USMB Coffee Shop IV

Maybe the CS should be renamed Colonoscopy Shop? lol
Seems all of us are being ass reamed lately.

Saw my regular doc today. He said the hospital was having a cow because while I was under, my BP went from 213/81 to 226/96. Unfortunately, there isn't much more they can do about my high BP cuz I have a slow heartbeat. Usually, its supposed to 60 beats per minutes or thereabouts. MIne is usually 50. So the meds I take will just make is slower and that won't be good, he said. So...he upped my HZTZ to 25 instead of the 12.5 I am taking now. And, once I quit smoking, that should help too. He ordered me some Wellburtin (zyban) to take along with wearing my patches and that outta do the trick of getting me smoke free. We hope.

Talked to GI doc too. He won't get the results from the biopsies he sent in, for at least another week. So..I wait. Again. least what needed done got done and now it's up to God on whether I have something horrible..or not. Hey, can't live forever!!! :D

Like Roy I quit cold turkey after many many attempts to quit. The first time I managed to stay off the cigs long enough that the American Cancer Society trained me to be a mentor to help others quit. (I was exec drtr of a large social agency at that time so had the space and ability to run stop smoking clinics. They were pretty good but I found their methods at that time to have very limited success rates. That was back in the 1970's.)

And then I went through a particularly stressful time, was at a conference in Colorado and my assigned roomie was a smoker and had left her opened pack in the room when I checked in and for whatever stupid reason, I took a cig and left her a dime. Then bought a pack. . .

And I was hooked again. Bad hooked. In no time I was up to two/three packs a day.

Quit many times after that.

The last time and final time roughly going on 30 years ago now, I read Francis Hunter's book God is Fabulous that devotes a chapter to how she quit chain smoking. My experience was considerably different from hers--most everybody is a little different. But she persuaded me to put it in God's hands and asked him to help me quit. I threw out all the remaining cigs in the house.

The pattern--what to expect when quitting cold turkey:

The first 72 hours are the toughest and the cravings begin quick and come hard and fairly close together.

Each initial craving is powerful enough to take you to your knees and you think you can't stand it. But if you lean into it and try to make it feel as bad as possible it will subside. Until the next one. Try to stay physically active/busy during those times and it is easier than when sitting, doing computer stuff, reading, or doing other activities in which we normally smoke.

After 48 hours you will notice the cravings are still terrible but not quite so intense and are of shorter duration. And there will be somewhat longer intervals between them. Treat each one the same way though--lean into it, fully experience it. Feel noble that you can take it. :)

Though most is gone in that first 72 hours, it will take up to 21 days for the nicotine to fully metabolize and no longer be in your body. By that time the craving are still powerful but coming less frequently.

Once the nicotine is gone and the addiction itself is broken, we are dealing with doing without a psychological habit that was comforting and pleasurable for us--still real and still stressful, but different. What feels like cravings still occur but they are our mind messing with us instead of our body demanding. There's nothing to do with our hands when we feel stressed or are working out problems in our head. Nothing to do while thinking of what to say next or what to do next. We miss smoking for anger management. But It is far easier to distract ourselves from these intermittent false cravings and they too subside, usually fairly quickly.

And one day we realize we have gone several hours without thinking about smoking. And we get to the point that we go several days without a craving.

I'll be honest. It took years before I reached the point that I no longer had any desire to smoke at all. That I didn't miss it. That the smell of cigarette smoke became unpleasant to me. I was one who enjoyed smoking very much.

But it was worth it.

--Overall general health does improve and your risk of a lot of debilitating, even deadly, diseases is much lessened.
--Some folks say food tastes a lot better. (I honestly don't know that it did for me but it sure didn't taste any worse.)
--There is no more discomfort when in no smoking environments.
--We smell a lot better to non smokers. Our breath is much sweeter. (In all honesty though, I hate being around cigarette smoke now, but don't mind being around smokers and have many in my life.)
--We save a ton of money. (These days a pack of cigs runs close to $6 pack so a pack a day smoker will save more than $2,000/year and infinite time by quitting.)
--And for me the greatest blessing was enjoying smoke free environments instead of planning a short duration in them. Not having to find some place I could have a smoke.

Yes, it was not easy. Breaking any substance addiction may be one of the hardest things we will ever have to do on a long term basis. But it's worth it.
I quit three years ago with Chantix. I cannot say I am a non smoker because I would love to have one right now. I'm "quitting..." I have advanced COPD, on oxygen and my pulmonologist says I should get my things in order, but don't call in the family yet...Sounds like a time for a cigarette to me!
or Maybe Not.
You can kick it with a recipe I discovered when I was trying to get rid of pneumonia. It said it was for lung cancer but was also effective for asthma, bronchitis, and pneumonia. You need a food processor or a cup of distilled water in a large blender: 3 sticks celery cut in 2" logs; two beets quartered; 2 carrots, cut in 2" intervals; 4 radishes; 2 cloves garlic; one apple, core and seeds removed, quartered. blend until in liquid form. Add distilled water if too thick. Use drink for one meal. Drink it all. I hate it, so I hold my nose while I am drinking and blocking air that makes you able to taste the #@&%* stuff. (insert expletive of your choice). You have to do it every day for 45 days. It's supposed to make you hear your doctor say, "What th' ???" when he examines your next clear chest ex-ray. For some reason, my pneumonia went away, but a few weeks later, I unwisely didn't cover my face when mowing the fallow fields out front that had the wild weeds (not grass) turned black, probably with mold which I am allergic to since forever and ago. I also found some equally disgusting health drinks that have beet juice in them and they taste like #@&%* too, except they're sweeter. The carrot juice is really good, and the one I got said it had 900% of your vitamin A requirement in it, which is also antagonistic to chest and breathing issues. Right now, my lungs are clear of all garbage that was wheezed up and down the pipes at night, and I'm pretty happy about not wheezing. I'm also changing from milk-soaked cereal in the morning to an egg omelette with cut up garlic, green onion, and mild packaged peppers minced fine in the mix with a few beef smokies. That's probably bad, but it's better than trying to hold my breath, chew food, and not get it down the offended pipes which would make me say more #@&^* words. :D

Love ya! Get well, girls and guys with testy chesty issues.
Oh I forgot to mention up there ^^^ that a friend of mine who has emphasema asked me to research anything he can do. I was pretty reluctant, because my outdated 80's health schools tended to go with the never-ending fire story about emphasema. I checked it out and nutritionists have done some discoveries about turning emphasema. Several tests that were run on thousands of people that had some other condition were taking vitamin A. Those who were known to have had emphasema didn't have it any more. Apparently the Vitamin A was thought to have influenced the emphasema fire theory as bogus as a hopeless condition, so they ran some more tests on people whose problem was emphasema, and they ran Vitamin A against a placebo. Test after test kept coming up with reduced the size of the emphasema lesions in the tests along with numerous x-rays showing reduced affliction to total absence of the disease. My doctor ran some tests on me a few years back and found me deficient in potassium, Vitamin D and Vitamin A. I took supplements for a while, but stopped when my fatigue went away. Now I'm getting leg cramps and reviewed studies in potassium, A and D. I'm going upstairs and starting over, except this time, I'm not going to quit because of Vitamin A helping people with lung problems so much. It's also the eye vitamin, and people who also take Lutein along with their regular One-a-Day vitamins have less trouble with eye pain when driving at night when combined with vitamin A. If you add Collagen and Biotin supplements, your skin clears up and you look younger. The new creams available even at walmart now can eliminate the crows feet near the eyes, puffy areas above and below the eye, and get rid of those cruddy rings that form at the base of the neck when you hit 60. When I tried it, 3 months later all those wrinkles disappeared, which was unheard of 25 years ago. Now, Hollywood actresses are still working up into their 70s with no wrinkles on their faces any more.

