USMB Coffee Shop IV

I slept like a log without having to take the Lorazepam. Said good morning to my wife and thanked her for being part of my life for so long, had a little cry then made some coffee. At least I'm not feeling hopelessly lost, barely able to function. Thank you all and everyone else who has srtepped up and are making a difference for me. I am honored.

Sending you another virtual (((hug))). Do not feel week or discouraged when you have other waves of grief wash over you because most likely you will. But as time passes they will lessen, be further apart, until all the pain has faded into memory.

When my Aunt Betty lost her husband and best friend of 50 years a few years ago, she found as time passed she still had periods of feelings of lostness, depression, and such. We started having her over for Sunday lunches and a movie as Sundays were her worst days for this. Got her through it and we continue to do the Sunday thing because we all enjoy it. So don't be shy about continuing to accept help from those able to give it. Does them good. Does you good.
I went out and found a nice, inexpensive wood box for her ashes for when they do cremate her. It was much more draining than I thought it would be. Got home, sat down at my computer and promptly fell asleep for three hours. I vaguely remember hearing her talking to me in my dreams, woke up and she was still gone. Having one of those waves of grief.
I heard her voice for the first 2 years almost daily. Once she told me to let the dog in... He crossed the bridge nearly a year before she passed. I was opening the back door before I even thought about it. Hardest thing after her passing was spreading her ashes at the Grand Canyon. But it's what she wanted... Today I look at her picture now and then but haven't shed any new tears. As far as dating? It would be nice to have a woman in my life again, but seems almost out of reach.
There is a solution, Ollie: be a handyman who does stuff for the arthritic set. YOU WILL NEVER BE LONELY AGAIN I PROMISE YOU!!!
I slept like a log without having to take the Lorazepam. Said good morning to my wife and thanked her for being part of my life for so long, had a little cry then made some coffee. At least I'm not feeling hopelessly lost, barely able to function. Thank you all and everyone else who has srtepped up and are making a difference for me. I am honored.

Sending you another virtual (((hug))). Do not feel week or discouraged when you have other waves of grief wash over you because most likely you will. But as time passes they will lessen, be further apart, until all the pain has faded into memory.

When my Aunt Betty lost her husband and best friend of 50 years a few years ago, she found as time passed she still had periods of feelings of lostness, depression, and such. We started having her over for Sunday lunches and a movie as Sundays were her worst days for this. Got her through it and we continue to do the Sunday thing because we all enjoy it. So don't be shy about continuing to accept help from those able to give it. Does them good. Does you good.
I went out and found a nice, inexpensive wood box for her ashes for when they do cremate her. It was much more draining than I thought it would be. Got home, sat down at my computer and promptly fell asleep for three hours. I vaguely remember hearing her talking to me in my dreams, woke up and she was still gone. Having one of those waves of grief.
I heard her voice for the first 2 years almost daily. Once she told me to let the dog in... He crossed the bridge nearly a year before she passed. I was opening the back door before I even thought about it. Hardest thing after her passing was spreading her ashes at the Grand Canyon. But it's what she wanted... Today I look at her picture now and then but haven't shed any new tears. As far as dating? It would be nice to have a woman in my life again, but seems almost out of reach.
There is a solution, Ollie: be a handyman who does stuff for the arthritic set. YOU WILL NEVER BE LONELY AGAIN I PROMISE YOU!!! :WooHooSmileyWave-vi:
Just a heads up:

