USMB Coffee Shop IV

Iā€™m near Woking in Surrey, I started on a new contract yesterday, the hotel Iā€™m staying at is 31 miles away, it was a trial by combat to get here this morning and last night to find a parking space for the company vehicle. Thatā€™s why they pay me well because I can endure, hardships are just part of the package for this type of work. 4-1/2 years to go thatā€™s all.
Iā€™m near Woking in Surrey, I started on a new contract yesterday, the hotel Iā€™m staying at is 31 miles away, it was a trial by combat to get here this morning and last night to find a parking space for the company vehicle. Thatā€™s why they pay me well because I can endure, hardships are just part of the package for this type of work. 4-1/2 years to go thatā€™s all.

One of my favorite kitten videos. Be sure to have your speakers on. Not only is the kitten outstanding, but whoever mastered the music is a genius:

One of my favorite kitten videos. Be sure to have your speakers on. Not only is the kitten outstanding, but whoever mastered the music is a genius:

Interesting. Our cats have often pretended something was dangerous and needed attacking when they were in the mood to play, but it appears there is something about cucumbers that really freaks them out.
hmmmmm ā€¦..any chance of a full moon tonight????
It was a full moon when my nephew died on Feb 9. He suffered from seizures, and I didn't even know it till I got a call from his wife the evening of Feb. 8.

I'm sorry Miss Beau, I hadn't meant to remind you of that. I am so sorry :smiliehug:

I was being a bit facetious and sarcastic and trying to hide it in a more CS appropriate way toward 2 of those that I have to be nice too. Cause anywhere else on this board, it would have ended a bit differently. ;)
Not your fault. I was just obsessing because his life on this planet was not a good one for him. He was born with a birth defect my sister would not discuss. She drank, she smoked, she did drugs, but no matter what I loved her to pieces. She died 3 years ago, and her son disappeared on and off. One day out of the blue about a year ago, I got a call to his house and met his wife of 2 years. She seemed such a sweetie. They met when he began caring for her and had been acquainted in elementary school. They fell in love, but he continued getting a salary from a care giver's outfit for continuing his work, even after they got married. Even so, there are things about marriage that stress some people, and on a scale of 1 to 10, he suddenly became a 9. He tried to explain it to me a week before he passed away, but I just told him marriage had times you needed to adjust. On Feb 8 his wife called and said he was having seizures. Since my sister never discussed his issues, I was unaware of his history of seizures from an early age on. His dad passed away about 6 years ago, and my sister, 3 years ago. She had been his anchor, but he was offish by adulthood and as many times as I offered him help, he disappeared with no forwarding address, no phone calls, nothing. I was looking forward to spending time with him and his wife for life, when her call came. I went because she said I would be the only one to convince him to get into the ambulance. So I dropped everything and flew over there to find him writhing on the floor with a terrible full-body seizure, and reassured him the ambulance people were there to make sure he was okay, so he started cooperating enough to get him on a guerney, although he was visibly unhappy and looked terrorized. I followed his ambulance to the hospital with his wife in the car. When we got there they soon made it known they did not have the facilities to help his problem and airlifted him to a hospital nearby that did. So, again, we got into the car and followed the freeway to the hospital that was about 35 miles away. It was a long night, but it was already early in the morning, and relatives were called and drove the distance to the hospital. I spent a lot of time in his room, bemoaning about not listening to him more carefully, but thinking all along he would get better. What I didn't know is that the machines were all that were between him and the grave. I thought up to the time the family voted to remove the life-saving equipment, that he would make a miraculous recovery and we could look into why he was convulsing so strangely. I was holding his hand to give him courage when they removed the tubes, but instead of opening his eyes and blinking hope back to us, he flatlined in less than 5 minutes.

When you said full moon, I had been trying to remember when he passed away, had found out it was Feb. 9, and I knew when I drove home it was a full moon light which was helpful to my return trip home. I looked it up online, and it was Feb 8, and it was bright when we made our trip to the hospital because of the full moon. Then I called up his wife, and she confirmed it was Feb. 9 when he passed. Having nothing better to do, I came back here, and noticed the words "full moon." the same day. I was obsessing about if I had done this or known that or questioned my sister more about him while she was still living--you know, the coulda woulda shoulda routine.

So I'm sorry if you're feeling liable but it's my fault to have been obsessing. I just didn't deal with it well because i was probably the only one there who was absolutely sure he'd bounce right back into life when they removed the tubes. My cousin said quite plainly there was no hope for him before or after the tubes were taken out. Derr. I just kept on thinking he'd bounce back. Didn't happen. It's nobody's fault.

Please forgive me, J.A.N. You have never been anything but kind and thoughtful to everyone here. If anyone is to blame it is on me for obsessing over something no one alive had anything to do with. They were just keeping him alive with machines. The damages his extreme seizures caused were irreversible. He seized horrendously nonstop all night and all day and had seized 3 or 4 times while we were discussing whether to remove the tubes or not. The nurses and doctor were recommending withdrawing the tubes. When your life is over, it's over. People in the ER are skilled in their practice of dealing with people on the edge between life and death and have a good series of tests that determine whether there's hope or not and the percentages were one in a million. That's bad odds, and I was deaf to bad odds.