Oh, my, I'd be getting myself chewed out if this were a political thread and i strayed in four directions from the topic. <giggle> :laugh2: :backpedal: :laugh2:

Anyway, my emphasema friend called me the other day and he went and got a bottle of vitamin A. Hopefully, we'll still be pals 10 years from now instead of me having another friend who's 6 feet under. :(

That does it. After my cuppa coffee, I'm going straight upstairs and working on another ship quilt. I have enough squares in process to make 4 blue quilts for charity. I spent a couple of months making nothing but pink quilts for EJ's granddaughters and a whole lotta fire engines for the 5 grandsons who were EJ's heirs as well. When the roses bloom, I'm gonna take a couple of them to lay on EJ's grave, and his wife who died 10 years ago. His mother lopped off about 15 acres for a family plot years ago, so they're situated right next to the farm they held onto through the depression in the 30s and back several generations.
How interesting! I will get vitamin A today. Keep going on the quilts! I am sure they are appreciated!

Thank you
Dang, gallantwarrior ..when it rains it pours for you too! You are one strong dude, buddy. Don't let anyone...or YOU...tell you different. Don't know what the "worst thing ever" is, but it must be bad. My prayers are up for ya, hon.

And now..I am off to bed. Doc appt tomorrow (regular doc), to see what to do about my high blood pressure. Docs and nurses at the hospital said I am a walking time bomb for a stroke. I damn sure don't want one of those and survive it. I'd rather kick than wake up a vegetable with the need to depend on MrGracie. I adore him, but he would NOT be a good caregiver. Nope. I'd be fucked 3 ways to sunday if I had to rely on him.
Anyway..I put off the stop smoking until I can see my doc. BP will skyrocket worse going thru withdrawals, so I want to try to get this under control, then start the patch. Whether I can get it down or not doesn't matter. I have 4 packs left. Once those are gone..that's it. My patches patiently await me.

Throat still sore too. Not as bad, but still....he fucked it up something fierce. I gotta ask him tomorrow when I swing by to see my reg Doc just what the hell he did and did it fuck up my thyroid cuz it feels like I wanna puke all the time from being poked in the throat..but nobody is poking it, so he did a number on the INSIDE is my guess and I wanna know how long this feeling will last. Talked ot Sister In Laws brother and he saidhe had it done too a month or so ago and it took 2 weeks for his throat to heal and yes...he felt like puking and a throat poking too. Said they SHOVE that thing down your throat and devil take the hindmost so I presume they did the same thing to me. Nether region is doing just fine so far. No problems. Everything "normal" if you get my drift. So...I wanna see what he did, any biopsies, results of those if he did that, and in He told me some stuff but I was still comig out of anesthesia and have no clue what he said.

Anyway....bedtime. See yall tomorrow! Will let ya know what both docs say.

Ringel05 regards to you and the wife. Will be praying for you both.
Sleep well, Gracie.
I know what you mean about surviving a stroke. After all the shit I've been through with the partner after his stroke, I'd rather just kick it, too. The partner is irritable and angry all the time, just spoiling for a fight. While he's never been physically violent before, he totally lost his shit Sunday and punched me in the mouth because he couldn't figure out how to log onto a website and I pretty much refused to do it for him. He's got to learn how to do this kind of thing for himself. After he started throwing things and I told him to quit acting like a three-year-old having a temper tantrum, he popped me one good. He's been back at his place in town since then and he has me to thank that he didn't go to jail. I made a case for him to go home instead because of his recent stroke and other medical issues. I don't know whether he realizes how badly he screwed up his life by allowing himself to lose control like he did. When we go to court, I am going to insist on anger management and that he see a doctor about his issues.
Sorry folks! I've been away too long. It has been an eventful couple of weeks for me. I had a scheduled colonoscopy for the day before Thanksgiving! That meant Tuesday was prep day! Everybody's favorite! Then 7:00 am, down to the clinic for pictures, and they didn't give me one to hang on the fridge! Groggy from the anesthetic I slept Wednesday away. Then, what did I face the next day but a heaping Thanksgiving dinner!

I had adoctor appointment on the Tuesday after Thanksgiving. But the day before I walked from the Great Hall here at the Luxurious Pimplebutt Estate to my bedroom. Upon getting there, I felt light headed. Then I saw the lights one would see upon getting a blow to the nose! Kness buckled, a staggering step and, in the words of Howard Cosell, DOWN GOES NOSMO! I smacked my noggin on the consol table biffing up my left eye and rendering me more senseless than usual.

Well, I told the doctor about that during my exam last Tuesday. His face blanched and immediately ordered up a regimen of high priced medical tests. He advised I go to the ER as they would be able to apply the battery of testing he wanted right away. So, as my doctor's office is actually in the hospital, I was seated in a wheelchair and dispacted to a waiting bed in the emergency room.

First, blood tests then a couple bags of saline were pumped into me. Then blood pressure testing. Laying down, blood pressure. Sitting up, blood pressure. Standing up, blood pressure. And there's your problem! It drops twenty point when I stand. EKG, chest x-ray, electrocardiogram, more blood drawn and the news, we're going to keep you here tonight!

I phoned my brother to do two things for me. First, take Daisy the Mutt home with him. Second, DON'T TELL MOM! I didn't want her to wring her hands in worry for me.

At midnight (of course it would be midnight) I was wheeled down for a CAT scan on my head. They found nothing. The hospital vampires stopped by every couple hours to draw more vials of my blood. Meanwhile, I had nothing to eat since 10:00 the proceeding morning. All I really wanted were two basic human needs. Food and sleep.

I tossed and turned all night. At 9:00 the next morning, I was visited by my doctor. He added to the chemistry set I down every day and took mercy on me and I was discharged. I drove to a nearby diner and had the best breakfast and the second best cup of coffee in my life.

So I've been keeping busy. How's by yinz guys?
So, what did they figure out was causing your problem?
Well, I just went through one of the worst incidents in my life, one that will be ongoing for a while. Given all the pain and suffering I've missed here, I will refrain from being a whiner. This, too, shall pass and may be all for the best, eventually.
We're going through another bout of rain and melting. It's hovering around freezing here so every time it rains things freeze and become treacherous. I hope the partner made it back to town safely.
All my best out for Gracie, Mrs R, and all my other CS friends who are in need.
Foxy, please make sure my partner is on the "list". He will need all the help and best he can find to help him overcome his current situation.
Thank you.

