USMB Coffee Shop IV

Here's the tub enclosure before I grouted the front and added some of the trim.


As you can see I have a lot more work to do. Yesterday I took a break, was too exhausted, today I taped and mudded the upper section and skimmed the Durock with (concrete board) with a layer of drywall mud. Initially I had planed to go all the way up to the ceiling with tile but decided to only go about 5 feet up as I'm not sure I have enough tile to go all the way up.

Here it is so far.


How do you like the faucet?

Very nice, Ringel! I like that color.
Thanks, it's what the wife wanted. Not crazy about the floor tile she picked out but hey, it's for her.


It's called Adessi Apache. I wanted a Sausalito tile..........
ok cat people. I have a question.

Can a cat change lickety split? Let me explain. Abby has always been standoffish. No petting, no lap sitting, no picking up higher than a few feet. Skittish. Suspicious.

Ever since I brought her home from the vet today..she is a different cat. She won't lay on the sofa any more, which was her fav spot to snooze. She now wants to lay at my feet. She also follows me everywhere. She jumps up in my lap. She meows..which she never did before. Not loudly, just kinda murmuring. She still plays with her toys, is eating well. Does she think I am her savior or something now??? This is just too weird. Its like a completely different cat returned to me in Abby's carrier. Does anesthesia do that? Is it some kind of side effect?
ok cat people. I have a question.

Can a cat change lickety split? Let me explain. Abby has always been standoffish. No petting, no lap sitting, no picking up higher than a few feet. Skittish. Suspicious.

Ever since I brought her home from the vet today..she is a different cat. She won't lay on the sofa any more, which was her fav spot to snooze. She now wants to lay at my feet. She also follows me everywhere. She jumps up in my lap. She meows..which she never did before. Not loudly, just kinda murmuring. She still plays with her toys, is eating well. Does she think I am her savior or something now??? This is just too weird. Its like a completely different cat returned to me in Abby's carrier. Does anesthesia do that? Is it some kind of side effect?

I don't know about side effect of anesthesia or anything. Though that may be possible......but I have had a few cats that have behaved differently after a 'traumatic' event...such as an involved vet visit/overnighter or when one cat had disappeared for nearly a week (I think she was either cat snatched or got locked in a neighbor garage or something?) and they can get really clingy afterward. It's possible that 'something' scared her that she now feels vulnerable and needs your reassurance of safety, protection & love. Just go with it & give it to'll both be better for it.
I'm not feeling great about my new job so far. I'm not actually doing what I was hired to do; instead of accessioning, or processing the specimens, I'm doing packaging, getting the processed specimens ready to ship. I also end up doing some scanning of vials and then pouring the correct amounts into other vials, if that's necessary. Last week I was trained, this week they've had me doing it on my own...sort of. I've tried to do it on my own, but so far I'm not nearly fast enough to get the work done on time without help. I'm worried this isn't going to work out and I should have just stayed at my last job, where I was not only doing the work well, they thought I was a good worker and wanted me to do more.
It may just be my usual pessimism, but I'm definitely not in a good frame of mind about work atm. I haven't been given any sort of indication I'm going to be fired; in fact, I just got my log-in information for a couple of areas in the computer system today. That said, it feels like I could be asked not to come back because I haven't gotten fast enough with the work.

Not everything is doom and gloom with me, at least. A few weeks back, an old friend got in touch with me who I hadn't spoken to for years. I suppose it would be more accurate to describe her as the significant other of a friend back then, but we always got along well enough. We've been chatting and it turns out that we've got much closer musical tastes than I ever realized. One of the first things she mentioned was being excited to go see an extreme metal band. The things you learn when you talk to someone as a friend, rather than the girlfriend/wife of a different friend. :p
I'm not feeling great about my new job so far. I'm not actually doing what I was hired to do; instead of accessioning, or processing the specimens, I'm doing packaging, getting the processed specimens ready to ship. I also end up doing some scanning of vials and then pouring the correct amounts into other vials, if that's necessary. Last week I was trained, this week they've had me doing it on my own...sort of. I've tried to do it on my own, but so far I'm not nearly fast enough to get the work done on time without help. I'm worried this isn't going to work out and I should have just stayed at my last job, where I was not only doing the work well, they thought I was a good worker and wanted me to do more.
It may just be my usual pessimism, but I'm definitely not in a good frame of mind about work atm. I haven't been given any sort of indication I'm going to be fired; in fact, I just got my log-in information for a couple of areas in the computer system today. That said, it feels like I could be asked not to come back because I haven't gotten fast enough with the work.

