USMB Coffee Shop IV

Just getting caught up, I saw where we were talking early computers... I don't know what they called the computer I sort of used back in the 70's but I had an ARPANET account and a room full of IT guys to operate the 2 rooms worth of computer while I advised my IBM card puncher what he needed to punch....
I used to work with a bunch of ladies who read through police reports and coded sheets of paper to be sent to the card punchers to be fed into rooms full of computers to maintain a database. We've come a long ways, baby!

When I took printing in college, we loaded lead type one character at a time, upside down and backwards, into a hand held wooden rack that held one line of type that was then transferred to a larger galley until you had a complete page of type that could be loaded onto the printer to print the page on paper.

I got pretty good at it and even now, more than a half century later, I can still easily read type that is upside down and backwards. :)

On my first several newspaper jobs, where I occasionally helped set type for an ad or a story, we used a machine that punched holes into a tape, each hole representing a different letter, and the tape was then fed into a linotype machine that converted the code to lead type, created a galley for a page of the newspaper, and that was then loaded onto the press for printing.

Now you type your copy or layout into a computer that feeds it directly to the press that runs so fast it is a spiritual experience standing next to it. You can do in minutes what once took hours.

Like you said, we've come very far in my lifetime.
A quick update if anyone cares: I ended up buying a 2019 Hyundai Elantra. While it is technically new because I am the first owner, it has 9000 miles on it as it was driven by a dealership manager. Apparently that's not an uncommon practice. Still, close enough to new for me, and I got what seemed like a pretty good price.

It's a base model, other than cargo netting and a first aid kit that came with it, so it doesn't have a lot of bells and whistles. Compared to my 2002 Saturn station wagon, though, it's got a ton of features. :lol:

Hyundai gives good warranties as far as time/distance go, and it's supposed to start at the 9k miles, so that's good. Hopefully I don't need it much. :)

Do you going to use it for a travels on the other edge of country? :)
Okay we're back up and running yet again everybody. Sorry I wasn't here earlier but hope we don't lose folks in the transition.

And the statistics so far:

The original USMB Coffee Shop opened on 5-4-2010 and acquired 80,455 posts and 3,285,729 views before it closed on 7-30-13.
USMB Coffee Shop II opened on 7-30-13 and acquired 25,935 posts and 486,351 views before it closed on 4-14-14.
The USMB Coffee Shop III opened on 4-15-14 and is closing on 5-15-14 with 2,803 posts and 32,229 views.

The original two Coffee Shops had acquired roughly 100,000 more views before CK had to delete them. I really hate losing all those great photos, especially of those of us who frequent the Coffee Shop, but oh well.

But at any rate, the stats for the Coffee Shop record now stand at 109,193 posts and roughly 3,904,309 views.

375 different people (give or take a few due to name changes) have posted in the Coffee Shop at some time.

I like to think this record is because of the really special people we have learned to get to know and love in the Coffee Shop, and the genuine affection, concern, and encouragement that can be found there. And there's always room for more folks who need or want or appreciate that.

Long live the Coffee Shop!!!
Yo you have any spare toilet paper

I got gold bullion

Alas esalla, we could spare a roll or two maybe. We have two orders out with one batch of toilet paper due to arrive mid May and the second sometime in June. It's crazy.

But welcome to the Coffee Shop and USMB. Happy you found us. Please read over the OP to see what we're all about in here and keep on joining in.

First timers receive a complimentary beverage and since it is bedtime for most of us, we'll make yours a nightcap:
I don't want a drink or to join your club, I do want to be able to wipe my ass as I have become accustomed to and perhaps to know why toilet paper went out of favor

That's okay too though we are a 'club' without dues or membership roll and folks only have to follow a couple of simple rules--no politics/religious arguing or trashing folks--to participate here. Having said that, the answer to your question is that too many folks were so afraid they wouldn't have it, they bought it all leaving none for the rest of us.
No arguing? Is this a board only for snowflakes that can't take the heat?

Seriously how does an internet board not have arguments, that is the same as saying that everyone must agree with everything that everybody does or thinks and with the perspective worldwide use of a place like this that is just not logical.

Why not? We're all have two or less legs, the same arms and about one head :)
Just getting caught up, I saw where we were talking early computers... I don't know what they called the computer I sort of used back in the 70's but I had an ARPANET account and a room full of IT guys to operate the 2 rooms worth of computer while I advised my IBM card puncher what he needed to punch....

