USMB Coffee Shop IV

Just got back from the doc's, not so good news. The chemos they've given her have not worked, the kidney and spleen continue to grow along with the new spot in the liver, we are now looking at possible experimental treatments and are willing to start looking at all options. Fox, you've mentioned a diet a few times, need to look into that.
Asked about removing the kidney and spleen but that's a no-go, due to the nature of the cancer not only would it do no good the surgery has a high probability of killing her outright. Keep us in your prayers.

I am so sorry, of course you & Mrs are in my prayers.

Any chance you have a dehydrator or convection oven????. Greens are big cancer fighters. Things like kale, spinach, carrot & radish tops (yes they're edible & full of nutrients) and other foods are things most people don't like to eat directly but if you dehydrate them, then blend to a powder...….you can add this powder blend to most any recipe and still get the benefits from it and it doesn't overpower the flavor, you hardly notice the taste. Just add maybe 1/2 tsp or so to whatever your cooking as you would with salt & pepper or parsley.

Turmeric can be done the same way. The biggest downside to that is it turns everything yellow.
I did a colonguard test where you poop in a container and ship it off to a lab. It came back as positive for colon cancer. But, both docs..the regular one and the GI one, said that test is notorious for false positives. So..they wanna go digging around in my innards to find out for sure nothing is in there to cause concern.

Gracie I just had my 3rd okolescope in 2.5 years... This last one was because of one of those tests you do at home... It came back positive for blood in places its not supposed to be... It was bullshit... I will not do one of those again and the Dr. that wanted me to do it and I are going to have a long discussion regarding him listening to me... My gastro the fellow that drives the scope where no man has gone b 4 says I don't have to have another scope for 3 years... When was the last test you had? I just don't think those home brew tests are very reliable at all... Getting old really sucks and if I just knew I was going to live this long I would have taken better care of myself thats for damn sure... Well maybe not, I have had a pretty good time... :04:
Right now we're both dealing with the shock of the situation and I know with me the real possibility of losing her is sinking in. It's scary and honestly very difficult right now to remain positive. I find myself fighting back tears and not giving into curling up in a ball in a corner somewhere.

As I told GW...….You do what you need to do for you.

Sometimes letting yourself cry it out while curled in a ball in a corner is just what is needed.
Right now we're both dealing with the shock of the situation and I know with me the real possibility of losing her is sinking in. It's scary and honestly very difficult right now to remain positive. I find myself fighting back tears and not giving into curling up in a ball in a corner somewhere.

I went through the same thing.
I went into the garage shut the door and got as far away from Mr. P as possible and broke down there so he could not see or hear me.
What got me through was books and music.
Find something that gives you comfort to help you.
Right now we're both dealing with the shock of the situation and I know with me the real possibility of losing her is sinking in. It's scary and honestly very difficult right now to remain positive. I find myself fighting back tears and not giving into curling up in a ball in a corner somewhere.

Man do what you have to do... God Bless you and the Mrs. :eusa_pray:
Just got back from the doc's, not so good news. The chemos they've given her have not worked, the kidney and spleen continue to grow along with the new spot in the liver, we are now looking at possible experimental treatments and are willing to start looking at all options. Fox, you've mentioned a diet a few times, need to look into that.
Asked about removing the kidney and spleen but that's a no-go, due to the nature of the cancer not only would it do no good the surgery has a high probability of killing her outright. Keep us in your prayers.

You are both in our prayers.
Ringel05 Here is a good article about treating cancer mentions a Ketogenetic diet which is pretty much turning the food pyramid upside down, more proteins, fruits & veggies and few if any grains or carbs which turn to sugar in the body and cancer thrives on that sugar.

Treating Cancer Naturally: 11 Strategies That Work

There is just sooooo much information out there about cancer & things to help treat it.......but what it comes down to is getting the immune system strong enough to fight the cancer cells. This includes not just diet, but exercise, fresh air/sunshine and most of all mental attitude. It all works together in sinc.
Ringel05 Here is a good article about treating cancer mentions a Ketogenetic diet which is pretty much turning the food pyramid upside down, more proteins, fruits & veggies and few if any grains or carbs which turn to sugar in the body and cancer thrives on that sugar.