Not everything is doom and gloom with me, at least. A few weeks back, an old friend got in touch with me who I hadn't spoken to for years. I suppose it would be more accurate to describe her as the significant other of a friend back then, but we always got along well enough. We've been chatting and it turns out that we've got much closer musical tastes than I ever realized. One of the first things she mentioned was being excited to go see an extreme metal band. The things you learn when you talk to someone as a friend, rather than the girlfriend/wife of a different friend. :p

Eh, don't sweat it, smile, relax, do your job and don't inhibit your work flow with worry, that's counter productive. Generally, it's best to do it right and figure out ways to do it quicker.. I'm thinking your concern and drive to do it well will pull you through and those new desired challenges will be thrown your way..

... and best wishes with your good news as well... ;)

Here's the tub enclosure before I grouted the front and added some of the trim.


As you can see I have a lot more work to do. Yesterday I took a break, was too exhausted, today I taped and mudded the upper section and skimmed the Durock with (concrete board) with a layer of drywall mud. Initially I had planed to go all the way up to the ceiling with tile but decided to only go about 5 feet up as I'm not sure I have enough tile to go all the way up.

Here it is so far.


How do you like the faucet?

Very nice, Ringel! I like that color.
Thanks, it's what the wife wanted. Not crazy about the floor tile she picked out but hey, it's for her.


It's called Adessi Apache. I wanted a Sausalito tile..........
Why it's lovely and tasteful, Ringel. :thup:
ok cat people. I have a question.

Can a cat change lickety split? Let me explain. Abby has always been standoffish. No petting, no lap sitting, no picking up higher than a few feet. Skittish. Suspicious.

Ever since I brought her home from the vet today..she is a different cat. She won't lay on the sofa any more, which was her fav spot to snooze. She now wants to lay at my feet. She also follows me everywhere. She jumps up in my lap. She meows..which she never did before. Not loudly, just kinda murmuring. She still plays with her toys, is eating well. Does she think I am her savior or something now??? This is just too weird. Its like a completely different cat returned to me in Abby's carrier. Does anesthesia do that? Is it some kind of side effect?
Cats are smart. She knows now you did all that to make her feel better in the long run, even when she was being a world-class jerk, even for a cat.. You earned your angel wings in the cat world. Cats often show respect when coming home from the vets, no matter what he or she did to them. I had a similar experience with Miss Picolo, and it was the day following her visit to the vets. Maybe they communicated with another cat? One thing about my cat, though. I never know what to expect, except that she is less frequently mean than before, and she feels more appreciated than before. Some communications cannot be missed, and cats have a way of wising ya up. ;)
ok cat people. I have a question.

Can a cat change lickety split? Let me explain. Abby has always been standoffish. No petting, no lap sitting, no picking up higher than a few feet. Skittish. Suspicious.

Ever since I brought her home from the vet today..she is a different cat. She won't lay on the sofa any more, which was her fav spot to snooze. She now wants to lay at my feet. She also follows me everywhere. She jumps up in my lap. She meows..which she never did before. Not loudly, just kinda murmuring. She still plays with her toys, is eating well. Does she think I am her savior or something now??? This is just too weird. Its like a completely different cat returned to me in Abby's carrier. Does anesthesia do that? Is it some kind of side effect?
Cats are smart. She knows now you did all that to make her feel better in the long run, even when she was being a world-class jerk, even for a cat.. You earned your angel wings in the cat world. Cats often show respect when coming home from the vets, no matter what he or she did to them. I had a similar experience with Miss Picolo, and it was the day following her visit to the vets. Maybe they communicated with another cat? One thing about my cat, though. I never know what to expect, except that she is less frequently mean than before, and she feels more appreciated than before. Some communications cannot be missed, and cats have a way of wising ya up. ;)
I had a neighbor once who would always jokingly claim that cats communicate telepathically and are trying to take over the world.........
ok cat people. I have a question.

Can a cat change lickety split? Let me explain. Abby has always been standoffish. No petting, no lap sitting, no picking up higher than a few feet. Skittish. Suspicious.

Ever since I brought her home from the vet today..she is a different cat. She won't lay on the sofa any more, which was her fav spot to snooze. She now wants to lay at my feet. She also follows me everywhere. She jumps up in my lap. She meows..which she never did before. Not loudly, just kinda murmuring. She still plays with her toys, is eating well. Does she think I am her savior or something now??? This is just too weird. Its like a completely different cat returned to me in Abby's carrier. Does anesthesia do that? Is it some kind of side effect?
Cats are smart. She knows now you did all that to make her feel better in the long run, even when she was being a world-class jerk, even for a cat.. You earned your angel wings in the cat world. Cats often show respect when coming home from the vets, no matter what he or she did to them. I had a similar experience with Miss Picolo, and it was the day following her visit to the vets. Maybe they communicated with another cat? One thing about my cat, though. I never know what to expect, except that she is less frequently mean than before, and she feels more appreciated than before. Some communications cannot be missed, and cats have a way of wising ya up. ;)
I had a neighbor once who would always jokingly claim that cats communicate telepathically and are trying to take over the world.........

