USMB Coffee Shop IV

Been trying to keep myself busy since my brother left, like I said he pulled me out of my funk and I have no intention on going back down there. In a way it almost feels a little sacrilegious not heavily mourning her passing but I'm still mourning just not letting that mourning drag me down. When he showed up he brought a Hawken Rifle kit that he got as part of his inheritance and never opened, opened it up the second day he was here and saw my dad had indeed finished it. I just had to do a little filing and wood shaving to get the barrel to fit back in properly.
Also sold the weight bench and free weights today to a couple of girls, they were happy to have it considering it's a high quality competition style bench with 200 pounds of weight and two bars with other sundry items. Had to take the bench apart for them to get it in their SUV. They'll be coming back to get the tread mill which I can't use besides I still have my universal weight machine and my stationary recliner bike.
Right now I'm just tired from doing all that stuff today, will get back to it tomorrow.

Busy is the best. I am sure Kat is pleased you are moving on and doing well. Mourning is necessary but not forever.

What's the Hawken? GP? TC? Shoot that, it will put a smile on your face breaking Popsicle sticks at 100 yards :)
It's an Investarms, sold under the name Lyman these days. I also want to get back to work on my 1750s Tulle (Fusil de Chasse) kit.

Yes I said GP (great plains) I meant Lyman. I believe the lyman beats the TC, IMO. Quality is there. Lyman is more authentic. White bbl you brown, Hawkens are NOT BLUED like TC does and always has. Lyman has a 1/66 twist vs 1/48 TC TC is a compromise between round ball and "minies" Lyman is for patched round balls and does that very well. I have had many of both, filled the freezer with both but partial to Lyman.

BTW. Ever stick a carbon steel knife in mustard? Cut an onion? Turns brown very quickly. I have mustard browned barrels!!!!

I am also building a Fusil de Chasse. It's a chiefs grade with premium curly stock from Track of the Wolf. Been at it 15 years!!!! I'm in the middle of a move now, been in this farm 10 years, getting a different place. I WILL finish that fusil. There is a very nice, big enough room in the basement for my reloading, rifle building and a RADIO room. Yeah a general class ham but deaf as a bat. Need to brush up on my Morse. Words escape me especially with accents but dit dah doesn't. Gonna make the radio room look like a ships radio room (seen enough of them). Oh yeah my safes go there too. It's poured concrete and mortar filled block with a door which can be replaced with a vault door. :)
Been trying to keep myself busy since my brother left, like I said he pulled me out of my funk and I have no intention on going back down there. In a way it almost feels a little sacrilegious not heavily mourning her passing but I'm still mourning just not letting that mourning drag me down. When he showed up he brought a Hawken Rifle kit that he got as part of his inheritance and never opened, opened it up the second day he was here and saw my dad had indeed finished it. I just had to do a little filing and wood shaving to get the barrel to fit back in properly.
Also sold the weight bench and free weights today to a couple of girls, they were happy to have it considering it's a high quality competition style bench with 200 pounds of weight and two bars with other sundry items. Had to take the bench apart for them to get it in their SUV. They'll be coming back to get the tread mill which I can't use besides I still have my universal weight machine and my stationary recliner bike.
Right now I'm just tired from doing all that stuff today, will get back to it tomorrow.

Busy is the best. I am sure Kat is pleased you are moving on and doing well. Mourning is necessary but not forever.

What's the Hawken? GP? TC? Shoot that, it will put a smile on your face breaking Popsicle sticks at 100 yards :)
It's an Investarms, sold under the name Lyman these days. I also want to get back to work on my 1750s Tulle (Fusil de Chasse) kit.

Yes I said GP (great plains) I meant Lyman. I believe the lyman beats the TC, IMO. Quality is there. Lyman is more authentic. White bbl you brown, Hawkens are NOT BLUED like TC does and always has. Lyman has a 1/66 twist vs 1/48 TC TC is a compromise between round ball and "minies" Lyman is for patched round balls and does that very well. I have had many of both, filled the freezer with both but partial to Lyman.

BTW. Ever stick a carbon steel knife in mustard? Cut an onion? Turns brown very quickly. I have mustard browned barrels!!!!

