USMB Coffee Shop IV

Monday after working my buns off for a long time, I got 10 complex quilt tops off to the Charity Bees. I haven't been feeling well lately, so I stayed away from the monthly work meeting session. And I need to get a couple of quilts off to my son's step grandkids. His partner's daughter and son's wife both had a baby, one girl and one boy. My cousin needs one for a new baby granddaughter. There's always something else to do, but somehow the work goes forward.

Can't sleep tonight, but I'm getting there... zzzz! Hope everyone has a great day today, so good night, all. :huddle:
Dajjal, your photos always touch the heart. Thank you.
Any news on your foxes this past year?

I occasionally hear a Fox calling at night, but I have not seen one this year. Mind you I don't look out of the window much now. When I was photographing them a couple of years ago, I looked out of the window every few minutes. They don't normally make a noise, so you have to be watching out of the window to see them.
There should be one place in the USMB village where folks can just be themselves and get to know each other as we would if we lived next door or worked together or joined the same gym.

This is a place to just come in and say hi, let us know what's going on with you these days, celebrate joys, concerns, jokes, music, hobbies, interests, love and life.

So check your spurs, sidearms, politics, and religious fussing at the door, come in to enjoy an adult beverage or a hot cup of coffee and a piece of pie or whatever comforts your soul, and let's just enjoy each other.

/———/ Boooooooooooring.
There should be one place in the USMB village where folks can just be themselves and get to know each other as we would if we lived next door or worked together or joined the same gym.

This is a place to just come in and say hi, let us know what's going on with you these days, celebrate joys, concerns, jokes, music, hobbies, interests, love and life.

So check your spurs, sidearms, politics, and religious fussing at the door, come in to enjoy an adult beverage or a hot cup of coffee and a piece of pie or whatever comforts your soul, and let's just enjoy each other.

/———/ Boooooooooooring.

There are plenty of other forums & threads on this board to get your excitement from. With such a diverse crowd and amount of fighting, there should always be a place to gather with gloves off. To share more personal struggles and success's whether great or small, or to just chat, or chuckle, with the knowledge of being accepted without fear of ridicule or malice. Those of us who visit the Coffee Shop, realize the need for balance, to experience the relaxing calm or take a breather among friends. This is a good place for all that and an even better group of people to do it with. Maybe you ought to try it sometime, just remember your manners :)
Dajjal, your photos always touch the heart. Thank you.
Any news on your foxes this past year?

I occasionally hear a Fox calling at night, but I have not seen one this year. Mind you I don't look out of the window much now. When I was photographing them a couple of years ago, I looked out of the window every few minutes. They don't normally make a noise, so you have to be watching out of the window to see them.
Years ago I had a family of foxes living under my car trailer. They raised kits every year for a few years. They managed to eat all my strawberries and killed at least on of my cats. I did enjoy watching them. Red fox are beautiful animals. I was just wondering whether you had seen yours lately.
Weather has been warmer but snowy. We got about 12 inches in the past couple of days.
Partner is learning just how easy it is to deal with government agencies and insurance companies. I washed my hands of his issues after he punched me in the face a month or so past. He hasn't been pleasant to deal with for years now but he took a pretty big hit when he had his stroke. That hair-trigger temper and his ability to forget what he said minutes before, as well as where he puts things have been worse and are getting more aggravated as time passes. When the weather turns, he will be returning to his hoarder's hell in town. I need to shovel out and sanitize my home. Looking around, I feel like Hercules and that I might divert the creek to clean this place out.
My two crippled kids are doing okay, for now. I've been caring for their feet and legs as best I can and they are about half way through their two-week regimen of antibiotics to help prevent infection. It's really a shame that veterinarians around here are focused on the pet market (more money than farm animals) and most won't even look at livestock, even if you can get them in to the office. I just offered the does a opportunity to go outside for a break and some exercise. They stepped off the porch into the snow, turned around and came right back inside. They're bored, not stupid!
Weather has been warmer but snowy. We got about 12 inches in the past couple of days.
Partner is learning just how easy it is to deal with government agencies and insurance companies. I washed my hands of his issues after he punched me in the face a month or so past. He hasn't been pleasant to deal with for years now but he took a pretty big hit when he had his stroke. That hair-trigger temper and his ability to forget what he said minutes before, as well as where he puts things have been worse and are getting more aggravated as time passes. When the weather turns, he will be returning to his hoarder's hell in town. I need to shovel out and sanitize my home. Looking around, I feel like Hercules and that I might divert the creek to clean this place out.
My two crippled kids are doing okay, for now. I've been caring for their feet and legs as best I can and they are about half way through their two-week regimen of antibiotics to help prevent infection. It's really a shame that veterinarians around here are focused on the pet market (more money than farm animals) and most won't even look at livestock, even if you can get them in to the office. I just offered the does a opportunity to go outside for a break and some exercise. They stepped off the porch into the snow, turned around and came right back inside. They're bored, not stupid!
You're more at risk than you know, gw. You may need to look into a full-care facility. If he punched you in the face, you better hide anything that remotely resembles a weapon he could harm you with. My prayers are up for you. See a lawyer. Don't put it off.
Boy, what a nothing day. Made a routine run to Wally World to buy a weeks' worth of water. My well is still kaput until I can settle my finances, and right now, some of that water will come in handy for a bath. Marine baths just don't do it for me, and this no water in the house stuff is something I never had to deal with for more than a couple of hours in the past.

