USMB Coffee Shop IV

I'm not feeling great about my new job so far. I'm not actually doing what I was hired to do; instead of accessioning, or processing the specimens, I'm doing packaging, getting the processed specimens ready to ship. I also end up doing some scanning of vials and then pouring the correct amounts into other vials, if that's necessary. Last week I was trained, this week they've had me doing it on my own...sort of. I've tried to do it on my own, but so far I'm not nearly fast enough to get the work done on time without help. I'm worried this isn't going to work out and I should have just stayed at my last job, where I was not only doing the work well, they thought I was a good worker and wanted me to do more.
It may just be my usual pessimism, but I'm definitely not in a good frame of mind about work atm. I haven't been given any sort of indication I'm going to be fired; in fact, I just got my log-in information for a couple of areas in the computer system today. That said, it feels like I could be asked not to come back because I haven't gotten fast enough with the work.

Not everything is doom and gloom with me, at least. A few weeks back, an old friend got in touch with me who I hadn't spoken to for years. I suppose it would be more accurate to describe her as the significant other of a friend back then, but we always got along well enough. We've been chatting and it turns out that we've got much closer musical tastes than I ever realized. One of the first things she mentioned was being excited to go see an extreme metal band. The things you learn when you talk to someone as a friend, rather than the girlfriend/wife of a different friend. :p

As the Serenity Prayer goes: "Give me serenity to accept what I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference. If you are doing the best you can, you will get better at it with practice. You tend to be a mite OCD when it comes to expectations of yourself. Just trust that you are diligent in your work and I would give pretty good odds that you are going to be just fine.

What you mean is that I am a pessimist and very negative about myself. ;) I am always much more critical of myself than I would be with others for the same things. While I was getting my associates I would freak out thinking I was going to fail classes; I ended up with almost a 4.0 GPA. That's just me: regardless of any evidence or past experience, I generally have a dark view of my relationship with the world. :dunno:

Or to put it more succinctly, a mite OCD when it comes to expectations of yourself. :)
Little road trip for the wife today, went over to Gallup to the flea market. She found a silver wrist cuff at the same place I found my knife years ago, the place who's main store is here in Albuquerque........ It is sterling and we paid 60% off, a sales gimmick because $60 is probably what it's actually worth...... :lol:
I'm not feeling great about my new job so far. I'm not actually doing what I was hired to do; instead of accessioning, or processing the specimens, I'm doing packaging, getting the processed specimens ready to ship. I also end up doing some scanning of vials and then pouring the correct amounts into other vials, if that's necessary. Last week I was trained, this week they've had me doing it on my own...sort of. I've tried to do it on my own, but so far I'm not nearly fast enough to get the work done on time without help. I'm worried this isn't going to work out and I should have just stayed at my last job, where I was not only doing the work well, they thought I was a good worker and wanted me to do more.
It may just be my usual pessimism, but I'm definitely not in a good frame of mind about work atm. I haven't been given any sort of indication I'm going to be fired; in fact, I just got my log-in information for a couple of areas in the computer system today. That said, it feels like I could be asked not to come back because I haven't gotten fast enough with the work.

Not everything is doom and gloom with me, at least. A few weeks back, an old friend got in touch with me who I hadn't spoken to for years. I suppose it would be more accurate to describe her as the significant other of a friend back then, but we always got along well enough. We've been chatting and it turns out that we've got much closer musical tastes than I ever realized. One of the first things she mentioned was being excited to go see an extreme metal band. The things you learn when you talk to someone as a friend, rather than the girlfriend/wife of a different friend. :p

As the Serenity Prayer goes: "Give me serenity to accept what I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference. If you are doing the best you can, you will get better at it with practice. You tend to be a mite OCD when it comes to expectations of yourself. Just trust that you are diligent in your work and I would give pretty good odds that you are going to be just fine.

