USMB Coffee Shop IV

I'm half assed afraid to go to twitter any more. Some doofus that is supposedly an animal lover always posts a tweet of some asshole abusing an animal. Yes, I know it happens. I don't need to SEE it.

So...usmb is going to be sought more often.
Sickos are all over and social media has unfortunately facilitated their sickness. How's your kitty, Gracie?
They meant well.Wanted the person doing the abusing punished. Still...SEEING it happen ruined my whole day. I can't get that vid out of my head and I only saw about 2 seconds of it. I have been furiously praying the guy dies a horrible death and the one taping the vid as well.

Anyway....kitty is fat! She has a new buddy now too, that I named Abel. I think he's a he. Young. Less than a year old. Uses his claws alot and terrorizes the house, lol. But, he goes outside to pee and poop, so that's good. I can pet him, but I have to do it from behind. If I come at him front wise..he hisses. Strange kitty.
So....I now feed Lilith, Adam, Abel, Misty, Meanie and 2 possums. :)

I agree on those horrible videos. And I block those on Twitter that post stuff that is visually/emotionally disturbing or otherwise interferes with my sense of well being and enjoyment of my day.

To determine the sex of a kitten look under the tail. If you see a colon it's a male. If you see an upside down exclamation mark, it's a female. :)
Reminds me of something that happened "once upon a time". I was at the feed store and there was a litter of kittens for sale. A little girl, probably about 6-7 years old, was lobbying her mother for one of those kitties. Mom was considering the acquisition but wanted a male. The store clerk wasn't sure how to tell the difference. So I picked up each kitten, examined the pertinent "data", and replaced them in the cage. Mom asked me how I could tell and the child blurted out: "She looked at the tag under their tails!".
Back to normal temperatures around here. No snow yet, but I'm sure we'll see that stuff again soon, too.
Having the annual "discussion" with the partner. He insists on studs on all the cars, I am equally adamant that I can operate a motor vehicle without studs safely. I do find it amusing that the pard belittles those who appear to believe in the magic of 4-wheel-drive and their ability conveyed to defy gravity and physics by using it. But he relies on studs like some kind of magic talisman. I find the benefit of studded tires to be negligible considering the cost.
We've come a long way: 1972 and Yesterday
vet day 2019.jpg
Does anyone here use metacreations painter 6 software? It is free to download, because it is obsolete and was designed to run on windows 98, but I want to run it on windows 10. I could buy the new version 2020 which costs
£360 but I hesitate to spend that kind of money if I can get the old free version to work.
If it worked on XP then it might work on Win 10. If you have the disc (disc not floppy) or can download it you run setup as Admin with XP compatability mode.
If it doesn't work here's some highly rated free ones.

The best free painting software 2019 | TechRadar

Thanks a lot for those links. I downloaded 'fresh paint ' from Microsoft and it has features I like similar to Corel painter. You can blur the paint with a water brush. It is not as good as painter, but its free and painter is very expensive, so I will make do.

The idea being I can work out some picture ideas on the computer, and possibly do some new paintings.
Whoopee ! I have changed my mind about Microsoft ' fresh paint' It has features for blending paint that are better than Corel painter. Here is a sample of blending paint that took me only a few minutes. Bearing in mind this is not a serious attempt at painting, and I am still learning how to use the software/
Hooray ! I just ordered a graphics tablet from amazon to go with my new software, so I don't have to use a mouse to paint with.
I'm seriously pondering a move to St. David, Az. Sister in law called, said her landlord has a mobile he is moving to where she is and its a 2 bedroom, rent will be 500 per month. Not available until January. Gives me time to ponder it. I'm giving up on the low income housing list. They are full of bullshit about this wait thing. Its been almost 5 years since I started doing this....and I keep getting bumped back. Tired of it. Done. Time to figure out something else.