Same can be said for all animals...…..but if a cat is involved, you can bet they want to be leader :badgrin:

When I watch our cat interact with the dogs, I can almost see them communicating, with nary a sound. Reminds me of the movie 'Homeward Bound---The Incredible Journey" Only in our case the old dog is a Jack Russell, who does not get along all that well with the cat. And our mix (Shep/Lab/Pit) is the younger dog with a man hater complex, but is well loved & adored by the cat, who happens to be the wild & crazy diva. Go figure.

ok cat people. I have a question.

Can a cat change lickety split? Let me explain. Abby has always been standoffish. No petting, no lap sitting, no picking up higher than a few feet. Skittish. Suspicious.

Ever since I brought her home from the vet today..she is a different cat. She won't lay on the sofa any more, which was her fav spot to snooze. She now wants to lay at my feet. She also follows me everywhere. She jumps up in my lap. She meows..which she never did before. Not loudly, just kinda murmuring. She still plays with her toys, is eating well. Does she think I am her savior or something now??? This is just too weird. Its like a completely different cat returned to me in Abby's carrier. Does anesthesia do that? Is it some kind of side effect?

IMO, the cat is stand offish when they aren't sure about somebody. Once they decide you are an acceptable and trustworthy individual they will express that in pretty much unconditional love and devotion. And yes, that can turn on a dime.

There's no explanation for how they make that determination though. Our weekly 42 partners have an elderly previously feral cat (as an adult) that they adopted more than a decade ago. Lucy is not your cuddly affectionate cat, but she has decided I'm okay. She will affectionately rub against my leg, greets me when she sees me, and will allow me to pick her up which they tell me she won't always allow THEM to pick her up.

I am pleased that she likes me of course. But there really is no explanation for why she chose me for a friend and not others. Maybe she knows I am really REALLY a cat person as well as a dog person, horse person, etc.
ok cat people. I have a question.

Can a cat change lickety split? Let me explain. Abby has always been standoffish. No petting, no lap sitting, no picking up higher than a few feet. Skittish. Suspicious.

Ever since I brought her home from the vet today..she is a different cat. She won't lay on the sofa any more, which was her fav spot to snooze. She now wants to lay at my feet. She also follows me everywhere. She jumps up in my lap. She meows..which she never did before. Not loudly, just kinda murmuring. She still plays with her toys, is eating well. Does she think I am her savior or something now??? This is just too weird. Its like a completely different cat returned to me in Abby's carrier. Does anesthesia do that? Is it some kind of side effect?

IMO, the cat is stand offish when they aren't sure about somebody. Once they decide you are an acceptable and trustworthy individual they will express that in pretty much unconditional love and devotion. And yes, that can turn on a dime.

There's no explanation for how they make that determination though. Our weekly 42 partners have an elderly previously feral cat (as an adult) that they adopted more than a decade ago. Lucy is not your cuddly affectionate cat, but she has decided I'm okay. She will affectionately rub against my leg, greets me when she sees me, and will allow me to pick her up which they tell me she won't always allow THEM to pick her up.

I am pleased that she likes me of course. But there really is no explanation for why she chose me for a friend and not others. Maybe she knows I am really REALLY a cat person as well as a dog person, horse person, etc.

Cats will pick their owners & everyone else be damned. They may (or not) tolerate others owning or befriending them and is possible they'll accept it, BUT when they find the right one, there's no question.