He's there with you GW. So wish there was more to do to help though.
At this point, he has to help himself. To help himself, he will have to acknowledge he has a problem and I doubt he'll do that.
Maybe the CS should be renamed Colonoscopy Shop? lol
Seems all of us are being ass reamed lately.

Saw my regular doc today. He said the hospital was having a cow because while I was under, my BP went from 213/81 to 226/96. Unfortunately, there isn't much more they can do about my high BP cuz I have a slow heartbeat. Usually, its supposed to 60 beats per minutes or thereabouts. MIne is usually 50. So the meds I take will just make is slower and that won't be good, he said. So...he upped my HZTZ to 25 instead of the 12.5 I am taking now. And, once I quit smoking, that should help too. He ordered me some Wellburtin (zyban) to take along with wearing my patches and that outta do the trick of getting me smoke free. We hope.

Talked to GI doc too. He won't get the results from the biopsies he sent in, for at least another week. So..I wait. Again. least what needed done got done and now it's up to God on whether I have something horrible..or not. Hey, can't live forever!!! :D
I'm still keeping up a vigil for you, Gracie.
Maybe the CS should be renamed Colonoscopy Shop? lol
Seems all of us are being ass reamed lately.

Saw my regular doc today. He said the hospital was having a cow because while I was under, my BP went from 213/81 to 226/96. Unfortunately, there isn't much more they can do about my high BP cuz I have a slow heartbeat. Usually, its supposed to 60 beats per minutes or thereabouts. MIne is usually 50. So the meds I take will just make is slower and that won't be good, he said. So...he upped my HZTZ to 25 instead of the 12.5 I am taking now. And, once I quit smoking, that should help too. He ordered me some Wellburtin (zyban) to take along with wearing my patches and that outta do the trick of getting me smoke free. We hope.

Talked to GI doc too. He won't get the results from the biopsies he sent in, for at least another week. So..I wait. Again. least what needed done got done and now it's up to God on whether I have something horrible..or not. Hey, can't live forever!!! :D

Like Roy I quit cold turkey after many many attempts to quit. The first time I managed to stay off the cigs long enough that the American Cancer Society trained me to be a mentor to help others quit. (I was exec drtr of a large social agency at that time so had the space and ability to run stop smoking clinics. They were pretty good but I found their methods at that time to have very limited success rates. That was back in the 1970's.)

And then I went through a particularly stressful time, was at a conference in Colorado and my assigned roomie was a smoker and had left her opened pack in the room when I checked in and for whatever stupid reason, I took a cig and left her a dime. Then bought a pack. . .

And I was hooked again. Bad hooked. In no time I was up to two/three packs a day.

Quit many times after that.

The last time and final time roughly going on 30 years ago now, I read Francis Hunter's book God is Fabulous that devotes a chapter to how she quit chain smoking. My experience was considerably different from hers--most everybody is a little different. But she persuaded me to put it in God's hands and asked him to help me quit. I threw out all the remaining cigs in the house.

The pattern--what to expect when quitting cold turkey:

The first 72 hours are the toughest and the cravings begin quick and come hard and fairly close together.

Each initial craving is powerful enough to take you to your knees and you think you can't stand it. But if you lean into it and try to make it feel as bad as possible it will subside. Until the next one. Try to stay physically active/busy during those times and it is easier than when sitting, doing computer stuff, reading, or doing other activities in which we normally smoke.

After 48 hours you will notice the cravings are still terrible but not quite so intense and are of shorter duration. And there will be somewhat longer intervals between them. Treat each one the same way though--lean into it, fully experience it. Feel noble that you can take it. :)

Though most is gone in that first 72 hours, it will take up to 21 days for the nicotine to fully metabolize and no longer be in your body. By that time the craving are still powerful but coming less frequently.

Once the nicotine is gone and the addiction itself is broken, we are dealing with doing without a psychological habit that was comforting and pleasurable for us--still real and still stressful, but different. What feels like cravings still occur but they are our mind messing with us instead of our body demanding. There's nothing to do with our hands when we feel stressed or are working out problems in our head. Nothing to do while thinking of what to say next or what to do next. We miss smoking for anger management. But It is far easier to distract ourselves from these intermittent false cravings and they too subside, usually fairly quickly.

And one day we realize we have gone several hours without thinking about smoking. And we get to the point that we go several days without a craving.

I'll be honest. It took years before I reached the point that I no longer had any desire to smoke at all. That I didn't miss it. That the smell of cigarette smoke became unpleasant to me. I was one who enjoyed smoking very much.

But it was worth it.

--Overall general health does improve and your risk of a lot of debilitating, even deadly, diseases is much lessened.
--Some folks say food tastes a lot better. (I honestly don't know that it did for me but it sure didn't taste any worse.)
--There is no more discomfort when in no smoking environments.
--We smell a lot better to non smokers. Our breath is much sweeter. (In all honesty though, I hate being around cigarette smoke now, but don't mind being around smokers and have many in my life.)
--We save a ton of money. (These days a pack of cigs runs close to $6 pack so a pack a day smoker will save more than $2,000/year and infinite time by quitting.)
--And for me the greatest blessing was enjoying smoke free environments instead of planning a short duration in them. Not having to find some place I could have a smoke.

Yes, it was not easy. Breaking any substance addiction may be one of the hardest things we will ever have to do on a long term basis. But it's worth it.
I quit three years ago with Chantix. I cannot say I am a non smoker because I would love to have one right now. I'm "quitting..." I have advanced COPD, on oxygen and my pulmonologist says I should get my things in order, but don't call in the family yet...Sounds like a time for a cigarette to me!
or Maybe Not.
You can kick it with a recipe I discovered when I was trying to get rid of pneumonia. It said it was for lung cancer but was also effective for asthma, bronchitis, and pneumonia. You need a food processor or a cup of distilled water in a large blender: 3 sticks celery cut in 2" logs; two beets quartered; 2 carrots, cut in 2" intervals; 4 radishes; 2 cloves garlic; one apple, core and seeds removed, quartered. blend until in liquid form. Add distilled water if too thick. Use drink for one meal. Drink it all. I hate it, so I hold my nose while I am drinking and blocking air that makes you able to taste the #@&%* stuff. (insert expletive of your choice). You have to do it every day for 45 days. It's supposed to make you hear your doctor say, "What th' ???" when he examines your next clear chest ex-ray. For some reason, my pneumonia went away, but a few weeks later, I unwisely didn't cover my face when mowing the fallow fields out front that had the wild weeds (not grass) turned black, probably with mold which I am allergic to since forever and ago. I also found some equally disgusting health drinks that have beet juice in them and they taste like #@&%* too, except they're sweeter. The carrot juice is really good, and the one I got said it had 900% of your vitamin A requirement in it, which is also antagonistic to chest and breathing issues. Right now, my lungs are clear of all garbage that was wheezed up and down the pipes at night, and I'm pretty happy about not wheezing. I'm also changing from milk-soaked cereal in the morning to an egg omelette with cut up garlic, green onion, and mild packaged peppers minced fine in the mix with a few beef smokies. That's probably bad, but it's better than trying to hold my breath, chew food, and not get it down the offended pipes which would make me say more #@&^* words. :D