Did you have account in FidoNET? :)
Just getting caught up, I saw where we were talking early computers... I don't know what they called the computer I sort of used back in the 70's but I had an ARPANET account and a room full of IT guys to operate the 2 rooms worth of computer while I advised my IBM card puncher what he needed to punch....
I used to work with a bunch of ladies who read through police reports and coded sheets of paper to be sent to the card punchers to be fed into rooms full of computers to maintain a database. We've come a long ways, baby!

When I took printing in college, we loaded lead type one character at a time, upside down and backwards, into a hand held wooden rack that held one line of type that was then transferred to a larger galley until you had a complete page of type that could be loaded onto the printer to print the page on paper.

I got pretty good at it and even now, more than a half century later, I can still easily read type that is upside down and backwards. :)

On my first several newspaper jobs, where I occasionally helped set type for an ad or a story, we used a machine that punched holes into a tape, each hole representing a different letter, and the tape was then fed into a linotype machine that converted the code to lead type, created a galley for a page of the newspaper, and that was then loaded onto the press for printing.

Now you type your copy or layout into a computer that feeds it directly to the press that runs so fast it is a spiritual experience standing next to it. You can do in minutes what once took hours.

Like you said, we've come very far in my lifetime.

Only the taste of coffee still the same. Let's drink one right now?
How’s it going with everyone?

It’s getting more draconian by the week outside, here in Germany. Sitting on benches is banned, so we’d resorted to steps of buildings, and railings. They’ve stopped that now; constant police patrols. So we’ve all resorted to anything we can find, like windowsills and pavement kerbs. I suppose they’ll ban that too. Weather is lovely: I saw some men today socialising around two trash bins.

Wearing masks is now mandatory for shopping.

I hate them, so I might get a Starship Trooper face shield. They look rather cool.

Someone must have made a fortune manufacturing all this face gear.
A woman has twins, and gives them up for adoption. One goes to a family in Egypt and is named "Amal". The other goes to a family in Spain, who name him "Juan". Years later Juan sends a picture of himself to his mother. Upon receiving the picture, she tells her husband that she wished she also had a picture of Amal. Her husband responds: "They're twins. If you've seen Juan, you've seen Amal."

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A young blonde woman fears her husband is having an affair, so she goes to a shop and buys a handgun. The next day she comes home to find her husband in bed with a beautiful redhead. She grabs the gun and holds it to her head. The husband jumps out of bed, begging and pleading with her not to shoot herself. The hysterical blonde tells her husband: "Shut up ... you're next!"

Just as cheerfully swiped from the mirror at uk as the one above.
How’s it going with everyone?

It’s getting more draconian by the week outside, here in Germany. Sitting on benches is banned, so we’d resorted to steps of buildings, and railings. They’ve stopped that now; constant police patrols. So we’ve all resorted to anything we can find, like windowsills and pavement kerbs. I suppose they’ll ban that too. Weather is lovely: I saw some men today socialising around two trash bins.

Wearing masks is now mandatory for shopping.

I hate them, so I might get a Starship Trooper face shield. They look rather cool.

Someone must have made a fortune manufacturing all this face gear.
I've got some squares to be pleated into masks sitting on the sewing machine...
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Okay we're back up and running yet again everybody. Sorry I wasn't here earlier but hope we don't lose folks in the transition.

And the statistics so far:

The original USMB Coffee Shop opened on 5-4-2010 and acquired 80,455 posts and 3,285,729 views before it closed on 7-30-13.
USMB Coffee Shop II opened on 7-30-13 and acquired 25,935 posts and 486,351 views before it closed on 4-14-14.
The USMB Coffee Shop III opened on 4-15-14 and is closing on 5-15-14 with 2,803 posts and 32,229 views.

The original two Coffee Shops had acquired roughly 100,000 more views before CK had to delete them. I really hate losing all those great photos, especially of those of us who frequent the Coffee Shop, but oh well.

But at any rate, the stats for the Coffee Shop record now stand at 109,193 posts and roughly 3,904,309 views.

375 different people (give or take a few due to name changes) have posted in the Coffee Shop at some time.

I like to think this record is because of the really special people we have learned to get to know and love in the Coffee Shop, and the genuine affection, concern, and encouragement that can be found there. And there's always room for more folks who need or want or appreciate that.

Long live the Coffee Shop!!!
Yo you have any spare toilet paper

I got gold bullion

Alas esalla, we could spare a roll or two maybe. We have two orders out with one batch of toilet paper due to arrive mid May and the second sometime in June. It's crazy.

