USMB Coffee Shop IV

No way!
Too high :biggrin:
I'd get to that 3rd step and start to shake.
Soooooo, I assume climbing a 40 foot ladder is a no-go?

Kind of makes you wonder. I mean you're going to die at step four or above anyways.

It's an embarrassing phobia. :biggrin:
When I was 29 still living in Calif. I went to see the Mission San Juan Capistrano.
I managed the stairs to the 2nd floor and walk out onto the balcony .
It was beautiful to look at the alter, then made the mistake of looking down. :)
My legs got so shaky that I had to sit down and crawl back through the doorway.
I was so embarrassed that I could not get out of there fast enough.
I've never been back by the way.
It is a very beautiful Missionary though and I'm glad I saw it.
I won't even get into what happened the 1st time I saw the grand canyon at 17.:biggrin:
Oh, I hear you about the Grand Canyon. First time I saw it..I had to sit. Got so dizzy it was pathetic. That was enough for me, lol.

Same with me.
I got to the edge and looked out at that wonderful natural canyon, but the did the stupid, looked down. :biggrin:
Everyone around me said my face turned white as a sheet and the next thing I knew ,were lots of strangers hands picking me easily up off the ground by both my arms and setting me down away from the edge.
I was finally able to press some usable information from the medicos. The most recent MRI diagnosis includes "vasculitis". I googled that and it's a very vague, widely defined inflammation of the blood vessels. There is implication of cerebral vasculitis with ischemic stroke. I called to make an appointment and was told that the clerk had thrown away the referral. After yesterday when the partner hollered at her, I don't blame her, but his excessively nasty and irritable (more than usual) nature may be part of what's going on with his brain. I'm just not sure how much longer I can hold on. "Dammit, Jim, I'm a mechanic...not a doctor!"

Sorry, but I couldn't resist...…...

No offense taken. That made the rounds every couple of semesters at school.
Here's a link to some classic mechanic jokes: Best mechanic jokes ever - - 15 Mechanic jokes
Just got back from the doc's, not so good news. The chemos they've given her have not worked, the kidney and spleen continue to grow along with the new spot in the liver, we are now looking at possible experimental treatments and are willing to start looking at all options. Fox, you've mentioned a diet a few times, need to look into that.
Asked about removing the kidney and spleen but that's a no-go, due to the nature of the cancer not only would it do no good the surgery has a high probability of killing her outright. Keep us in your prayers.
I was finally able to press some usable information from the medicos. The most recent MRI diagnosis includes "vasculitis". I googled that and it's a very vague, widely defined inflammation of the blood vessels. There is implication of cerebral vasculitis with ischemic stroke. I called to make an appointment and was told that the clerk had thrown away the referral. After yesterday when the partner hollered at her, I don't blame her, but his excessively nasty and irritable (more than usual) nature may be part of what's going on with his brain. I'm just not sure how much longer I can hold on. "Dammit, Jim, I'm a mechanic...not a doctor!"

You may have to have him committed GW. I know that should be the last resort, but it sure sounds like that time is coming.
Don't think I haven't been thinking of that. If he doesn't agree to see the neurosurgeon to establish what's causing the brain inflammation, I'm going to chat with his primary care provider. While I balk at rewarding bad behavior, I gave him the keys to one of the cars. I'm tired of the abuse, the name-calling, the theatrics, the temper tantrums that would do a spoiled three-year-old proud. Next time he has a fit to get his way and demands to go back to his place in town, I am not even going to say "Bye". As far as I'm concerned, I've done as much as humanly possible to help him out without so much as a sincere "Thank You". He's an adult and will be responsible for his own actions.
I am just tired, I guess. This passive-aggressive shit wears you down and it has gotten worse since his stroke.
I was finally able to press some usable information from the medicos. The most recent MRI diagnosis includes "vasculitis". I googled that and it's a very vague, widely defined inflammation of the blood vessels. There is implication of cerebral vasculitis with ischemic stroke. I called to make an appointment and was told that the clerk had thrown away the referral. After yesterday when the partner hollered at her, I don't blame her, but his excessively nasty and irritable (more than usual) nature may be part of what's going on with his brain. "Dammit, Jim, I'm a mechanic...not a doctor!"