Love ya! Get well, girls and guys with testy chesty issues.
Oh I forgot to mention up there ^^^ that a friend of mine who has emphasema asked me to research anything he can do. I was pretty reluctant, because my outdated 80's health schools tended to go with the never-ending fire story about emphasema. I checked it out and nutritionists have done some discoveries about turning emphasema. Several tests that were run on thousands of people that had some other condition were taking vitamin A. Those who were known to have had emphasema didn't have it any more. Apparently the Vitamin A was thought to have influenced the emphasema fire theory as bogus as a hopeless condition, so they ran some more tests on people whose problem was emphasema, and they ran Vitamin A against a placebo. Test after test kept coming up with reduced the size of the emphasema lesions in the tests along with numerous x-rays showing reduced affliction to total absence of the disease. My doctor ran some tests on me a few years back and found me deficient in potassium, Vitamin D and Vitamin A. I took supplements for a while, but stopped when my fatigue went away. Now I'm getting leg cramps and reviewed studies in potassium, A and D. I'm going upstairs and starting over, except this time, I'm not going to quit because of Vitamin A helping people with lung problems so much. It's also the eye vitamin, and people who also take Lutein along with their regular One-a-Day vitamins have less trouble with eye pain when driving at night when combined with vitamin A. If you add Collagen and Biotin supplements, your skin clears up and you look younger. The new creams available even at walmart now can eliminate the crows feet near the eyes, puffy areas above and below the eye, and get rid of those cruddy rings that form at the base of the neck when you hit 60. When I tried it, 3 months later all those wrinkles disappeared, which was unheard of 25 years ago. Now, Hollywood actresses are still working up into their 70s with no wrinkles on their faces any more.

Oh, my, I'd be getting myself chewed out if this were a political thread and i strayed in four directions from the topic. <giggle> :laugh2: :backpedal: :laugh2:

Anyway, my emphasema friend called me the other day and he went and got a bottle of vitamin A. Hopefully, we'll still be pals 10 years from now instead of me having another friend who's 6 feet under. :(

That does it. After my cuppa coffee, I'm going straight upstairs and working on another ship quilt. I have enough squares in process to make 4 blue quilts for charity. I spent a couple of months making nothing but pink quilts for EJ's granddaughters and a whole lotta fire engines for the 5 grandsons who were EJ's heirs as well. When the roses bloom, I'm gonna take a couple of them to lay on EJ's grave, and his wife who died 10 years ago. His mother lopped off about 15 acres for a family plot years ago, so they're situated right next to the farm they held onto through the depression in the 30s and back several generations.
How interesting! I will get vitamin A today. Keep going on the quilts! I am sure they are appreciated!

Thank you
Best wishes, Jackson.

Not all doctors ignore nutrition. This one has a way of unclogging arteries and reducing high blood pressure. All you gotta do other than this is to (daily) walk around the block a couple of times (start in with a shorter walk if 2 blocks is too much). Also, if you're over 50, you need to stretch a minute or two before engaging in physical activity if you aren't already on an exercise program. Stretching will reduce any soreness that would have risen if you didn't want to be laid up for a long winter's nap with aches and pains. Now for my Doctor friend, Mr. Informed-about-nutrition:
(Clogged arteries result from the build-up of a substance called plaque in the arterial walls. It is also medically referred to as arterial plaque. This plaque can reduce blood flow or even block it altogether.) His panacea takes 7 weeks, but it should start opening clogged arteries a little at a time each morning. If you already had a meal, drink a half cup of distilled or purified water and wait 2 hours to have that empty stomach. It took me about a half hour to peel the lemons and process them in my blender, which took one cup of water to ensure proper blending of the items drawn and quartered. :D Also, my blender has a setting entitled "Liquefy" which I used. and there wasn't a shred of anything except mush in the strainer by the time I got to the straining step. The drink doesn't taste near as bad as the #@%$* beet juice. :lmao:I'm so old my ankles are swollen due to clogged arteries and I'm hoping to have ankles like Marilyn Monroe in her prime again. The doctor wanted me to have my arteries surgically scrubbed a month or two ago, but I dragged my heels at the thought of it because I live alone, my nearest relative is 100 miles away, so on Ground Hog's day I'm going to write a note to revisit the doctor's office so I can hear her say "What th-....???" when she checks my unclogged arteries and wonders why my condition is reversed. Yes, I know. Optimism can be a fault. :D

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Dang, gallantwarrior ..when it rains it pours for you too! You are one strong dude, buddy. Don't let anyone...or YOU...tell you different. Don't know what the "worst thing ever" is, but it must be bad. My prayers are up for ya, hon.

And now..I am off to bed. Doc appt tomorrow (regular doc), to see what to do about my high blood pressure. Docs and nurses at the hospital said I am a walking time bomb for a stroke. I damn sure don't want one of those and survive it. I'd rather kick than wake up a vegetable with the need to depend on MrGracie. I adore him, but he would NOT be a good caregiver. Nope. I'd be fucked 3 ways to sunday if I had to rely on him.
Anyway..I put off the stop smoking until I can see my doc. BP will skyrocket worse going thru withdrawals, so I want to try to get this under control, then start the patch. Whether I can get it down or not doesn't matter. I have 4 packs left. Once those are gone..that's it. My patches patiently await me.

Throat still sore too. Not as bad, but still....he fucked it up something fierce. I gotta ask him tomorrow when I swing by to see my reg Doc just what the hell he did and did it fuck up my thyroid cuz it feels like I wanna puke all the time from being poked in the throat..but nobody is poking it, so he did a number on the INSIDE is my guess and I wanna know how long this feeling will last. Talked ot Sister In Laws brother and he saidhe had it done too a month or so ago and it took 2 weeks for his throat to heal and yes...he felt like puking and a throat poking too. Said they SHOVE that thing down your throat and devil take the hindmost so I presume they did the same thing to me. Nether region is doing just fine so far. No problems. Everything "normal" if you get my drift. So...I wanna see what he did, any biopsies, results of those if he did that, and in He told me some stuff but I was still comig out of anesthesia and have no clue what he said.

Anyway....bedtime. See yall tomorrow! Will let ya know what both docs say.