What you mean is that I am a pessimist and very negative about myself. ;) I am always much more critical of myself than I would be with others for the same things. While I was getting my associates I would freak out thinking I was going to fail classes; I ended up with almost a 4.0 GPA. That's just me: regardless of any evidence or past experience, I generally have a dark view of my relationship with the world. :dunno:

Or to put it more succinctly, a mite OCD when it comes to expectations of yourself. :)

I'm not sure OCD really fits, but close enough. :lol:
I'm not feeling great about my new job so far. I'm not actually doing what I was hired to do; instead of accessioning, or processing the specimens, I'm doing packaging, getting the processed specimens ready to ship. I also end up doing some scanning of vials and then pouring the correct amounts into other vials, if that's necessary. Last week I was trained, this week they've had me doing it on my own...sort of. I've tried to do it on my own, but so far I'm not nearly fast enough to get the work done on time without help. I'm worried this isn't going to work out and I should have just stayed at my last job, where I was not only doing the work well, they thought I was a good worker and wanted me to do more.
It may just be my usual pessimism, but I'm definitely not in a good frame of mind about work atm. I haven't been given any sort of indication I'm going to be fired; in fact, I just got my log-in information for a couple of areas in the computer system today. That said, it feels like I could be asked not to come back because I haven't gotten fast enough with the work.

Not everything is doom and gloom with me, at least. A few weeks back, an old friend got in touch with me who I hadn't spoken to for years. I suppose it would be more accurate to describe her as the significant other of a friend back then, but we always got along well enough. We've been chatting and it turns out that we've got much closer musical tastes than I ever realized. One of the first things she mentioned was being excited to go see an extreme metal band. The things you learn when you talk to someone as a friend, rather than the girlfriend/wife of a different friend. :p

As the Serenity Prayer goes: "Give me serenity to accept what I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference. If you are doing the best you can, you will get better at it with practice. You tend to be a mite OCD when it comes to expectations of yourself. Just trust that you are diligent in your work and I would give pretty good odds that you are going to be just fine.

What you mean is that I am a pessimist and very negative about myself. ;) I am always much more critical of myself than I would be with others for the same things. While I was getting my associates I would freak out thinking I was going to fail classes; I ended up with almost a 4.0 GPA. That's just me: regardless of any evidence or past experience, I generally have a dark view of my relationship with the world. :dunno:

Or to put it more succinctly, a mite OCD when it comes to expectations of yourself. :)

I'm not sure OCD really fits, but close enough. :lol:

Well it fits for me because you're pretty predictable in that regard. You are so convinced you aren't getting it done and then go right ahead and do it. I pay attention to these things. :)
It's that time of year here in the upper Ohio River valley. The annual rut. The mating rituals of the white tail deer. We're lousy with deer here (I'm a poet and don't realize it). During the rut, deer move in the evenings from cite to cite seeking mates, much in the custom of humans.

Tonight as I drove north on St. Clair Avenue, one of East Liverpool's busiest streets, I had to brake and swerve to avoid hitting an impressive six point buck.

Hitting a deer raises many problems. Financial, ethical, sanitary problems. The deer will mess up your ride. Expect a whopping body shop bill that liability policies won't cover. And what if the animal survives the collision? What if it lumps back into the woods to die an agonizing death? And some one other than turkey vultures and crows will have to remove the carcass before the aroma becomes overwhelming.

Back in the late 1980s and early 90s I helped build the new terminals and highway system for the expansion of the Greater Pittsburgh International Airport. I was one of four Environmental Engineers monitoring the excavations. Normally, we would identify and remove and abate any underground storage tanks that may be in the way. The same for any and all underground utilities.

This particular site also included a dump used by a nearby chemical plant. Unlabeled barrels of chemicals buried as recently as twenty year before littered the area. We found over 280 such barrels and had to determine what was inside and how dangerous it was to other contaminates in the area. The spillage from the barrels had to be abated and the barrels themselves hadn't to be overpacked (carefully placed in a new, larger barrel), properly labeled and removed.

One day I found a cache of barrels containing Naphthalene. It's a coal derivative familiar to you as the aroma of mothballs. In its liquid state, Naphthalene is a clear watery substance stinking to high heaven. But once exposed to air, the stuff crystallizes becoming an amber, beer colored glass, brittle as all hell. Stepping on crystallized Naphthalene shatters it into shards of yellow chemical the consistency of rock salt.