Treating Cancer Naturally: 11 Strategies That Work

There is just sooooo much information out there about cancer & things to help treat it.......but what it comes down to is getting the immune system strong enough to fight the cancer cells. This includes not just diet, but exercise, fresh air/sunshine and most of all mental attitude. It all works together in sinc.
Thanks for the link.
Unfortunately there are differing schools of thought on that one when it comes to the grains part. Most state grains are good as long as they are all complex carbs, stay away from the highly processed grains so it's kind of hard to know who's right and who's being a snake oil salesman.
Ringel05 Here is a good article about treating cancer mentions a Ketogenetic diet which is pretty much turning the food pyramid upside down, more proteins, fruits & veggies and few if any grains or carbs which turn to sugar in the body and cancer thrives on that sugar.

Treating Cancer Naturally: 11 Strategies That Work

There is just sooooo much information out there about cancer & things to help treat it.......but what it comes down to is getting the immune system strong enough to fight the cancer cells. This includes not just diet, but exercise, fresh air/sunshine and most of all mental attitude. It all works together in sinc.
Thanks for the link.
Unfortunately there are differing schools of thought on that one when it comes to the grains part. Most state grains are good as long as they are all complex carbs, stay away from the highly processed grains so it's kind of hard to know who's right and who's being a snake oil salesman.

No processed food period.
They are full of artificial ingredients.
It's slowly poising all of us.
Ringel05 Here is a good article about treating cancer mentions a Ketogenetic diet which is pretty much turning the food pyramid upside down, more proteins, fruits & veggies and few if any grains or carbs which turn to sugar in the body and cancer thrives on that sugar.

Treating Cancer Naturally: 11 Strategies That Work

There is just sooooo much information out there about cancer & things to help treat it.......but what it comes down to is getting the immune system strong enough to fight the cancer cells. This includes not just diet, but exercise, fresh air/sunshine and most of all mental attitude. It all works together in sinc.
Thanks for the link.
Unfortunately there are differing schools of thought on that one when it comes to the grains part. Most state grains are good as long as they are all complex carbs, stay away from the highly processed grains so it's kind of hard to know who's right and who's being a snake oil salesman.

No processed food period.
They are full of artificial ingredients.
It's slowly poising all of us.
Yup and there are some foods she's "not particularly fond of" to put in nicely that she's already said she's willing to try. Apparently we've been cooking things like brussels sprouts all wrong all these years, never boil or steam them, that actuall brings out the pungent, bitter taste. Roast them or saute them (not crowded in the pan) with olive oil, salt an pepper, she's willing to try that. Legumes might be her biggest challenge though, her aversion to them is textural for lack of a better word, she hates how they "smush" when chewed........
Now asparagus is one of her favorites and is supposed to be highly beneficial.
Ringel05 Here is a good article about treating cancer mentions a Ketogenetic diet which is pretty much turning the food pyramid upside down, more proteins, fruits & veggies and few if any grains or carbs which turn to sugar in the body and cancer thrives on that sugar.

Treating Cancer Naturally: 11 Strategies That Work

There is just sooooo much information out there about cancer & things to help treat it.......but what it comes down to is getting the immune system strong enough to fight the cancer cells. This includes not just diet, but exercise, fresh air/sunshine and most of all mental attitude. It all works together in sinc.
Thanks for the link.
Unfortunately there are differing schools of thought on that one when it comes to the grains part. Most state grains are good as long as they are all complex carbs, stay away from the highly processed grains so it's kind of hard to know who's right and who's being a snake oil salesman.

No doubt some grains are good for you. They do have nutrients that the body does need. But it's the amount consumed. Most people eat too many carbs, that is turned to sugar and stored as fat in the body. High tryglicerides (bad cholesterol) is that fat stored in the blood.