I am also building a Fusil de Chasse. It's a chiefs grade with premium curly stock from Track of the Wolf. Been at it 15 years!!!! I'm in the middle of a move now, been in this farm 10 years, getting a different place. I WILL finish that fusil. There is a very nice, big enough room in the basement for my reloading, rifle building and a RADIO room. Yeah a general class ham but deaf as a bat. Need to brush up on my Morse. Words escape me especially with accents but dit dah doesn't. Gonna make the radio room look like a ships radio room (seen enough of them). Oh yeah my safes go there too. It's poured concrete and mortar filled block with a door which can be replaced with a vault door. :)
This is a much older Investarms, possibly 1970s or 1980s so it's not quite correct and everything is blued. Lets just say it wouldn't fly at any rendezvous.........
Well daughter number 2 who is 20, finally got her license and first car. A 2006 Hyundai Azera Limited, wine color. Just shy of 5 grand after everything. She was dumping $125 per week on Uber just to get back and forth to work so the savings will be huge. Sharp looking loaded and well maintained. I threw in 500 and paid her first six months of insurance. She got a preferred rating despite being a new driver which was nice. Little late but everything in its own time.
Was outside just now to have a cig. Almost 2am. 95 degrees. Tomorrow it will be 109 and stay that way from 109 to 110 for another week. And with blackouts because everyone is home instead of at work. Wearing masks. Sigh.
Gonna be some deaths with this horrid heat wave.

Amen to that though we're not having to deal with blackouts. Yet. Any of the fires close to you Gracie?
No. It's a big circle around us....all about an hour or more away. Except for Oroville. Thats only half an hour but I think its pretty much semi under control. Still, the sky is yellow brown, eyes are stinging and its bringing back some bad memories. At least there are more exits here than in Paradise. But being in a ring of fires....there really is nowhere TO go. There is a small lake 2 blocks away. If worst comes to worse, I will just drive in it and stay in the shallow end. I think its only about 6 to 10 feet deep. Splash the shit out of my car and stay in the water cuz can't escape anywhere with all of Cali burning.
We have 2 hurricanes headed this way for the next couple or 3 days. I don't know what to expect. The last time, my neighbor lost his roof. And the 5 small tornados took out 60 ' of wooden fence on the north and west pastures out front, and I was praying when the 5 small twisters joined forces with stuff swirling outside my windows, then it jumped the broom over the second story roof. I still have little holes on the windowscrebb;;ens upstaits. God,'s angels spared my home before I could finish praying. The tornados struck down the tops of 2 tall pines, 1 tall pine completely, and a dozen deciduous treees on the back forty by the northeast fenced in seasonal creek. I saw them so upclose I saw only swirling debris and no funnel. It sounded like a freight train, however, which is the soundbite of a cluster of small tornadoes. I was so frightened that all I could do was thinking how good it would be to have a man around the house since my husband had died half a year or so when the hurricane spawned its mean shisters. So I just prayed.
Well daughter number 2 who is 20, finally got her license and first car. A 2006 Hyundai Azera Limited, wine color. Just shy of 5 grand after everything. She was dumping $125 per week on Uber just to get back and forth to work so the savings will be huge. Sharp looking loaded and well maintained. I threw in 500 and paid her first six months of insurance. She got a preferred rating despite being a new driver which was nice. Little late but everything in its own time.

Little late? I bought my first car in December of 2017...and I'm 45. :lol:
Was outside just now to have a cig. Almost 2am. 95 degrees. Tomorrow it will be 109 and stay that way from 109 to 110 for another week. And with blackouts because everyone is home instead of at work. Wearing masks. Sigh.
Gonna be some deaths with this horrid heat wave.

Amen to that though we're not having to deal with blackouts. Yet. Any of the fires close to you Gracie?
No. It's a big circle around us....all about an hour or more away. Except for Oroville. Thats only half an hour but I think its pretty much semi under control. Still, the sky is yellow brown, eyes are stinging and its bringing back some bad memories. At least there are more exits here than in Paradise. But being in a ring of fires....there really is nowhere TO go. There is a small lake 2 blocks away. If worst comes to worse, I will just drive in it and stay in the shallow end. I think its only about 6 to 10 feet deep. Splash the shit out of my car and stay in the water cuz can't escape anywhere with all of Cali burning.
We have 2 hurricanes headed this way for the next couple or 3 days. I don't know what to expect. The last time, my neighbor lost his roof. And the 5 small tornados took out 60 ' of wooden fence on the north and west pastures out front, and I was praying when the 5 small twisters joined forces with stuff swirling outside my windows, then it jumped the broom over the second story roof. I still have little holes on the windowscrebb;;ens upstaits. God,'s angels spared my home before I could finish praying. The tornados struck down the tops of 2 tall pines, 1 tall pine completely, and a dozen deciduous treees on the back forty by the northeast fenced in seasonal creek. I saw them so upclose I saw only swirling debris and no funnel. It sounded like a freight train, however, which is the soundbite of a cluster of small tornadoes. I was so frightened that all I could do was thinking how good it would be to have a man around the house since my husband had died half a year or so when the hurricane spawned its mean shisters. So I just prayed.