In the morning, I would prepare the reams of paperwork that documented our project. We had one of those construction site office trailers fitted out with desks, copiers a mini fridge and a Mr. Coffee. As the first pot would be brewing, I would take my desk at a window that overlooked the project. I was filing yesterday's work when I saw three big white tail deer, two does and a buck, licking the Naphthalene from the spot I flagged off with caution tape the day before.

Now I am a pretty sure, given the number of deer hunters in the area and the number of bucks taken in that part of Allegheny County, some unwitting person will shoot and process that prize buck. They wouldn't have a big taxidermy bill given the preservative nature of Naphthalene. But if they ate the venison they may have grown a second head by now.

I'll stick to my local butcher shop for meat.
What do you think saveliberty , is this accurate? :p

Once again, I find myself woefully behind at The Coffee Shop. Any news I should know about?

I have been as well as I guess I should be for an old fart. Business is good though money continually flows out for building and site improvements. A second architect has fallen by the wayside, further delaying kitchen construction but we have finally repaved the parking lot and redone landscaping. A benefit yesterday netted about 5 grand for a local battered women's shelter. If I was to total up all benefits we've been a part of, we're upwards of 1/2 million raised for charitable causes in just under 6 years.
We were jam packed yesterday There were nearly 80 people in our 2000 Sq Ft building by 10 AM and 100 by 4 when the first of 2 bands started. There were still 85 or 90 at 1 AM when the 2nd band closed their last set.
We were jam packed yesterday There were nearly 80 people in our 2000 Sq Ft building by 10 AM and 100 by 4 when the first of 2 bands started. There were still 85 or 90 at 1 AM when the 2nd band closed their last set.

Always thrilled when you can stop by Ernie. I think about you a lot. As for updates:

Peach & Mr. Peach are facing another heart surgery for him soon so that is a concern needing prayers and positive vibes, but the prognosis is good

Gallant Warrior had to postpone his scheduled hip surgery to take care of his difficult ailing partner. Another one that needs all the prayers and positive vibes he can get.

Ringel's Mrs. R is still dealing with worrisome sarcomas and we are keeping the prayers and positive vibes headed that way.

Montrovant has a new job and is fretting about whether he is doing it well enough. We all know that he is though.

Gracie and Dennis are still in limbo living month to month uncertain where they will live but she has taken on a clan of cats that keep her busy.

We have hopes that Dajjal is regenerating his love for producing the quite remarkable paintings that he has done.

There's probably others I think of as soon as I sign off tonight.

The rest of us seem to be hanging in there with some health problems, loss of loved ones, and other issues of life to deal with but find time for some satisfaction and joy too. Just living our lives has its ups and downs, good times, bad times, joys and grief, but we keep on living them.

And it sounds like our Ernie is doing okay. :)
As I mentioned in an earlier post, I am writing a murder mystery for my winter project. It is going well, As a first for the Coffee Shop I shall post the entire novel here on the pages of the Coffee Shop. I shall begin today with the first chapter.

Book Title: Woodstock is Dead

Chapter 1

It was a dark and stormy night. Suddenly a shot rang out. Yellow feathers floated slowly to the ground. Woodstock lay motionless on the ground. There was no life in him.

Stay tuned in for Chapter 2.
We were jam packed yesterday There were nearly 80 people in our 2000 Sq Ft building by 10 AM and 100 by 4 when the first of 2 bands started. There were still 85 or 90 at 1 AM when the 2nd band closed their last set.

Always thrilled when you can stop by Ernie. I think about you a lot. As for updates:

Peach & Mr. Peach are facing another heart surgery for him soon so that is a concern needing prayers and positive vibes, but the prognosis is good

Gallant Warrior had to postpone his scheduled hip surgery to take care of his difficult ailing partner. Another one that needs all the prayers and positive vibes he can get.

Ringel's Mrs. R is still dealing with worrisome sarcomas and we are keeping the prayers and positive vibes headed that way.

Montrovant has a new job and is fretting about whether he is doing it well enough. We all know that he is though.

Gracie and Dennis are still in limbo living month to month uncertain where they will live but she has taken on a clan of cats that keep her busy.

We have hopes that Dajjal is regenerating his love for producing the quite remarkable paintings that he has done.

