USMB Coffee Shop IV

40 years ago today, I was glued to the teevee to watch one of the most spellbinding games of any kind in my life...

All the goals from that evening...I remember when the last-second goal was scored in the 1st period ( @ 0:42), they might actually have a chance.....When Eruzione scored to make it 4-3, there was still 10:00 left in the game....A month in hockey time.....Yet they held on and won!



I have the movie of it in my movie collection. :)
Hey guys! Sorry I have been MIA. When I am not here, I am on twitter reading and eating popcorn (not really..just reading, lol)...or helping MrG put his puzzle together or watching tv. Right now, I'm trying to decide if I like Hunters with Al Pacino on Amazon. Not sure yet. In case nobody knows..its a new show...this is the first season. Nazi hunters, time frame 1977 or thereabouts. Still debating if I want to continue it cuz its a, story wise.

I've been thinking of you the last few days. My colonoscopy was yesterday, but was put on a liquid diet for 3 days prior, then all the laxatives in less than 24 hours. I may never drink Gatorade again. And all that prep was the worst of it. Twilight was the only option, but I was out like a light all during the procedure. The nurse had to wake me up to tell me to go home. Had a couple of polyps removed, Dr said they were fine, but will get the report next week. ok TMI but I don't want to do that again.
3 days???? Overkill, in my opinion and I told my doc when he gave me his set of rules prior, that there is no way I will follow those rules. Bull hockey, I said. You drink that crap they give ya and shit til all you shit is nothing but clear stuff. Then stop. Ive done that 2 times now and both times was accepted as "clean enough".
So next 10 years if that is what they told you to do it again...don't torture yourself. Eat light foods 2 days prior. Eggs, cream of wheat or rice, toast, fruit. Easily digested foods. Day before, poached egg in the morning and one piece of toast, lots of jello, tea, etc. At 10pm...drink the crap they gave ya. Sit on pot and drink it...then when you look after an hour or so of pooping...and its are done. Next morning...get rotor rootered.
40 years ago today, I was glued to the teevee to watch one of the most spellbinding games of any kind in my life...

All the goals from that evening...I remember when the last-second goal was scored in the 1st period ( @ 0:42), they might actually have a chance.....When Eruzione scored to make it 4-3, there was still 10:00 left in the game....A month in hockey time.....Yet they held on and won!



I have the movie of it in my movie collection. :)

Mom loves it. :)
I live in the Severn valley, flood water is at my fence, if it rains next week my property will be flooded, my house is built up 4 feet above the worst ever flood level. If my house is flooded out the whole of my lowland Shire will be too.
I live in the Severn valley, flood water is at my fence, if it rains next week my property will be flooded, my house is built up 4 feet above the worst ever flood level. If my house is flooded out the whole of my lowland Shire will be too.

Sorry to hear that. I live on top of a hill so am immune to flooding.
I live in the Severn valley, flood water is at my fence, if it rains next week my property will be flooded, my house is built up 4 feet above the worst ever flood level. If my house is flooded out the whole of my lowland Shire will be too.

Sorry to hear that. I live on top of a hill so am immune to flooding.

Those hills you can see in the picture, they are extinct volcanoes, we had the local news cameras 200 yards from my house recording how bad it was.
I live in the Severn valley, flood water is at my fence, if it rains next week my property will be flooded, my house is built up 4 feet above the worst ever flood level. If my house is flooded out the whole of my lowland Shire will be too.

Oh wow Roy. We got rain today too but we need it. You sure don't. Are you building a boat? Do you own one? I would tether it to your porch on a long rope.
My brother, what an angel he is. He came over here, sized up my water pump situation, went and bought a pump, hose, and long electric cord and rigged up a way to get water from my lake up to the back door so I could have water to flush the toilet. I've been sick a lot lately, and even though it's like pond water, I won't have to put bleach in the potty every time I pee. He also is going to contact the water well service and pay for the new pump. The problem is they have to take the roof off the barn to pull up 200' of plastic pipes, because the pump is at the very bottom. So soon, hopefully, the water will be restored. I just had this done 18 months ago, but the business that did ti, the boss skipped town.

I'm stuck in the house with my little case of fever and asthma, so I was so grateful to see him. He came up here because my late nephew's wife was having friends and family over to commemmorate my nephew's passing. They were too poor to give him a funeral, and I had to miss what they did due to fever and my little asthma issue. My brother thinks I'm not well because of stress. Thanks to all of you for putting up with my tears and fears when I lost my dear nephew. It was good to see my brother, his son, and my other sister's son who came to pitch in and help my brother install the pump close to or in (I'm not sure which) the small lake behind the house, My 100' electric cord didn't quite reach the lake edge where the pump likely is.