Ringel05 regards to you and the wife. Will be praying for you both.
Sleep well, Gracie.
I know what you mean about surviving a stroke. After all the shit I've been through with the partner after his stroke, I'd rather just kick it, too. The partner is irritable and angry all the time, just spoiling for a fight. While he's never been physically violent before, he totally lost his shit Sunday and punched me in the mouth because he couldn't figure out how to log onto a website and I pretty much refused to do it for him. He's got to learn how to do this kind of thing for himself. After he started throwing things and I told him to quit acting like a three-year-old having a temper tantrum, he popped me one good. He's been back at his place in town since then and he has me to thank that he didn't go to jail. I made a case for him to go home instead because of his recent stroke and other medical issues. I don't know whether he realizes how badly he screwed up his life by allowing himself to lose control like he did. When we go to court, I am going to insist on anger management and that he see a doctor about his issues.
I am so sorry you are going through this. If he returns and is out of control again, I think you should consider a restraining order.. Take care.
Like Roy I quit cold turkey after many many attempts to quit. The first time I managed to stay off the cigs long enough that the American Cancer Society trained me to be a mentor to help others quit. (I was exec drtr of a large social agency at that time so had the space and ability to run stop smoking clinics. They were pretty good but I found their methods at that time to have very limited success rates. That was back in the 1970's.)

And then I went through a particularly stressful time, was at a conference in Colorado and my assigned roomie was a smoker and had left her opened pack in the room when I checked in and for whatever stupid reason, I took a cig and left her a dime. Then bought a pack. . .

And I was hooked again. Bad hooked. In no time I was up to two/three packs a day.

Quit many times after that.

The last time and final time roughly going on 30 years ago now, I read Francis Hunter's book God is Fabulous that devotes a chapter to how she quit chain smoking. My experience was considerably different from hers--most everybody is a little different. But she persuaded me to put it in God's hands and asked him to help me quit. I threw out all the remaining cigs in the house.

The pattern--what to expect when quitting cold turkey:

The first 72 hours are the toughest and the cravings begin quick and come hard and fairly close together.

Each initial craving is powerful enough to take you to your knees and you think you can't stand it. But if you lean into it and try to make it feel as bad as possible it will subside. Until the next one. Try to stay physically active/busy during those times and it is easier than when sitting, doing computer stuff, reading, or doing other activities in which we normally smoke.

After 48 hours you will notice the cravings are still terrible but not quite so intense and are of shorter duration. And there will be somewhat longer intervals between them. Treat each one the same way though--lean into it, fully experience it. Feel noble that you can take it. :)

Though most is gone in that first 72 hours, it will take up to 21 days for the nicotine to fully metabolize and no longer be in your body. By that time the craving are still powerful but coming less frequently.

Once the nicotine is gone and the addiction itself is broken, we are dealing with doing without a psychological habit that was comforting and pleasurable for us--still real and still stressful, but different. What feels like cravings still occur but they are our mind messing with us instead of our body demanding. There's nothing to do with our hands when we feel stressed or are working out problems in our head. Nothing to do while thinking of what to say next or what to do next. We miss smoking for anger management. But It is far easier to distract ourselves from these intermittent false cravings and they too subside, usually fairly quickly.

And one day we realize we have gone several hours without thinking about smoking. And we get to the point that we go several days without a craving.

I'll be honest. It took years before I reached the point that I no longer had any desire to smoke at all. That I didn't miss it. That the smell of cigarette smoke became unpleasant to me. I was one who enjoyed smoking very much.

But it was worth it.

--Overall general health does improve and your risk of a lot of debilitating, even deadly, diseases is much lessened.
--Some folks say food tastes a lot better. (I honestly don't know that it did for me but it sure didn't taste any worse.)
--There is no more discomfort when in no smoking environments.
--We smell a lot better to non smokers. Our breath is much sweeter. (In all honesty though, I hate being around cigarette smoke now, but don't mind being around smokers and have many in my life.)
--We save a ton of money. (These days a pack of cigs runs close to $6 pack so a pack a day smoker will save more than $2,000/year and infinite time by quitting.)
--And for me the greatest blessing was enjoying smoke free environments instead of planning a short duration in them. Not having to find some place I could have a smoke.

Yes, it was not easy. Breaking any substance addiction may be one of the hardest things we will ever have to do on a long term basis. But it's worth it.
I quit three years ago with Chantix. I cannot say I am a non smoker because I would love to have one right now. I'm "quitting..." I have advanced COPD, on oxygen and my pulmonologist says I should get my things in order, but don't call in the family yet...Sounds like a time for a cigarette to me!
or Maybe Not.
You can kick it with a recipe I discovered when I was trying to get rid of pneumonia. It said it was for lung cancer but was also effective for asthma, bronchitis, and pneumonia. You need a food processor or a cup of distilled water in a large blender: 3 sticks celery cut in 2" logs; two beets quartered; 2 carrots, cut in 2" intervals; 4 radishes; 2 cloves garlic; one apple, core and seeds removed, quartered. blend until in liquid form. Add distilled water if too thick. Use drink for one meal. Drink it all. I hate it, so I hold my nose while I am drinking and blocking air that makes you able to taste the #@&%* stuff. (insert expletive of your choice). You have to do it every day for 45 days. It's supposed to make you hear your doctor say, "What th' ???" when he examines your next clear chest ex-ray. For some reason, my pneumonia went away, but a few weeks later, I unwisely didn't cover my face when mowing the fallow fields out front that had the wild weeds (not grass) turned black, probably with mold which I am allergic to since forever and ago. I also found some equally disgusting health drinks that have beet juice in them and they taste like #@&%* too, except they're sweeter. The carrot juice is really good, and the one I got said it had 900% of your vitamin A requirement in it, which is also antagonistic to chest and breathing issues. Right now, my lungs are clear of all garbage that was wheezed up and down the pipes at night, and I'm pretty happy about not wheezing. I'm also changing from milk-soaked cereal in the morning to an egg omelette with cut up garlic, green onion, and mild packaged peppers minced fine in the mix with a few beef smokies. That's probably bad, but it's better than trying to hold my breath, chew food, and not get it down the offended pipes which would make me say more #@&^* words. :D

Love ya! Get well, girls and guys with testy chesty issues.
Oh I forgot to mention up there ^^^ that a friend of mine who has emphasema asked me to research anything he can do. I was pretty reluctant, because my outdated 80's health schools tended to go with the never-ending fire story about emphasema. I checked it out and nutritionists have done some discoveries about turning emphasema. Several tests that were run on thousands of people that had some other condition were taking vitamin A. Those who were known to have had emphasema didn't have it any more. Apparently the Vitamin A was thought to have influenced the emphasema fire theory as bogus as a hopeless condition, so they ran some more tests on people whose problem was emphasema, and they ran Vitamin A against a placebo. Test after test kept coming up with reduced the size of the emphasema lesions in the tests along with numerous x-rays showing reduced affliction to total absence of the disease. My doctor ran some tests on me a few years back and found me deficient in potassium, Vitamin D and Vitamin A. I took supplements for a while, but stopped when my fatigue went away. Now I'm getting leg cramps and reviewed studies in potassium, A and D. I'm going upstairs and starting over, except this time, I'm not going to quit because of Vitamin A helping people with lung problems so much. It's also the eye vitamin, and people who also take Lutein along with their regular One-a-Day vitamins have less trouble with eye pain when driving at night when combined with vitamin A. If you add Collagen and Biotin supplements, your skin clears up and you look younger. The new creams available even at walmart now can eliminate the crows feet near the eyes, puffy areas above and below the eye, and get rid of those cruddy rings that form at the base of the neck when you hit 60. When I tried it, 3 months later all those wrinkles disappeared, which was unheard of 25 years ago. Now, Hollywood actresses are still working up into their 70s with no wrinkles on their faces any more.