I'm just not sure how much longer I can hold on.

Then don't. You do what you need to do for YOU!

It may sound selfish, but as a caregiver it is what needs to be done. It doesn't mean you're a quitter, it only means you value your own health and peace of mind as well as his......even if he rages at you for doing so. You've done an admirable job thus far and even lived up to your screen name of being a Gallant Warrior for your partners sake. Now it's time to do so for yourself.

Caregiving is in essence like you carrying your partner on your back and anyone would break under the pressure. Perhaps it's time to let him go, so to speak. :smiliehug:
I gave him the car keys today. I will only go to his appointments with him if he asks me to. Amazing, he's decided to continue staying out here at my place. But there have been some new developments in town.
Had to go back and do some catching up. Prayers up for all.
That little head cold morphed into something much less desirable, finally ended up with bronchitis so bad I could only sleep 4 hours a night and maybe catch an extra hour or two in my office chair later on. It got so bad today (felt like I was drowning in my own phlegm) I went into the VA to the Day Clinic, checked in and walked around the corner to my PCP's exam area to talk with the receptionist when my Doc walks out, asks me what's going on, I tell him, he turns to the receptionist and tells her to check me in. As soon as I was checked in the nurse took me back did my vitals and the Doc had her give me two meds in a nebulizer. The first one helped a lot, the second one did the trick, rechecked all my vitals, listened to my lungs then sent me down to pharmacy before going home all within an hour.
Felt good enough to stop by Albertsons which was great because this morning was trash day and moving the bins back up to the house from the street was almost more than I could do at the time.
Good that they were able to help your bronchitis. Is it chronic or just a passing thing? You're in a place, I think, where you getting sick is very unfortunate. Take care of yourself so you can take care of Mrs. Ringel. She needs you so much now.
Had to go back and do some catching up. Prayers up for all.
That little head cold morphed into something much less desirable, finally ended up with bronchitis so bad I could only sleep 4 hours a night and maybe catch an extra hour or two in my office chair later on. It got so bad today (felt like I was drowning in my own phlegm) I went into the VA to the Day Clinic, checked in and walked around the corner to my PCP's exam area to talk with the receptionist when my Doc walks out, asks me what's going on, I tell him, he turns to the receptionist and tells her to check me in. As soon as I was checked in the nurse took me back did my vitals and the Doc had her give me two meds in a nebulizer. The first one helped a lot, the second one did the trick, rechecked all my vitals, listened to my lungs then sent me down to pharmacy before going home all within an hour.
Felt good enough to stop by Albertsons which was great because this morning was trash day and moving the bins back up to the house from the street was almost more than I could do at the time.
Good that they were able to help your bronchitis. Is it chronic or just a passing thing? You're in a place, I think, where you getting sick is very unfortunate. Take care of yourself so you can take care of Mrs. Ringel. She needs you so much now.
I only get it with the flue or a cold now, maybe once every year or two.
Well...just got off the phone with the GI doc's assistant. Looks like they are aiming for December for the endoscopy/colonoscopy. And I had to call THEM just to get that info. No date set yet though. Arrrgh.

