USMB Coffee Shop IV

COVID test came back positive. I'm exhausted. I would share more but feeling wrung out.
The test is often wrong.
Why Covid-19 Testing Is a Tragic Waste - LewRockwell
But these symptoms; exhaustion, shortness of breath, listlessness point the other way. This is my reality and I urge everyone to take this disease extremely seriously. I'm not living or dying a crazy political conspiracy. Mask up! Maintain social distancing take the vaccine. Just because it hasn't effected you personally doesn't mean it can't or won't.

My apologies to anyone taking umbrage for my admonition. But realize there have been far too many lies told about this pandemic. And the biggest lie is we can attitude our way out.
I’m taking it seriously, but also questioning the establishment narrative.

Much of my family was at Disney World in November 2019. 17 of us including 6 children all under 10. Nearly all got sick afterwards with symptoms now considered common to Covid-19. All recovered nicely without hospitalization.

Hombre and I are both over 65 which technically puts us in the high risk group. I suspect we both had the virus late last winter before the country was put in pandemic mode--unexplained symptoms that lasted a few days and then passed--first me and a week later him. Never severe enough to be of serious concern and we didn't go to urgent care or our doctor. But putting two and two together it's possible. We were taking no precautions then though and nobody we were in contact with has come down with it so also maybe not. We live as though we are at risk. We haven't been motivated to endure the long lines at the testing centers. Our state has now done enough tests to have tested our entire population once, but nobody I know has been tested so apparently many people are being tested multiple times. But I do look forward to the time we can return to normal lives. I feel so badly to those whose businesses and livelihoods have been pretty much destroyed.
I had 3 negative tests before I got my first positive. I'm waiting for the results of my last two. Testing does not mean immunity. Testing does allow us vital information.

I am ashamed that my thought upon awakening this morning was "death will find me today". It feels so bad.
Prayers up, Nosmoking. Hope you will take zinc, a d3, and vitamin c. Those help other medicines help you get well sooner.♡♡♡♡♡

It is good that you were already in a medical facility when your symptoms appeared NOSMO but alas, that is probably also where you contracted the virus.

As for the rest of us, I have been listening with interest to medical professionals stating that higher than normal intake of Vitamin D appears to significantly provide more immunity to the virus. And it couldn't hurt though caution warranted as excessive intake of Vitamin D is toxic. But 4 to 6k units per day are okay & safe. Hombre and I routinely take 3k units Vitamin D daily and have increased that to 5k. Vitamin D3 if you're looking to get some.
I've been taking 1000 units for a couple years, just increased it to 2K. I suppose I could take more.

COVID test came back positive. I'm exhausted. I would share more but feeling wrung out.
The test is often wrong.
Why Covid-19 Testing Is a Tragic Waste - LewRockwell
But these symptoms; exhaustion, shortness of breath, listlessness point the other way. This is my reality and I urge everyone to take this disease extremely seriously. I'm not living or dying a crazy political conspiracy. Mask up! Maintain social distancing take the vaccine. Just because it hasn't effected you personally doesn't mean it can't or won't.

My apologies to anyone taking umbrage for my admonition. But realize there have been far too many lies told about this pandemic. And the biggest lie is we can attitude our way out.
I’m taking it seriously, but also questioning the establishment narrative.

Much of my family was at Disney World in November 2019. 17 of us including 6 children all under 10. Nearly all got sick afterwards with symptoms now considered common to Covid-19. All recovered nicely without hospitalization.

Hombre and I are both over 65 which technically puts us in the high risk group. I suspect we both had the virus late last winter before the country was put in pandemic mode--unexplained symptoms that lasted a few days and then passed--first me and a week later him. Never severe enough to be of serious concern and we didn't go to urgent care or our doctor. But putting two and two together it's possible. We were taking no precautions then though and nobody we were in contact with has come down with it so also maybe not. We live as though we are at risk. We haven't been motivated to endure the long lines at the testing centers. Our state has now done enough tests to have tested our entire population once, but nobody I know has been tested so apparently many people are being tested multiple times. But I do look forward to the time we can return to normal lives. I feel so badly to those whose businesses and livelihoods have been pretty much destroyed.
I had 3 negative tests before I got my first positive. I'm waiting for the results of my last two. Testing does not mean immunity. Testing does allow us vital information.