The idea behind the Keto diet approach, is to limit the grain/carb intake and increase the good fat, protein, fruits & the body will burn the stored fat (after it's been processed by the body), instead of the carbs (before the body processes it into fat).

Everyone is born with cancer cells in their bodies.....cancer is just another one of the millions of cells that die & rejuvenate every day. Most of the time our bodies immune system & other workings keep the cancer cells in check. The trouble comes when the system isn't working in optimal condition and those cancer cells bind together & grow creating tumors. This is where the sugars from the carbs come in...….the cancer cells feed off those sugars & fat. So to keep the cancer in check, keep the carb intake to a minimum and the other nutrient dense foods at a premium.
Ringel05 Here is a good article about treating cancer mentions a Ketogenetic diet which is pretty much turning the food pyramid upside down, more proteins, fruits & veggies and few if any grains or carbs which turn to sugar in the body and cancer thrives on that sugar.

Treating Cancer Naturally: 11 Strategies That Work

There is just sooooo much information out there about cancer & things to help treat it.......but what it comes down to is getting the immune system strong enough to fight the cancer cells. This includes not just diet, but exercise, fresh air/sunshine and most of all mental attitude. It all works together in sinc.
Thanks for the link.
Unfortunately there are differing schools of thought on that one when it comes to the grains part. Most state grains are good as long as they are all complex carbs, stay away from the highly processed grains so it's kind of hard to know who's right and who's being a snake oil salesman.

No doubt some grains are good for you. They do have nutrients that the body does need. But it's the amount consumed. Most people eat too many carbs, that is turned to sugar and stored as fat in the body. High tryglicerides (bad cholesterol) is that fat stored in the blood.

The idea behind the Keto diet approach, is to limit the grain/carb intake and increase the good fat, protein, fruits & the body will burn the stored fat (after it's been processed by the body), instead of the carbs (before the body processes it into fat).

Everyone is born with cancer cells in their bodies.....cancer is just another one of the millions of cells that die & rejuvenate every day. Most of the time our bodies immune system & other workings keep the cancer cells in check. The trouble comes when the system isn't working in optimal condition and those cancer cells bind together & grow creating tumors. This is where the sugars from the carbs come in...….the cancer cells feed off those sugars & fat. So to keep the cancer in check, keep the carb intake to a minimum and the other nutrient dense foods at a premium.
Well she doesn't eat much in the way of grains anyway, oat products and rice primarily and not much in the way of oat products at that. Even with potatoes she doesn't eat that many. As for the Budwig Protocol supposedly they tested her and she's supposed to be allergic to flax. As for fish, no problem, her absolute favorite is salmon. I hate salmon...... :lol:
ok, time for a laugh...…...

Ringel05 Here is a good article about treating cancer mentions a Ketogenetic diet which is pretty much turning the food pyramid upside down, more proteins, fruits & veggies and few if any grains or carbs which turn to sugar in the body and cancer thrives on that sugar.

Treating Cancer Naturally: 11 Strategies That Work

There is just sooooo much information out there about cancer & things to help treat it.......but what it comes down to is getting the immune system strong enough to fight the cancer cells. This includes not just diet, but exercise, fresh air/sunshine and most of all mental attitude. It all works together in sinc.
Thanks for the link.
Unfortunately there are differing schools of thought on that one when it comes to the grains part. Most state grains are good as long as they are all complex carbs, stay away from the highly processed grains so it's kind of hard to know who's right and who's being a snake oil salesman.

No doubt some grains are good for you. They do have nutrients that the body does need. But it's the amount consumed. Most people eat too many carbs, that is turned to sugar and stored as fat in the body. High tryglicerides (bad cholesterol) is that fat stored in the blood.

The idea behind the Keto diet approach, is to limit the grain/carb intake and increase the good fat, protein, fruits & the body will burn the stored fat (after it's been processed by the body), instead of the carbs (before the body processes it into fat).