Worked on a quilt this afternoon, and am getting back to it. Everything is lime and dark green, the color of life and growth. Our sorrows define how wonderful good times are. A toast to your good and beneficent life, J.A.N., Foxy, and all who come here and share stuff, good and bad.
To life and good stuff. :beer:
And prayers for all the rest. :eusa_pray:
Thank you for sharing that, Beau. What a trial. How is his wife doing?
She's already flirting with men. I took her to Walmart because she didn't have a car before I got so sick, and she and her grown daughter were flirting with the same man, and she bragged about it all the way back to her house. I was already stressed from my nephew's death, and I have been running a fever which broke last night or early this morning. I finally fell asleep around 3 am til the phone rang with a "Fraudulent Caller" (my phone identifies dishonest merchants by that title) at 8:01 am. I was groggy, and when I went downstairs for the phone, I accidentally ran into the open door of the oven I was heating the kitchen with, which is built into the wall, and the door opened was at chest height, and put a nick in my chin while I still had sleep in my eyes. When I got to the phone, they'd already hung up, but my Caller ID button said it was a Fraudulent Call. Since it's Monday morning, I collected my wits as best I could, and called the Well and Pump service and my brother to make arrangements for them to come here tomorrow and go through the all day job of pulling up 200 feet of pipes to get to the water pump, which means they will have to take off and replace the roof again of the barn the well is located in. lol.

Hey thanks gallantwarrior. Hope the spring melt is early and kind to the Great State of Alaska and that you have a steller spring and summer ahead and a garden that produces the best food for you and your charges and loved ones, good health to your herd, and great benefits when you retire. I always learn something good when I read your posts.

Big hug for everybody here. :huddle:
And as the Irish say, "May ye be in heaven half an hour before the Devil knows yer dead." View attachment 308547
From your description, it would seem your nephew's wife and daughter are dealing with their issues. You should concentrate on yourself now and focus on your healing. I'll bee here pulling for you.
I get an alert for spam calls, too. I just ignore them.
Boyo, boy! Seems like a lot to get the water situation straightened out. I was going to locate my well in the barn and am glad I decided on somewhere between the barn and the house. Now, I just need to dig the water lines down 8' in both directions and get things set up from there.
The four surviving kids are growing well. The two bucklings are outside with their mommas and are little thugs. The two frostbitten girls are inside with their mommas (my house smells like a barn!) and one is growing normally and her hind feet seem to be healing. The other one has some damage to her hind legs above her feet and the lower legs and feet are not growing along with the rest of her. They seem stunted and do not respond to stimuli. I'm worried she might lose those legs from the hock down. That will require a tough decision if that happens.
For you, I hope that your summer brings lots of early flowers and a good garden crop. I hope that you get to feeling better. No doubt part of your problems are stress related. You are an inspiration for me with all the beautiful things you create. Take care of yourself!:11_2_1043:
My brother, what an angel he is. He came over here, sized up my water pump situation, went and bought a pump, hose, and long electric cord and rigged up a way to get water from my lake up to the back door so I could have water to flush the toilet. I've been sick a lot lately, and even though it's like pond water, I won't have to put bleach in the potty every time I pee. He also is going to contact the water well service and pay for the new pump. The problem is they have to take the roof off the barn to pull up 200' of plastic pipes, because the pump is at the very bottom. So soon, hopefully, the water will be restored. I just had this done 18 months ago, but the business that did ti, the boss skipped town.

I'm stuck in the house with my little case of fever and asthma, so I was so grateful to see him. He came up here because my late nephew's wife was having friends and family over to commemmorate my nephew's passing. They were too poor to give him a funeral, and I had to miss what they did due to fever and my little asthma issue. My brother thinks I'm not well because of stress. Thanks to all of you for putting up with my tears and fears when I lost my dear nephew. It was good to see my brother, his son, and my other sister's son who came to pitch in and help my brother install the pump close to or in (I'm not sure which) the small lake behind the house, My 100' electric cord didn't quite reach the lake edge where the pump likely is.

You all area the best.

I'm surprised your pump is that deep where you are. I would think the water table much higher. Some places in New Mexico the water table was so high you could pretty much hand dig wells. But when we lived on the mountain our pump was almost 400 feet down. The water was hard enough to chew but it was potable and there was plenty of it. The folks who sold us the house then moved across to the other side of our small valley and got water at much more favorable levels. It was really soft too but so high sulphur that they had to put reverse osmosis on both ends to make it potable.