I am ashamed that my thought upon awakening this morning was "death will find me today". It feels so bad.
Prayers up, Nosmoking. Hope you will take zinc, a d3, and vitamin c. Those help other medicines help you get well sooner.♡♡♡♡♡

It is good that you were already in a medical facility when your symptoms appeared NOSMO but alas, that is probably also where you contracted the virus.

As for the rest of us, I have been listening with interest to medical professionals stating that higher than normal intake of Vitamin D appears to significantly provide more immunity to the virus. And it couldn't hurt though caution warranted as excessive intake of Vitamin D is toxic. But 4 to 6k units per day are okay & safe. Hombre and I routinely take 3k units Vitamin D daily and have increased that to 5k. Vitamin D3 if you're looking to get some.
I've been taking 1000 units for a couple years, just increased it to 2K. I suppose I could take more.

Most multi-vitamins have 1000 units. My primary doctor, an internist, says we senior citizens usually need a minimum of 2000 units, especially if we aren't outdoors in the sun several hours every day. Which is why Hombre and I get 3000 routinely--1000 in our Centrum Silver and a supplement of 2000 iu D3. And I've added a second 2000 unit D3 supplement until COVID is over. But if your blood tests don't indicate a deficiency, you're probably okay.
I've been taking 3K of Vit 3D since 2014.
I haven't been sick with flu or this virus
Why not sit in the sun for a few minutes and get it naturally for free?

For folks over 60, Vitamin D deficiency is pretty common without some additional boost. Especially in the wintertime when a lot of folks don't spend much time outside.
I've been taking 3K of Vit 3D since 2014.
I haven't been sick with flu or this virus
Why not sit in the sun for a few minutes and get it naturally for free?

For folks over 60, Vitamin D deficiency is pretty common without some additional boost. Especially in the wintertime when a lot of folks don't spend much time outside.
Agreed. Depending on where you are in the country, getting D from the sun is difficult in the winter months. However, during much of the year when it’s warm, no need for supplements. Just get some sun every day.

Plus there is some research that indicates D supplements can cause harm for people with health issues.
I've been taking 3K of Vit 3D since 2014.
I haven't been sick with flu or this virus
Why not sit in the sun for a few minutes and get it naturally for free?

For folks over 60, Vitamin D deficiency is pretty common without some additional boost. Especially in the wintertime when a lot of folks don't spend much time outside.
Agreed. Depending on where you are in the country, getting D from the sun is difficult in the winter months. However, during much of the year when it’s warm, no need for supplements. Just get some sun every day.

Plus there is some research that indicates D supplements can cause harm for people with health issues.

Only for those with some allergies or abnormally high calcium levels and again too much Vitamin D is toxic to humans though an absolutely necessary nutrient. But yes, tell your doctor about any supplements you are taking and if anything is out of whack, routine blood tests should reveal it.

Cloud or smog that diffuse sunlight decreases the benefit from the sun and add sunscreen and it almost eliminates it. But anyone with a propensity to skin cancer or other conditions that suggest avoiding direct sun needs that sunscreen. One of those Catch-22 things.
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COVID test came back positive. I'm exhausted. I would share more but feeling wrung out.
The test is often wrong.
Why Covid-19 Testing Is a Tragic Waste - LewRockwell
But these symptoms; exhaustion, shortness of breath, listlessness point the other way. This is my reality and I urge everyone to take this disease extremely seriously. I'm not living or dying a crazy political conspiracy. Mask up! Maintain social distancing take the vaccine. Just because it hasn't effected you personally doesn't mean it can't or won't.

My apologies to anyone taking umbrage for my admonition. But realize there have been far too many lies told about this pandemic. And the biggest lie is we can attitude our way out.
I’m taking it seriously, but also questioning the establishment narrative.