Be forewarned ,you will be in a sea of conservative Mormons, who are good people, but rather strict on how certain things are run in the town. :)

Gracie's moving in, better warn the Mormons. Not that it will help them any. Go get them Gracie.
Whoopee ! I have changed my mind about Microsoft ' fresh paint' It has features for blending paint that are better than Corel painter. Here is a sample of blending paint that took me only a few minutes. Bearing in mind this is not a serious attempt at painting, and I am still learning how to use the software/View attachment 289514

Looks like the sun, an island, from the vantage point of a jungle to me.
While the bathroom is far from finished I did get at least 1/2 of the tile done, grouted the area around the faucet and valve, installed the faucet and control lever then scrubbed the tub. The wife is happily enjoying a bath, it's deep enough that she's probably floating.
Whoopee ! I have changed my mind about Microsoft ' fresh paint' It has features for blending paint that are better than Corel painter. Here is a sample of blending paint that took me only a few minutes. Bearing in mind this is not a serious attempt at painting, and I am still learning how to use the software/View attachment 289514
You can actually see the "brush strokes"! Cool.
Wel...Abel is having some issues. He has been shaking his head forever, but..being a feral cat, I have shamefully ignored it. When I petted him today and a jaw scratch he enjoys..I noticed both glands under his jaw are hugely swollen. So...I guess its vet time. Sigh.
He is 85% feral...15% semi friendly. The vet visit is going to be interesting. I will warn them they are dealing with a feral cat. But I need to see what the heck is going on with him. I can't afford to spend what Anne did on Evie...nor will I ask her for help. So this one is on me and MrG as long as it doesn't cost a few arms and legs we can't spare. I figure a inspection of his ear and his glands. Get some antibiotics in him. THEN see how much a neuter will cost me. He isn't my cat. I feed him. But I feed his wild daddy and his wild mama along with a few other ferals along with the two possums. But, I won't let him suffer either if I can help it. Too bad Evie doesn't have any money. He is HER friend after all, lol.
Oh My God, I love this software. Here is exercise number 2 in blending paint.View attachment 289523
Uuummmmm, I won't say what that looks like......... Well maybe. It looks like a psychedelic version of heaven to a hormone saturated young man...........

Yea ! I see what you mean. Maybe my subconscious produced it but I did not notice until you mentioned the likeness. I can say this though. I am very grateful for the link you gave me to the software. It may revive my painting, which has been dead for years.
Oh My God, I love this software. Here is exercise number 2 in blending paint.View attachment 289523
Uuummmmm, I won't say what that looks like......... Well maybe. It looks like a psychedelic version of heaven to a hormone saturated young man...........

Yea ! I see what you mean. Maybe my subconscious produced it but I did not notice until you mentioned the likeness. I can say this though. I am very grateful for the link you gave me to the software. It may revive my painting, which has been dead for years.

And the beauty of doing things like that on the computer are that if the results are not to your liking, you haven't invested a dime in paints, canvas, etc.
Oh My God, I love this software. Here is exercise number 2 in blending paint.View attachment 289523
Uuummmmm, I won't say what that looks like......... Well maybe. It looks like a psychedelic version of heaven to a hormone saturated young man...........

Yea ! I see what you mean. Maybe my subconscious produced it but I did not notice until you mentioned the likeness. I can say this though. I am very grateful for the link you gave me to the software. It may revive my painting, which has been dead for years.
I hope it works for you. :thup:
Oh My God, I love this software. Here is exercise number 2 in blending paint.View attachment 289523
Uuummmmm, I won't say what that looks like......... Well maybe. It looks like a psychedelic version of heaven to a hormone saturated young man...........

Yea ! I see what you mean. Maybe my subconscious produced it but I did not notice until you mentioned the likeness. I can say this though. I am very grateful for the link you gave me to the software. It may revive my painting, which has been dead for years.

And the beauty of doing things like that on the computer are that if the results are not to your liking, you haven't invested a dime in paints, canvas, etc.

I intend to work out ideas for paintings using 'fresh paint' on the computer. Then hopefully I might start painting again from the computer pictures. However I will have to buy a new printer first, because I don't want to work on paintings from my computer screen in case I splash it with paint.
Oh My God, I love this software. Here is exercise number 2 in blending paint.View attachment 289523
Uuummmmm, I won't say what that looks like......... Well maybe. It looks like a psychedelic version of heaven to a hormone saturated young man...........

Yea ! I see what you mean. Maybe my subconscious produced it but I did not notice until you mentioned the likeness. I can say this though. I am very grateful for the link you gave me to the software. It may revive my painting, which has been dead for years.
I hope it works for you. :thup:

It may work better when I get my graphics tablet, it is difficult to draw things like faces with a mouse.

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