USMB Coffee Shop IV

1 year ago today...we were fleeing the Paradise Camp Fire.

We thank those who assisted us in our time of need.

I think of Paradise and how much I really miss it. I hated it when we first moved there. But once it was gone...we realized how much that small community meant to us.
Celebrate the fact that you are still here to share with us. I'm glad you made it, Gracie.
I have windows 7 and I love my Paint Shop Pro 6. Windows 10 does not support it, so phooey on Windows 10!
And for today's entertainment:

Rob Christie on Twitter

You just can't tell me they are not sentient beings, that they don't think. That they don't enjoy a good time as much as we do. I loved the Siamese twittering at the birds he/she saw out the window. Both our Siamese cats would do that when they saw birds outside.
My Siamese would do that when he saw a moose in the yard. I wonder what he would have done if I had let him out to bag his prey?
The carpenters just left, actually I should say remodelers, the Durarock and blueboard are all up and the drywall mud is setting. I should be able to start tiling the walls tomorrow, grout them on Sunday then install the trim (shower head, faucet, etc). I will have to use floor leveler as the old mastic doesn't want to come up easily. I'm also considering smoothing the walls and ceiling then painting.
Seems like a lot of work but I'm sure it will be very satisfying when it is all finally done.
I'm half assed afraid to go to twitter any more. Some doofus that is supposedly an animal lover always posts a tweet of some asshole abusing an animal. Yes, I know it happens. I don't need to SEE it.

So...usmb is going to be sought more often.
Back for a short visit. I'm pretty much done in but thought I'd stop by for a visit.
Today, I took a truck load of trash to the dump. Tomorrow, I get to pick up, unload, and stack a load of hay. Tuesday, I want to get up to my buddy's place and cut up the last two spruce trees. I can't fit both into the truck but I want to cut and stack that last one, ready to load and go. A definite boon, having this additional firewood. I've been fortunate that our winter snows have been delayed. Hell, it just dropped below freezing in the last couple of days. Can you imagine, rain in Alaska the first week of November?!
I'm glad that y'all are doing well. I send my best to all my CS fellow-travelers.
I hope that Mr. P, and Mrs. Ringel are both doing better, too.
I'm half assed afraid to go to twitter any more. Some doofus that is supposedly an animal lover always posts a tweet of some asshole abusing an animal. Yes, I know it happens. I don't need to SEE it.

So...usmb is going to be sought more often.
Sickos are all over and social media has unfortunately facilitated their sickness. How's your kitty, Gracie?
I'm half assed afraid to go to twitter any more. Some doofus that is supposedly an animal lover always posts a tweet of some asshole abusing an animal. Yes, I know it happens. I don't need to SEE it.

So...usmb is going to be sought more often.
Sickos are all over and social media has unfortunately facilitated their sickness. How's your kitty, Gracie?
They meant well.Wanted the person doing the abusing punished. Still...SEEING it happen ruined my whole day. I can't get that vid out of my head and I only saw about 2 seconds of it. I have been furiously praying the guy dies a horrible death and the one taping the vid as well.

Anyway....kitty is fat! She has a new buddy now too, that I named Abel. I think he's a he. Young. Less than a year old. Uses his claws alot and terrorizes the house, lol. But, he goes outside to pee and poop, so that's good. I can pet him, but I have to do it from behind. If I come at him front wise..he hisses. Strange kitty.
So....I now feed Lilith, Adam, Abel, Misty, Meanie and 2 possums. :)
I'm seriously pondering a move to St. David, Az. Sister in law called, said her landlord has a mobile he is moving to where she is and its a 2 bedroom, rent will be 500 per month. Not available until January. Gives me time to ponder it. I'm giving up on the low income housing list. They are full of bullshit about this wait thing. Its been almost 5 years since I started doing this....and I keep getting bumped back. Tired of it. Done. Time to figure out something else.

Mr. P and a friend we have in town went to Denny's for their free breakfast this morning. :)
And thanks for acknowledging Veteran's Day today Peach. And thank you to all our many Coffee Shoppers who have served and all who serve and have served as well.
I'm half assed afraid to go to twitter any more. Some doofus that is supposedly an animal lover always posts a tweet of some asshole abusing an animal. Yes, I know it happens. I don't need to SEE it.

So...usmb is going to be sought more often.
Sickos are all over and social media has unfortunately facilitated their sickness. How's your kitty, Gracie?
They meant well.Wanted the person doing the abusing punished. Still...SEEING it happen ruined my whole day. I can't get that vid out of my head and I only saw about 2 seconds of it. I have been furiously praying the guy dies a horrible death and the one taping the vid as well.

Anyway....kitty is fat! She has a new buddy now too, that I named Abel. I think he's a he. Young. Less than a year old. Uses his claws alot and terrorizes the house, lol. But, he goes outside to pee and poop, so that's good. I can pet him, but I have to do it from behind. If I come at him front wise..he hisses. Strange kitty.
So....I now feed Lilith, Adam, Abel, Misty, Meanie and 2 possums. :)
Seems your fur-fam is growing exponentially. 2 possums? I guess they'll eat kitty food.
I'm seriously pondering a move to St. David, Az. Sister in law called, said her landlord has a mobile he is moving to where she is and its a 2 bedroom, rent will be 500 per month. Not available until January. Gives me time to ponder it. I'm giving up on the low income housing list. They are full of bullshit about this wait thing. Its been almost 5 years since I started doing this....and I keep getting bumped back. Tired of it. Done. Time to figure out something else.
Sad to say, but I suspect your need is suborned by the needs of those with ankle-biters. Too bad that those who have given their whole lives have to suffer in favor of those who have most likely given little to nothing. (Okay, off the soapbox.) AZ isn't too bad. Hot and dry and generally not unpleasant even in the winter.
I'm seriously pondering a move to St. David, Az. Sister in law called, said her landlord has a mobile he is moving to where she is and its a 2 bedroom, rent will be 500 per month. Not available until January. Gives me time to ponder it. I'm giving up on the low income housing list. They are full of bullshit about this wait thing. Its been almost 5 years since I started doing this....and I keep getting bumped back. Tired of it. Done. Time to figure out something else.

Be forewarned ,you will be in a sea of conservative Mormons, who are good people, but rather strict on how certain things are run in the town. :)
I'm half assed afraid to go to twitter any more. Some doofus that is supposedly an animal lover always posts a tweet of some asshole abusing an animal. Yes, I know it happens. I don't need to SEE it.

So...usmb is going to be sought more often.
Sickos are all over and social media has unfortunately facilitated their sickness. How's your kitty, Gracie?
They meant well.Wanted the person doing the abusing punished. Still...SEEING it happen ruined my whole day. I can't get that vid out of my head and I only saw about 2 seconds of it. I have been furiously praying the guy dies a horrible death and the one taping the vid as well.

Anyway....kitty is fat! She has a new buddy now too, that I named Abel. I think he's a he. Young. Less than a year old. Uses his claws alot and terrorizes the house, lol. But, he goes outside to pee and poop, so that's good. I can pet him, but I have to do it from behind. If I come at him front wise..he hisses. Strange kitty.
So....I now feed Lilith, Adam, Abel, Misty, Meanie and 2 possums. :)

I agree on those horrible videos. And I block those on Twitter that post stuff that is visually/emotionally disturbing or otherwise interferes with my sense of well being and enjoyment of my day.

To determine the sex of a kitten look under the tail. If you see a colon it's a male. If you see an upside down exclamation mark, it's a female. :)

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