I've been watching the track of those two storms and thought you might be in the path of the westernmost one, Beautress. We'll hope it won't be as bad as the last one, though they expect it to be a CAT 3 at landfall.+
Well daughter number 2 who is 20, finally got her license and first car. A 2006 Hyundai Azera Limited, wine color. Just shy of 5 grand after everything. She was dumping $125 per week on Uber just to get back and forth to work so the savings will be huge. Sharp looking loaded and well maintained. I threw in 500 and paid her first six months of insurance. She got a preferred rating despite being a new driver which was nice. Little late but everything in its own time.

Little late? I bought my first car in December of 2017...and I'm 45. :lol:

I was in my 50's when I bought my first car and only car that was in my name. But at least I can say I had one that was all mine. All the others have been 'our' cars as I never had my own car before I married.
I haven't owned a vehicle in almost 5 years... I never was one to put a lot of importance in vehicles... They cost a whole lot of money... I purchased one (1) brand new vehicle in in the 45 years of owning them... Sticker price was just a little over 6 grand... :banghead: Most of my automobiles I bought I let someone else work out the kinks and purchased really used trucks mostly...
The advantage I have living here in a very urban environment is huge... I pay 35 dollars a year for a bus pass... Busses go completely around the Island, sometimes you have to do a little walking to get where you need to be from the Bus stop but it hasn't killed me yet...
The Beer virus has put kind of a qualm on the getting out and about anyway so I just stay at home... The Ex has a C-Class Sedan Mercedes-Benz she drives... I won't even mention how hard it is to find parking here on this rock... Just not worth it to me...
Well daughter number 2 who is 20, finally got her license and first car. A 2006 Hyundai Azera Limited, wine color. Just shy of 5 grand after everything. She was dumping $125 per week on Uber just to get back and forth to work so the savings will be huge. Sharp looking loaded and well maintained. I threw in 500 and paid her first six months of insurance. She got a preferred rating despite being a new driver which was nice. Little late but everything in its own time.

Little late? I bought my first car in December of 2017...and I'm 45. :lol:

I was in my 50's when I bought my first car and only car that was in my name. But at least I can say I had one that was all mine. All the others have been 'our' cars as I never had my own car before I married.

I've never had an 'our' car. Or been married. :p
Well daughter number 2 who is 20, finally got her license and first car. A 2006 Hyundai Azera Limited, wine color. Just shy of 5 grand after everything. She was dumping $125 per week on Uber just to get back and forth to work so the savings will be huge. Sharp looking loaded and well maintained. I threw in 500 and paid her first six months of insurance. She got a preferred rating despite being a new driver which was nice. Little late but everything in its own time.

Little late? I bought my first car in December of 2017...and I'm 45. :lol:

I was in my 50's when I bought my first car and only car that was in my name. But at least I can say I had one that was all mine. All the others have been 'our' cars as I never had my own car before I married.

I've never had an 'our' car. Or been married. :p

Well you've still got time. :)
Still watching the storm(s) & I think Beautress may be the only one in the path of Laura but mostly likely on the left edge which is the best place to be if you're going to be in a hurricane. Has been upgraded to a likely Cat 4 at landfall though so it will be a really bad one. We can pray it will be fast moving.

Marco I guess just produced & is producing a lot of rain.
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This is a much older Investarms, possibly 1970s or 1980s so it's not quite correct and everything is blued. Lets just say it wouldn't fly at any rendezvous.........

They you'll have to take the Fusil!
The worse thing is a guy on the Muzzleloading forum I'm on has a new Pendersoli NW Trade Gun for sale, asking $750 for a $1200 musket (Dixie Gun Works).......... Of course I'm not the only interested one, there are at least 10 others who want it also. The problem is the guy who posted it only visits the forum once in a while.........
This is a much older Investarms, possibly 1970s or 1980s so it's not quite correct and everything is blued. Lets just say it wouldn't fly at any rendezvous.........