Oh, my, I'd be getting myself chewed out if this were a political thread and i strayed in four directions from the topic. <giggle> :laugh2: :backpedal: :laugh2:

Anyway, my emphasema friend called me the other day and he went and got a bottle of vitamin A. Hopefully, we'll still be pals 10 years from now instead of me having another friend who's 6 feet under. :(

That does it. After my cuppa coffee, I'm going straight upstairs and working on another ship quilt. I have enough squares in process to make 4 blue quilts for charity. I spent a couple of months making nothing but pink quilts for EJ's granddaughters and a whole lotta fire engines for the 5 grandsons who were EJ's heirs as well. When the roses bloom, I'm gonna take a couple of them to lay on EJ's grave, and his wife who died 10 years ago. His mother lopped off about 15 acres for a family plot years ago, so they're situated right next to the farm they held onto through the depression in the 30s and back several generations.
How interesting! I will get vitamin A today. Keep going on the quilts! I am sure they are appreciated!

Thank you
Best wishes, Jackson.

Not all doctors ignore nutrition. This one has a way of unclogging arteries and reducing high blood pressure. All you gotta do other than this is to (daily) walk around the block a couple of times (start in with a shorter walk if 2 blocks is too much). Also, if you're over 50, you need to stretch a minute or two before engaging in physical activity if you aren't already on an exercise program. Stretching will reduce any soreness that would have risen if you didn't want to be laid up for a long winter's nap with aches and pains. Now for my Doctor friend, Mr. Informed-about-nutrition:
(Clogged arteries result from the build-up of a substance called plaque in the arterial walls. It is also medically referred to as arterial plaque. This plaque can reduce blood flow or even block it altogether.) His panacea takes 7 weeks, but it should start opening clogged arteries a little at a time each morning. If you already had a meal, drink a half cup of distilled or purified water and wait 2 hours to have that empty stomach. It took me about a half hour to peel the lemons and process them in my blender, which took one cup of water to ensure proper blending of the items drawn and quartered. :D Also, my blender has a setting entitled "Liquefy" which I used. and there wasn't a shred of anything except mush in the strainer by the time I got to the straining step. The drink doesn't taste near as bad as the #@%$* beet juice. :lmao:I'm so old my ankles are swollen due to clogged arteries and I'm hoping to have ankles like Marilyn Monroe in her prime again. The doctor wanted me to have my arteries surgically scrubbed a month or two ago, but I dragged my heels at the thought of it because I live alone, my nearest relative is 100 miles away, so on Ground Hog's day I'm going to write a note to revisit the doctor's office so I can hear her say "What th-....???" when she checks my unclogged arteries and wonders why my condition is reversed. Yes, I know. Optimism can be a fault. :D

Walking extended distances is out of the question for me. I get groceries delivered and cannot go anywhere without my oxygen.
Walking room to room is about my length of "walks."
Sorry folks! I've been away too long. It has been an eventful couple of weeks for me. I had a scheduled colonoscopy for the day before Thanksgiving! That meant Tuesday was prep day! Everybody's favorite! Then 7:00 am, down to the clinic for pictures, and they didn't give me one to hang on the fridge! Groggy from the anesthetic I slept Wednesday away. Then, what did I face the next day but a heaping Thanksgiving dinner!

I had adoctor appointment on the Tuesday after Thanksgiving. But the day before I walked from the Great Hall here at the Luxurious Pimplebutt Estate to my bedroom. Upon getting there, I felt light headed. Then I saw the lights one would see upon getting a blow to the nose! Kness buckled, a staggering step and, in the words of Howard Cosell, DOWN GOES NOSMO! I smacked my noggin on the consol table biffing up my left eye and rendering me more senseless than usual.

Well, I told the doctor about that during my exam last Tuesday. His face blanched and immediately ordered up a regimen of high priced medical tests. He advised I go to the ER as they would be able to apply the battery of testing he wanted right away. So, as my doctor's office is actually in the hospital, I was seated in a wheelchair and dispacted to a waiting bed in the emergency room.

First, blood tests then a couple bags of saline were pumped into me. Then blood pressure testing. Laying down, blood pressure. Sitting up, blood pressure. Standing up, blood pressure. And there's your problem! It drops twenty point when I stand. EKG, chest x-ray, electrocardiogram, more blood drawn and the news, we're going to keep you here tonight!

I phoned my brother to do two things for me. First, take Daisy the Mutt home with him. Second, DON'T TELL MOM! I didn't want her to wring her hands in worry for me.

At midnight (of course it would be midnight) I was wheeled down for a CAT scan on my head. They found nothing. The hospital vampires stopped by every couple hours to draw more vials of my blood. Meanwhile, I had nothing to eat since 10:00 the proceeding morning. All I really wanted were two basic human needs. Food and sleep.

I tossed and turned all night. At 9:00 the next morning, I was visited by my doctor. He added to the chemistry set I down every day and took mercy on me and I was discharged. I drove to a nearby diner and had the best breakfast and the second best cup of coffee in my life.

So I've been keeping busy. How's by yinz guys?
I've been in front of the sewing machine for several days and too much time spent there, NosmoKing, and I was doing a little catching up this morning. Prayers up for your complete return to health. :eusa_pray:
One thing I will say about it all.....IF the results come back and I have cancer somewhere....oh HAYELL no will I quit. Nope. I'm dyin' anyway, I figure, so why not do what I want with cigs?
That's what I think. But if smoking makes you uncomfortable, don't do it.

My mother lived many years in an Alzheimer's unit. I will not accept that. I'm happy, comfortable and ready for what ever God has plans for me.
Hi all. The wife had her first round of this chemo yesterday which meant six hours at the cancer center most of which was waiting. First blood draw then an hour later meeting with the doc to make sure all was good to start the chemo and discuss possible side effects and precautions then an hour later for the infusion, waiting for the drug to be mixed then an hour administering it via infusion pump. When we left at 6PM she decided she wanted Dominos Pizza after we got home. We quickly decided that was a mistake and will never do that again, back to Dion's......... Their pizza is a thousand times better.
The chemo is Doxorubicin commonly referred to as the Red Devil, she can have eight cycles only over a lifetime, it's that toxic. Part of what the doc covered was dealing with bodily fluids for the first 48 hours after the drug being administered. Close the toilet lid when flushing and flush twice, handle any possible cleanup with rubber gloves and if she sweats profusely wash all affected clothing and bedding separately in hot water. Barring any possible new trials that might pop up this is the last treatment they have available.
In the meantime I'm starting to convert over to all natural, organic foods and no hormone, grass feed meats, eggs and poultry, something I should have done a year ago.
That's all for now. Hope all of you are doing well.
Ringle, prayers up for Mrs. Ringle. :eusa_pray: Y'all are the best.
Sorry folks! I've been away too long. It has been an eventful couple of weeks for me. I had a scheduled colonoscopy for the day before Thanksgiving! That meant Tuesday was prep day! Everybody's favorite! Then 7:00 am, down to the clinic for pictures, and they didn't give me one to hang on the fridge! Groggy from the anesthetic I slept Wednesday away. Then, what did I face the next day but a heaping Thanksgiving dinner!