Everyone is born with cancer cells in their bodies.....cancer is just another one of the millions of cells that die & rejuvenate every day. Most of the time our bodies immune system & other workings keep the cancer cells in check. The trouble comes when the system isn't working in optimal condition and those cancer cells bind together & grow creating tumors. This is where the sugars from the carbs come in...….the cancer cells feed off those sugars & fat. So to keep the cancer in check, keep the carb intake to a minimum and the other nutrient dense foods at a premium.

Does porridge (oatmeal?) fall under the category of grains?
Ringel05 Here is a good article about treating cancer mentions a Ketogenetic diet which is pretty much turning the food pyramid upside down, more proteins, fruits & veggies and few if any grains or carbs which turn to sugar in the body and cancer thrives on that sugar.

Treating Cancer Naturally: 11 Strategies That Work

There is just sooooo much information out there about cancer & things to help treat it.......but what it comes down to is getting the immune system strong enough to fight the cancer cells. This includes not just diet, but exercise, fresh air/sunshine and most of all mental attitude. It all works together in sinc.
Thanks for the link.
Unfortunately there are differing schools of thought on that one when it comes to the grains part. Most state grains are good as long as they are all complex carbs, stay away from the highly processed grains so it's kind of hard to know who's right and who's being a snake oil salesman.

No doubt some grains are good for you. They do have nutrients that the body does need. But it's the amount consumed. Most people eat too many carbs, that is turned to sugar and stored as fat in the body. High tryglicerides (bad cholesterol) is that fat stored in the blood.

The idea behind the Keto diet approach, is to limit the grain/carb intake and increase the good fat, protein, fruits & the body will burn the stored fat (after it's been processed by the body), instead of the carbs (before the body processes it into fat).

Everyone is born with cancer cells in their bodies.....cancer is just another one of the millions of cells that die & rejuvenate every day. Most of the time our bodies immune system & other workings keep the cancer cells in check. The trouble comes when the system isn't working in optimal condition and those cancer cells bind together & grow creating tumors. This is where the sugars from the carbs come in...….the cancer cells feed off those sugars & fat. So to keep the cancer in check, keep the carb intake to a minimum and the other nutrient dense foods at a premium.
Well she doesn't eat much in the way of grains anyway, oat products and rice primarily and not much in the way of oat products at that. Even with potatoes she doesn't eat that many. As for the Budwig Protocol supposedly they tested her and she's supposed to be allergic to flax. As for fish, no problem, her absolute favorite is salmon. I hate salmon...... :lol:

So get her some wild caught salmon, the redder the meat the better. (farm raised color added.....just doesn't have the same benefits) And you have a steak. . Get one of those salad blends that includes several types of lettuce, arugula (if you like the peppery-ness), kale & spinach, tomatoes, cukes, radishes (chop some of the green tops as well), maybe top with a sprinkle of seeds, pomegranets, blueberries & boiled egg.
Ringel05 Here is a good article about treating cancer mentions a Ketogenetic diet which is pretty much turning the food pyramid upside down, more proteins, fruits & veggies and few if any grains or carbs which turn to sugar in the body and cancer thrives on that sugar.

Treating Cancer Naturally: 11 Strategies That Work

There is just sooooo much information out there about cancer & things to help treat it.......but what it comes down to is getting the immune system strong enough to fight the cancer cells. This includes not just diet, but exercise, fresh air/sunshine and most of all mental attitude. It all works together in sinc.
Thanks for the link.
Unfortunately there are differing schools of thought on that one when it comes to the grains part. Most state grains are good as long as they are all complex carbs, stay away from the highly processed grains so it's kind of hard to know who's right and who's being a snake oil salesman.

No doubt some grains are good for you. They do have nutrients that the body does need. But it's the amount consumed. Most people eat too many carbs, that is turned to sugar and stored as fat in the body. High tryglicerides (bad cholesterol) is that fat stored in the blood.