Mother Nature can be weird.
My well finally struck good water at about 320'. It's a super well, though. The head pressure is enough to push the water up to 70' below the surface (from 320'). It was like a geyser when they finally got good water. The well digger told me that in over 50 years of digging wells, this was one of the best ever. My problem now is keeping the generator running to drive the pump. When I can afford it, I plan on putting in a hand pump. Those things cost about $4000-$5000!!!
Wish it would rain here. This is the first time in forever history that it has not rained in February here. Next week, its to get in the 80's. In February. Which means its going to be a horrendously hot summer unless a cold snap hits us in march. Hell, the trees are already budding and the rose bush offered a single red rose. Not good. No, not good at all. I just hope home calls before it gets too bad here.
Crap Gracie! Not good at all. You do not need another hot, dry place to escape from. I'd send some snow if I could. We've had enough for my taste but not enough to make sure the summer doesn't turn into another inferno here. I do hope "home" calls for you soon. You deserve a time of peace and happiness without having to worry about where next.
Remember: That which does not kill you....
You wanna come up here and meet a bear?
I'm glad you checked in, Ringle. And Mrs. R is a frequent flyer on my prayer list. Beets, carrots, a radish and celery on a daily basis augment cancer sufferers' medicines and chemo. Oh, yes, and just a slice of raw potato (never green) for vitamin C. Green potatoes are said to carry some kind of poison, but you want the greenest celery you can get. Go figger.
Potatoes are nightshades. Never try to eat the greens, and green potatoes still harbor the toxin common in nightshade plants.
Exactly What Are Nightshade Vegetables? - Facty Health
The wife's been craving carrot cake so I finally found a recipe I like and made one from scratch. Not bad considering I cut the sugar in both the cake and the cream cheese frosting. It came out better than I hoped considering I'm not much of a baker.
Wish it would rain here. This is the first time in forever history that it has not rained in February here. Next week, its to get in the 80's. In February. Which means its going to be a horrendously hot summer unless a cold snap hits us in march. Hell, the trees are already budding and the rose bush offered a single red rose. Not good. No, not good at all. I just hope home calls before it gets too bad here.
Crap Gracie! Not good at all. You do not need another hot, dry place to escape from. I'd send some snow if I could. We've had enough for my taste but not enough to make sure the summer doesn't turn into another inferno here. I do hope "home" calls for you soon. You deserve a time of peace and happiness without having to worry about where next.
Remember: That which does not kill you....
You wanna come up here and meet a bear?

My shire has had enough rain this month. A mile up the road from me is this.
I went to the ER from work tonight. I'd had a few episodes of pretty severe abdominal pain, and some blood in my urine. I have a kidney stone, yay me! I have prescriptions to pick up for it, which I plan to do after my appointment at the dentist tomorrow for my next crown. Oh, and I also chipped a tooth at work on Monday. I guess 45 is my age to start really feeling my age. :lol:
I went to the ER from work tonight. I'd had a few episodes of pretty severe abdominal pain, and some blood in my urine. I have a kidney stone, yay me! I have prescriptions to pick up for it, which I plan to do after my appointment at the dentist tomorrow for my next crown. Oh, and I also chipped a tooth at work on Monday. I guess 45 is my age to start really feeling my age. :lol:
As long as you donā€™t have erectile problems you are doing fine! :)
Wish it would rain here. This is the first time in forever history that it has not rained in February here. Next week, its to get in the 80's. In February. Which means its going to be a horrendously hot summer unless a cold snap hits us in march. Hell, the trees are already budding and the rose bush offered a single red rose. Not good. No, not good at all. I just hope home calls before it gets too bad here.
Crap Gracie! Not good at all. You do not need another hot, dry place to escape from. I'd send some snow if I could. We've had enough for my taste but not enough to make sure the summer doesn't turn into another inferno here. I do hope "home" calls for you soon. You deserve a time of peace and happiness without having to worry about where next.
Remember: That which does not kill you....
You wanna come up here and meet a bear?

My shire has had enough rain this month. A mile up the road from me is this.

I still think USMB needs to give us a WOW button and a prayer button. But yes, we have lived in country in which it could flood like that. And it is both terrifying and can be personally disastrous for those enduring it.
I went to the ER from work tonight. I'd had a few episodes of pretty severe abdominal pain, and some blood in my urine. I have a kidney stone, yay me! I have prescriptions to pick up for it, which I plan to do after my appointment at the dentist tomorrow for my next crown. Oh, and I also chipped a tooth at work on Monday. I guess 45 is my age to start really feeling my age. :lol:

Oh my. So sorry Montro. Hope the episode is short lived. The chipped tooth should be covered by work comp though.
I went to the ER from work tonight. I'd had a few episodes of pretty severe abdominal pain, and some blood in my urine. I have a kidney stone, yay me! I have prescriptions to pick up for it, which I plan to do after my appointment at the dentist tomorrow for my next crown. Oh, and I also chipped a tooth at work on Monday. I guess 45 is my age to start really feeling my age. :lol:

Oh my. So sorry Montro. Hope the episode is short lived. The chipped tooth should be covered by work comp though.
The chipped tooth is not an issue apparently. I did it eating lunch, not sure why work comp would cover it.

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