I didn't sew a stitch, but located a few more quilt stores in my state, all of which are out of my driving range, and my escort left the planet almost four years ago now, and he was also the photographer, so I can' show you any pictures of the quilts I turned in because there aren't any, and our charity bees are so busy working on quilts they don't have time for taking pictures either, so my entire career is like it didn't happen after I die. Oh, well, I'm not giving up, I have a goal this year of trying to complete 60 quilts, and since it's terrible outside right now, it's a perfect time to get most of this stuff done. I'm pretty sure I turned in 10 quilts in January, because December went by too fast, so the quilts not done in the busy holiday season got done by mid January. And I'm not exactly off the starting line for next month's donation. This waterless situation has me trying to keep my mind off the lack of a good hot steamy bath on these cold days. It turned bitter today, and it could freeze tonight. brrrr! Well, it's only seven thirty here. I could get something started or finish the edges around the red and white brick quilt with blue mortar. It's gonna be so cute. :D /bragging stops now.

Love y'all! :huddle: Hope everything works out well for everybody this week.
so my entire career is like it didn't happen after I die.

Oh yes it did....just because you don't have pictures to prove what you've done to any of us or others, I have NO doubt the receivers of your quilts and their family & friends as well will remember you for it Even if they don't know you made it, you will still have a place in their hearts.
Thanks, J.A.N. I'll definitely perk up this morning and do what can be done. I figured out a way to make my own portapotty using two old walmart bags and an empty bleach bottle with a pair of kitchen scissors, cut off a top that will double as a "funnel" to gas up the Kubota tractor (when it stops raining freezing water) and a bottom that is lined and placed in the center of the base of a plastic chair I bought for my husband when he needed to sit in the shower to get clean when he was suffering from dementia. It was only used for a couple of weeks before his symptoms took him over and he passed. In spite of his vegatative state, I still loved him for all the laughter his jokes brightened my life with, his saving ways that left me enough to pay taxes with (if I can figure out how to keep it in the winning market), and fund my life so I can continue making quilts for free for the little fatherless babies that are being born around college campuses where the young men think there are no consequences for pleasure, until a young woman comes along and doesn't extinguish the life growing inside her body for the errors of youth. I read that there are now more extinguished lives than the births that happen in our country these days. Sometimes my vespers at night include tears for them, and it wasn't until I turned around 60 that it occurred to me that my college philosophy professor of years before that was correct about the unborn being real people early on in their first phases of life. I don't know why that started mattering to me, but it just took me a long number of years to sort out the debate and realize his words were good and true. It's just that not everyone comes to that same conclusion in the land of the free, so half our babies in this nation die before birth, and every one of them feels pain as their life is being extinguished, but you can't fight city hall. :( And I'm not good enough at debate to change minds, so that's that.
Thanks, J.A.N. I'll definitely perk up this morning and do what can be done. I figured out a way to make my own portapotty using two old walmart bags and an empty bleach bottle with a pair of kitchen scissors, cut off a top that will double as a "funnel" to gas up the Kubota tractor (when it stops raining freezing water) and a bottom that is lined and placed in the center of the base of a plastic chair I bought for my husband when he needed to sit in the shower to get clean when he was suffering from dementia. It was only used for a couple of weeks before his symptoms took him over and he passed. In spite of his vegatative state, I still loved him for all the laughter his jokes brightened my life with, his saving ways that left me enough to pay taxes with (if I can figure out how to keep it in the winning market), and fund my life so I can continue making quilts for free for the little fatherless babies that are being born around college campuses where the young men think there are no consequences for pleasure, until a young woman comes along and doesn't extinguish the life growing inside her body for the errors of youth. I read that there are now more extinguished lives than the births that happen in our country these days. Sometimes my vespers at night include tears for them, and it wasn't until I turned around 60 that it occurred to me that my college philosophy professor of years before that was correct about the unborn being real people early on in their first phases of life. I don't know why that started mattering to me, but it just took me a long number of years to sort out the debate and realize his words were good and true. It's just that not everyone comes to that same conclusion in the land of the free, so half our babies in this nation die before birth, and every one of them feels pain as their life is being extinguished, but you can't fight city hall. :( And I'm not good enough at debate to change minds, so that's that.