I had adoctor appointment on the Tuesday after Thanksgiving. But the day before I walked from the Great Hall here at the Luxurious Pimplebutt Estate to my bedroom. Upon getting there, I felt light headed. Then I saw the lights one would see upon getting a blow to the nose! Kness buckled, a staggering step and, in the words of Howard Cosell, DOWN GOES NOSMO! I smacked my noggin on the consol table biffing up my left eye and rendering me more senseless than usual.

Well, I told the doctor about that during my exam last Tuesday. His face blanched and immediately ordered up a regimen of high priced medical tests. He advised I go to the ER as they would be able to apply the battery of testing he wanted right away. So, as my doctor's office is actually in the hospital, I was seated in a wheelchair and dispacted to a waiting bed in the emergency room.

First, blood tests then a couple bags of saline were pumped into me. Then blood pressure testing. Laying down, blood pressure. Sitting up, blood pressure. Standing up, blood pressure. And there's your problem! It drops twenty point when I stand. EKG, chest x-ray, electrocardiogram, more blood drawn and the news, we're going to keep you here tonight!

I phoned my brother to do two things for me. First, take Daisy the Mutt home with him. Second, DON'T TELL MOM! I didn't want her to wring her hands in worry for me.

At midnight (of course it would be midnight) I was wheeled down for a CAT scan on my head. They found nothing. The hospital vampires stopped by every couple hours to draw more vials of my blood. Meanwhile, I had nothing to eat since 10:00 the proceeding morning. All I really wanted were two basic human needs. Food and sleep.

I tossed and turned all night. At 9:00 the next morning, I was visited by my doctor. He added to the chemistry set I down every day and took mercy on me and I was discharged. I drove to a nearby diner and had the best breakfast and the second best cup of coffee in my life.

So I've been keeping busy. How's by yinz guys?
I've been in front of the sewing machine for several days and too much time spent there, NosmoKing, and I was doing a little catching up this morning. Prayers up for your complete return to health. :eusa_pray:
Thank you, but that is not in the cards. I've already had one stroke (very small) that targeted my left eye. I get shots in my eye about every 6 weeks. I couldn't see anything out of that eye, but I can make out some things now, so that is great. So in my right's functioning well.

Take a moment to think how bad things COULD be and I am perfectly happy with my life now.
One thing I will say about it all.....IF the results come back and I have cancer somewhere....oh HAYELL no will I quit. Nope. I'm dyin' anyway, I figure, so why not do what I want with cigs?
That's what I think. But if smoking makes you uncomfortable, don't do it.

My mother lived many years in an Alzheimer's unit. I will not accept that. I'm happy, comfortable and ready for what ever God has plans for me.
Jackson... :huddle: You are loved.
Hi all. The wife had her first round of this chemo yesterday which meant six hours at the cancer center most of which was waiting. First blood draw then an hour later meeting with the doc to make sure all was good to start the chemo and discuss possible side effects and precautions then an hour later for the infusion, waiting for the drug to be mixed then an hour administering it via infusion pump. When we left at 6PM she decided she wanted Dominos Pizza after we got home. We quickly decided that was a mistake and will never do that again, back to Dion's......... Their pizza is a thousand times better.
The chemo is Doxorubicin commonly referred to as the Red Devil, she can have eight cycles only over a lifetime, it's that toxic. Part of what the doc covered was dealing with bodily fluids for the first 48 hours after the drug being administered. Close the toilet lid when flushing and flush twice, handle any possible cleanup with rubber gloves and if she sweats profusely wash all affected clothing and bedding separately in hot water. Barring any possible new trials that might pop up this is the last treatment they have available.
In the meantime I'm starting to convert over to all natural, organic foods and no hormone, grass feed meats, eggs and poultry, something I should have done a year ago.
That's all for now. Hope all of you are doing well.
Ringel, I am so sorry for what you are going through. I do hope that you both have good times that you smile and realize how luck you have been to be together.
One thing I will say about it all.....IF the results come back and I have cancer somewhere....oh HAYELL no will I quit. Nope. I'm dyin' anyway, I figure, so why not do what I want with cigs?
That's what I think. But if smoking makes you uncomfortable, don't do it.

My mother lived many years in an Alzheimer's unit. I will not accept that. I'm happy, comfortable and ready for what ever God has plans for me.
Jackson... :huddle: You are loved.
Oh, how sweet! Yes I am loved and am so lucky to have my family! I have been blessed so much and the blessings continue!!!
God has great plans for you, too!
Warning! Don't lose you sense of humor no matter what you're going through. The ability to laugh is a blessing you've been given, you know.

Every morning my son wakes me with a phone call to ask me what I'm, doing. One day, I said, "I'm painting the house. what do you think I'm doing?" We laughed, so he calls me each day wanting to know what I'm doing and I have to dream up something crazy to make his day. Today I said I wanted to get an aerial view of my house but my drone is too much trouble, so I'm building a ferris wheel. Ah, to giggle is fun.
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Dang, gallantwarrior ..when it rains it pours for you too! You are one strong dude, buddy. Don't let anyone...or YOU...tell you different. Don't know what the "worst thing ever" is, but it must be bad. My prayers are up for ya, hon.

And now..I am off to bed. Doc appt tomorrow (regular doc), to see what to do about my high blood pressure. Docs and nurses at the hospital said I am a walking time bomb for a stroke. I damn sure don't want one of those and survive it. I'd rather kick than wake up a vegetable with the need to depend on MrGracie. I adore him, but he would NOT be a good caregiver. Nope. I'd be fucked 3 ways to sunday if I had to rely on him.
Anyway..I put off the stop smoking until I can see my doc. BP will skyrocket worse going thru withdrawals, so I want to try to get this under control, then start the patch. Whether I can get it down or not doesn't matter. I have 4 packs left. Once those are gone..that's it. My patches patiently await me.

Throat still sore too. Not as bad, but still....he fucked it up something fierce. I gotta ask him tomorrow when I swing by to see my reg Doc just what the hell he did and did it fuck up my thyroid cuz it feels like I wanna puke all the time from being poked in the throat..but nobody is poking it, so he did a number on the INSIDE is my guess and I wanna know how long this feeling will last. Talked ot Sister In Laws brother and he saidhe had it done too a month or so ago and it took 2 weeks for his throat to heal and yes...he felt like puking and a throat poking too. Said they SHOVE that thing down your throat and devil take the hindmost so I presume they did the same thing to me. Nether region is doing just fine so far. No problems. Everything "normal" if you get my drift. So...I wanna see what he did, any biopsies, results of those if he did that, and in He told me some stuff but I was still comig out of anesthesia and have no clue what he said.

