you and has positive effects on brain function.

A few years ago DR told me my triglycerides were off the charts & I needed to take a list of meds to get the numbers down ASAP or else......I told her I'd think about it, cause I hate having to take meds of any kind. I went home & started researching it and ended up changing my diet to include real butter and other animal fats, more fruits, veggies & proteins and less carbs. Made sure to get atleast 15 minutes of physical activity more than normal daily doings. Basically very similar to the keto diet. Only I refuse to give up my bread, rice, pasta, chocolate and salty snacks completely, but I have cut back on the amounts considerably. There are times when I backslide and I can usually feel here lately and I know I have to get back on the ball.

My numbers dropped and haven't been that high since.

It's about making choices with what we put in our mouths as food. Will it fill us or fuel us?
I never said animal fats are bad for you I just personally decided to cut them in half at one point because I eat so much animal fats. Heck the best baking fat is lard. As for vegetable oil it's mostly corn oil and I eat almost nothing with corn product in it except real corn.
Now to the canola oil and GMO, not all GMO is bad, matter of fact there's probably not a single food we eat, plant or animal that hasn't been "GMOed" in some way or another so I don't buy into the GMO paranoia and that's my stance on it.

I use coconut oil.

And: I like boiled sprouts. :04:
I use several types of oil, depending on what I'm cooking. I like my sprouts sautéed in sesame oil. I'll also use avocado, coconut, olive oils. I stay away from corn oil, and yes, canola for cooking. I use canola oil for making soap, though.

The advantage canola oil has over those others is that it doesn't smoke at much higher temperatures. But I agree it really isn't good for us so I use it sparingly.
Meh, it's just Canola is another one of those crops that Monsanto has messed with making it 'RoundUp ready' or some such junk and is Genetically Modified Organism (GMO), though so is much of the big AG crops that go into our food supply and is near impossible to get away from completely.
I tend to use either vegetable oil, extra virgin olive oil, butter or bacon fat...….and I hope you don't buy into the totally debunked animal fat is bad for you urban myths...….animal fats are good for you and has positive effects on brain function.

A few years ago DR told me my triglycerides were off the charts & I needed to take a list of meds to get the numbers down ASAP or else......I told her I'd think about it, cause I hate having to take meds of any kind. I went home & started researching it and ended up changing my diet to include real butter and other animal fats, more fruits, veggies & proteins and less carbs. Made sure to get atleast 15 minutes of physical activity more than normal daily doings. Basically very similar to the keto diet. Only I refuse to give up my bread, rice, pasta, chocolate and salty snacks completely, but I have cut back on the amounts considerably. There are times when I backslide and I can usually feel here lately and I know I have to get back on the ball.

My numbers dropped and haven't been that high since.

It's about making choices with what we put in our mouths as food. Will it fill us or fuel us?
I never said animal fats are bad for you I just personally decided to cut them in half at one point because I eat so much animal fats. Heck the best baking fat is lard. As for vegetable oil it's mostly corn oil and I eat almost nothing with corn product in it except real corn.
Now to the canola oil and GMO, not all GMO is bad, matter of fact there's probably not a single food we eat, plant or animal that hasn't been "GMOed" in some way or another so I don't buy into the GMO paranoia and that's my stance on it.

I use coconut oil.

And: I like boiled sprouts. :04:
I use several types of oil, depending on what I'm cooking. I like my sprouts sautéed in sesame oil. I'll also use avocado, coconut, olive oils. I stay away from corn oil, and yes, canola for cooking. I use canola oil for making soap, though.

The advantage canola oil has over those others is that it doesn't smoke at much higher temperatures. But I agree it really isn't good for us so I use it sparingly.
If I were inclined to deep fry something, I'd consider canola. I cannot recall the last time I deep fried anything. We grill a lot and I bake or broil a lot of things. Canola does make some nice soap, though. I also use Crisco to make soap.

I wouldn't fry anything or very few things either--I do like eggs fried in butter or coconut oil--if I didn't live with Hombre. But he loves loves LOVES fried foods so I indulge him now and then as long as he eats the healthy stuff too.

And I do like my fried chicken and chicken fried steak. :)

Back atcha. I bought three Dia de los Muertos grocery bags at Albertsons yesterday as that was all they had at the check out stand and many of our others have worn out and thrown away.

But the Day of the Dead isn't as morbid as it sounds. In the Spanish/Mexican culture it is a lively, happy celebration on the theory that the dead would be insulted by being remembered via sack cloth and ashes and other somber stuff.
So much going on... veterans day has become my busiest time of year. Meeting last night with VVA (Vietnam Veterans of America). Laying of the roses for over 300 county veterans who didn't come home from Nam on Sunday Ceramics class on Monday. Veterans breakfast on Wednesday. St Joseph's Veterans appreciation Ceremony wednesday. HS veterans Day Ceremony 11th at 0830 then off to the county Ceremony at 10:30. My American Legion Post veterans Day ceremony on the 14th and Veteran Recognition service at a retirement home on the 14th, then 2 weeks off before 5 hour drive to daughters for Thanksgiving. Add to all that that tomorrow marks 3 years since I lost my beautiful Maria. I think it's time I started "accepting applications" Though those would be some hard shoes to fill.
Son in law has gone through his second round of bone marrow transplants, waiting on word for how he's doing, only 1 week in ICU instead of a month and he's home, so hopefully that's good... So much happening.... I think I'll do what has become custom tomorrow and just go for a long ride... Tonight Gentleman Jack and I have a conversation started....
Dang, you are busy.
Best wishes and lots of positive vibes sent to the SIL. Hopefully coming home early is a good sign.
Maybe not try to fill Maria's shoes. You might never find a good fit. Maybe find a whole new pair of shoes? Good luck with that effort, too, Ollie!

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