You are quite an adventure Lady Beautress.. :smiliehug:
There should be one place in the USMB village where folks can just be themselves and get to know each other as we would if we lived next door or worked together or joined the same gym.

This is a place to just come in and say hi, let us know what's going on with you these days, celebrate joys, concerns, jokes, music, hobbies, interests, love and life.

So check your spurs, sidearms, politics, and religious fussing at the door, come in to enjoy an adult beverage or a hot cup of coffee and a piece of pie or whatever comforts your soul, and let's just enjoy each other.

/———/ Boooooooooooring.

There are plenty of other forums & threads on this board to get your excitement from. With such a diverse crowd and amount of fighting, there should always be a place to gather with gloves off. To share more personal struggles and success's whether great or small, or to just chat, or chuckle, with the knowledge of being accepted without fear of ridicule or malice. Those of us who visit the Coffee Shop, realize the need for balance, to experience the relaxing calm or take a breather among friends. This is a good place for all that and an even better group of people to do it with. Maybe you ought to try it sometime, just remember your manners :)
Outta the park, J.A.N.!!! You touched my heart.
Thanks, J.A.N. I'll definitely perk up this morning and do what can be done. I figured out a way to make my own portapotty using two old walmart bags and an empty bleach bottle with a pair of kitchen scissors, cut off a top that will double as a "funnel" to gas up the Kubota tractor (when it stops raining freezing water) and a bottom that is lined and placed in the center of the base of a plastic chair I bought for my husband when he needed to sit in the shower to get clean when he was suffering from dementia. It was only used for a couple of weeks before his symptoms took him over and he passed. In spite of his vegatative state, I still loved him for all the laughter his jokes brightened my life with, his saving ways that left me enough to pay taxes with (if I can figure out how to keep it in the winning market), and fund my life so I can continue making quilts for free for the little fatherless babies that are being born around college campuses where the young men think there are no consequences for pleasure, until a young woman comes along and doesn't extinguish the life growing inside her body for the errors of youth. I read that there are now more extinguished lives than the births that happen in our country these days. Sometimes my vespers at night include tears for them, and it wasn't until I turned around 60 that it occurred to me that my college philosophy professor of years before that was correct about the unborn being real people early on in their first phases of life. I don't know why that started mattering to me, but it just took me a long number of years to sort out the debate and realize his words were good and true. It's just that not everyone comes to that same conclusion in the land of the free, so half our babies in this nation die before birth, and every one of them feels pain as their life is being extinguished, but you can't fight city hall. :( And I'm not good enough at debate to change minds, so that's that.

You are quite an adventure Lady Beautress.. :smiliehug:
Thank you, Mr. Lumpy One. :)
There should be one place in the USMB village where folks can just be themselves and get to know each other as we would if we lived next door or worked together or joined the same gym.

This is a place to just come in and say hi, let us know what's going on with you these days, celebrate joys, concerns, jokes, music, hobbies, interests, love and life.

So check your spurs, sidearms, politics, and religious fussing at the door, come in to enjoy an adult beverage or a hot cup of coffee and a piece of pie or whatever comforts your soul, and let's just enjoy each other.

/———/ Boooooooooooring.
Cheese Louise, Cellerblock. Why didn't you tell us what you really think. <giggle>
There should be one place in the USMB village where folks can just be themselves and get to know each other as we would if we lived next door or worked together or joined the same gym.

This is a place to just come in and say hi, let us know what's going on with you these days, celebrate joys, concerns, jokes, music, hobbies, interests, love and life.

So check your spurs, sidearms, politics, and religious fussing at the door, come in to enjoy an adult beverage or a hot cup of coffee and a piece of pie or whatever comforts your soul, and let's just enjoy each other.