The idea behind the Keto diet approach, is to limit the grain/carb intake and increase the good fat, protein, fruits & the body will burn the stored fat (after it's been processed by the body), instead of the carbs (before the body processes it into fat).

Everyone is born with cancer cells in their bodies.....cancer is just another one of the millions of cells that die & rejuvenate every day. Most of the time our bodies immune system & other workings keep the cancer cells in check. The trouble comes when the system isn't working in optimal condition and those cancer cells bind together & grow creating tumors. This is where the sugars from the carbs come in...….the cancer cells feed off those sugars & fat. So to keep the cancer in check, keep the carb intake to a minimum and the other nutrient dense foods at a premium.

Does porridge (oatmeal?) fall under the category of grains?

I'm not really sure in this instance. Oats are a grain yes, but not in the same category as wheat. Either way, if you like your morning oatmeal maybe have a smaller amount and use honey instead of sugar or add some berries or other fruit for sweetener and to increase the nutrition of it. :dunno:
Sorry about this, Ringet. And in light of all the treatments you've both been going through.

I have a family member; she might make it to Christmas. A shock diagnosis three weeks ago of pancreatic cancer. It has now spread to the lungs.
Ringel05 Here is a good article about treating cancer mentions a Ketogenetic diet which is pretty much turning the food pyramid upside down, more proteins, fruits & veggies and few if any grains or carbs which turn to sugar in the body and cancer thrives on that sugar.

Treating Cancer Naturally: 11 Strategies That Work

There is just sooooo much information out there about cancer & things to help treat it.......but what it comes down to is getting the immune system strong enough to fight the cancer cells. This includes not just diet, but exercise, fresh air/sunshine and most of all mental attitude. It all works together in sinc.
Thanks for the link.
Unfortunately there are differing schools of thought on that one when it comes to the grains part. Most state grains are good as long as they are all complex carbs, stay away from the highly processed grains so it's kind of hard to know who's right and who's being a snake oil salesman.

No doubt some grains are good for you. They do have nutrients that the body does need. But it's the amount consumed. Most people eat too many carbs, that is turned to sugar and stored as fat in the body. High tryglicerides (bad cholesterol) is that fat stored in the blood.

The idea behind the Keto diet approach, is to limit the grain/carb intake and increase the good fat, protein, fruits & the body will burn the stored fat (after it's been processed by the body), instead of the carbs (before the body processes it into fat).

Everyone is born with cancer cells in their bodies.....cancer is just another one of the millions of cells that die & rejuvenate every day. Most of the time our bodies immune system & other workings keep the cancer cells in check. The trouble comes when the system isn't working in optimal condition and those cancer cells bind together & grow creating tumors. This is where the sugars from the carbs come in...….the cancer cells feed off those sugars & fat. So to keep the cancer in check, keep the carb intake to a minimum and the other nutrient dense foods at a premium.

Does porridge (oatmeal?) fall under the category of grains?

I'm not really sure in this instance. Oats are a grain yes, but not in the same category as wheat. Either way, if you like your morning oatmeal maybe have a smaller amount and use honey instead of sugar or add some berries or other fruit for sweetener and to increase the nutrition of it. :dunno:
Nope, that's my breakfast. Hers is one scambled egg with real cheese in it. I use a tablespoon of water instead of milk to mix with the egg and a spritz of canola oil in the cast iron pan, cook it on medium till it just done. Sometimes it's one eff over hard with one piece of oatbread and my home blended canola butter.
Ringel05 Here is a good article about treating cancer mentions a Ketogenetic diet which is pretty much turning the food pyramid upside down, more proteins, fruits & veggies and few if any grains or carbs which turn to sugar in the body and cancer thrives on that sugar.

Treating Cancer Naturally: 11 Strategies That Work

There is just sooooo much information out there about cancer & things to help treat it.......but what it comes down to is getting the immune system strong enough to fight the cancer cells. This includes not just diet, but exercise, fresh air/sunshine and most of all mental attitude. It all works together in sinc.
Thanks for the link.
Unfortunately there are differing schools of thought on that one when it comes to the grains part. Most state grains are good as long as they are all complex carbs, stay away from the highly processed grains so it's kind of hard to know who's right and who's being a snake oil salesman.