There's probably others I think of as soon as I sign off tonight.

The rest of us seem to be hanging in there with some health problems, loss of loved ones, and other issues of life to deal with but find time for some satisfaction and joy too. Just living our lives has its ups and downs, good times, bad times, joys and grief, but we keep on living them.

And it sounds like our Ernie is doing okay. :)
I was aware of GW's partner's injury and Mrs R's health issues and wish them both a speedy recovery. Mr. Peach's ongoing heart problems are news to me. Prayers going out for him and my angel.
Montrovant! You'll do fine, my friend
Gracie: I'm sure things will work out and you'll be "home" soon enough. Remember, His time, not yours. And lastly, Dajjal. Get busy young fellow. We are waiting on your latest creation!
As I mentioned in an earlier post, I am writing a murder mystery for my winter project. It is going well, As a first for the Coffee Shop I shall post the entire novel here on the pages of the Coffee Shop. I shall begin today with the first chapter.

Book Title: Woodstock is Dead

Chapter 1

It was a dark and stormy night. Suddenly a shot rang out. Yellow feathers floated slowly to the ground. Woodstock lay motionless on the ground. There was no life in him.

Stay tuned in for Chapter 2.
I will be biting my nails until the next installment appears!
We were jam packed yesterday There were nearly 80 people in our 2000 Sq Ft building by 10 AM and 100 by 4 when the first of 2 bands started. There were still 85 or 90 at 1 AM when the 2nd band closed their last set.

Always thrilled when you can stop by Ernie. I think about you a lot. As for updates:

Peach & Mr. Peach are facing another heart surgery for him soon so that is a concern needing prayers and positive vibes, but the prognosis is good

Gallant Warrior had to postpone his scheduled hip surgery to take care of his difficult ailing partner. Another one that needs all the prayers and positive vibes he can get.

Ringel's Mrs. R is still dealing with worrisome sarcomas and we are keeping the prayers and positive vibes headed that way.

Montrovant has a new job and is fretting about whether he is doing it well enough. We all know that he is though.

Gracie and Dennis are still in limbo living month to month uncertain where they will live but she has taken on a clan of cats that keep her busy.

We have hopes that Dajjal is regenerating his love for producing the quite remarkable paintings that he has done.

There's probably others I think of as soon as I sign off tonight.

The rest of us seem to be hanging in there with some health problems, loss of loved ones, and other issues of life to deal with but find time for some satisfaction and joy too. Just living our lives has its ups and downs, good times, bad times, joys and grief, but we keep on living them.

And it sounds like our Ernie is doing okay. :)
I was aware of GW's partner's injury and Mrs R's health issues and wish them both a speedy recovery. Mr. Peach's ongoing heart problems are news to me. Prayers going out for him and my angel.
Montrovant! You'll do fine, my friend
Gracie: I'm sure things will work out and you'll be "home" soon enough. Remember, His time, not yours. And lastly, Dajjal. Get busy young fellow. We are waiting on your latest creation!
Thank you, Ernie. It would seem your place is doing a great service for local non-profs and the folks they represent.
As I mentioned in an earlier post, I am writing a murder mystery for my winter project. It is going well, As a first for the Coffee Shop I shall post the entire novel here on the pages of the Coffee Shop. I shall begin today with the first chapter.