Much of my family was at Disney World in November 2019. 17 of us including 6 children all under 10. Nearly all got sick afterwards with symptoms now considered common to Covid-19. All recovered nicely without hospitalization.

Hombre and I are both over 65 which technically puts us in the high risk group. I suspect we both had the virus late last winter before the country was put in pandemic mode--unexplained symptoms that lasted a few days and then passed--first me and a week later him. Never severe enough to be of serious concern and we didn't go to urgent care or our doctor. But putting two and two together it's possible. We were taking no precautions then though and nobody we were in contact with has come down with it so also maybe not. We live as though we are at risk. We haven't been motivated to endure the long lines at the testing centers. Our state has now done enough tests to have tested our entire population once, but nobody I know has been tested so apparently many people are being tested multiple times. But I do look forward to the time we can return to normal lives. I feel so badly to those whose businesses and livelihoods have been pretty much destroyed.
I had 3 negative tests before I got my first positive. I'm waiting for the results of my last two. Testing does not mean immunity. Testing does allow us vital information.

I am ashamed that my thought upon awakening this morning was "death will find me today". It feels so bad.
Prayers up, Nosmoking. Hope you will take zinc, a d3, and vitamin c. Those help other medicines help you get well sooner.♡♡♡♡♡

It is good that you were already in a medical facility when your symptoms appeared NOSMO but alas, that is probably also where you contracted the virus.

As for the rest of us, I have been listening with interest to medical professionals stating that higher than normal intake of Vitamin D appears to significantly provide more immunity to the virus. And it couldn't hurt though caution warranted as excessive intake of Vitamin D is toxic. But 4 to 6k units per day are okay & safe. Hombre and I routinely take 3k units Vitamin D daily and have increased that to 5k. Vitamin D3 if you're looking to get some.
A should be added to my list, but I forget why. :brb:

Edit: Just found it. Vitamin A protects the cells in such organs as reproductive, liver, heart, lungs, and kidneys. I have a nagging thought about toxicity of going too far over the good health A, so 50x is too much, but while covid is a threat, a little bit more is advisable during this particular pandemic in which covid is a threat to those organs in your body. Zinc is recommended, but you may not have to do the math if you check Senior Centrum for men and Senior zcentrum for women. I think over 50 means senior, although people with such autoimmune issues as MS, diabetes, gallstones, fibromyalgia, neuralgia, aneurism, obesity, coronary arrhythmias, chronic bronchitis or emphysema, cancer in family history or personal health rap sheet list. B12 and B6 and niacin are recommended as I recollect, and a certified homeopathic practitioner could save your life if you have any challenges in immunity. It's wise to take what you need, but do not ever overdose. RDI's are available at the CDC website, which may also give you the scientific study details. And R.D. I. Stands for Recommended Dietary Intake. BUT when you're attempting avoidance of a virus, the intake increases in some nutrients and minerals but remains the same in others. If getting it right is unimportant to you, or if you believe nutritional values should never be amended, then do yourself a favor: eat an unpeeled apple a day or imbibe in apple juice that appears cloudy in the store. My face is "Simply Apple" in the refrigerated juice in the grocery store, keeping in mind you will need about a 5 inch square by a twelve inch height in your fridge till it's gone. That way, you don't have to deal with chewing up the peel if your teeth are insufficient for such a task.
COVID test came back positive. I'm exhausted. I would share more but feeling wrung out.
The test is often wrong.
Why Covid-19 Testing Is a Tragic Waste - LewRockwell
But these symptoms; exhaustion, shortness of breath, listlessness point the other way. This is my reality and I urge everyone to take this disease extremely seriously. I'm not living or dying a crazy political conspiracy. Mask up! Maintain social distancing take the vaccine. Just because it hasn't effected you personally doesn't mean it can't or won't.

My apologies to anyone taking umbrage for my admonition. But realize there have been far too many lies told about this pandemic. And the biggest lie is we can attitude our way out.
I’m taking it seriously, but also questioning the establishment narrative.

Much of my family was at Disney World in November 2019. 17 of us including 6 children all under 10. Nearly all got sick afterwards with symptoms now considered common to Covid-19. All recovered nicely without hospitalization.