But welcome to the Coffee Shop and USMB. Happy you found us. Please read over the OP to see what we're all about in here and keep on joining in.

First timers receive a complimentary beverage and since it is bedtime for most of us, we'll make yours a nightcap:
I don't want a drink or to join your club, I do want to be able to wipe my ass as I have become accustomed to and perhaps to know why toilet paper went out of favor

That's okay too though we are a 'club' without dues or membership roll and folks only have to follow a couple of simple rules--no politics/religious arguing or trashing folks--to participate here. Having said that, the answer to your question is that too many folks were so afraid they wouldn't have it, they bought it all leaving none for the rest of us.
No arguing? Is this a board only for snowflakes that can't take the heat?

Seriously how does an internet board not have arguments, that is the same as saying that everyone must agree with everything that everybody does or thinks and with the perspective worldwide use of a place like this that is just not logical.

Why not? We're all have two or less legs, the same arms and about one head :)

Umm our friend esalla most likely won't be visiting any more. And oh well.

So you're doing okay Sbiker? Staying well? Are ya'll still under some kind of house arrest like we all are?
How’s it going with everyone?

It’s getting more draconian by the week outside, here in Germany. Sitting on benches is banned, so we’d resorted to steps of buildings, and railings. They’ve stopped that now; constant police patrols. So we’ve all resorted to anything we can find, like windowsills and pavement kerbs. I suppose they’ll ban that too. Weather is lovely: I saw some men today socialising around two trash bins.

Wearing masks is now mandatory for shopping.

I hate them, so I might get a Starship Trooper face shield. They look rather cool.

Someone must have made a fortune manufacturing all this face gear.
I've got some squares to be pleated into masks sitting on the sewing machine...

I thought about that but it has been so long since I've used my sewing machine I don't know if I remember how to thread it. I used to sew a lot.

So the coffee filters we had ordered to make into masks--they make dandy and effective very single use masks--arrived yesterday. Not in time before I had my eye appointment, so I just wore a bandana Jesse James outlaw style for that.

So today I checked the manufactured mask order I've had in for weeks and that were supposed to be delivered at the earliest on May 28. And it says they have not only shipped but arrived in Albuquerque today! So we hopefully will have them in a day or two.

And now what do we do with a gazillion coffee filters? Our coffee pot has a permanent one that we just rinse out.
How’s it going with everyone?

It’s getting more draconian by the week outside, here in Germany. Sitting on benches is banned, so we’d resorted to steps of buildings, and railings. They’ve stopped that now; constant police patrols. So we’ve all resorted to anything we can find, like windowsills and pavement kerbs. I suppose they’ll ban that too. Weather is lovely: I saw some men today socialising around two trash bins.

Wearing masks is now mandatory for shopping.

I hate them, so I might get a Starship Trooper face shield. They look rather cool.

Someone must have made a fortune manufacturing all this face gear.

I've been thinking about you Mindful since Germany was hit harder than most European countries. I think Corazon described it beautifully when she said in Manila they are all under 'some sort of house arrest.' Not quite so bad here in Albuquerque. People still get out and walk & run but not sure that's even legal. I won't report them. But hope you and everybody are staying well.

My trip to the eye doctor was interesting yesterday. My treatment couldn't be postponed so I was ordered to bring a face mask & wear it, and everybody was spaced at least 6 feet apart everywhere. Had to answer several questions about symptoms and possible exposure, they took my temperature, but zipped me through really fast. All the procedures that normally take a couple of hours or more were completed in 40 minutes and I was out of there. Hombre was required to wait in the car for me and not come in.

A few creative ideas for coronamasks:




On Twitter today I saw this tweet and I still have a smile on my face :) :

. . ."I’m dyin’ here.

Neighbors are co-op schooling while schools are closed. One neighbor, ex-Marine, is in charge of PE.

He’s got elementary school kids lined up in his back yard doing burpees and air squats while chanting “I don’l know but I believe, Santa comes on Christmas Eve. . ."​

And he recounts other hilarious moments. You know those kids are going to remember 2020 and home schooling and will be telling this to their grandkids.
Just getting caught up, I saw where we were talking early computers... I don't know what they called the computer I sort of used back in the 70's but I had an ARPANET account and a room full of IT guys to operate the 2 rooms worth of computer while I advised my IBM card puncher what he needed to punch....
I used to work with a bunch of ladies who read through police reports and coded sheets of paper to be sent to the card punchers to be fed into rooms full of computers to maintain a database. We've come a long ways, baby!