You all area the best.
I live in the Severn valley, flood water is at my fence, if it rains next week my property will be flooded, my house is built up 4 feet above the worst ever flood level. If my house is flooded out the whole of my lowland Shire will be too.
Looks like a wide river there, Roy. My yard has been soggy for several weeks now, but we needed the rain. The 2011 hot weather and 90-day dry spell in the winter caused me to lose almost all my tall pines. only two of the dozen or so tall pines that died were left when all was said and done. I've noticed a tree came up where there was none out on the soggy back 40, and a stand of baby tall pines came up near the old stand, but the following year, only one of them remained. I think the deer ate the others. The entire area was decimated in the drought, but for some reason, the Sam Houston National Forest was left intact, although it's hard to tell if the remaining trees just bushed out and grew a little taller or what. Prayers up for better weather and for the safety of your home from floodwaters.
I live in the Severn valley, flood water is at my fence, if it rains next week my property will be flooded, my house is built up 4 feet above the worst ever flood level. If my house is flooded out the whole of my lowland Shire will be too.
Looks like a wide river there, Roy. My yard has been soggy for several weeks now, but we needed the rain. The 2011 hot weather and 90-day dry spell in the winter caused me to lose almost all my tall pines. only two of the dozen or so tall pines that died were left when all was said and done. I've noticed a tree came up where there was none out on the soggy back 40, and a stand of baby tall pines came up near the old stand, but the following year, only one of them remained. I think the deer ate the others. The entire area was decimated in the drought, but for some reason, the Sam Houston National Forest was left intact, although it's hard to tell if the remaining trees just bushed out and grew a little taller or what. Prayers up for better weather and for the safety of your home from floodwaters.

Thanks beautress, it’s drizzling here with rain not the heavy stuff. Next week I’m away working near London, just outside the dreaded M25 orbital motorway, the wife will phone me if the water looks like coming up to the house the water flood would have to rise by another 5 ft to get into the house, I’m confident we won’t ever be flooded out, the wife they do.
My brother, what an angel he is. He came over here, sized up my water pump situation, went and bought a pump, hose, and long electric cord and rigged up a way to get water from my lake up to the back door so I could have water to flush the toilet. I've been sick a lot lately, and even though it's like pond water, I won't have to put bleach in the potty every time I pee. He also is going to contact the water well service and pay for the new pump. The problem is they have to take the roof off the barn to pull up 200' of plastic pipes, because the pump is at the very bottom. So soon, hopefully, the water will be restored. I just had this done 18 months ago, but the business that did ti, the boss skipped town.

I'm stuck in the house with my little case of fever and asthma, so I was so grateful to see him. He came up here because my late nephew's wife was having friends and family over to commemmorate my nephew's passing. They were too poor to give him a funeral, and I had to miss what they did due to fever and my little asthma issue. My brother thinks I'm not well because of stress. Thanks to all of you for putting up with my tears and fears when I lost my dear nephew. It was good to see my brother, his son, and my other sister's son who came to pitch in and help my brother install the pump close to or in (I'm not sure which) the small lake behind the house, My 100' electric cord didn't quite reach the lake edge where the pump likely is.

You all area the best.

Geez Beautress. I can't imagine going through all that you've gone through over the last ten years. It seems so unfair. It is great though that you have family who can help. Wish we could do more than care. But we do.
Hi all. I read through and see what many others are going through in their lives and honestly I don't think I have it that bad. Sure the wife has cancer but it's being treated, successfully or not is yet to be seen. But we're "older" and eventually our expiration date arrives and we have to move on.
Our financial troubles appear to be well over, thanks for all your prayers there and we own our own home. While I have some physical challenges I'm still able to get much done though often it just takes much longer.
As for the wife they started her on another chemo recommended by the MD Anderson consulting Sarcoma Oncologist.
I live in the Severn valley, flood water is at my fence, if it rains next week my property will be flooded, my house is built up 4 feet above the worst ever flood level. If my house is flooded out the whole of my lowland Shire will be too.
Looks like a wide river there, Roy. My yard has been soggy for several weeks now, but we needed the rain. The 2011 hot weather and 90-day dry spell in the winter caused me to lose almost all my tall pines. only two of the dozen or so tall pines that died were left when all was said and done. I've noticed a tree came up where there was none out on the soggy back 40, and a stand of baby tall pines came up near the old stand, but the following year, only one of them remained. I think the deer ate the others. The entire area was decimated in the drought, but for some reason, the Sam Houston National Forest was left intact, although it's hard to tell if the remaining trees just bushed out and grew a little taller or what. Prayers up for better weather and for the safety of your home from floodwaters.
I had to get my DeWalt laser level out of my work vehicle and show my wife how high the water would have to get to flood us out.
After putting it on the path at the front and back of our property and lasering around the area when it got dark Mrs Batty was reassured. :)
Hi all. I read through and see what many others are going through in their lives and honestly I don't think I have it that bad. Sure the wife has cancer but it's being treated, successfully or not is yet to be seen. But we're "older" and eventually our expiration date arrives and we have to move on.
Our financial troubles appear to be well over, thanks for all your prayers there and we own our own home. While I have some physical challenges I'm still able to get much done though often it just takes much longer.
As for the wife they started her on another chemo recommended by the MD Anderson consulting Sarcoma Oncologist.

Mrs. R is on my critical prayer list Ringel and I try to remember to pray for all on that list every day not only for healing if that is to be, but for qualify of life for her and for you in the process. Have been missing you around here lately, but know you have a ton on your plate.
Hi all. I read through and see what many others are going through in their lives and honestly I don't think I have it that bad. Sure the wife has cancer but it's being treated, successfully or not is yet to be seen. But we're "older" and eventually our expiration date arrives and we have to move on.
Our financial troubles appear to be well over, thanks for all your prayers there and we own our own home. While I have some physical challenges I'm still able to get much done though often it just takes much longer.
As for the wife they started her on another chemo recommended by the MD Anderson consulting Sarcoma Oncologist.

Mrs. R is on my critical prayer list Ringel and I try to remember to pray for all on that list every day not only for healing if that is to be, but for qualify of life for her and for you in the process. Have been missing you around here lately, but know you have a ton on your plate.
I'm often here but not always posting. Most of the time I'm even logged in but doing other things around the house or online elsewhere.

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