Hombre and I are both over 65 which technically puts us in the high risk group. I suspect we both had the virus late last winter before the country was put in pandemic mode--unexplained symptoms that lasted a few days and then passed--first me and a week later him. Never severe enough to be of serious concern and we didn't go to urgent care or our doctor. But putting two and two together it's possible. We were taking no precautions then though and nobody we were in contact with has come down with it so also maybe not. We live as though we are at risk. We haven't been motivated to endure the long lines at the testing centers. Our state has now done enough tests to have tested our entire population once, but nobody I know has been tested so apparently many people are being tested multiple times. But I do look forward to the time we can return to normal lives. I feel so badly to those whose businesses and livelihoods have been pretty much destroyed.
I had 3 negative tests before I got my first positive. I'm waiting for the results of my last two. Testing does not mean immunity. Testing does allow us vital information.

I am ashamed that my thought upon awakening this morning was "death will find me today". It feels so bad.
Prayers up, Nosmoking. Hope you will take zinc, a d3, and vitamin c. Those help other medicines help you get well sooner.♡♡♡♡♡

It is good that you were already in a medical facility when your symptoms appeared NOSMO but alas, that is probably also where you contracted the virus.

As for the rest of us, I have been listening with interest to medical professionals stating that higher than normal intake of Vitamin D appears to significantly provide more immunity to the virus. And it couldn't hurt though caution warranted as excessive intake of Vitamin D is toxic. But 4 to 6k units per day are okay & safe. Hombre and I routinely take 3k units Vitamin D daily and have increased that to 5k. Vitamin D3 if you're looking to get some.
A should be added to my list, but I forget why. :brb:

From what I understand--I am not a doctor nor have I played one on TV--Vitamin D is critical for calcium metabolism and bone health and also is critical to our autoimmune system. That's why, as Peach indicated, those with Vitamin D deficiency are more susceptible to viruses such as flu and head colds. And they've noted that many diagnosed with autoimmune disorders such as fibromyalgia, psoriasis, and such frequently also have Vitamin D deficiency.
As for apples, I buy them as fresh as I can get them, as many as I think we can consume before I work up the courage to go back to the store. Sliced thinly & consumed as chips, the peel shouldn't be a problem for anybody with any teeth at all--a lot of the nutrition is in the peel though there's lots if the apple is peeled too. They truly belong among the so-called super foods. All sorts of benefits to the body in apples and I can't imagine overdoing on them. :)
Supposedly this is the front of a furniture store according to a caption where I found it. What do you think? Real? Or photoshopped?
COVID test came back positive. I'm exhausted. I would share more but feeling wrung out.
The test is often wrong.
Why Covid-19 Testing Is a Tragic Waste - LewRockwell
But these symptoms; exhaustion, shortness of breath, listlessness point the other way. This is my reality and I urge everyone to take this disease extremely seriously. I'm not living or dying a crazy political conspiracy. Mask up! Maintain social distancing take the vaccine. Just because it hasn't effected you personally doesn't mean it can't or won't.

My apologies to anyone taking umbrage for my admonition. But realize there have been far too many lies told about this pandemic. And the biggest lie is we can attitude our way out.
I’m taking it seriously, but also questioning the establishment narrative.

Much of my family was at Disney World in November 2019. 17 of us including 6 children all under 10. Nearly all got sick afterwards with symptoms now considered common to Covid-19. All recovered nicely without hospitalization.

Hombre and I are both over 65 which technically puts us in the high risk group. I suspect we both had the virus late last winter before the country was put in pandemic mode--unexplained symptoms that lasted a few days and then passed--first me and a week later him. Never severe enough to be of serious concern and we didn't go to urgent care or our doctor. But putting two and two together it's possible. We were taking no precautions then though and nobody we were in contact with has come down with it so also maybe not. We live as though we are at risk. We haven't been motivated to endure the long lines at the testing centers. Our state has now done enough tests to have tested our entire population once, but nobody I know has been tested so apparently many people are being tested multiple times. But I do look forward to the time we can return to normal lives. I feel so badly to those whose businesses and livelihoods have been pretty much destroyed.
I had 3 negative tests before I got my first positive. I'm waiting for the results of my last two. Testing does not mean immunity. Testing does allow us vital information.