They you'll have to take the Fusil!
The worse thing is a guy on the Muzzleloading forum I'm on has a new Pendersoli NW Trade Gun for sale, asking $750 for a $1200 musket (Dixie Gun Works).......... Of course I'm not the only interested one, there are at least 10 others who want it also. The problem is the guy who posted it only visits the forum once in a while.........
Hi ! Ringel05 I hope you are coping ok. I see you are interested in muzzle loading guns. They are about the only kind of guns you can own in Britain, and then only if it is a genuine antique. It is illegal to own a modern copy. I used to have a small collection of such antique guns years ago. I had a naval flintlock pistol, and another flintlock which was a sawn off musket. I also had a small five chamber percussion revolver pistol. I also had an ornate single shot percussion pistol which had mother of pearl inlaid in the wood. But I sold them all when I was short of money.
This is a much older Investarms, possibly 1970s or 1980s so it's not quite correct and everything is blued. Lets just say it wouldn't fly at any rendezvous.........

They you'll have to take the Fusil!
The worse thing is a guy on the Muzzleloading forum I'm on has a new Pendersoli NW Trade Gun for sale, asking $750 for a $1200 musket (Dixie Gun Works).......... Of course I'm not the only interested one, there are at least 10 others who want it also. The problem is the guy who posted it only visits the forum once in a while.........
Hi ! Ringel05 I hope you are coping ok. I see you are interested in muzzle loading guns. They are about the only kind of guns you can own in Britain, and then only if it is a genuine antique. It is illegal to own a modern copy. I used to have a small collection of such antique guns years ago. I had a naval flintlock pistol, and another flintlock which was a sawn off musket. I also had a small five chamber percussion revolver pistol. I also had an ornate single shot percussion pistol which had mother of pearl inlaid in the wood. But I sold them all when I was short of money.
Here in the US non-cartridge firearms aren't even considered firearms by most States, all but two I think and they can be shipped directly to your door, no going through a licensed firearms dealer. If you use real black powder it can be shipped via ground delivery but the shipping costs are as much or more than the black powder costs, it's considered "hazmat". I just ordered a one pound can that costs $20, shipping and taxes brought the cost up to $53. If I can find someone here or nearby that sells BP I'll drive an hour to pick it up, it's still cheaper. I can use a modern BP called Pyrodex but I just don't like it even though its cheaper and available even at Walmart.......
The worse thing is a guy on the Muzzleloading forum I'm on has a new Pendersoli NW Trade Gun for sale, asking $750 for a $1200 musket (Dixie Gun Works).......... Of course I'm not the only interested one, there are at least 10 others who want it also. The problem is the guy who posted it only visits the forum once in a while.........

I used to hang on muzzleloading forum, a couple actually.

I like Peder's, good guns. I still have a Dixie Tenn rifle in 50. Got both locks for it too. They are up there now!
Here in the US non-cartridge firearms aren't even considered firearms by most States, all but two I think and they can be shipped directly to your door, no going through a licensed firearms dealer. If you use real black powder it can be shipped via ground delivery but the shipping costs are as much or more than the black powder costs, it's considered "hazmat". I just ordered a one pound can that costs $20, shipping and taxes brought the cost up to $53. If I can find someone here or nearby that sells BP I'll drive an hour to pick it up, it's still cheaper. I can use a modern BP called Pyrodex but I just don't like it even though its cheaper and available even at Walmart.......

Maine Powder house . com

Free shipping on 25#, mixed brands and FF is fine.
The worse thing is a guy on the Muzzleloading forum I'm on has a new Pendersoli NW Trade Gun for sale, asking $750 for a $1200 musket (Dixie Gun Works).......... Of course I'm not the only interested one, there are at least 10 others who want it also. The problem is the guy who posted it only visits the forum once in a while.........

I used to hang on muzzleloading forum, a couple actually.

I like Peder's, good guns. I still have a Dixie Tenn rifle in 50. Got both locks for it too. They are up there now!
My kit was from Sitting Fox but found out a few of the items it comes with aren't quite correct and their pins are weak. Picked up what I needed to replace those at TOTW.

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