When I took printing in college, we loaded lead type one character at a time, upside down and backwards, into a hand held wooden rack that held one line of type that was then transferred to a larger galley until you had a complete page of type that could be loaded onto the printer to print the page on paper.

I got pretty good at it and even now, more than a half century later, I can still easily read type that is upside down and backwards. :)

On my first several newspaper jobs, where I occasionally helped set type for an ad or a story, we used a machine that punched holes into a tape, each hole representing a different letter, and the tape was then fed into a linotype machine that converted the code to lead type, created a galley for a page of the newspaper, and that was then loaded onto the press for printing.

Now you type your copy or layout into a computer that feeds it directly to the press that runs so fast it is a spiritual experience standing next to it. You can do in minutes what once took hours.

Like you said, we've come very far in my lifetime.

Been there done that. "California case" The handheld was a chaise. Heck loved them old manual presses. in 71 I got the graphics arts award in school.
How’s it going with everyone?

It’s getting more draconian by the week outside, here in Germany. Sitting on benches is banned, so we’d resorted to steps of buildings, and railings. They’ve stopped that now; constant police patrols. So we’ve all resorted to anything we can find, like windowsills and pavement kerbs. I suppose they’ll ban that too. Weather is lovely: I saw some men today socialising around two trash bins.

Wearing masks is now mandatory for shopping.

I hate them, so I might get a Starship Trooper face shield. They look rather cool.

Someone must have made a fortune manufacturing all this face gear.

I've been thinking about you Mindful since Germany was hit harder than most European countries. I think Corazon described it beautifully when she said in Manila they are all under 'some sort of house arrest.' Not quite so bad here in Albuquerque. People still get out and walk & run but not sure that's even legal. I won't report them. But hope you and everybody are staying well.

My trip to the eye doctor was interesting yesterday. My treatment couldn't be postponed so I was ordered to bring a face mask & wear it, and everybody was spaced at least 6 feet apart everywhere. Had to answer several questions about symptoms and possible exposure, they took my temperature, but zipped me through really fast. All the procedures that normally take a couple of hours or more were completed in 40 minutes and I was out of there. Hombre was required to wait in the car for me and not come in.

A few creative ideas for coronamasks:

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My trip to the eye doctor was interesting yesterday. My treatment couldn't be postponed so I was ordered to bring a face mask & wear it, and everybody was spaced at least 6 feet apart everywhere. Had to answer several questions about symptoms and possible exposure, they took my temperature, but zipped me through really fast. All the procedures that normally take a couple of hours or more were completed in 40 minutes and I was out of there. Hombre was required to wait in the car for me and not come in.

I was supposed to get a crown on a tooth in March. I still have the temp in my mouth. Thankfully this one hasn't come off like the last. :p
How’s it going with everyone?

It’s getting more draconian by the week outside, here in Germany. Sitting on benches is banned, so we’d resorted to steps of buildings, and railings. They’ve stopped that now; constant police patrols. So we’ve all resorted to anything we can find, like windowsills and pavement kerbs. I suppose they’ll ban that too. Weather is lovely: I saw some men today socialising around two trash bins.

Wearing masks is now mandatory for shopping.

I hate them, so I might get a Starship Trooper face shield. They look rather cool.

Someone must have made a fortune manufacturing all this face gear.

I've been thinking about you Mindful since Germany was hit harder than most European countries. I think Corazon described it beautifully when she said in Manila they are all under 'some sort of house arrest.' Not quite so bad here in Albuquerque. People still get out and walk & run but not sure that's even legal. I won't report them. But hope you and everybody are staying well.

My trip to the eye doctor was interesting yesterday. My treatment couldn't be postponed so I was ordered to bring a face mask & wear it, and everybody was spaced at least 6 feet apart everywhere. Had to answer several questions about symptoms and possible exposure, they took my temperature, but zipped me through really fast. All the procedures that normally take a couple of hours or more were completed in 40 minutes and I was out of there. Hombre was required to wait in the car for me and not come in.

A few creative ideas for coronamasks:

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There are no restrictions on going out and about, but people seem so desperate to be outside, the weather being lovely. A crowd of us gathered yesterday on the town hall steps, observing social distancing, the police patrolling to see we don’t mingle too much. It seems the main aim is to find somewhere to sit, to drink take-out coffee. Windowsills, doorsteps, anywhere will do. :biggrin:

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