Almost done with binge-ing Vikings. On Season 5, episode 10. 9 more to go. Will be done by tonight.
I'm only up to season three of "Vikings". Pretty good stuff but the pard is such a pussy, he can't stand the violence. I've been binging on "Jamestown".
Did I miss something? The GI, is that routine or something more sinister?
I've been rethinking Arizona. But I worry about the medical assistance they offer to low income folks. I tried googling it, but there are so many links I get overwhelmed and still am confused about if they would cover us in some sort of assistance. Medicare is all over, but we also have California Health And Wellness...which covers everything else. And it doesn't cost us anything. If we did come to Az, we would be in St David? Which is 6 miles out of Benson....or so my SIL said.
Anyway...I read an article this morning about the probs with Cali...and it was spot on. I am going to find it if I can and post a link.
Benson! My old stomping grounds when I was in AZ. It used to be a quaint little place along the Interstate.
Just got back from the doc's, not so good news. The chemos they've given her have not worked, the kidney and spleen continue to grow along with the new spot in the liver, we are now looking at possible experimental treatments and are willing to start looking at all options. Fox, you've mentioned a diet a few times, need to look into that.
Asked about removing the kidney and spleen but that's a no-go, due to the nature of the cancer not only would it do no good the surgery has a high probability of killing her outright. Keep us in your prayers.
Prayers up, Ringel. I'm sorry for your wife's bad news. Beets + Celery + Carrots + radish + 1/3 raw potato, food processed together with a teaspoon fresh lemon. For protein, pumpkin seeds. Daily, 45 consecutive days. Best dessert: watermelon. Variety addition: guacamole made up with a fresh avocado with gluten-free chips.
Other ideas to avoid monotony - 26 anticarcinogenic foods here: 26 Best Cancer Fighting Foods Watermelon was unmentioned, but not here:
One other thing, Mr. Ringel. You're likely the reason she's still alive. A loving companion is God's best gift to someone suffering what Mrs. Ringel is going through. Huge pat on your back for being there for her. That's as good as it gets. :thup:
Well...just got off the phone with the GI doc's assistant. Looks like they are aiming for December for the endoscopy/colonoscopy. And I had to call THEM just to get that info. No date set yet though. Arrrgh.

Almost done with binge-ing Vikings. On Season 5, episode 10. 9 more to go. Will be done by tonight.
I'm only up to season three of "Vikings". Pretty good stuff but the pard is such a pussy, he can't stand the violence. I've been binging on "Jamestown".
Did I miss something? The GI, is that routine or something more sinister?
I did a colonguard test where you poop in a container and ship it off to a lab. It came back as positive for colon cancer. But, both docs..the regular one and the GI one, said that test is notorious for false positives. So..they wanna go digging around in my innards to find out for sure nothing is in there to cause concern.
Just got back from the doc's, not so good news. The chemos they've given her have not worked, the kidney and spleen continue to grow along with the new spot in the liver, we are now looking at possible experimental treatments and are willing to start looking at all options. Fox, you've mentioned a diet a few times, need to look into that.
Asked about removing the kidney and spleen but that's a no-go, due to the nature of the cancer not only would it do no good the surgery has a high probability of killing her outright. Keep us in your prayers.
Did you read about that new medication for cancer? Its a shot, given to BC patients. Still in test phase, but so has killed the cancer in the patients that it was tested on. Not sure if its just for breast cancer...but maybe its for ALL cancers?
Just got back from the doc's, not so good news. The chemos they've given her have not worked, the kidney and spleen continue to grow along with the new spot in the liver, we are now looking at possible experimental treatments and are willing to start looking at all options. Fox, you've mentioned a diet a few times, need to look into that.
Asked about removing the kidney and spleen but that's a no-go, due to the nature of the cancer not only would it do no good the surgery has a high probability of killing her outright. Keep us in your prayers.
Did you read about that new medication for cancer? Its a shot, given to BC patients. Still in test phase, but so has killed the cancer in the patients that it was tested on. Not sure if its just for breast cancer...but maybe its for ALL cancers?
The medical team is checking into every possible option at this point including DNA testing of the cancer to determine if there's any possible target to attack. Unfortunately with her type of cancer this has been done before on many other patients and no targets have been found but it's still worth a shot.
Right now we're both dealing with the shock of the situation and I know with me the real possibility of losing her is sinking in. It's scary and honestly very difficult right now to remain positive. I find myself fighting back tears and not giving into curling up in a ball in a corner somewhere.

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