USMB Coffee Shop IV

Not boring here this week. Spring has sprung and brought warmer weather and ankle deep mud as the snow melts away.
Work has also been interesting. Two days ago, the biggest airplane in the world (and the only one existing), laden with Chinese-made PPE destined for Canada, stopped her for crew rest and fuel. It was pretty exciting and lots of us got some decent photos and video.
This morning, a Chinese freighter diverted because of a bomb threat. The airport has been closed down and apparently we are all trapped until the situation is resolved. Oh, well, I'm still on the clock.
So, Anchorage has made national news twice in one week!
It's been very warm for late April & early May in Albuquerque--we're having early summer temps in the high 80's every day. Won't have our heating changed over to air conditioning until next week but so far it has been pretty pleasant in the house. We leave the front door & windows at the back open and that keeps the air moving. That and a few strategically placed ceiling fans or floor fans keep it comfortable.

I'm old enough to remember when we got through summers in New Mexico without air conditioning and I don't remember that being miserable.
Good night darlinks. I really do love you guys.

And we continue to pray and/or send good vibes and/or positive thoughts and/or keep vigil for:

Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
Montrovant for continued progress in his transition.
Seagal and Mr. Seagal.
Kat for wellness
JustAnotherNut for wellness
Jackson for wellness.
Mindful and healing for her shoulder.
Good results for Nosmo's step nephew dealing with difficult surgeries.
Beautress for wellness.
Gracie and Mr. G. for continued progress for solutions.
Extra prayers/positive vibes for gallantwarrior dealing with his own health issues as well as a terribly difficult situation with Rod and stresses of caring for the animals.
Peach's Mr. P for continued progress, healing, and recovery and Peach for the stresses of being primary caretaker.
Ringel and Ms Ringel - comfort, wellness, solutions for both.

And we leave the light on so that those who have been away can find their way back and we hope they do.

And I was searching for comfort photos for the vigil list tonight and this was the first one that came up. The good ship Comfort in New York harbor. And it seemed appropriate:
Not boring here this week. Spring has sprung and brought warmer weather and ankle deep mud as the snow melts away.
Work has also been interesting. Two days ago, the biggest airplane in the world (and the only one existing), laden with Chinese-made PPE destined for Canada, stopped her for crew rest and fuel. It was pretty exciting and lots of us got some decent photos and video.
This morning, a Chinese freighter diverted because of a bomb threat. The airport has been closed down and apparently we are all trapped until the situation is resolved. Oh, well, I'm still on the clock.
So, Anchorage has made national news twice in one week!

Which plane do you mean, An-225?
Not boring here this week. Spring has sprung and brought warmer weather and ankle deep mud as the snow melts away.
Work has also been interesting. Two days ago, the biggest airplane in the world (and the only one existing), laden with Chinese-made PPE destined for Canada, stopped her for crew rest and fuel. It was pretty exciting and lots of us got some decent photos and video.
This morning, a Chinese freighter diverted because of a bomb threat. The airport has been closed down and apparently we are all trapped until the situation is resolved. Oh, well, I'm still on the clock.
So, Anchorage has made national news twice in one week!

Which plane do you mean, An-225?

I'm sure that's the one he is referring to. I've seen one and they are huge:

But I think this one is now considered the largest airplane:
Nothing much new today except working on some of the plants and preparation to put things where they belong again. :sleep: Hope everyone has a great week! Turning in to take my last nebulizer treatment of the day... Goodnight to all who visit this wonderful thread that Foxfyre started years ago. And don't let the bedbugs bite! ...

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