Sounds like Lucy has picked you
Well, winter is fast approaching. It’s cold outside and already we have had two snowstorms in my neck of the woods. I have been pondering what I shall do with myself until warm weather returns. For years I have given thought to writing a novel and I have decided to make it my winter project. I shall begin it tomorrow right after my second cup of coffee. It will be a murder mystery. I have sharpened up my pencils and dusted off my computer. I predict it will make it’s way up to the best sellers list or be useful as a fire starter! Just a hint - the butler didn’t do it.
One other that may be approaching that time to cross the Rainbow Bridge is unfortunately Jasper. He's 17 1/2, his kidneys are not working as well as they once did, he's pretty much lost much of his hearing. He eats well but has lost weight, has problems with his back knees, has trouble getting up and down from even the low ottoman and is rather unsteady at times. He's still being a trooper and like I said has a great appetite so we're loving him, watching and waiting.
Not something I want to think about but it is inevitable.
I'm not feeling great about my new job so far. I'm not actually doing what I was hired to do; instead of accessioning, or processing the specimens, I'm doing packaging, getting the processed specimens ready to ship. I also end up doing some scanning of vials and then pouring the correct amounts into other vials, if that's necessary. Last week I was trained, this week they've had me doing it on my own...sort of. I've tried to do it on my own, but so far I'm not nearly fast enough to get the work done on time without help. I'm worried this isn't going to work out and I should have just stayed at my last job, where I was not only doing the work well, they thought I was a good worker and wanted me to do more.
It may just be my usual pessimism, but I'm definitely not in a good frame of mind about work atm. I haven't been given any sort of indication I'm going to be fired; in fact, I just got my log-in information for a couple of areas in the computer system today. That said, it feels like I could be asked not to come back because I haven't gotten fast enough with the work.

Not everything is doom and gloom with me, at least. A few weeks back, an old friend got in touch with me who I hadn't spoken to for years. I suppose it would be more accurate to describe her as the significant other of a friend back then, but we always got along well enough. We've been chatting and it turns out that we've got much closer musical tastes than I ever realized. One of the first things she mentioned was being excited to go see an extreme metal band. The things you learn when you talk to someone as a friend, rather than the girlfriend/wife of a different friend. :p

As the Serenity Prayer goes: "Give me serenity to accept what I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference. If you are doing the best you can, you will get better at it with practice. You tend to be a mite OCD when it comes to expectations of yourself. Just trust that you are diligent in your work and I would give pretty good odds that you are going to be just fine.
One other that may be approaching that time to cross the Rainbow Bridge is unfortunately Jasper. He's 17 1/2, his kidneys are not working as well as they once did, he's pretty much lost much of his hearing. He eats well but has lost weight, has problems with his back knees, has trouble getting up and down from even the low ottoman and is rather unsteady at times. He's still being a trooper and like I said has a great appetite so we're loving him, watching and waiting.
Not something I want to think about but it is inevitable.

It is so tough. That was the age we had to put down our beloved Siamese Tom. Wonderful cat, but when it is time it is time. They have had wonderful lives though with lots of love and returned it many times over.
One other that may be approaching that time to cross the Rainbow Bridge is unfortunately Jasper. He's 17 1/2, his kidneys are not working as well as they once did, he's pretty much lost much of his hearing. He eats well but has lost weight, has problems with his back knees, has trouble getting up and down from even the low ottoman and is rather unsteady at times. He's still being a trooper and like I said has a great appetite so we're loving him, watching and waiting.
Not something I want to think about but it is inevitable.
I'm not feeling great about my new job so far. I'm not actually doing what I was hired to do; instead of accessioning, or processing the specimens, I'm doing packaging, getting the processed specimens ready to ship. I also end up doing some scanning of vials and then pouring the correct amounts into other vials, if that's necessary. Last week I was trained, this week they've had me doing it on my own...sort of. I've tried to do it on my own, but so far I'm not nearly fast enough to get the work done on time without help. I'm worried this isn't going to work out and I should have just stayed at my last job, where I was not only doing the work well, they thought I was a good worker and wanted me to do more.
It may just be my usual pessimism, but I'm definitely not in a good frame of mind about work atm. I haven't been given any sort of indication I'm going to be fired; in fact, I just got my log-in information for a couple of areas in the computer system today. That said, it feels like I could be asked not to come back because I haven't gotten fast enough with the work.

Not everything is doom and gloom with me, at least. A few weeks back, an old friend got in touch with me who I hadn't spoken to for years. I suppose it would be more accurate to describe her as the significant other of a friend back then, but we always got along well enough. We've been chatting and it turns out that we've got much closer musical tastes than I ever realized. One of the first things she mentioned was being excited to go see an extreme metal band. The things you learn when you talk to someone as a friend, rather than the girlfriend/wife of a different friend. :p

As the Serenity Prayer goes: "Give me serenity to accept what I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference. If you are doing the best you can, you will get better at it with practice. You tend to be a mite OCD when it comes to expectations of yourself. Just trust that you are diligent in your work and I would give pretty good odds that you are going to be just fine.
I'm not feeling great about my new job so far. I'm not actually doing what I was hired to do; instead of accessioning, or processing the specimens, I'm doing packaging, getting the processed specimens ready to ship. I also end up doing some scanning of vials and then pouring the correct amounts into other vials, if that's necessary. Last week I was trained, this week they've had me doing it on my own...sort of. I've tried to do it on my own, but so far I'm not nearly fast enough to get the work done on time without help. I'm worried this isn't going to work out and I should have just stayed at my last job, where I was not only doing the work well, they thought I was a good worker and wanted me to do more.
It may just be my usual pessimism, but I'm definitely not in a good frame of mind about work atm. I haven't been given any sort of indication I'm going to be fired; in fact, I just got my log-in information for a couple of areas in the computer system today. That said, it feels like I could be asked not to come back because I haven't gotten fast enough with the work.

