USMB Coffee Shop IV

I’ve been live trapping raccoons for a while now. After I catch them I relocate them about 10 miles away in a better place for them. Last night I caught raccoon number 27. He was a big one. Biggest one I’ve caught so far. Since I’ve been trapping them the wife’s bird feeders have not been molested.
I’ve been live trapping raccoons for a while now. After I catch them I relocate them about 10 miles away in a better place for them. Last night I caught raccoon number 27. He was a big one. Biggest one I’ve caught so far. Since I’ve been trapping them the wife’s bird feeders have not been molested.
I've got two raccoons and one groundhog so far this year.
110 right now. Got two of the ferals in. Mama and Peeps. Evie and Stinker are panting outside but won't come. I have the door cracked a bit in case they do.

This sucks.I so miss my beach weather at home, which is 65.

That is brutal heat. Our temps run in the mid 90's this time of year and I'll be glad when we're back into the 80's and 70's but even a 100 is really rare here.
Just a heads up:

I've been doing a lot of typos lately. Sorry. Too lazy to edit unless its a really bad typo, lol.
I am a very poor typist, and have to extensively correct most of my writings before posting them.
I am glad we have computers because I would make a real mess if I only had a typewriter, and could not go back correcting all the mistakes.

Ditto Dajjal. I rarely type a line that I don't have to back out and correct something. I was once an excellent typist who could type 100+ wpm without a mistake. Though I appreciate the super easy edit capabilities of the computer, it has totally destroyed my typing proficiency. I am still very fast but not at all accurate any more.
Without a word processor that has a spelling checker , I would spend much of my time looking up words in a dictionary.

Oh me too. I keep a BING link at the top of my computer screen to use for a spell checker and it gets a LOT of us.
My wife Kathy "Kat" lost her battle with cancer just before midnight yesterday. My love, my life, my best friend is now in God's embrace. No words can express the pain, the loss, the shock I am feeling right now, I had thought we had more time together. I'm numb, can't sleep, can barely think and find myself wandering around the house without purpose.
She will always be with me, in my heat and in my memories. I will always remember her as she was and one day we will be reunited for all time.





Good evening Ringel05, I am really sorry and sad for you for the loss of your wife who is beautiful it is only words but it is sincere. we say that time heals wounds and that we must keeps going but we are never alone, we must ask for help and there will be someone for you. God bless you.

Dalia!!! How wonderful to hear from you! Hope all is well with you and yours. Don't be a stranger!
I am new. I just got beat up in the Welcome section. I am depressed.

Ima, I won't even comment on the jerks who beat up on newbies here, and will just welcome you to the Coffee Shop where we don't care what your religion or politics or occupation etc. is, but just appreciate pleasant people as they are. I will counsel you not to allow them to spoil your day though. We shouldn't allow jerks to dictate how we are going to be.

Meanwhile welcome to the Coffee Shop. Please read over the OP to see what we're all about here and then just keep on joining in. You'll find joys, sorrows, triumphs, disappointments, humor, delightfulness, problems, and problems solved, and all other ranges of everybody life here, but it always helps to have people to laugh and rejoice or grieve or be depressed (hopefully temporarily) with who understand and care.

Newcomers to the Coffee Shop receive a complimentary beverage and I thought you might like an especially pretty one to cheer you up:

RE: USMB Coffee Shop IV
⁜→ Ima Fagina, et al,

BLUF: Good Morning Ima! I join with other friends here in welcoming you to the forum. Don't worry about the "Introduce Yourself" section response. The USMB Forum has as many (I think if not more) great people to meet than your first impression you might have received.

I am new. I just got beat up in the Welcome section. I am depressed.

I went up and looked at the "Hello" Thread of the "
Introduce Yourself" ("New to the site? Drop-in, say hello and tell us a little bit about yourself."). I apologize for the Piranha like welcome you felt. I assure you, most of the forum is much more appreciative of your participation than you experienced at first.

Do wipe that first exchange out of your mind and let's start over.


Wrm Regards,
RE: USMB Coffee Shop IV
⁜→ Ima Fagina, et al,

BLUF: Good Morning Ima! I join with other friends here in welcoming you to the forum. Don't worry about the "Introduce Yourself" section response. The USMB Forum has as many (I think if not more) great people to meet than your first impression you might have received.

I am new. I just got beat up in the Welcome section. I am depressed.

I went up and looked at the "Hello" Thread of the "
Introduce Yourself" ("New to the site? Drop-in, say hello and tell us a little bit about yourself."). I apologize for the Piranha like welcome you felt. I assure you, most of the forum is much more appreciative of your participation than you experienced at first.

Do wipe that first exchange out of your mind and let's start over.


Wrm Regards,
Do you want me to pop over there and slap em around for a while?
RE: USMB Coffee Shop IV
⁜→ Ima Fagina, et al,

BLUF: They are such "philistines."

Do you want me to pop over there and slap em around for a while?

But then, that is who they are; however, they are improving with time. I estimate by 2055, they might become socially acceptable.

Most Respectfully,
One can come here for respite?

It’s all going backwards. My friend made it back to Germany from Spain, by car, before the Germans brought in quarantine restrictions. The British are already doing it.

When will I see my family again? Thousands of miles apart.

My heart hurts.

I understand. Our family is a bit closer but still divided by travel & quarantine restrictions that make it inadvisable to see each other.

And yes this is a place to come for respite, for comfort, for encouragement, or just a place to laugh, rejoice, brag, or just be. . .all within the very few rules we have.
Last edited:
Was outside just now to have a cig. Almost 2am. 95 degrees. Tomorrow it will be 109 and stay that way from 109 to 110 for another week. And with blackouts because everyone is home instead of at work. Wearing masks. Sigh.
Gonna be some deaths with this horrid heat wave.
Howdy coffee sippers, I’m back!

Roy!! Another of our delightful friends from across the pond. Welcome home. Hope all is well with you and yours too.
Hey Foxfyre, yes I’m well thank you. Everything here is good.
Its been a bit too warm for me last week But I am further south east than you. Maybe its been cooler in the west country.
Actually I’m working here in Guilford, not too far away from London, at the moment it’s 18c it’s tipping it down, could be like this for a couple of hours or more, thank the gods I’m not driving in it.
Was outside just now to have a cig. Almost 2am. 95 degrees. Tomorrow it will be 109 and stay that way from 109 to 110 for another week. And with blackouts because everyone is home instead of at work. Wearing masks. Sigh.
Gonna be some deaths with this horrid heat wave.

Amen to that though we're not having to deal with blackouts. Yet. Any of the fires close to you Gracie?

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