I've been doing a lot of typos lately. Sorry. Too lazy to edit unless its a really bad typo, lol.
I have a typo issue, too, Gracie, ever since I got a cell phone with internet. So if you see a number in the body of a word, check out the nearest consonant or vowel nearby. At&t now has a typewriter keyboard that appears below the message area here at usmb, plus above the message are the usual smiles, centering and other amenities. I cancelled the old service 4 years ago when my husband passed, so the saleswoman ay Walmart showed me a small leather protector for under 10 dollars, and at&t practically gave away the handheld phone if you selected full services.
Oh, when my husband died, I couldn't find my old cell and I had to drive to the hospital to get ambulance services. Needless to say in the country, if you are caring for your spouse who dies, you get the homicide treatment. It was already the worst day of my life, so our local coroner told the obnoxious detective to stand down. I couldn't find my phone a month later, so I just didn't renew the services, procured monthly by buying a Walmart card. Six months later I found the 3 or 4 phones under a stack of fabric I was too blue to turn into a charity quilt. I figured my husband had put them because he w as s trying to make a joke, but trust me, dementia destroys normal behaviors you just take for granted. And I haven't misplaced this phone, 4 years later, not even once. I'm not 100% certain, but I'm pretty sure my husband just wanted to make me laugh with his attempt to play the "where's the phone" joke. He always did his best to make me laugh at least once a day. After the coroner told the detective to stand down, that was the end of it, but it worried me for my first month after he died that they'd come after me. The autopsy likely showed that yes, his dear brain was toast. I saw his cat scan a few years before he passed. There were.areas of his brain with odd areas throughout the scan. It was twice the worst day of my life because of that. In our country none of the nursing homes who would take men with his type of diagnosis. I was glad to hear they were considering care for people with pre-existing conditions. I had no help when my husband's caregiver slept through the night shift. Several of my friends found it odd he was out frequently at night. No telling what he was doing, including the time he went joy riding until he ran out of gas and I Lgot the call from the sheriff's 4 counties north of here. We had visited the quilt store in that county a couple of years before. Lol.
Just a heads up:

I've been doing a lot of typos lately. Sorry. Too lazy to edit unless its a really bad typo, lol.
I am a very poor typist, and have to extensively correct most of my writings before posting them.
I am glad we have computers because I would make a real mess if I only had a typewriter, and could not go back correcting all the mistakes.
Update on my Daughter....
She has been cleared to return to work...
She says " I have never been more ill in my life. "
"Better but totally exhausted."

I have heard testimony like that from some who have actually come down with the virus. It really does beat a person up.
Just a heads up:

I've been doing a lot of typos lately. Sorry. Too lazy to edit unless its a really bad typo, lol.
I am a very poor typist, and have to extensively correct most of my writings before posting them.
I am glad we have computers because I would make a real mess if I only had a typewriter, and could not go back correcting all the mistakes.

Ditto Dajjal. I rarely type a line that I don't have to back out and correct something. I was once an excellent typist who could type 100+ wpm without a mistake. Though I appreciate the super easy edit capabilities of the computer, it has totally destroyed my typing proficiency. I am still very fast but not at all accurate any more.
110 right now. Got two of the ferals in. Mama and Peeps. Evie and Stinker are panting outside but won't come. I have the door cracked a bit in case they do.

This sucks.I so miss my beach weather at home, which is 65.
Just a heads up:

I've been doing a lot of typos lately. Sorry. Too lazy to edit unless its a really bad typo, lol.
I am a very poor typist, and have to extensively correct most of my writings before posting them.
I am glad we have computers because I would make a real mess if I only had a typewriter, and could not go back correcting all the mistakes.

Ditto Dajjal. I rarely type a line that I don't have to back out and correct something. I was once an excellent typist who could type 100+ wpm without a mistake. Though I appreciate the super easy edit capabilities of the computer, it has totally destroyed my typing proficiency. I am still very fast but not at all accurate any more.
Without a word processor that has a spelling checker , I would spend much of my time looking up words in a dictionary.
My wife Kathy "Kat" lost her battle with cancer just before midnight yesterday. My love, my life, my best friend is now in God's embrace. No words can express the pain, the loss, the shock I am feeling right now, I had thought we had more time together. I'm numb, can't sleep, can barely think and find myself wandering around the house without purpose.
She will always be with me, in my heat and in my memories. I will always remember her as she was and one day we will be reunited for all time.





Good evening Ringel05, I am really sorry and sad for you for the loss of your wife who is beautiful it is only words but it is sincere. we say that time heals wounds and that we must keeps going but we are never alone, we must ask for help and there will be someone for you. God bless you.

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