No doubt some grains are good for you. They do have nutrients that the body does need. But it's the amount consumed. Most people eat too many carbs, that is turned to sugar and stored as fat in the body. High tryglicerides (bad cholesterol) is that fat stored in the blood.

The idea behind the Keto diet approach, is to limit the grain/carb intake and increase the good fat, protein, fruits & the body will burn the stored fat (after it's been processed by the body), instead of the carbs (before the body processes it into fat).

Everyone is born with cancer cells in their bodies.....cancer is just another one of the millions of cells that die & rejuvenate every day. Most of the time our bodies immune system & other workings keep the cancer cells in check. The trouble comes when the system isn't working in optimal condition and those cancer cells bind together & grow creating tumors. This is where the sugars from the carbs come in...….the cancer cells feed off those sugars & fat. So to keep the cancer in check, keep the carb intake to a minimum and the other nutrient dense foods at a premium.

Does porridge (oatmeal?) fall under the category of grains?

I'm not really sure in this instance. Oats are a grain yes, but not in the same category as wheat. Either way, if you like your morning oatmeal maybe have a smaller amount and use honey instead of sugar or add some berries or other fruit for sweetener and to increase the nutrition of it. :dunno:

I'm giving it a try. I usually stick to Keto, and feel well on it. Don't have sugar anyway. I'm a blueberry addict.

I have two vegan daughters, and I get fed up of the proselytising sometimes.
Ringel05 Here is a good article about treating cancer mentions a Ketogenetic diet which is pretty much turning the food pyramid upside down, more proteins, fruits & veggies and few if any grains or carbs which turn to sugar in the body and cancer thrives on that sugar.

Treating Cancer Naturally: 11 Strategies That Work

There is just sooooo much information out there about cancer & things to help treat it.......but what it comes down to is getting the immune system strong enough to fight the cancer cells. This includes not just diet, but exercise, fresh air/sunshine and most of all mental attitude. It all works together in sinc.
Thanks for the link.
Unfortunately there are differing schools of thought on that one when it comes to the grains part. Most state grains are good as long as they are all complex carbs, stay away from the highly processed grains so it's kind of hard to know who's right and who's being a snake oil salesman.

No doubt some grains are good for you. They do have nutrients that the body does need. But it's the amount consumed. Most people eat too many carbs, that is turned to sugar and stored as fat in the body. High tryglicerides (bad cholesterol) is that fat stored in the blood.

The idea behind the Keto diet approach, is to limit the grain/carb intake and increase the good fat, protein, fruits & the body will burn the stored fat (after it's been processed by the body), instead of the carbs (before the body processes it into fat).

Everyone is born with cancer cells in their bodies.....cancer is just another one of the millions of cells that die & rejuvenate every day. Most of the time our bodies immune system & other workings keep the cancer cells in check. The trouble comes when the system isn't working in optimal condition and those cancer cells bind together & grow creating tumors. This is where the sugars from the carbs come in...….the cancer cells feed off those sugars & fat. So to keep the cancer in check, keep the carb intake to a minimum and the other nutrient dense foods at a premium.

Does porridge (oatmeal?) fall under the category of grains?

I'm not really sure in this instance. Oats are a grain yes, but not in the same category as wheat. Either way, if you like your morning oatmeal maybe have a smaller amount and use honey instead of sugar or add some berries or other fruit for sweetener and to increase the nutrition of it. :dunno:
Nope, that's my breakfast. Hers is one scambled egg with real cheese in it. I use a tablespoon of water instead of milk to mix with the egg and a spritz of canola oil in the cast iron pan, cook it on medium till it just done. Sometimes it's one eff over hard with one piece of oatbread and my home blended canola butter.

Canola butter?? Hmmm, not sure about that one. Why not regular butter?

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