I am ashamed that my thought upon awakening this morning was "death will find me today". It feels so bad.
Prayers up, Nosmoking. Hope you will take zinc, a d3, and vitamin c. Those help other medicines help you get well sooner.♡♡♡♡♡

It is good that you were already in a medical facility when your symptoms appeared NOSMO but alas, that is probably also where you contracted the virus.

As for the rest of us, I have been listening with interest to medical professionals stating that higher than normal intake of Vitamin D appears to significantly provide more immunity to the virus. And it couldn't hurt though caution warranted as excessive intake of Vitamin D is toxic. But 4 to 6k units per day are okay & safe. Hombre and I routinely take 3k units Vitamin D daily and have increased that to 5k. Vitamin D3 if you're looking to get some.
A should be added to my list, but I forget why. :brb:

Edit: Just found it. Vitamin A protects the cells in such organs as reproductive, liver, heart, lungs, and kidneys. I have a nagging thought about toxicity of going too far over the good health A, so 50x is too much, but while covid is a threat, a little bit more is advisable during this particular pandemic in which covid is a threat to those organs in your body. Zinc is recommended, but you may not have to do the math if you check Senior Centrum for men and Senior zcentrum for women. I think over 50 means senior, although people with such autoimmune issues as MS, diabetes, gallstones, fibromyalgia, neuralgia, aneurism, obesity, coronary arrhythmias, chronic bronchitis or emphysema, cancer in family history or personal health rap sheet list. B12 and B6 and niacin are recommended as I recollect, and a certified homeopathic practitioner could save your life if you have any challenges in immunity. It's wise to take what you need, but do not ever overdose. RDI's are available at the CDC website, which may also give you the scientific study details. And R.D. I. Stands for Recommended Dietary Intake. BUT when you're attempting avoidance of a virus, the intake increases in some nutrients and minerals but remains the same in others. If getting it right is unimportant to you, or if you believe nutritional values should never be amended, then do yourself a favor: eat an unpeeled apple a day or imbibe in apple juice that appears cloudy in the store. My face is "Simply Apple" in the refrigerated juice in the grocery store, keeping in mind you will need about a 5 inch square by a twelve inch height in your fridge till it's gone. That way, you don't have to deal with chewing up the peel if your teeth are insufficient for such a task.
We recently bought a high end juicer. We juice apples with veggies a lot. Makes for a very tasty and healthy drink. Though I’m known to add vodka now then.
COVID test came back positive. I'm exhausted. I would share more but feeling wrung out.
The test is often wrong.
Why Covid-19 Testing Is a Tragic Waste - LewRockwell
But these symptoms; exhaustion, shortness of breath, listlessness point the other way. This is my reality and I urge everyone to take this disease extremely seriously. I'm not living or dying a crazy political conspiracy. Mask up! Maintain social distancing take the vaccine. Just because it hasn't effected you personally doesn't mean it can't or won't.

My apologies to anyone taking umbrage for my admonition. But realize there have been far too many lies told about this pandemic. And the biggest lie is we can attitude our way out.
I’m taking it seriously, but also questioning the establishment narrative.

Much of my family was at Disney World in November 2019. 17 of us including 6 children all under 10. Nearly all got sick afterwards with symptoms now considered common to Covid-19. All recovered nicely without hospitalization.

Hombre and I are both over 65 which technically puts us in the high risk group. I suspect we both had the virus late last winter before the country was put in pandemic mode--unexplained symptoms that lasted a few days and then passed--first me and a week later him. Never severe enough to be of serious concern and we didn't go to urgent care or our doctor. But putting two and two together it's possible. We were taking no precautions then though and nobody we were in contact with has come down with it so also maybe not. We live as though we are at risk. We haven't been motivated to endure the long lines at the testing centers. Our state has now done enough tests to have tested our entire population once, but nobody I know has been tested so apparently many people are being tested multiple times. But I do look forward to the time we can return to normal lives. I feel so badly to those whose businesses and livelihoods have been pretty much destroyed.
I had 3 negative tests before I got my first positive. I'm waiting for the results of my last two. Testing does not mean immunity. Testing does allow us vital information.