Not everything is doom and gloom with me, at least. A few weeks back, an old friend got in touch with me who I hadn't spoken to for years. I suppose it would be more accurate to describe her as the significant other of a friend back then, but we always got along well enough. We've been chatting and it turns out that we've got much closer musical tastes than I ever realized. One of the first things she mentioned was being excited to go see an extreme metal band. The things you learn when you talk to someone as a friend, rather than the girlfriend/wife of a different friend. :p

As the Serenity Prayer goes: "Give me serenity to accept what I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference. If you are doing the best you can, you will get better at it with practice. You tend to be a mite OCD when it comes to expectations of yourself. Just trust that you are diligent in your work and I would give pretty good odds that you are going to be just fine.
I'm not feeling great about my new job so far. I'm not actually doing what I was hired to do; instead of accessioning, or processing the specimens, I'm doing packaging, getting the processed specimens ready to ship. I also end up doing some scanning of vials and then pouring the correct amounts into other vials, if that's necessary. Last week I was trained, this week they've had me doing it on my own...sort of. I've tried to do it on my own, but so far I'm not nearly fast enough to get the work done on time without help. I'm worried this isn't going to work out and I should have just stayed at my last job, where I was not only doing the work well, they thought I was a good worker and wanted me to do more.
It may just be my usual pessimism, but I'm definitely not in a good frame of mind about work atm. I haven't been given any sort of indication I'm going to be fired; in fact, I just got my log-in information for a couple of areas in the computer system today. That said, it feels like I could be asked not to come back because I haven't gotten fast enough with the work.

Not everything is doom and gloom with me, at least. A few weeks back, an old friend got in touch with me who I hadn't spoken to for years. I suppose it would be more accurate to describe her as the significant other of a friend back then, but we always got along well enough. We've been chatting and it turns out that we've got much closer musical tastes than I ever realized. One of the first things she mentioned was being excited to go see an extreme metal band. The things you learn when you talk to someone as a friend, rather than the girlfriend/wife of a different friend. :p

As the Serenity Prayer goes: "Give me serenity to accept what I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference. If you are doing the best you can, you will get better at it with practice. You tend to be a mite OCD when it comes to expectations of yourself. Just trust that you are diligent in your work and I would give pretty good odds that you are going to be just fine.
I have that in various forms all over my house. It is one of my major mantras.
I'm not feeling great about my new job so far. I'm not actually doing what I was hired to do; instead of accessioning, or processing the specimens, I'm doing packaging, getting the processed specimens ready to ship. I also end up doing some scanning of vials and then pouring the correct amounts into other vials, if that's necessary. Last week I was trained, this week they've had me doing it on my own...sort of. I've tried to do it on my own, but so far I'm not nearly fast enough to get the work done on time without help. I'm worried this isn't going to work out and I should have just stayed at my last job, where I was not only doing the work well, they thought I was a good worker and wanted me to do more.
It may just be my usual pessimism, but I'm definitely not in a good frame of mind about work atm. I haven't been given any sort of indication I'm going to be fired; in fact, I just got my log-in information for a couple of areas in the computer system today. That said, it feels like I could be asked not to come back because I haven't gotten fast enough with the work.

Not everything is doom and gloom with me, at least. A few weeks back, an old friend got in touch with me who I hadn't spoken to for years. I suppose it would be more accurate to describe her as the significant other of a friend back then, but we always got along well enough. We've been chatting and it turns out that we've got much closer musical tastes than I ever realized. One of the first things she mentioned was being excited to go see an extreme metal band. The things you learn when you talk to someone as a friend, rather than the girlfriend/wife of a different friend. :p

As the Serenity Prayer goes: "Give me serenity to accept what I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference. If you are doing the best you can, you will get better at it with practice. You tend to be a mite OCD when it comes to expectations of yourself. Just trust that you are diligent in your work and I would give pretty good odds that you are going to be just fine.

What you mean is that I am a pessimist and very negative about myself. ;) I am always much more critical of myself than I would be with others for the same things. While I was getting my associates I would freak out thinking I was going to fail classes; I ended up with almost a 4.0 GPA. That's just me: regardless of any evidence or past experience, I generally have a dark view of my relationship with the world. :dunno:

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