Anyway....bedtime. See yall tomorrow! Will let ya know what both docs say.

Ringel05 regards to you and the wife. Will be praying for you both.
Sleep well, Gracie.
I know what you mean about surviving a stroke. After all the shit I've been through with the partner after his stroke, I'd rather just kick it, too. The partner is irritable and angry all the time, just spoiling for a fight. While he's never been physically violent before, he totally lost his shit Sunday and punched me in the mouth because he couldn't figure out how to log onto a website and I pretty much refused to do it for him. He's got to learn how to do this kind of thing for himself. After he started throwing things and I told him to quit acting like a three-year-old having a temper tantrum, he popped me one good. He's been back at his place in town since then and he has me to thank that he didn't go to jail. I made a case for him to go home instead because of his recent stroke and other medical issues. I don't know whether he realizes how badly he screwed up his life by allowing himself to lose control like he did. When we go to court, I am going to insist on anger management and that he see a doctor about his issues.
Somehow I missed this post, GW. Prayers up for you. FWIW, I hope you reported the punch at least to the emergency room. Blows to the head can cause mild concussion in their best light and can lead to dementia, as I know from the loss of my husband and his 10-year battle with the disease, which came to our attention about 3 years before he died. The blow to his head was executed by a gang of bullies in the early 60s, and according to his neurologist, the brain starts falling away from the brain at the site of the blow and can take half a lifetime to show up as dementia. Who knew back then he would die of his wounds half a lifetime later which was the first time the truth of the damage came to light? And FWIW, there are procedures nowadays in neurologist land that can prevent the problem if it is first identified in an emergency room test that should be administered when the head receives the blow. This also gives you a legal right or two in the case of a partnership that leads to a blow anywhere above the neck. Be sure someone official knows about your blow, O gallant one, because it could help cover costs of your procedures when and if you ever need something done related to that blow to your head, and it could prevent you spending the last few years of your life wondering who you are and what you did with your precious life and whether you have children. :huddle:

If you haven't seen a medical expert (Neurologist) about your head blow, consider the symptoms here: Concussions: How They Can Affect You Now and Later | University of Utah Health
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Warning! Don't lose you sense of humor no matter what you're going through. The ability to laugh is a blessing you've been given, you know.

Every morning my son wakes me with a phone call to ask me what I'm, doing. One day, I said, "I'm painting the house. what do you think I'm doing?" We laughed, so he calls me each day wanting to know what I'm doing and I have to dream up something crazy to make his day. Today I said I wanted to get an aerial view of my house but my drone is too much trouble, so I'm building a ferris wheel. Ah, to giggle is fun.
I'm gonna use that line. Except I am going up on my 20-ft. ladder and scrub the shady side of my house with clorox bleach to remove the scum buildup that discolors the siding. :muahaha:

I love the stuff I learn coming here. <giggle!>
Dang, gallantwarrior ..when it rains it pours for you too! You are one strong dude, buddy. Don't let anyone...or YOU...tell you different. Don't know what the "worst thing ever" is, but it must be bad. My prayers are up for ya, hon.

And now..I am off to bed. Doc appt tomorrow (regular doc), to see what to do about my high blood pressure. Docs and nurses at the hospital said I am a walking time bomb for a stroke. I damn sure don't want one of those and survive it. I'd rather kick than wake up a vegetable with the need to depend on MrGracie. I adore him, but he would NOT be a good caregiver. Nope. I'd be fucked 3 ways to sunday if I had to rely on him.
Anyway..I put off the stop smoking until I can see my doc. BP will skyrocket worse going thru withdrawals, so I want to try to get this under control, then start the patch. Whether I can get it down or not doesn't matter. I have 4 packs left. Once those are gone..that's it. My patches patiently await me.

Throat still sore too. Not as bad, but still....he fucked it up something fierce. I gotta ask him tomorrow when I swing by to see my reg Doc just what the hell he did and did it fuck up my thyroid cuz it feels like I wanna puke all the time from being poked in the throat..but nobody is poking it, so he did a number on the INSIDE is my guess and I wanna know how long this feeling will last. Talked ot Sister In Laws brother and he saidhe had it done too a month or so ago and it took 2 weeks for his throat to heal and yes...he felt like puking and a throat poking too. Said they SHOVE that thing down your throat and devil take the hindmost so I presume they did the same thing to me. Nether region is doing just fine so far. No problems. Everything "normal" if you get my drift. So...I wanna see what he did, any biopsies, results of those if he did that, and in He told me some stuff but I was still comig out of anesthesia and have no clue what he said.

Anyway....bedtime. See yall tomorrow! Will let ya know what both docs say.

Ringel05 regards to you and the wife. Will be praying for you both.
Sleep well, Gracie.
I know what you mean about surviving a stroke. After all the shit I've been through with the partner after his stroke, I'd rather just kick it, too. The partner is irritable and angry all the time, just spoiling for a fight. While he's never been physically violent before, he totally lost his shit Sunday and punched me in the mouth because he couldn't figure out how to log onto a website and I pretty much refused to do it for him. He's got to learn how to do this kind of thing for himself. After he started throwing things and I told him to quit acting like a three-year-old having a temper tantrum, he popped me one good. He's been back at his place in town since then and he has me to thank that he didn't go to jail. I made a case for him to go home instead because of his recent stroke and other medical issues. I don't know whether he realizes how badly he screwed up his life by allowing himself to lose control like he did. When we go to court, I am going to insist on anger management and that he see a doctor about his issues.
Somehow I missed this post, GW. Prayers up for you. FWIW, I hope you reported the punch at least to the emergency room. Blows to the head can cause mild concussion in their best light and can lead to dementia, as I know from the loss of my husband and his 10-year battle with the disease, which came to our attention about 3 years before he died. The blow to his head was executed by a gang of bullies in the early 60s, and according to his neurologist, the brain starts falling away from the brain at the site of the blow and can take half a lifetime to show up as dementia. Who knew back then he would die of his wounds half a lifetime later which was the first time the truth of the damage came to light? And FWIW, there are procedures nowadays in neurologist land that can prevent the problem if it is first identified in an emergency room test that should be administered when the head receives the blow. This also gives you a legal right or two in the case of a partnership that leads to a blow anywhere above the neck. Be sure someone official knows about your blow, O gallant one, because it could help cover costs of your procedures when and if you ever need something done related to that blow to your head, and it could prevent you spending the last few years of your life wondering who you are and what you did with your precious life and whether you have children. :huddle:

If you haven't seen a medical expert (Neurologist) about your head blow, consider the symptoms here: Concussions: How They Can Affect You Now and Later | University of Utah Health
Thanks for the info.
I called the police as soon as possible. He's been charged with Assault 4. I don't know whether he realizes just how badly he screwed up his life with that one impulsive blow. He really does need to get some medical attention for the cerebral infection he's gotten since his stroke. For now, he's staying at his house in Anchorage and I am happy to be in my place.

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