BBD I hope it is all right if my lawyer calls your lawyer and they do lunch, as I am interested in purchasing the Movie rights to your Novel... :deal:
Well, winter finally arrived. A few inches of snow over a solid quarter inch of ice. It still isn't very cold, hovering around freezing.
The partner is improving, slowly. I finally gave in to his bullying and rants and handed the car keys over with the prayer that he not take anyone else out. IMHO, he is not capable of responding physically to any sudden requirement for fast, positive action while driving a motor vehicle. But, the bullying, rants, and tantrums were terrible. He has still not made good on his threats to return to his house in Anchorage, a constant threat when he's not getting his way. I think that at some level he realizes he can't quite do much on his own. He's been diagnosed with cerebral vasculitis but refuses to do the tests and see the neurosurgeon for a specific diagnosis. An unfortunate side effect seems to be increased irrationality and temper flare-ups. He's becoming quite unreasonable, more than before. My compassion will only stretch so far before I break and demand he leave.
As far as all the other things, I will manage to get my place cleaned up and in order. I'll have to be very disciplined but everything he used to do, I am doing now. I will be changing oil and filters in the three operational cars the coming two weeks. As I've often observed, best to be wanted and not needed because I really don't need him. Now that he's pretty much useless and very, very unpleasant to deal with, he is not wanted, either.
I thank all of you for your ongoing prayers and positive thoughts, vibes, etc. They do help.
Well, winter finally arrived. A few inches of snow over a solid quarter inch of ice. It still isn't very cold, hovering around freezing.
The partner is improving, slowly. I finally gave in to his bullying and rants and handed the car keys over with the prayer that he not take anyone else out. IMHO, he is not capable of responding physically to any sudden requirement for fast, positive action while driving a motor vehicle. But, the bullying, rants, and tantrums were terrible. He has still not made good on his threats to return to his house in Anchorage, a constant threat when he's not getting his way. I think that at some level he realizes he can't quite do much on his own. He's been diagnosed with cerebral vasculitis but refuses to do the tests and see the neurosurgeon for a specific diagnosis. An unfortunate side effect seems to be increased irrationality and temper flare-ups. He's becoming quite unreasonable, more than before. My compassion will only stretch so far before I break and demand he leave.
As far as all the other things, I will manage to get my place cleaned up and in order. I'll have to be very disciplined but everything he used to do, I am doing now. I will be changing oil and filters in the three operational cars the coming two weeks. As I've often observed, best to be wanted and not needed because I really don't need him. Now that he's pretty much useless and very, very unpleasant to deal with, he is not wanted, either.
I thank all of you for your ongoing prayers and positive thoughts, vibes, etc. They do help.

Does Anchorage have an adult services program, i.e. some sort of agency that can intervene and the state intervenes and handles the needs of those who are incapable of handling their own affairs and/or are a danger to themselves? If they do, that might be your out GW. They would place him in a safe facility for him and the state would be responsible for any expenses. He technically is a resident of the city.
Well, winter finally arrived. A few inches of snow over a solid quarter inch of ice. It still isn't very cold, hovering around freezing.
The partner is improving, slowly. I finally gave in to his bullying and rants and handed the car keys over with the prayer that he not take anyone else out. IMHO, he is not capable of responding physically to any sudden requirement for fast, positive action while driving a motor vehicle. But, the bullying, rants, and tantrums were terrible. He has still not made good on his threats to return to his house in Anchorage, a constant threat when he's not getting his way. I think that at some level he realizes he can't quite do much on his own. He's been diagnosed with cerebral vasculitis but refuses to do the tests and see the neurosurgeon for a specific diagnosis. An unfortunate side effect seems to be increased irrationality and temper flare-ups. He's becoming quite unreasonable, more than before. My compassion will only stretch so far before I break and demand he leave.
As far as all the other things, I will manage to get my place cleaned up and in order. I'll have to be very disciplined but everything he used to do, I am doing now. I will be changing oil and filters in the three operational cars the coming two weeks. As I've often observed, best to be wanted and not needed because I really don't need him. Now that he's pretty much useless and very, very unpleasant to deal with, he is not wanted, either.
I thank all of you for your ongoing prayers and positive thoughts, vibes, etc. They do help.

Does Anchorage have an adult services program, i.e. some sort of agency that can intervene and the state intervenes and handles the needs of those who are incapable of handling their own affairs and/or are a danger to themselves? If they do, that might be your out GW. They would place him in a safe facility for him and the state would be responsible for any expenses. He technically is a resident of the city.
Good idea! I hadn't thought of that but I do believe I'll address the issue with his primary care provider. Unless he can afford, or will go to, a professional who can help him, I am becoming increasingly unable and inadequate to deal with his issues. He has no family that he hasn't totally alienated. My family has now passed judgement and found him unworthy of me. I have known so much so long but for all the usual, various reasons, have continued supporting him. He won't ever change. I no longer wish to be a servant to his three-year-old, spoiled rotten child persona. There's so much more, but y'all don't need to read all about it.

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