/———/ Boooooooooooring.
Cheese Louise, Cellerblock. Why didn't you tell us what you really think. <giggle>
/—-/ Why don’t you USMB guys form a quilting club?
There should be one place in the USMB village where folks can just be themselves and get to know each other as we would if we lived next door or worked together or joined the same gym.

This is a place to just come in and say hi, let us know what's going on with you these days, celebrate joys, concerns, jokes, music, hobbies, interests, love and life.

So check your spurs, sidearms, politics, and religious fussing at the door, come in to enjoy an adult beverage or a hot cup of coffee and a piece of pie or whatever comforts your soul, and let's just enjoy each other.

/———/ Boooooooooooring.
Cheese Louise, Cellerblock. Why didn't you tell us what you really think. <giggle>
/—-/ Why don’t you USMB guys form a quilting club?
Because they snore same as me when the guys talk handgun weapons shop. We endure because we're friends here, doll. And we put up with our pals, whether it's caliberspeak or uneven log cabins blocks. You're welcome to join, but it's not ever boring to listen to a friend. At least not to me.
There should be one place in the USMB village where folks can just be themselves and get to know each other as we would if we lived next door or worked together or joined the same gym.

This is a place to just come in and say hi, let us know what's going on with you these days, celebrate joys, concerns, jokes, music, hobbies, interests, love and life.

So check your spurs, sidearms, politics, and religious fussing at the door, come in to enjoy an adult beverage or a hot cup of coffee and a piece of pie or whatever comforts your soul, and let's just enjoy each other.

/———/ Boooooooooooring.
Cheese Louise, Cellerblock. Why didn't you tell us what you really think. <giggle>
/—-/ Why don’t you USMB guys form a quilting club?
Because they snore same as me when the guys talk handgun weapons shop. We endure because we're friends here, doll. And we put up with our pals, whether it's caliberspeak or uneven log cabins blocks. You're welcome to join, but it's not ever boring to listen to a friend. At least not to me.

You snore, Becki? My wife says she doesn't snore. She says she's dreaming that she's riding a motorcycle. I don't argue with her.
There should be one place in the USMB village where folks can just be themselves and get to know each other as we would if we lived next door or worked together or joined the same gym.

This is a place to just come in and say hi, let us know what's going on with you these days, celebrate joys, concerns, jokes, music, hobbies, interests, love and life.

So check your spurs, sidearms, politics, and religious fussing at the door, come in to enjoy an adult beverage or a hot cup of coffee and a piece of pie or whatever comforts your soul, and let's just enjoy each other.

/———/ Boooooooooooring.

There are plenty of other forums & threads on this board to get your excitement from. With such a diverse crowd and amount of fighting, there should always be a place to gather with gloves off. To share more personal struggles and success's whether great or small, or to just chat, or chuckle, with the knowledge of being accepted without fear of ridicule or malice. Those of us who visit the Coffee Shop, realize the need for balance, to experience the relaxing calm or take a breather among friends. This is a good place for all that and an even better group of people to do it with. Maybe you ought to try it sometime, just remember your manners :)

Thank you for this JAN. You absolutely demonstrate the spirit of what the Coffee Shop is intended to be. ((((hugs))))
There should be one place in the USMB village where folks can just be themselves and get to know each other as we would if we lived next door or worked together or joined the same gym.

This is a place to just come in and say hi, let us know what's going on with you these days, celebrate joys, concerns, jokes, music, hobbies, interests, love and life.

So check your spurs, sidearms, politics, and religious fussing at the door, come in to enjoy an adult beverage or a hot cup of coffee and a piece of pie or whatever comforts your soul, and let's just enjoy each other.

/———/ Boooooooooooring.

There are plenty of other forums & threads on this board to get your excitement from. With such a diverse crowd and amount of fighting, there should always be a place to gather with gloves off. To share more personal struggles and success's whether great or small, or to just chat, or chuckle, with the knowledge of being accepted without fear of ridicule or malice. Those of us who visit the Coffee Shop, realize the need for balance, to experience the relaxing calm or take a breather among friends. This is a good place for all that and an even better group of people to do it with. Maybe you ought to try it sometime, just remember your manners :)

Thank you for this JAN. You absolutely demonstrate the spirit of what the Coffee Shop is intended to be. ((((hugs))))
Righto! I even get along with Pogo here.

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