I am ashamed that my thought upon awakening this morning was "death will find me today". It feels so bad.
Prayers up, Nosmoking. Hope you will take zinc, a d3, and vitamin c. Those help other medicines help you get well sooner.♡♡♡♡♡

It is good that you were already in a medical facility when your symptoms appeared NOSMO but alas, that is probably also where you contracted the virus.

As for the rest of us, I have been listening with interest to medical professionals stating that higher than normal intake of Vitamin D appears to significantly provide more immunity to the virus. And it couldn't hurt though caution warranted as excessive intake of Vitamin D is toxic. But 4 to 6k units per day are okay & safe. Hombre and I routinely take 3k units Vitamin D daily and have increased that to 5k. Vitamin D3 if you're looking to get some.
A should be added to my list, but I forget why. :brb:

Edit: Just found it. Vitamin A protects the cells in such organs as reproductive, liver, heart, lungs, and kidneys. I have a nagging thought about toxicity of going too far over the good health A, so 50x is too much, but while covid is a threat, a little bit more is advisable during this particular pandemic in which covid is a threat to those organs in your body. Zinc is recommended, but you may not have to do the math if you check Senior Centrum for men and Senior zcentrum for women. I think over 50 means senior, although people with such autoimmune issues as MS, diabetes, gallstones, fibromyalgia, neuralgia, aneurism, obesity, coronary arrhythmias, chronic bronchitis or emphysema, cancer in family history or personal health rap sheet list. B12 and B6 and niacin are recommended as I recollect, and a certified homeopathic practitioner could save your life if you have any challenges in immunity. It's wise to take what you need, but do not ever overdose. RDI's are available at the CDC website, which may also give you the scientific study details. And R.D. I. Stands for Recommended Dietary Intake. BUT when you're attempting avoidance of a virus, the intake increases in some nutrients and minerals but remains the same in others. If getting it right is unimportant to you, or if you believe nutritional values should never be amended, then do yourself a favor: eat an unpeeled apple a day or imbibe in apple juice that appears cloudy in the store. My face is "Simply Apple" in the refrigerated juice in the grocery store, keeping in mind you will need about a 5 inch square by a twelve inch height in your fridge till it's gone. That way, you don't have to deal with chewing up the peel if your teeth are insufficient for such a task.
We recently bought a high end juicer. We juice apples with veggies a lot. Makes for a very tasty and healthy drink. Though I’m known to add vodka now then.
If you stick with the apple a day thesis, you will end gallstone formation, which could also save your life if you make it a lifelong habit. I know. Apple therapy for 8 days reversed my case of painful gallstones, and I never went back to the medical doctor who claimed removing the gallbladder was my only recourse or I would be dead in two weeks. That was 4 to 6 months ago, and I eat an apple or drink apple juice every day. No recurrences for this old gal. :thup:
I've been taking 3K of Vit 3D since 2014.
I haven't been sick with flu or this virus
Why not sit in the sun for a few minutes and get it naturally for free?

I live in AZ. but right now it's too cold and in summer it's too hot for very fair skin, but I do have a lite tan on my arms all year round. :)
I also am allergic to sun screens they make me breakout in hives .
My doc told me to take them.
I've been taking 3K of Vit 3D since 2014.
I haven't been sick with flu or this virus
Why not sit in the sun for a few minutes and get it naturally for free?

I live in AZ. but right now it's too cold and in summer it's too hot for very fair skin, but I do have a lite tan on my arms all year round. :)
I also am allergic to sun screens they make me breakout in hives .
My doc told me to take them.
Being fair skinned means you need only a few minutes of sun exposure to get adequate D. That is what I’ve read. Of course this is when the sun is high enough in the he sky to generate D in your skin. In AZ you should get it most months of the year.

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